lost over 2k with birinus.....for some reason, he started trading like leg trader/loser....multiple losing streaks....gave him 3 tries....lost most of my money, to think that i was risking only 1%.......seems like sp is allowing anyone these days...
While I agree he had a bad month in April in May, I don't see how it's possible to lose most of your money at 1%, even with his two bad months.
If you used consistent trade sizes, 200% martingales, and were unlucky enough to only be with him during this bad two months (only april and may), that should be about a 30% drawdown.
Remember what I stated was for the person who wanted to use $500 to trade using money that he really could not afford to risk. I don't know that PI Flow seems very solid if he continues, also some of the other providers with lower ITM%s money wise perform better on an ROI basis outside of a ITM% which would be more useful say if they had a model account to show what the growth would be using money management with geometric progression which is just basically scaling up as your account grows. Some of the better providers ROI wise are over shadowed by raw ITM%s which really can cause problems. If a trader like Pi Flow can keep solid not using martingale well trading like that over time can be very profitable imo on an ROI basis. They might be in the 60% range but if you look at some of the drawdowns and calculate them I see them as being "Grinders" and on a percentage basis far more attractive. Signal Push provides all the numbers if people take the time to crunch them you might be surprised to find with good money management how profitable they could be. This is why maybe showing a ROI stats based on a model account started using X amount of leverage with each provider would imo be more helpful to people picking providers also it would show the more stable ones with TRUE growth.
I agree that it's important to crunch the numbers. As mentioned, a tool will soon be released allowed clients to easily do their calculations. In the meantime, we have a tool on our side that can calculate this. If anyone is curious about the overall P/L for a provider from date x-y with a certain trade size and martingale setting, feel free to email support@signalpush.com and request it.
lost over 2k with birinus.....for some reason, he started trading like leg trader/loser....multiple losing streaks....gave him 3 tries....lost most of my money, to think that i was risking only 1%.......seems like sp is allowing anyone these days...
Furthermore, I looked up your account and your statements are no where near accurate. You did not lose 2k and you only were subscribed for a few weeks in May.
Can I ask SignalPush a question. Assuming the signal providers are great and all users start to make profit, why can't a broker just block your trades through the API? I mean I'm sure you have contracts in place and many brokers will be happy to increase their userbase on the SP website, but at the end of the day doesn't being too successful as a SP user inevitably lead to my account or API being turned off?
Can I ask SignalPush a question. Assuming the signal providers are great and all users start to make profit, why can't a broker just block your trades through the API? I mean I'm sure you have contracts in place and many brokers will be happy to increase their userbase on the SP website, but at the end of the day doesn't being too successful as a SP user inevitably lead to my account or API being turned off?
We have special technology that doesn't use the standard API's that require the platforms to give up access (no, it's not browser ghost clicks). They literally cannot shut us off. Now, shutting off a profitable USER... Of course that's possible, but that's possible even without SP. It shouldn't happen with any of our verified platforms however, as we've made sure our users are left alone.
big deal? i didnt lose 2k, i lost over 1k which is about 2k...like ????? thats not the issue, and yes, the dude almost blew my account at 1%.......i definitely had stop trading barriers , if not it would have been worse....when he was constantly martingaling losses, you would think 1% is a safe number...the guys sucks now, that is all...
one more thing, if you are trading ....ex, you made 5-10 straight losses, stop trading, BUT noooooo!!! this guy just went at it like leg trader, and he didnt use to trade like this before,i cant understand what happened. I checked his past trades before joining him.
big deal? i didnt lose 2k, i lost over 1k which is about 2k...like ????? thats not the issue, and yes, the dude almost blew my account at 1%.......i definitely had stop trading barriers , if not it would have been worse....when he was constantly martingaling losses, you would think 1% is a safe number...the guys sucks now, that is all...
Sorry, 1k is not 2k and again, no way you almost blew your account at 1% using only that provider. Sorry, it's not possible. I've looked at your trade history and it's not true. You also didn't use consistent trade sizes.
Again, not saying I think they are a good provider to join at the moment as they have had recent losing streaks, but I'm saying you aren't as bad off as you said you were.
i was using 1%, so when he is consistently losing money, you dont expect my trade/loss size to remain consistent, now do you? I gave the dude 3 tries with good trade stop margins....blew it all.....And pls stop trying to reduce the bashing i'm giving birinus, anyone who trades that carelessly deserves a bashing.
i was using 1%, so when he is consistently losing money, you dont expect my trade/loss size to remain consistent, now do you? I gave the dude 3 tries with good trade stop margins....blew it all.....And pls stop trying to reduce the bashing i'm giving birinus, anyone who trades that carelessly deserves a bashing.
Nothing wrong with giving bad feedback, but do it with true facts.
Anyone will tell you that if you quickly change your trade sizes, it makes it harder to profit. If you change too quickly when you're in profit, you increase your risk. If you change too quickly when you're losing, you make it harder to recover.
Like I said, you stated you almost blew your account and lost almost 2k. Both were completely false.
And 3 tries? You were only subscribed for a few weeks. You didn't even give him a full month. Not that I blame you for cutting your losses short but again... TRUE FACTS please.
seems you do not wanna have a brain to reason, let me reiterate what i said..i did lose over 1k, and i meant about 2k....which IMO is still the same.
Secondly, i placed my risk... IN YOUR SOFTWARE....at 1%, and martingale double or x2.....i didnt change nothing, he lost so much and this almost blew my account if i did not have the stop trading function.
Thirdly, it is due to this stop trading function that i still have funds in my marketsworld account,i gave him three tries to not fall below, $500, but he kept on loosing and falling below, the stop trading function maybe the only good thing on SP right now.
at least i would have a good idea of what i am getting into. Birinus changed,his trading style and frequency changed, its only gonna get worse if you keep dragging this SP.
seems you do not wanna have a brain to reason, let me reiterate what i said..i did lose over 1k, and i meant about 2k....which IMO is still the same.
Secondly, i placed my risk... IN YOUR SOFTWARE....at 1%, and martingale double or x2.....i didnt change nothing, he lost so much and this almost blew my account if i did not have the stop trading function.
Thirdly, it is due to this stop trading function that i still have funds in my marketsworld account,i gave him three tries to not fall below, $500, but he kept on loosing and falling below, the stop trading function maybe the only good thing on SP right now.
at least i would have a good idea of what i am getting into. Birinus changed,his trading style and frequency changed, its only gonna get worse if you keep dragging this SP.
We know exactly how much you lost and it's not anywhere near 2k. You didn't even get close to wiping your account. You lost 33.5%.
Regarding the trade size setting, many users don't set it at 1% so it's dynamic, they set it at a flat amount which is equal to their start 1%.
Again, if you used accurate facts, we wouldn't of said anything. What we won't accept though is people bashing SP providers with inaccurate information. You want to bash them? That's fine, at least do so without making false statements.
ok, so i didnt lose 2k, but i lost over 1k, fine.....however birinus sucks, and his trading style is more like vortex/leg trader now.....hope that settles it.
ok, so i didnt lose 2k, but i lost over 1k, fine.....however birinus sucks, and his trading style is more like vortex/leg trader now.....hope that settles it.
We agree that his trading is not as good as it used to be. He has been working on putting together an explanation for his clients, which will be sent out to everyone. We'll also post it here.
The market conditions have started to change for summer going to be interesting to see who does well and what methods they are using for summer time trading.. It sucks to have a provider collapse on you also maybe using more then one provider with diversity to offset one vs other might be a good strategy imo as long as you can find the right balance...
I am sorry gabman but your credibility was blown the moment you lied about the amount, yes the provider is doing bad, so you stop using them, If you dont that's about as smart as going to a hooker with 3 diseases, you happen to not catch all 3 so you went back two more times just to finish the job off. But coming here and lying about the amount you lost to prove a point is inmature and shows a bit of your character.
Trading whether you are doing it yourself or some one is doing it for you is a risk and it is a risk that should be approached with the minds set you are going to lose any money you invest, and then decide your risk amount from there.
A better way to approach this would to be maybe post your legit trade history and show the draw down and how his trading effected it so others could learn how to better pick a provider, not coming to a forum to cry about one specific provider with over-inflated stats.
And im sorry if this comes off harsh but lately you see so many self entitled people who just assume they need to be rich overnight without doing any work or research or using any common sense it makes me sick.
**gets of my soapbox and has a beer**
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX) www.tradingaxis.com
I am Signal Push Provider, Birinus. I have never made a habit of monitoring any social media sites as they are full of such a wide range of opinions, they are endless. I have been contacted by Signal Push and they allowed me permission to explain my trading. To be fair to anyone who desires and be transparent, I will be willing to make a few replies if anyone wants to get feedback from my letter below. The reason for my post is the comment recently left about the loss of funds someone spoke about.
Thank you very, very much for your interest. I will explain thoroughly. In the past I have had two strategies. Over the past three months, more weeks than not have offered 100% wins with my primary trading style. What is my primary trading style? Fewer trades per week. This is obviously all documented so you can see for yourself. During the latest three month period, I have had 9 weeks at 100%. A total of 7 statistical trading weeks have been less than 100%, with 3 of those 7 offering over 60% wins which still produce profits. So in effect, over the course of 3 months I have really only had 4 losing weeks. No one else on Signal Push has this many 100% weeks over 3 months; I have researched this to be sure. Believe me, I study my numbers and re-evaluate them often to attempt to produce good results so that we can all enjoy a better income. My secondary trading history has offered many more signals with a winning percentage less than what I can accept for you as current subscribers or potential future subscribers. Some subscribers enjoy the fast paced action and thrill of multiple signals and there are Providers for those people too. Personally, I prefer fewer trades. I began trading in the stock market about 21 years ago and full time with forex 8 years ago. With forex a lot of people jump around from one system to the next hoping for great riches; these ideas are sadly very dishonest and generated by the almost innumerable advertisements. Outside of the big banks, even the best forex traders are sort of two steps forward and one back so-to-speak. Honestly, Signal Push is the most reputable signal service available; I have traded a long time and have too many stories to write about here. So, instead of getting frustrated that we cannot become exceedingly wealthy and purchase everything the many different trading services promise, I am telling you from experience the absolute best way to earn profits – long term. The honest approach, which is what you should hear, is to hope for enough profits to pay your rent or mortgage payment for example. To have a goal such as this is realistic and attainable. To envision bills like this paid is clearer to believe and can happen. I truly am trying to remain humble and give you forthright answers. Many, many people who are attracted to forex are greedy. I have had subscribers who signed up, lost money and then bailed out in short time. If they would have just hung on and allowed a few months to pass, looking back they would have made profits. No one can possibly promise or make profits month after month after month except the few big banks that can literally move the markets. There is definitely skill involved for the traders as myself who have experience, but patience and realistic goals are needed. One must decide to use less funds per trade such as $15, $25 or maybe $50. There are other techniques too like turning your S.P. terminal on/off while using higher amounts of money but this can be risky. This way one can handle a losing streak. Again, if you can get yourself to accept doing nothing but investing your money while someone else does the work and you can get a bill of some sort paid each month, it still will make your life easier. If you want to buy a car or luxurious home the websites advertise, it just isn’t going to happen. Many people who are in forex are younger, high energy, and too aggressive with little patience, and unrealistic expectations. Money can be made in forex but it takes time. I have been trading for 8 years full time and pay my bills and eat every day, so I do know what I am doing. I truly hope this lengthy letter has answered some questions and helped you out. As I said on my Provider page, I really do care about you and my name. Very gratefully and most sincerely I thank you for your time to work hard to earn profits for you. Take care.
why do you guys keep talking about the particular amount i lost, bryanmac, i lost over 1k, and i said about 2k, i never went there to verify my losses?? i could care less about how much exactly i lost......you are missing the point.
the point is that his trading style changed and it now sucks, that is all.
bririnus might probably change in future now that he has been called out, but personally, i would not join his subscription again. Talking about credibility bryanmac, SP said i changed my trade sizes.....LIE............ but this lie is so irrelevant pertaining to the main issue, you should also call SP out if you are calling out lies....smh
so gabman post up your trades and lets see those trade sizes just saying, if your right i have no reason to call SP a liar you will prove they are , but as you have not posted anything as of yet and Im pretty sure signal push can not as it would be breaking a few laws prove me wrong and ill eat my words and apologize.
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX) www.tradingaxis.com
bririnus might probably change in future now that he has been called out, but personally, i would not join his subscription again. Talking about credibility bryanmac, SP said i changed my trade sizes.....LIE............ but this lie is so irrelevant pertaining to the main issue, you should also call SP out if you are calling out lies....smh
Change trade size = 1% dynamic = each trade is different = harder to recover
Gabman, since you posted first after my letter, I can tell you simply to re-read it perhaps. My trading style has not changed at all. I simply have taken longer trade times but nothing else has changed. There are not all of a sudden 50 trades per week or only one. This week has offered 100% with 11 trades which follows precisely the approximate amount of trades during the many other 100% weeks. Forex is extremely risky and it takes a tremendous amount of patience to attain overall long term profits. No one can consistently trade win after win weekly or even monthly except the big banks. I truly hope this helps clear up any questions. Thank you.
That's the downside of using balance stops and cutting losses early, you don't give providers a chance to recover. If they do, you miss it. Any successful trader will tell you that there may be not only days that lose but weeks or months. Look at almost all successful hedge funds, they have losing periods too and they are getting paid way more than $99/mo.
You were subscribed for under a month. I understand the frustration of signing up to a provider who is doing well and then they do worse. I really do. But even myself and other expert traders I know like Bryan have losing streaks. This is why we implemented the sub insurance, to try and make it easier to stick around during down periods.
People really need to get short term stats out of their head. Look long term. Stop trying to get rich off $500. I personally would not subscribe to any new provider until they had a few months of live performance. You can then know that the live is profitable or not but you know that the beta period was profitable and they also had to show us months of prior profitable history before even getting to beta.
Sure, some providers have gone a bit crazy with the martingales. This is why we are transparent. You can see all the stats and trades before joining. You can see what sort of tendencies they have. Does this predict the future? Of course not, they are humans. Humans are driven by emotion. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Do your homework, think longer term, and use good money management. Just because a provider uses martingale, doesn't mean you have to.
we should just stop talking about this,because we would agree to disagree, maybe you need to see how options domination trades are done....no promo intended here....just the truth.
we should just stop talking about this,because we would agree to disagree, maybe you need to see how options domination trades are done....no promo intended here....just the truth.
We've heard good things about OD, and them of us. Which is why we are talking about working together.
I like these OD people, even if they are marketers. They are HARD core into providing winning signals for their members. I can't imagine the bin brokers are not going "WTF!" Oddly enough I don't get tons of feedback from regs of the bin world about them but instead their membership is made up mostly of people/marketers of the Drop Ship Domination/mlm realm which means 100% newbies with less then ZERO knowledge of the trading world and or Bins. I find that amazing and disturbing at the same time. So let me get this straight all these people with all their $$$ from marketing or whatever are going to be using profitable signals/methods off the spectrum of bin brokers... Pick me up sometime tomorrow off the floor... Trading is a zero sum game, somebody got to lose somebody got to win...
ALL of your problems are over guys! YOU CAN'T LOSE!!! This guy below is offering his special sauce, magical indicator that offers 80-85% win rates and if you lose a trade by some miracle of fate then his other "SECRET WEAPON" will erase all losses for you! For sure he needs to be a Signal Provider for who ever because I want to sign-up now! "Please note this was pure sarcasm..." Only $1,019.00 a month if you are not part of his TEAM on Options Domination.. Now that is a deal!
We were discussing "Signal Providers" in the room here from going over there stats is what I think are the true rankings but the raw stats you see. The BSB guy imo with his style and methodology is the most professional I have seen yet on signal push and think he has the best chances of holding #1 the longest then second PIflow then Ace and last Legendary which I really don't think he will be there long and even though he has that streak, odds are its just a matter of time with his poor emotional control... Its easy to see who the better traders are outside of their SP rank... If I was going to sub to anybody it would be to the first 2 and then maybe risk a bit on the 3rd, from there its all money management...
We were discussing "Signal Providers" in the room here from going over there stats is what I think are the true rankings but the raw stats you see. The BSB guy imo with his style and methodology is the most professional I have seen yet on signal push and think he has the best chances of holding #1 the longest then second PIflow then Ace and last Legendary which I really don't think he will be there long and even though he has that streak, odds are its just a matter of time with his poor emotional control... Its easy to see who the better traders are outside of their SP rank...
If you used consistent trade sizes, 200% martingales, and were unlucky enough to only be with him during this bad two months (only april and may), that should be about a 30% drawdown.
Again, not saying I think they are a good provider to join at the moment as they have had recent losing streaks, but I'm saying you aren't as bad off as you said you were.
Anyone will tell you that if you quickly change your trade sizes, it makes it harder to profit. If you change too quickly when you're in profit, you increase your risk. If you change too quickly when you're losing, you make it harder to recover.
Like I said, you stated you almost blew your account and lost almost 2k. Both were completely false.
And 3 tries? You were only subscribed for a few weeks. You didn't even give him a full month. Not that I blame you for cutting your losses short but again... TRUE FACTS please.
Secondly, i placed my risk... IN YOUR SOFTWARE....at 1%, and martingale double or x2.....i didnt change nothing, he lost so much and this almost blew my account if i did not have the stop trading function.
Thirdly, it is due to this stop trading function that i still have funds in my marketsworld account,i gave him three tries to not fall below, $500, but he kept on loosing and falling below, the stop trading function maybe the only good thing on SP right now.
If i had invested with these guys====>>>>
at least i would have a good idea of what i am getting into. Birinus changed,his trading style and frequency changed, its only gonna get worse if you keep dragging this SP.
Regarding the trade size setting, many users don't set it at 1% so it's dynamic, they set it at a flat amount which is equal to their start 1%.
Again, if you used accurate facts, we wouldn't of said anything. What we won't accept though is people bashing SP providers with inaccurate information. You want to bash them? That's fine, at least do so without making false statements.
Trading whether you are doing it yourself or some one is doing it for you is a risk and it is a risk that should be approached with the minds set you are going to lose any money you invest, and then decide your risk amount from there.
A better way to approach this would to be maybe post your legit trade history and show the draw down and how his trading effected it so others could learn how to better pick a provider, not coming to a forum to cry about one specific provider with over-inflated stats.
And im sorry if this comes off harsh but lately you see so many self entitled people who just assume they need to be rich overnight without doing any work or research or using any common sense it makes me sick.
**gets of my soapbox and has a beer**
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
I am Signal Push Provider, Birinus. I have never made a habit of monitoring any social media sites as they are full of such a wide range of opinions, they are endless. I have been contacted by Signal Push and they allowed me permission to explain my trading. To be fair to anyone who desires and be transparent, I will be willing to make a few replies if anyone wants to get feedback from my letter below. The reason for my post is the comment recently left about the loss of funds someone spoke about.
Thank you very, very much for your interest. I will explain thoroughly. In the past I have had two strategies. Over the past three months, more weeks than not have offered 100% wins with my primary trading style. What is my primary trading style? Fewer trades per week. This is obviously all documented so you can see for yourself. During the latest three month period, I have had 9 weeks at 100%. A total of 7 statistical trading weeks have been less than 100%, with 3 of those 7 offering over 60% wins which still produce profits. So in effect, over the course of 3 months I have really only had 4 losing weeks. No one else on Signal Push has this many 100% weeks over 3 months; I have researched this to be sure. Believe me, I study my numbers and re-evaluate them often to attempt to produce good results so that we can all enjoy a better income. My secondary trading history has offered many more signals with a winning percentage less than what I can accept for you as current subscribers or potential future subscribers. Some subscribers enjoy the fast paced action and thrill of multiple signals and there are Providers for those people too. Personally, I prefer fewer trades. I began trading in the stock market about 21 years ago and full time with forex 8 years ago. With forex a lot of people jump around from one system to the next hoping for great riches; these ideas are sadly very dishonest and generated by the almost innumerable advertisements. Outside of the big banks, even the best forex traders are sort of two steps forward and one back so-to-speak. Honestly, Signal Push is the most reputable signal service available; I have traded a long time and have too many stories to write about here. So, instead of getting frustrated that we cannot become exceedingly wealthy and purchase everything the many different trading services promise, I am telling you from experience the absolute best way to earn profits – long term. The honest approach, which is what you should hear, is to hope for enough profits to pay your rent or mortgage payment for example. To have a goal such as this is realistic and attainable. To envision bills like this paid is clearer to believe and can happen. I truly am trying to remain humble and give you forthright answers. Many, many people who are attracted to forex are greedy. I have had subscribers who signed up, lost money and then bailed out in short time. If they would have just hung on and allowed a few months to pass, looking back they would have made profits. No one can possibly promise or make profits month after month after month except the few big banks that can literally move the markets. There is definitely skill involved for the traders as myself who have experience, but patience and realistic goals are needed. One must decide to use less funds per trade such as $15, $25 or maybe $50. There are other techniques too like turning your S.P. terminal on/off while using higher amounts of money but this can be risky. This way one can handle a losing streak. Again, if you can get yourself to accept doing nothing but investing your money while someone else does the work and you can get a bill of some sort paid each month, it still will make your life easier. If you want to buy a car or luxurious home the websites advertise, it just isn’t going to happen. Many people who are in forex are younger, high energy, and too aggressive with little patience, and unrealistic expectations. Money can be made in forex but it takes time. I have been trading for 8 years full time and pay my bills and eat every day, so I do know what I am doing. I truly hope this lengthy letter has answered some questions and helped you out. As I said on my Provider page, I really do care about you and my name. Very gratefully and most sincerely I thank you for your time to work hard to earn profits for you. Take care.
the point is that his trading style changed and it now sucks, that is all.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
You were subscribed for under a month. I understand the frustration of signing up to a provider who is doing well and then they do worse. I really do. But even myself and other expert traders I know like Bryan have losing streaks. This is why we implemented the sub insurance, to try and make it easier to stick around during down periods.
People really need to get short term stats out of their head. Look long term. Stop trying to get rich off $500. I personally would not subscribe to any new provider until they had a few months of live performance. You can then know that the live is profitable or not but you know that the beta period was profitable and they also had to show us months of prior profitable history before even getting to beta.
Sure, some providers have gone a bit crazy with the martingales. This is why we are transparent. You can see all the stats and trades before joining. You can see what sort of tendencies they have. Does this predict the future? Of course not, they are humans. Humans are driven by emotion. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Do your homework, think longer term, and use good money management. Just because a provider uses martingale, doesn't mean you have to.