Forums Brokers

Anyone tried OptionTrade?

optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
edited December 2014 in Brokers
I just switched to option trading and found out this broker and it looks prestigious and powered by Hotforex. Any advice?


  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    I like what I see with OptionTrade, looks like a breath of fresh air to help do away with the SCAM brokers that are running riot, giving Binary Options a bad name. We need good brokers that pay and don't STEAL customer funds and make no bones about it I said STEAL... I want the scam brokers gone! Maybe entry of OptionTrade and others of high grade will help save the binary biz from brokers that are nothing more then parasites that kill its real growth potential with their out right thievery....
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    I like your point, I also want SCAM gone. Forex has too many scam brokers and Binary options shoule remove any scammer from this new market.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    Well I will be creating next a whole section with details of SCAM brokers that manipulate prices - don't pay winners along with a whole host of things in a ranking system to show the WORST of the worst. It will have the headline in a BIG BOLD sign "BLACKLIST/AVOID* with full details of how they operate and lists of complains ect ect... I woiuld like it to be democratic in nature so will take a poll from different traders/users in order to make it fair and accurate.
  • FerrariTraderFerrariTrader Posts: 10
    It's powered by SpotOption so you're still going to have the built in SpotOption risk management and technical issues. We need a new brand to come out with their own platform that doesn't have all the BS.
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    SpotOption? Did you go wrong topic?
  • FerrariTraderFerrariTrader Posts: 10
    No... It's the technology platform that OptionTrade uses.
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    edited March 2014
    Yah! now I know, sorry.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    Dukascopy has built their own platform for binaryoptions, this new blood into the space should help make it better for traders.
  • FerrariTraderFerrariTrader Posts: 10
    Good to see that! It's ugly as sin though.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    True but the more options and interest from outside FX companies = less scam brokers/practices.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    Ryan you are going to make it to my next video due to the SH*T talking you did about me once again... I will present FACTS in it as I often do lol. 100% complete F-ing LIES you like to talk in your chat room. Not even close like so RETARDED why not just call me a black jewish lesbian midget republican who likes to be spanked. At least that might be a bit closer to reality then some FAT guy that wanted to be on SP but could not hack doing the beta program. I have a log of every conversation in Skype I can show Ryan of everything that was "REALLY SAID" by you not a bunch of trying to make yourself seem like a nice guy that does not understand why Lotz would be so mean to you as you are such a mature professional business man just trying to help customers. "OMG sorry I just threw up in my mouf.." Anyway friends that I have helped and know me who use your platform really don't like such being said about me since its complete and utter garbage that does not resemble me in the least. Bad move...
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    What do you say?? Did you post in wrong topic?
  • WilillWilill Posts: 1
    Choose the asset you want to invest in;

    1. Enter the expiry time;
    2. Select your investment amount;
    3. Predict whether the price will rise or fall;
    4. Place your trade.
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    Everyone know it, but I need a real experience.
  • fxanywherefxanywhere Posts: 18
    Guys do you have experience with Optiontrade ladder type of trading? can you explain how it works?
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    Hi there sorry did not see your post, here is a good description of ladder options and how they work --->
  • dear123dear123 Posts: 83
    I also traded forex for quite sometime and then I shifted to optiontrade, I can say that it is a good broker.
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36

    Guys do you have experience with Optiontrade ladder type of trading? can you explain how it works?

    Create a demo account and open 100 trades, I bet you would catch it movement "principle" very fast.
  • kdelevkdelev Posts: 5
    Hey guys, so I'm looking into OptionTrade, has anyone had any success with them? How are their withdrawal times, anyone have any good/bad experiences?
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2016
    I know a few people that use them and they are one of the only spotoption based broker that people have not complained about, note they are from the forex side so could be why they are more professional and not a scam like most spotoption based brokers based out of Israel are nothing more then criminal enterprises supported by spotoption and should be shut down and likely will now that so many are tired of their corrupt global scamming.
  • kdelevkdelev Posts: 5

    I know a few people that use them and they are one of the only spotoption based broker that people have not complained about, note they are from the forex side so could be why they are more professional and not a scam like most spotoption based brokers based out of Israel are nothing more then criminal enterprises supported by spotoption and should be shut down and likely will now that so many are tired of their corrupt global scamming.

    Thanks a lot for that info, I hope I hear more good things about them, it really seems like no-one has complained about them unlike so many other brokers out there...
  • kdelevkdelev Posts: 5
    For OptionTrade, does anyone know what the payouts for turbo trades are? Do they have 30 second trades?
  • fxanywherefxanywhere Posts: 18
    Well guys it is quite trustworthy broker as powered by big and rich Hotforex (well know fx broker on the market) so you can feel safe with them. I personally have been trading on ladder and short-term bets there for 9 months and has only positive impression from execution and platform behavior. Withdrawals also went smoothly.
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    kdelev said:

    For OptionTrade, does anyone know what the payouts for turbo trades are? Do they have 30 second trades?

    It has 60 second trade, I am not sure about 30s. THe payout ranging from 70-88%. I think you can check on their platform.
  • dear123dear123 Posts: 83
    optionone said:

    It has 60 second trade, I am not sure about 30s. THe payout ranging from 70-88%. I think you can check on their platform.
    I guess new traders should trade on higher time frames instead of 60 sec expiry trades as they might be riskier for them.
  • optiononeoptionone Posts: 36
    Yes, but there are only a few options available. 60s could be the hardest one but I think 15 mins is good for new traders.
  • usokusok Posts: 16
    thanks for the tip, im still trying to find my comfort zone, trying to take things one step at a time..
  • fxanywherefxanywhere Posts: 18
    usok said:

    thanks for the tip, im still trying to find my comfort zone, trying to take things one step at a time..

    Hope everything is ok with your trades. Managed to make 300% with their ladder type trading.
    Good luck to all
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