I have to say I am sorry ahead of time... But this is phucking hilarious because I think he did it on purpose so he did not have to pay his ex-wife. (View Post)
Rules to follow starting out so you don't get scammed - These are important as this is where most fail with signing up to a new broker. Rule #1 - Never invest money you can't afford to lose. Rule #2 … (View Post)
Randy1953 went nuts when I started to IGGY him in "Signal Hive" chatroom because he is some mentally unsound internet stalker that really needs psychological help.. I never worked with Mich… (View Post)
Right now I would think most SPs who actively are trying to trade this market might find it very difficult. We are going into BREXIT and the past few weeks I have seen the market go pure chops anybod… (View Post)