Dear all,
We are pleased to report Signal Hive achieved its 2nd highest month of profitability/ROI in January 2017. While
Sake Turbo dominated yet again,
The Knick and
Pavel's rivalry reached new heights as both delivered a 2nd month of close to 70% profitability.
Wave and
Dive delivered profitability as well. Find out more inside and contact us for any information you require.

See you all in February!
Team Blue Sky BInary
Blue Sky Binary - Research, Education & Technology.
Signal Hive - The No.1 Binary Signals Marketplace.
Those are based on client accounts that are copying Sake Turbo. All data is straight out of the transaction history. With regards to delays, not sure what you mean; the replication is near-instant < 0.3 seconds across 99% of trades. There are delays if you are referring to Hawkeye, but that is a risk management layer that will wait for a better price on the signal, so it will take it "late". The chart above is Sake Turbo on ER mode = instant replication.
Below you can see Dive, Wave, Pavel and Knick actual client results on autotrader mode:
Team BSB
It actually makes perfect sense if you take time to read what we are saying.
If you are asking why the MAN ITM is different than Auto ER ITM that is because the MAN ITM is priced off of Oanda API; a different quote feed than The auto-er, actual client autotrader replications, are from's API.
20% of Signal Hive's userbase trades the signals manually. Therefore, MAN ITM is a loose reference indication since different people have different brokers when trading the signals manually. So we use a reference quote feed which is Oanda. Auto-ER ITM has no "discrepancy"; the signals replicate near-instantly and the resulting ITM is what it is, depending on how quickly the price moved.
The performance charts we have posted above are from our Autotrader, so they are based on auto-ER. so, no, not "only Sake gets those entries", those are client accounts on Those are real results. We do not do marketing based on MAN ITM, thats a known fact in our community for over a year now.
See this live screenshot from our Leaderboard; you can see that Autotrader ER ITM is better than MAN ITM in some instances and in some other instances its reversed so, again, no "signal hive doesn't keep getting a WAY better itm rate than auto er".
Team BSB
Actually, that is factually inaccurate as well. Most our bots are not only above 60% on auto-trader which is as you say "ACTUAL" ITM, but some are between 65-70% such as Wave & Dive. Read the following carefully because it still seems you are rather confused:
1) It's precisely because we show MAN ITM% vs. AUT ER ITM % in every weekly performance update, we are trying to show clients the differential. That is the opposite of "misleading". Go to our performance updates section on and you can see for about 2 years now we follow this best-practice in transparency.
2) Go to to verify the below screenshots I am posting proving that our bots are profitable (and some, highly profitable) on auto-trader for over an entire year on what you call "ACTUAL" ITM. Their MAN ITM % stats are even higher, but irrelevant.
Dive, 128 wins, 68% ITM from Jan 2016-Feb 2017
Curve, 208 wins, 61% ITM from Jan 2016-Feb 2017
Peak, 59 wins, 61% ITM from Jan 2016-Feb 2017
Wave, 41 wins, 65% ITM from Aug 15th (when it was relaunched)-Feb 2017
If you're going to look at the unprofitable two-three robots out of 8, and conclude that all our robots are unprofitable, that would be rather silly.
3) You personally were a client of Hive auto-trader under the name Jibril2400 (Jibril Gabriel, with "gabman" being your online identity) during April 1st-18th May, 2016. We have your full details; a snapshot of which I have posted below. You auto-traded 133 trades of which 80 were wins, translating to a 60-61% ITM. So not only are our bots profitable but you were profitable using them, despite our auto-trading still having been in its teething-phase back then. Whether you were on a real or virtual account, we don't know or care but you can't argue against stats.
Hope that helps
Team BSB
You want to be a people's champion? Shut up and trade or give something back to the community like traders like Okane are doing instead of trying to defame services who are nothing but honest. I've been with Hive even before their auto trader and can vouch for the profitability of man of their providers. Am I a scam too?
Every comment I read of yours on this forum is aggressive, abusive and lo and behold I find out you are giving positive comments and reviews on Binary Watchdog, one of the biggest scams in the industry. I'll post that too.
As they stated above and i can VERIFY it, they have traders from all over the globe who don't trade the signals on that is why they have manual ITM and ER ITM. They show both stats, one for the manual traders and one for those who auto-trade. The manual Oanda ITM is a rough indication for manual traders since they can't possibly aggregate results in real time from different brokers with different quotes for their manual signal followers right? (thats impossible).
The ER ITM, however, that they release weekly is based on CLIENT ENTRIES on so the statement "but you simply won't" is just dumb because that data is pulled from client transaction histories, its not made up. I'm a SIGNAL PROVIDER there and my clients who have me on ER are not making money? Is that your claim? So I'm lying about my stats and my clients there are paying me each month for the losses I am delivering?
I've been a client of Hive on ER for over a year and a signal provider for around 3 months so I would know.
Sorry but you just lost all credibility again for not understanding how the system works and I have no reason to believe you given your comments on Watchdog. You lied about how much money you lost with Binirus on Signal Push and you are BLATANTLY lying about Signal Hive now despite them giving you FACTUAL EVIDENCE that even you made money LOL.
One more thing, you do not have the right to call Binirus a crap trader. Maybe he wasn't good, but you're nothing but a whiny troll for defaming Signal Push, the entire service, for 1 weak provider. You're not a trader but a jaded, defamatory client. You knew the risks and you were happy with his martingale style. You even made a lot of money first with him. Ryan, the Signal Push CEO, presented you the data there which is there for all of us to see, and instead of admitting your wrong doing, you ignored it and continued with your ignorant rant. If you don't understand the risks of investing, then get off the pot. You neither shit, but are occupying the pot and so are wasting everyones time.
I call Troll.
For some reason you keep saying the same thing again without actually having the courtesy to read our response. That's rude.
We will say this 1 final time: We post 2 ITMs for each signal stream on the weekly results reports posted on this forum and inside Signal Hive. MAN ITM (Oanda based) is for those who trade our signals manually and ER ITM for those who auto-trade our signals on ( based).
This latter ER ITM is the actual itm pulled from each client account connected to our auto-trader, automatically compiled and put into that report you see each week. So it is the "real" itm and all our stats are real. It is what clients are getting. That is what we market our system on. If we have a losing week, you see it in the reports (go ahead and actually read some). If we have a great week, you'll see it in the reports.
It was surprising to see why this basic concept is causing you so much confusion and anger especially considering your account, JIBRIL GABRIEL, in Signal Hive, was at 60-61% ITM on ER auto-trader mode after 130 trades) but now that Pavel has shed light on your background, we understand what's going on and what the agenda is.
For those that are not trolls, can read and interpret basic data, have serious questions, please post them here; very happy to delve into the detail of our real stats. This industry attracts bright talents but also the very deranged, unfortunately and we'd like to keep all threads here productive and clean.
Team BSB
That is the Signal Hive Analytics area you show in your screenshots; it is our service that you are using to pull those stats. We provide this because we are transparent. It's not like you have taken those stats out of some deep data exercise by contacting behind our backs. We show ER stats and MAN stats for all signals to all parties, members or not. Yes Pulse was unprofitable and we show that every week. Turbo was unprofitable too (although on Manual it made members a lot of money). We laugh about those signals inside Hive daily (ask our members). Your point makes little sense; you are trying to position yourself as some kind of hero as if there is some conspiracy here but we have real stats to falsify each and every claim of yours. Of course there is a differential between MAN ITM and ER ITM and we show it very clearly so you should respect that instead of accuse us of showing both, which is just illogical?
The MAN stats as we have always stated are indicative only only as 20% of our user base is trading at a range of brokers manually and we have no live feed of reporting those outcomes as we do with's ER feed. No one is misleading people to join the service because we openly write the difference between the two on every single performance update (which you clearly haven't ever read or this entire conversation would have ended days ago). Please go and read a performance update then come back so we can have a professional discussion. If we were not showing ER and only showing MAN stats then your point is valid. Your point is invalid however, because we show both stats for transparency, not obfuscation.
As for the erroneous statement that "only Sake is profitable", you clearly know how to operate Hive Analytics so pull up Dive from Jan 2016 to now, what does it show?
Now look at Wave on ER, here it is:
You're telling us that these signals with 68% ITM and 65% ITM on ER on 100s of signals are not profitable?
And even adjusting for variance, Curve and the other signals that were just 60-62% on ER were profitbale last year, so let's move beyond the conspiracy that "only Sake is profitable" "shive is hiding something" or "60% signals are not profitable with sequential stability". We are financial engineers and statisticians, if you want to talk variance, standard deviation adjusted win-rate, kurtosis, distributions, entropy, we are very happy to up the ante but let us summarize for you because you will fall very flat in that discussion with our engineers; many many robots on ER inside Hive last year were profitable, not just Sake. The sooner you accept that reality, the sooner we can move this thread back to reality and away from the twilight zone.
As for your own stats; because we don't want to embarrass and show people your entire set of wins/losses, we are keeping it decent. Here is the simple fact Jibril, you were in Hive for around 1.5 months and had 80 wins, 53 losses. Average payout on your replications was 72% (the 60% figure it seems you made up). Do the profit multiple maths and you'll see your balance went up. Pardon us if we don't take your statements at face value given you openly lied about your losses at Signal Push, which the link Pavel posted earlier proves.
Your call. We have all the data and we're happy to go on all year if required. This is actually fun, someone using our stats to attack our stats.
Team BSB
Let's see, The Binary Lab by Julian Wong one of the biggest affiliate marketing scandals to hit this space in years. You're a member.
Next, PRINT MY ATM, one of the oldest gigs and scams probably as bad as Mike's auto trader and not only are you subscribed but you actively comment there.
Had enough? Or let's see some more
You're a flat Earther and believer in Jeranism and are trying to talk stats to ex floor traders?
Regarding your prophecies of me eventually blowing accounts, since you've been wrong in almost every way so far, why don't we cross that bridge if/when we come to it? Right now i'm making money for my subscribers, which is a lot more than i can say for your whiny inaccurate ass. Never seen you trade, oh that's right all you do is follow.
Reality check bro. There are 3 types of people in Binary. Traders, marketers and trolls. Atleast upgrade to being a marketer, I get it you can't really trade but being a troll, there isn't much money in it, neither dignity. Don't believe me? Look at what happened to that twat lotzofbotz. He used to be a troll here just like you. He got thrown out and now at-least he is trying to make a living as an affiliate marketer. You should try upgrading. It's within your reach!
p.s consider rebranding to Gabtard. It's befitting.
68% is Dive ER. Wave ER is 65%. There are clients who have made thousands of dollars just subscribing to the profitable bots as we recommend in House Settings.
53% is Pulse ER, but who asked you to subscribe to pulse on ER? The Hawkeye setting for auto-trader for Pulse is NR...You subscribe to the safest streams; Signal Hive is a market place which gives users the ability to attach and detach streams. You claimed that "Sake is the only profitable" stream; that's misleading as Dive, Wave, Curve are other profitable bots on ER. For the less safe bots, look at our suggested Hawkeye settings and you'll see that most are on either VLR or NR setting.
If you subscribed to Pulse and put it on ER, of course you'd dilute profitability but that's a completely separate argument. Only a very ignorant user will come in, switch everything on ER and expect to become rich. For the record, we can see here the streams you subscribed to and you were only on Dive, Core, Sake.
With regards to "low payout", you missed what we wrote above; your average payout was 72% (not 60%) so kindly stop misrepresenting facts about your results like you did with Signal Push. We have your transaction IDs which we store which shows the average payout. Next we'll start publishing these at which point you'll move the argument to "I don't like the colors of Hive's user interface." It's a shifting target with scammers these days.
Again, with regards to the max trade size being $25; that's inaccurate as well. After you sign the liability waiver, and we approve it, you can trade with significantly higher trade sizes. If your monthly salary is $500 and are on unemployment benefits, it is possible we did not approve your waiver request to protect you.
We don't approve all waivers if the client's financial condition is not at par with what is required to trade in the risky financial markets. That's called due diligence.
Team BSB
Your name as I have confirmed with Hive is Jibril Gabriel or Gabriel Jibril or whatever fake name you have given yourself. Your online persona is Gabman. Your YouTube is Gabriel J. Those are your youtube subscriptions from your youtube channel
It covers the entire range of scams, Print my ATM, The Binary Lab, even some affiliate marketing videos ( LOL ) and flat earth science videos.
Do not make a further fool of yourself or I will post your comments on various videos on those channels proving that its you.
Gabtard, why don't you bring your troll ass on Hive and trade with me? Let's compete.
Hypothetically, if you went to a person's YouTube channel and found him or her subscribing to videos on "how to make bombs" "exotic dildos" and "top 10 serial murders" yeah, I wouldn't blame you if you thought that, that person was seriously messed up. Or would you think oh wow that person has interesting research interests. have videos of conspiracies of the Earth being flat (you even Liked the "Evolution debunked video" and then you are subscribed to alternative religion videos of Jarenism. On the binary side, I see channel subscriptions of the biggest scams in the industry so yeah, where there is smoke, there is fire.
With regards to your claims of being a "six figure internet marketer", you do understand that you have lost all credibility here as regards figures and numbers right? You can't get 1 stat right in Hive as proven above and in the Signal Push case you were proven wrong by over 5 different parties in that thread. So why should I believe an internet marketer who has a history of lies, telling me he is a millionaire?
Also, you're a millionaire internet marketer with 7 youtube subscribers?
So to summarise, you are a Flat Earth (which is scientifically disproven) theorist, who doesn't believe in Evolution (which is scientifically proven) who has 7 youtube subscribers but is a millionaire internet marketer?
Yours truly,
Evolution is the most probable working theory and beats what you 7th Day Adventists or Creationists believe. So the fact that you give a big thumbs up to those Evolution videos proves your mindset.
7 Youtube subscribers = at max you are making $10k per year and not even close to six figures.
You are a member of clicksure, a known affiliate marketing hotbed for scam products. You have an affiliate marketing link to Print My ATM and liked their channel. So yes you support their products.
Umm, no I believe in evolution and I don't believe in the Big Bang. Big Bang and evolution are not linked Gabtard. I know bible studies tells you they are but they aren't. Big Bang is planetary creation and evolution is biological on Earth.
Inventory Check
You don't believe in evolution which you just confirmed. Check.
You are an affiliate marketer on clicksure, a marketplace for scam products. Check.
You like and subscribe to Print my ATM and Binary Lab. Check.
You can't read stats. Check.
You were crying over a few hundred to a few thousand dollars in the Signal Push incident but you boast to be a mover and shaker in the marketing space generating millions for clients and earning six figures yourself. Check.
Which products do you peddle on clicksure apart from Print my ATM? I'm going to write to the Binary Bears to do a video on your whiny ass.
Yeah I belive NASA that the Earth is a sphere LOL you conspiracy theorist freak. What does "transitional micro specie being proved fraudulent" even mean? I didn't know your English breaks down this badly when under pressure. Do you know how moronic you sound believing in Flat Earth? And again, NASA believes in the Big Bang, I don't. But NASA did not create the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin did. So yet another inaccurate statement by you "can't take some of what nasa tells you and leave the other" Yeah you can Gabtard.
In the above thread you have shown yourself to be borderline suffering from some mental condition not to mention severe incapability or cognitive ability to read. You are very abusive, aggressive and unreasonable.
Categorically all your insinuations about the stats have been proven false. You're a conspiracy theorist so you don't believe that a real service with real stats, traders and people making money can exist. Now you're begging them to just remove MAN ITM, which is nonsense.
Every single statement made by me about your whiny ass is accurate. You're a troll and quite probably a scam artist on clicksure. One thing i'm good at is exposing morons like you. I did it to lotzofbotz and he's gone. You're next.
Classy. Mom Jokes. I love to dismantle people like you. Cowards. Nothing more.
-Gabtard the Flat Earther, February 9th, 2017
I barely lifted a finger. Simply went to his YouTube subscriptions and it sends him into a raging, lunatic tirade LOL.
For those of you that want a bit of a visual, this is him claiming to be a god fearing nun. Yes 'nun'. Believes in Flat Earth, no Evolution and is proud of his Clicksure affiliate marketing activities.
I'm going to do an expose into this guys internet funnel soon (found some gold last night
We do show instant replication results, in fact we focus only on those in all of our reports and inside Hive. It's called AUT ER ITM; we've posted countless proof of this above in this thread. Just because you choose ignore it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
With regards to why we are controlling what people invest. You lost a lot of money with 1 signal provider in Signal Push right? That is because of poor risk management. We want our clients to make a lot of money and control the downside in bad markets. Left alone to their own devices, we have seen clients do not do that, so we control risk for them. That is why there have been no Lehman Brothers type of incidences inside Signal Hive. Accusing us for controlling risk for clients is like telling a car manufacturer "why do you provide seat belts?" It's what every signal service should do and every binary broker as well.
With regards to why we won't only show stats, its because the stats feed is fuzzy during the night and well off market maker quotes. If you have actually traded, you will know that. can and does massage the feed as its a binary broker. Oanda is a much more reliable feed but even this is not the reason we choose to show manual ITM. The reason is 20% of our userbase trades signals manually and to them the is completely irrelevant, so why should we make that the barometer of performance? We are integrating more brokers soon with different feeds, which makes it meaningless to only show feed. This is a logical rationale.
Because you are an internet marketer, your mind automatically assumes we are marketers and are using MAN stats to push our service which is absurd. We are financial engineers and are leaders in transparency in this space. Your insinuation that we show manual stats to trick users to trade with us is completely nonsensical since we show ER ITM right next to it and always highlight the differential for full transparency. If you actually come inside Hive Chat, you'll see we laugh about MAN ITM jokingly. Again, read our weekly reports so a more productive discussion can ensue.
Finally, kindly layoff the aggressive, abusive attitude. If you are suffering form sort of anger management/emotion control issues, there are mental health forums for that, but this one is not it. This is a thread about our service and we want to have discussions with people that are in full control of their mental faculties for a productive debate. If you have suggestions, there are channels through which to deliver them.
Good luck,
Team BSB
Back for round two are we? Watch this. And what "story" would that be Gabtard? This point above to me proves I am talking to someone with an IQ of probably under 85. But let's entertain your threat shall we?
You are going to get 200 million random people (or 10% of the internet population) to view my profile using an affiliate link promising them millions with one of your Clicksure/Clickbait products right? You can't get 10% of the internet population to see my profile just because you ask them to. The only logical outcome of this huge campaign is that some people will subscribe to my signals which end up benefiting me. So basically you are threatening me that you will become my affiliate? Like anything you have said before, there is 0 logic, 0 follow through in every single sentence that comes out of your mouth. But yeah go ahead become an affiliate, maybe you can earn your pathetic 15% off of me. It's interesting, affiliate marketing and scamming is do deep in your blood that even when you threaten someone, it has an affiliate marketing angle. LOL. no.2 - You are subscribed to The Binary Lab on your YouTube channel and you even posted a comment last year stating how you use Fib to martingale various levels on Wong's "strategy". Here is the screenshot proof. Don't be stupid, people do check up things.
no.3 - Here is proof of you openly admitting, in this thread, that you support Clicksure products. We don't know if you just are a member to "check for binary options scams". That's the silliest excuse ever and why would we believe an affiliate marketer whose job is to lie or oversell stuff?
no.4 - Gabtard, you are subscribed to "The Flat Earth Asshole" who is a known flat earther, makes moronic debates and loses most. You just commented on his debate with renowned scientist Nye last week. Here is proof.
no.5 - Yes I have dismantled you with screenshots, again. Do you want a bigger beating?
After seeing the above and seeing more comments against you in this thread, in which direction is the tide turning Gabtard?
p.s Attacking someone's ITM when you're not even able to compete is like arriving at a press conference after a boxing match and challenging the boxers that you can do better. My ITM for the year is > 66% and for the month is above 60%. You are unemployed and spend your time watching Flat Earth videos, believing in Creationism and are a fan of The Binary Lab.
Yeah "photoshops" ok. This is coming from a marketer who peddles Print My ATM on Clicksure or whatever scam products website USING PHOTOSHOP for fake bank account statements luring clients into depositing.
You were at the club 29 minutes ago indicating you are still drunk. When you are sober come back here for round 3. Yes go ahead with the "lawsuit", but make sure you are an affiliate first so you earn 15% off of them.
When does it begin Gabtard?
Also, I love how you deleted all those comments just now, the moment i found them
By the way which law firm represents you? (another lie coming up which I'll probably expose).
I know it hurts for someone to actually dig and find out your true views on YouTube. This is the social media world we live in, but wow, I didn't think it would send you into a mental tailspin here. You get this reaction normally when you catch a criminal
But please yes, do contact the owners of this website and don't forget to show them your lewd statements about references to women performing oral sex in this thread. While we're at it, since you have engaged in open defamation here of a signal service, I'll speak to their owners and see if we can get things exciting and get their legal team in as well?
1. Good luck. make sure to paste here YouTube's response. It's about follow-through so I'm going to hold you to it.
2. Good luck, not sure what "proof" of hacking even means since I've taken screenshots of YOUR youtube channel and YOUR comments.
3. What Lawfirm is it again? You deflected my previous request.
4. Again, failed logic, you claim I hacked into your YouTube account (which means I know your password and how is that even possible?) and then used photoshop? Why would I need to use photoshop if I hacked into your YouTube. I would love to have those skills to do that, I'm flattered you think so highly of me.
Putting another one of your conspiracy theories aside, cut the crap, those are real screenshots of your views.
In order to come across half-way legitimate you need to make sure your accusations make sense. For example you can't read stats, which was proven by your total demolition on this thread. You are a proven subscriber to alternative theory channels on YouTube and are so riled up because I happened to find your comments which express your deluded views on the world, on those channels, that you want to get your make believe army of lawyers to throw me in jail? What are you, 12 years old? Flat Earth conspiracy theorists really do live in their own world.
I want to remind you, I am a signal provider at a top rated signal service here in I am a big fan of this forum and support them in their endeavours to keep trolls like you OUT. Trolls do not fight back, they disappear.
YouTube comments mostly do appear chronologically BUT they don't always. It depends from channel to channel as per that Quora article. Maybe the conspiracy ones you subscribe to have it the other way around.
Stop trying to wiggle out of a difficult situation. Own up to it. Trying to make conspiracy theories of me hacking into your YouTube account and photoshopping screenshots when the entire world can see your channel subscriptions here and read your comments openly here