Forums Complaints

The Binary Lab By Julian Wong is a FAKE!

ninja_bodotnetninja_bodotnet Posts: 232 admin
edited September 2015 in Complaints
This discussion was created from comments split from: Mike's Binary Options Signals Facebook Group.


  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9

    markets world is regulated by GSC, which means Gambling Supervision Commission, and their duty is to allow good gamblers and help gambling victims in getting their lost money from bad gamblers. It is totally about gamblers as read in the website of its own. Sorry if I mis-understood their policy.
    OK live markets world topic aside, can anyone please review or share their experience about The Binary Lab by Julian Wong.
    Thank you.

    Hello John, I'm happy to share my experiences about The Binary Lab by Julian Wong as I know quite a bit about his operation from being part of that Lab. Before I begin, shouldn't this be conducted in a dedicated thread? Why are you asking? How about sharing some of your own experiences first and we'll take it from there. I'm sure there are plenty of unhappy people who would also like to join in. He has been flying comfortably below the radar for about 18 months, while insidiously scamming people, so it's about time he was exposed. He's runs a stealth operation and is far more sophisticated than that buffoon, Michael Freeman.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    He is just another marketers but he does try and is fairly intelligent as I use to share bot settings with him for forex until he blew his account trading because he has ZERO discipline and really could not understand simple money management which just made me think he is another retarded gambler. He uses DEMO accounts at GOPTIONS to try to lure people in to his group. Still again he is a smart marketer but really can only DEMO trade... Put him up on a auto-copier that can show real stats over time and you will see the buffoons fold like cheap cards... I repeat they are not real traders but BS artists... I am going to use "Signal Rush" software to run an open CHALLENGE and invite many of these guys that I believe can't trade to participate and I will tell you ahead of time over 90-95% of them will decline as they are only marketers and people seeing them really trade would point out the fact that they CAN'T which would disturb their promoting the fantasy worlds they live in haha...
  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    edited August 2015
    I disagree he is just another marketeer. I believe Julian Wong is the most successful among the current crop of Binary Options scammers. Who is better? Michael Freeman doesn't hold a candle to him, and no doubt is extremely envious. Julian Wong makes a huge amount of money from broker affiliate commissions and selling $5000 Advanced Group memberships, and has recently started another 60 second Advanced Group which currently sells for $500 (soon going up to $1000) if you prefer not to deposit funds in one of his selection of scam brokers. What makes Julian Wong such a successful marketeer is that he creates a persona in whom people trust. He signs up around 100 - 150 new Binary Lab members per month and has around 2000 members to date. Look for scam reports - they are scarce. He has many of his members so fooled that when they lose they apologize and make excuses that they either made trading errors or need to learn more. Few members question Julian Wong's integrity. The reality is he's a cyber ghost harvesting money from the naive.

    You were almost right. He doesn't make any money trading, but he's also useless at trading demo. I've watched him drop $250,000 during one of his training webinars on his GOPTIONS Demo account (he claims it's real) ... then mysteriously pick it up again, off camera, the next day, once again sporting a balance near the $1 million mark.

    There really is no need to challenge him. He doesn't need your approval and he doesn't need to trade. He needs his members to trade in order to lose their funds so he can gain volume commission while they lose it. He claims his ITM is around 55% and makes up for it by Martingaling.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    No the GOPTIONS demo accounts get refreshed to amounts of 1 Million each time as Mr.Stone use to promote this there, so that is why you see that and I guess it stuck. I am sure the broker is disappointed he uses a demo account I bet he could pay off the U.S. debt with all the money that degenerate gambler Julian Wong loses lol...
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    Lotz i am a gambler ..In saying that not full time ,i do like a flutter football coupons and some flutters at horse racing .If you were doing as i was say spending £50 at the weekend on some fixed odds football coupons and some horse races etc ..Would u stop it to considerate souly on trading .I dont want you thinking im hijacking your abuse to these fellos lol ..But just thought id ask :smiley:
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    If you enjoy gambling that its fine. In America we have a form of mass psychological gambling called LOTTO that the disadvantaged/elderly seem to love. We pay more on this then all other forms of entertainment combined in the U.S. Has nothing to do with trading to me really as the net effect of trading if done right should be net positive instead of net negative. As well trading is really just a job to me. I don't like any form of gambling because I can quickly pick up on the ODDS and once I determine they are not in my favor they can PHUCK OFF! But most people mainly the poor and elderly will love scratching tickets and hoping for that BIG MONEY payoff and in the end all you are really doing is supporting a corrupt behavior/system which the government/house takes advantage of. Then again I guess people need to gamble/throw away money in their spare time. Its just sad if you look at the statistics really how stupid people are in general... If they took those same funds and instead invested in the homeless/social programs/poverty ect ect it would not exist in the U.S. at all...
  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9

    No the GOPTIONS demo accounts get refreshed to amounts of 1 Million each time as Mr.Stone use to promote this there, so that is why you see that and I guess it stuck. I am sure the broker is disappointed he uses a demo account I bet he could pay off the U.S. debt with all the money that degenerate gambler Julian Wong loses lol...

    In actual fact Julian Wong is not gambling. He's the only one in his group who ISN'T gambling, but all his "students" are gambling with each and every trade they place using his strategies.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok lets educate you a bit here... First off Julian Wong is a TOSSER as the English so eloquently state it. What he is doing is not really martingale but rather stoning or taking strings of trades for EFFECT. You do not trade this way or else you will always be a PHUCKING LOSER. The martingale you see on Signal Push is called a "2 Step" which is fine because you can derive some positive ratios statistically. You do not go beyond the 2 step and if you do then you can create a SEESAW equity curve. Basically put will likely make you trade in an unstable way. This is why a STONING or other bs martingale methods are pushed by the brokers because it shows long string of wins but the real subtle point is they are trying to get you to be an emotional gambler instead of a logical trader. The only other form of Martingale one should use is a compound/positive one which can if done correctly with statistics again be a net positive for a trader. If you notice in say a few hundred of your trades that you have x number of strings of wins say 3 to 5 that if you invested the profits back into the each win in a martingale would give you a higher return vs just using a incremental trade size... Example I use on a broker $350 $580 $1k string on MW because my average max marty is 4 and the lower common value vs max trade size is in 3 so I trade this way often when I notice certain kinds of market flows. That is a positive martingale or compound method. Easy to see if you go through your past trades and notice if you traded that way would it be a net positive to your results.. Again this only takes you doing the footwork of the very basic math you need.
  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    edited September 2015
    Why don't we keep this thread specific to Julian Wong and how he scams people.... as a member of his group I can give valuable insight into what actually goes on. He does use a form of Martingale...

    In fact he highly recommends it and promotes it in all his strategies. It is not true Martingale as that is impossible with turbo (short term) options on Spotoptions broker accounts. The progression is $5 > $10 > $25 > $50 > $100 > $250 > $500

    He recommends up to about (he's not very specific) 6 Martingales to assure consistent wins.

    When he uses Martingale (which is nearly always) in live trading, during his Binary Lab webinars he progresses thus: $100 > $250 > $500 > $1000 (2 quick trades) > $2000 (4 quick trades) > $4000 (8 trades). That's as far as I've seen him go, starting at $100. I've seen him lose a lot of money (actually demo money) trading like this.

    He also uses stoning, but he cut back on that after he lost around 250k during one webinar. He was doing 5k trades that day, up to about 40k (5k x 8) on one currency pair.

    Now here's a treat for you all. This is a Julian Wong quote taken directly from one of his Ouroboros (Advanced Masterclass Group) promotional webinars back in June. This is a group which will cost you $5000 to join and you have to sign a NDA (non-disclosure agreement). (Yeah, sue me LOL)

    Julian Wong:


    "Martigaling is very easy for for beginners, I mean as long as you have a deep account... you more or less can win within like 6 or 7 martingales, and it's a fairly easy strategy, it's kind of risky but fairly easy strategy that most people can do.... the reason why I still teach martingaling is because it is easy and sometimes it allows you to take more entries and you don't have to wait and camp out for a very good snipe...

    (NOTE: Ouroboros, aka Advanced Masterclass Group is run by what I like to call the "3 Musketeers": Julian Wong (Singapore), David Nocitra (USA) and Yuri Anischenko (Ukraine). They don't have an office, business address, telephone number or even an email address so therefore cannot be contacted or located. The only way to "talk" to them is through a Facebook page, or if you're lucky, in a Skype Group. Sending money to these scammers is like sending money to (cyber) ghosts)

    Julian Wong's quote above is astounding, but this one gets first prize:

    Yuri Anischenko (from the same promotional webinar as above):


    "we have an exact money management system that you should follow everyday that should get you to just over a million dollars in a year if you follow it precisely and actually are diligent and disciplined in your money management system it should happen."

    So there you go folk. The deal of the century. Get your $5000 membership and make an easy million dollars in a year.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    They are SCAMMERS all of them looking for you to pay them 5K lol... Cute if they are making so much from trading why would they want the dead weight of people following their trades. Again unless any of these DOUCHEBAGS care to try trading live using a 3rd party auto-trade copier they are just marketing lying scumbags.. And Yuri btw is in the U.S.

    Ironic I guess 5k is the new starting level for douchebags to sell out it seems. All untalented roaches...
  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    I think you've missed the point. They know they can't make money trading - they merely create the illusion they know how to trade. They're making a killing at what they do well - marketing scam systems. Unfortunately they are not untalented as they are very good at promoting these scams. That's what makes them insidious - people trust them.

    I doubt anyone can make as much money as these guys do by actually trading binary options. How much money can you make trading them? I estimate they have made around $2 million on affiliate commissions and joining fees - could be more - in about a year.

    BTW I didn't mean to indicate that Yuri is actually in Ukraine, he's from there. I have no idea where he is living and I doubt anyone does. As I said, these guys don't have an address.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Well I don't care too busy trading or not trading depending on market conditions lol. I point out the scammers from there if people wish to listen its up to them as I have many videos that show exactly how they work and it mind numbing just how stupid people would have to be to fall for any of their BS. Then again over 90% of people can even turn a profit trading so I guess like for like. I am not missing any point I am just commenting as you are. In the future once I have "Signal Rush" front end up I will have a public page and videos not only bashing them but showing their actual trading and video of their rooms in operation. I am going to make it completely transparent so people can see WHAT THEIR REAL RESULTS ARE. There is no HIDING from BabaDook Dook Dook as I have a network of people waiting to ambush them 1 by 1......


  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    Now you say you don't care? It certainly seems like you care a lot. I was just asking you how much you make trading because you're suggesting Julian Wong and co could make more money trading than scamming. I don't believe that - even if they were good traders. As an expert in the trade, how about helping us out with some numbers. For example, can you make $1 million trading profit in a year?

    You also totally missed my point that these guys are extremely good at scamming and sucking people in and people who fall for it are not necessarily stupid. There's no need to insult the people who are being scammed. You should be trying to help them instead of blowing your own horn while putting them down. In essence you're calling everyone who has joined Julian Wong's group mind-numbingly stupid, so I guess I am too. How is anyone from Julian Wong's Group going to be interested in contributing here if you're insulting them all.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    *Big Middle Finger* I don't care about --> U <-- and your attitude of telling me what to do and what I have missed, correcting me you rude little piece of sh*t. If you took the time to note I pointed out throughout many videos of these guys along with many threads the ins and outs of how they operate and will continue to. If you can do better well show me? Oh thats right you don't have any videos or content that actually helps people but you see I DO...

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    edited September 2015

    *Big Middle Finger* I don't care about --> U

    Do you really think you can get somewhere in a discussion by cursing and swearing your way through? Are you suggesting that if someone is talking nonsense they shouldn't be corrected? Because you are the moderator, perhaps?

    You claim to be an expert at Binary Options trading, but you won't post about how much money you can make? You're claiming you can make more than the scammers by trading alone, so why not prove it? Julian Wong makes a lot of money. Perhaps you are envious of that? Yes, he does make it by scamming, but he still makes it nonetheless.

    I haven't seen any of your videos. Why would you assume that people are paying such close attention to your forum that they would know about some videos you claim to have made. If you have videos on Julian Wong, wouldn't this thread be a perfect place to introduce them?

    (I wonder how offensive your next offering will be? A moderator cursing in his own forum is a classic fail)

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    The really really nice thing is when you trade for yourself... Its being able to tell everybody else that takes the time to bother you to \\\ G ~ F ~ Y ~ S ///

    CALL IN NOW! 1-800-SuK-meCK
  • KGBKGB Posts: 9
    Tropomark said:

    Do you really think you can get somewhere in a discussion by cursing and swearing your way through? Are you suggesting that if someone is talking nonsense they shouldn't be corrected? Because you are the moderator, perhaps?

    You claim to be an expert at Binary Options trading, but you won't post about how much money you can make? You're claiming you can make more than the scammers by trading alone, so why not prove it? Julian Wong makes a lot of money. Perhaps you are envious of that? Yes, he does make it by scamming, but he still makes it nonetheless.

    I haven't seen any of your videos. Why would you assume that people are paying such close attention to your forum that they would know about some videos you claim to have made. If you have videos on Julian Wong, wouldn't this thread be a perfect place to introduce them?

    (I wonder how offensive your next offering will be? A moderator cursing in his own forum is a classic fail)

    Hi:)(a smiley makes it all feel much better)

    Your real problem Is that you are lazy(or simply busy with surviving real life). You are not willing to do the hard work. You just expect some random stranger online to hand you over the solution to EVERYTHING (including common sense).

    Life just doesn't work like that. No one is just going to hand you over anything.Let alone something it took [or didn't-I don't really know(IT'S THE INTERNET)] him years to perfect or learn.

    You questions/comments are anything but new or original. If you really wanted to learn you could have actually spent some time going over this forum (HINT-During US trading hours...

    Looking for free stuff to get ahead in life is just no good.

    "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    jeez this threads went mad ..Yea i get what your saying , in the UK we have things called fobt ..Fixed odds betting terminals ..The biggest spin you can have at once is £100 on roulette ..The most it pays out in one spin is £500 so your betting at odds of 4/1 overall thats if your best number comes out (which it never does ) from what ive seen so that will make the machines odds far less ,they see it as the crack cocaine of the UK ..Trying to explain to someone hooked that the odds are not near in there favor is like telling an alcoholic drink is bad ..Football coupons are the same there fixed odds so one team is say 1/3 the other teams 2/1 and the draw is 5/2 ..So the odds are all over ..But it does all come back to people wanting that big jackpot ..Its never going to happen ..Lotto tickets etc etc ..In on town/state over a year the people had spent 450 million on fix odds terminals ..They tried to ban them that kind of money would help the homeless/addicts etc in that area ..But of course the government big wigs are making a killing so why stop it .
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    After reading the forum ..Im a newbie ..And never paid any money to anyone ..So why are these people like you getting scammed ? i think the people that are getting scammed need to look at there own door steps and ask "what am i doing wrong" i think its threw being lazy like someone says ..Why didnt yous use google ? why not do some homework ? why not come on the threads and ask for some help ..All we have is charts and a broker when u strip it bare ..All your doing is trying to work out if the markets going up or down ..Nothing else ..So all these guys selling something with the nice videos/houses/boats etc you have to ask what are they up to ..Not what someone who has never scammed is ..It seems allot of people come on here screaming after they have been scammed and not before ..
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Again very well thought out and true. I can see why you have not been scammed because you are using your BRAIN to logically think instead of EMOTIONALLY ACT based on desires that the marketers try to promote. I will have a service which will hook up to services like John Anthony/Mike's Facebook/BOTS ect ect and show live video of their trading as well as keep statistics with "Signal Rush" which is an auto-trade copier that will make their TRUE results PUBLIC. I can use many people to accomplish this through many methods lol and since their services are open for affiliate/subscription ect ect they can't HIDE from the Binary BabaDook Dook Dook LoL...

  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    KGB said:

    Hi:)(a smiley makes it all feel much better)

    Your real problem Is that you are lazy(or simply busy with surviving real life). You are not willing to do the hard work. You just expect some random stranger online to hand you over the solution to EVERYTHING (including common sense).

    Life just doesn't work like that. No one is just going to hand you over anything.Let alone something it took [or didn't-I don't really know(IT'S THE INTERNET)] him years to perfect or learn.

    You questions/comments are anything but new or original. If you really wanted to learn you could have actually spent some time going over this forum (HINT-During US trading hours...

    Looking for free stuff to get ahead in life is just no good.

    Did you just wake up out of a deep sleep and then decide to post here?

    If anyone is being lazy, it's you as you haven't bothered to read the thread before replying.

    I didn't come here to learn anything. I came here at the invitation of another person to give my perspective on Julian Wong and his trading strategies.

    As that has gone by the wayside courtesy of the blowhard moderator using profane language and turning this into a pissing contest, I certainly won't be wasting my time searching this forum or looking for any lame videos the moderator claims to have made. You're not going to learn much from fools, are you?

    There are far better places to find decent information on binary options trading. Don't waste your time here.

    (LOL. Now we can rip into Julian Wong, Michael Freeman and the idiot who moderates this forum, all in one place)

  • TropomarkTropomark Posts: 9
    xalksx said:

    After reading the forum ..Im a newbie ..And never paid any money to anyone ..So why are these people like you getting scammed ? i think the people that are getting scammed need to look at there own door steps and ask "what am i doing wrong" i think its threw being lazy like someone says ..Why didnt yous use google ? why not do some homework ? why not come on the threads and ask for some help ..All we have is charts and a broker when u strip it bare ..All your doing is trying to work out if the markets going up or down ..Nothing else ..So all these guys selling something with the nice videos/houses/boats etc you have to ask what are they up to ..Not what someone who has never scammed is ..It seems allot of people come on here screaming after they have been scammed and not before ..

    You misunderstand the nature of this particular scam. i.e. The Binary Lab by Julian Wong. You don't pay Julian Wong any money. You fund a broker with a minimum of $250. The funded broker then pays Julian Wong commission in a separate transaction.

    I never lost a cent of my own money as I only traded a demo account, so my money was always 100% safe. I chose the safest broker out of selection available. That's where I did my homework, as you suggest.

    Now the $5000 Advanced MasterClass Group aka Ouroboros is a different affair and I'm not in that group.

    It's really not a good idea to be insulting or bad-mouthing people who were scammed. A lot of these people have money to spend and can be turned around and educated. The moderator here should know better. He claims he wants to help people, but insults them instead. It's pretty obvious he's a prize moron. In my estimation, judging on discourse here in only one thread, he's a bigger blowhard than Michael Freeman, and that's saying something.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    You sound alot like MF to be honest including the constant inability to reflect on others input or even comprehend anything one says to you. That is a sure sign of a learning disability/autism that he displays. I don't mind the insults flying back and forth that is fine. I do not expect everybody to like me. When you disregard what is being said or try to paint a picture that is incorrect well then you are just stupid. I will point this out again and again you will ignore the fact I have helped more people in more ways then you over and over again and if you don't wish to give me credit that is ok but don't knock my videos you kuntfacedshitforbrainsmotherphuckingdouchebag, because they are really good videos and very informative for people learning to trade or how scammers like MF Julian Greg Green Room on and on work. You hijack what I say again and since I am a blowhard moderator, well I can blow blow blow your house down you dumb phucking pig! So if you don't wish to be banned try responding to what I say instead of just insulting me without even knowing what the phuck you are talking about... See MF has a bunch of easy to spot traits in his writing such as he likes to respond or as I state not respond with insults and use multiple one liners broken up in sentences like a list of insults over and over as well he will non-respond to each person directly just as this phucktard does. So if you are not MF then you both likely have the same mom or dad is all I am saying...
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Buh Bye TINKERBELL... I think school is starting and those learning disability classes you need to register for should be your # 1 priority instead of arguing with me LoL... Besides the syntax you gave yourself away Mikey with the "BORED MODERATOR" comment, as well repeating things over and over like the insane learning disabled phucktard U R...

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