Not sure if it's the same Binary Project that failed on SignalPush ( but if it is, be careful. Regardless, be careful. You have no idea if the performance is real.
I asked the admin and claims that it is only coincidence of names, but he lies to me. And today I received one day to test how it works. The first signals I should get it for about an hour, we'll see...
Prolly the same people. If they could not make it on signal push it's because they could not trade. A trade copier platform can show you 100%TRANSPARENCY. That is #1. We have seen time and time again they fail on SignalPush the go around trying to sell signals in Skype. Example Tina from BinaryOptionsBox 100% SCAM, the woman should stick to cleaning floors. She can't trade for SH*T... Though I hope we see more Trade copiers in the future, Signal Push does the best job currently, many people I know that use it as SPs or Subs would agree. At least they are trustworthy I would not say the same for the other site.
Today I have a little experience with them. 4 signals received yesterday (3 in the morning and 1 in the evening) result was 0, did not win a single trade, All was easy to catch despite the time gap. Man we really suck don't we...
Really I think they are a LYING SCAM.. I would not trust the results of a firm that had around a 40% win rate on Signal Push then starts their own website. So let me get this straight you subscribed to them? Seems like a RETARDED thing to do? How can you say they are competition for Signal Push when they failed on Signal Push and are no longer offering "TRANSPARENT" 3rd party results? Don't you agree? Gee what country are you from?
Not subscribed yet. Maybe you have right but Your opinions are based on intelligent thinking, man you are smart, how did you know it was me? btw I wish I could trade then I would go back to Signal Push...
You have an interesting way of putting things, what country are you from Beckon? I think there are plenty of good signal providers on SP a few of which have learned to control their emotions and trade very consistently, but people are too stupid and greedy to be able to calculate the overall results. They are not making 100% a week which most noobs will gravitate towards like moths to a flame only to get "ZAPPED!!!" when they pull a VorteXz lol... Retards not real traders but I thank you guys for the money you make it possible for the brokers at least the non scam ones to pay the rest of us who respect the market with a good living "So what country are you from Beckon???"
I analyzed traders from SP and I had impression that most of them are amateurs who rely on easy money. Of course there may be exceptions. So finally only the broker and the SP company are winners. Of course, does not detract from their great work and software, but it seems to me that the best is still ahead of them. I won a lot of money on binary options, and after some time I lost almost the same. Why? Therefore, the brokers do not like those who win and use their tricks: difference in price between mt4 and binary options platform was to huge, price inflation, numerous "errors", lack of opportunities in the opening trade etc. problably almost all of us know it... The binary options market should be strongly regulated! If someone plays on a small interval (m1, m5) will always be easy prey for the brokerage platform. The situation is different if we play long term. Then the situation is not so simple for them. It's harder to cheat trader. That's why I think the long-term signals could be successful, only need a reliable supplier.
Haha lotzofbotz you're moderator here, you should know it ))) Im sure that you know )) POLAND 100% SAUSAGE HEAD!!!
By the way "HI I AM THE OWNER & OPERATOR of" We are from POLAND as you can guess. We sucked on Signal Push "" and we SUCK here too! Please feel free to join our SCAM signal service that has no transparency and gives around 40% win rates! Join Now! We suck thank you from Poland, good night!
Haha lotzofbotz you're moderator here, you should know it
By the way "HI I AM THE OWNER & OPERATOR of" We are from POLAND as you can guess. We sucked on Signal Push "" and we SUCK here too! Please feel free to join our SCAM signal service that has no transparency and gives around 40% win rates! Join Now! We suck thank you from Poland, good night!