Hello,can anyone advise please please! im looking for best binary options broke with small minimal deposit i don't think iq options sounds great after reading peoples experience with them. has anyone tried 10 Markets? or DUMB C*NT Trading owned by BIGGER DUMB C*NT who was on channel 4 recently. i know he charges £107 a month but i think if he's good then it be worth it. any replies greatly appreciated.
You are wasting your time he can't trade and 10markets is a bucket shop you will likely lose your money there. Stick to services where you can learn to trade not gimicks. Also stick to brokers that will pay you not bucketshops..
Hello,can anyone advise please please! im looking for best binary options broke with small minimal deposit i don't think iq options sounds great after reading peoples experience with them. has anyone tried 10 Markets? or DCT Trading owned by Elijah Oyefeso who was on channel 4 recently. i know he charges £107 a month but i think if he's good then it be worth it. any replies greatly appreciated.
thank you for your response lotzofbotz , you'll have to forgive me for my ignorance but what do you mean by bucketshop? all these binary option brokers look the same when you look at their website, how do you really distinguish? do you think its necessary to have a broker? how can i learn to read the signals myself? it looks very complex but im very keen to learn. how do you trade?
I have seen live trades from him. His trading is crap and the only thing it will do is churn your account, maybe I will show his live results as he would not want to post them and judging by how bad they are and I don't blame him... Maybe we should all go shopping for the homeless in ShoreDitch, because we know homeless people need designer clothing to keep warm in the winter. What kind of retard is he? Maybe he can invite them to Nobu for dinner next, because homeless people would love the ambiance there! Everywhere phucktards like this turkey I should ban you for just being stupid... Many of you should not even be registered as Homo sapiens. I surely do not wish to think I share any genetic code with these absolutely stupid _unts! Brooksley is a stupid spammer wasting our time. Again if you want good services that are REAL watch my vids. Thanks!
Our present day research redresses this matter, researchers have understood that gut perilous dangerous malware produces neuroA mental imbalance VitaPulse
Deletes his link but keeps what he said and goes "WTF?" talk about a translation to english going wrong lol
For thos who think the demo is a scam... today i tested it out for 5 hours (12pm to 5pm). I have a second screen with software running the same charts. Just so i can be sure the 'realtime' and 'real data' is actually really real . And it is. IQ Option shows REAL data in the demo.. so No scam. Stop saying the demo is sucking you in because that's what's the demo's job is for.. But it's not sucking you in with false promises and false data.
Now, I made some mistakes in the beginning (new strategy).. but once I got the hang of it I made lots of money.
Yes it was a demo account but to stay in realistic numbers I ruled myself to not invest large sums of money. Only 10 euro's per time. When i lost, I didnt try to cover it with larger numbers. Just waited for the next opportunity and so on. I made 150 euro's in those 5 hours.
Here is a screenshot of the proof that IQ option is showing realtime data. The candlebars were closing exactly at the same time as in the other program. Maybe 500ms later but not more. If it's not the same on your computer, I think it's your slow (may I say shitty? ) computer that's causing the delay .
I'm a total newbe, just started on this whole thing 2 days ago. But I already understand the basics. And yes, like all of you I also lost lots of money in the beginning. But that's no problem with a Demo account . Currently I'm on a 70% win vs 30% lose. The thing is.. I will not even deposit money before that win percentage has reached and stayed above 75% for at least 5 days straight. After that I will consider doing it in real.
Make rules for yourself people. It's not always the broker's fault .
That's a complete scam they make money out of your option....if you chose put they make it call in order for you to lose, the IQ option is not live as per the real forex market
i m newbie ... i m trying IQ Option and it works good ... u must try it when is london and NY market hours http://www.forexmarkethours.com/ ... In this time is the best time to trade ... IQ option havent high and low prize of currencies its average, and it looks as scam ... but if u take screen shot and take low (f.e. 5) and high (f.e. 7) u ll see at IQ option average of this two walues (in our example it s 6) ... i was angry too, when i loose my money. Then i start testing that platform... and now i m 100 -> 225 € ... i know its not much but i m waiting for summer holidays
for proof (check range of selected period, only 100 deposit, i refused bonus)
Let me just say if you are a gambling addict that tries to trade on the weekend then you are a FOOL and should look for something else to do with your time as you are just paying the broker to trade. No there is no real market open on the weekend and the prices they post are pure FICTION = DON'T TRADE ON THE WEEKEND STUPID!!!
I am new to options trading and up untilaybe 2months, i didnt even know there was something called an option. So still trying to figure everything out
1. Found this forum becoz i wanted to hear a bit about Options Trading and IQ Options becoz they were and as i type still are my only options broker. For the benefit of others, i have "generally" found their platform user friendly and awesome. I have also found if you use the debit/ credit cards you used for deposits for withdrawals, it takes a shorter timer. However there is a limit to that method. 2. The challenge i "feel" is there is their risk management. They tech feels like it tries to minimize risk and hence screw you over. Im not a tech guru so im hoping one here will explore and share 3. Anyone wants to walk me through options trading, use of metatraders, indicators. Im totally blank. I am open to side chats if necessary
that's a big request, I think you need to look through the forum, read the articles on strategy expiry indicators etc and then come back with some specific questions we can answer for you.
Interesting reading, I am just a noob having some fun on the trading accounts (Practice) Ive watched many videos and tutorials and so on.. I trade only Monday to Friday, although they trade bitcoin at the weekends? Yes I did take a peek on the weekend as its extra time for fooling around. I get the feeling that some people just jump into this expecting to make a fortune and its pretty clear that wont happen. Lotzofbotz Ive watched your videos and some of them seem pretty dam amazing those algorithms must have taken some time to create, I would be interested to watch you do this live or even tear apart my practice IQ account I can apply sole access via a secure connection for you should you wish to take me up on the offer. You could then at least verify Scam or no scam
Im no guru and as for Ne0Que been at the 70% mark after 2 days I find this incredible, Talented guy?... Can this level really be achieved in 2 days?
Im finding ill get around 4 or 5 trades good and then loose a few oddly in a row! Ive even tried placing a call and a put at almost the exact same times and still lost lol. All in the name of learning and fiddling to understand what I am doing seen as its no loss to me. The only down side i see to me messing around is sometime in the very near future im going to have to tighten my belt and start trading in a "structured" fashion. That said I have a plan and when I feel like I have made every mistake under the sun I will structure myself as I planned but for now its a feeling about the software and how it works and layouts that fit me.
Why gee thanks but i am a proponent of people learning to trade for themselves, if you do use a signal providing service I think most should use them to learn trading. Watching their trades is great education and will reduce the burden of time it takes to learn to trade properly.
Well I don't mind putting in the effort im 100 quid up today! ohhhhh im in the money hahahahaha. Nah but in all honesty I made a close call and a good call, but they did pay off, only small trades are being taken as expectations are I couldn't invest a thousand pounds and loose it in only 3 or 4 bids trying to make big profits... Build it up take a percentage and build some more. Patience apparently is a virtue and virtue's to take time.
This is where MM comes into play right now I am trading light with summer and the brexit has totally screwed the market so keeping trade sizes small until the market makes more sense. Money Management is where you make money over time and trumps everything else including talent systems markets ect ect...
Im working on money management I have seen several strategy's for loosing money and also several for making money so once I have a better Idea of the markets and making my bids I can test the strategy's and see what one fits me If I dont have the capacity to come up with my own.
I'm joining IQoptions today. Made a Skrill account. Waiting for Skrill to withdraw a random small amount for verification.. I will start with $10 Skrill require 1.9 percent in upload fee but apparently no withdrawal fees so that's good. I am projecting a good week to come. Will keep you guys updated. If I am scammed(lose) I will tell you ^_^ Much love
Okey.. So Skrill was pretty fast withdrawing the small amount from my bank account. Now I was going to put the $10 and I just needed to fill in some securitydetails. Then Skrill-mastercard asked for a phone number. I don't use a phone but what the heck so I went on.. They asked for a Danish phone number.. I do not even live in Denmark I live in Greenland. OMG! Now I have to write a friend who lives in DK to ask him nicely if he will help me with my transfer. Camaan
Okey.. So Skrill was pretty fast withdrawing the small amount from my bank account. Now I was going to put the $10 and I just needed to fill in some securitydetails. Then Skrill-mastercard asked for a phone number. I don't use a phone but what the heck so I went on.. They asked for a Danish phone number.. I do not even live in Denmark I live in Greenland. OMG! Now I have to write a friend who lives in DK to ask him nicely if he will help me with my transfer. Camaan
Good job BlueBird! I have opened also account on iq options like week ago but still playing with practice - still learning. BTW good topic with alot information. I deposited 10 euro with card but I know that will windraw with skrill and try later the skrill card(mayby some one is some experience with that thing too?). Keep it up!
Nossa faz tempo que eu não entro nesse fórum... A um pouco mais de 1 ano quando fiz meus comentários ainda estava no aprendizado... Acredito que em comparação com o meu eu de um ano atrás em termos de operações estou bem melhor... Atualmente estou utilizando o método OLIVER VELEZ com algumas adaptações que envolve MARTINGALE e RSI... também uso uma pequena PLANILHA que maximiza meu martingale... Hoje sou usuário VIP da corretora iq option... Conheci muita coisa... aprendi muita coisa... também apanhei muito (malditos DEALERS)... Estou mais DISCIPLINADO... seguindo horários de operação... parando quando tenho que parar ou alterando a estratégia quando tenho que alterar, aumentando o TEMPO GRÁFICO e o TEMPO OPERACIONAL... NÃO opero quando há NOTÍCIAS... aprendi do modo mais difícil... Também passei a ter uma agenda que uso como uma espécie de DIÁRIO para fazer as anotações todos os dias... Semanalmente estou conseguindo sacar entre 300 e 500... posso até fazer mais... porém prefiro seguir com cautela... quando se tem muito dinheiro para operar na conta real fica mais difícil de se movimentar... há o fator psicológico envolvido... prefiro caminhar dentro da minha zona de conforto... A uns dois meses perdi meu emprego formal e estou fazendo o que posso para poder viver apenas dos mercados... (DEUS ESTEJA COMIGO!) Já fiz minhas operações de hoje... Agora se me dão licença vou tomar meu café da manhã enquanto assisto um ANIME...
Question re: IQoption. when I go to their website, and try to register, it blocks me because I'm American..but, if I use a VPN...? What kind of docs would I need to verify my account? I'm happy(so far) at marketsworld, but, I'm wondering if I would have more "options" at IQoption.
Question re: IQoption. when I go to their website, and try to register, it blocks me because I'm American..but, if I use a VPN...? What kind of docs would I need to verify my account? I'm happy(so far) at marketsworld, but, I'm wondering if I would have more "options" at IQoption.
If you are in US, I suggest you look into Nadex. They won't allow US clients and they can get into trouble for allowing you. There is also another risk, say you manage to register and make some money, then comes the time to withdraw and they won't allow you and just return your deposit because you are based in US and hence not allowed to trade. So better stay safe and go with Nadex for now.
Question re: IQoption. when I go to their website, and try to register, it blocks me because I'm American..but, if I use a VPN...? What kind of docs would I need to verify my account? I'm happy(so far) at marketsworld, but, I'm wondering if I would have more "options" at IQoption.
If you are in US, I suggest you look into Nadex. They won't allow US clients and they can get into trouble for allowing you. There is also another risk, say you manage to register and make some money, then comes the time to withdraw and they won't allow you and just return your deposit because you are based in US and hence not allowed to trade. So better stay safe and go with Nadex for now.
hi guys am new here and i need some help am trying to find a good and trusted broker with second trade and one dollar stake any help please ? THANK YOU IN FRONT
hi guys am new here and i need some help am trying to find a good and trusted broker with second trade and one dollar stake any help please ? THANK YOU IN FRONT
Deletes his link but keeps what he said and goes "WTF?" talk about a translation to english going wrong lol
Now, I made some mistakes in the beginning (new strategy).. but once I got the hang of it I made lots of money.
Yes it was a demo account but to stay in realistic numbers I ruled myself to not invest large sums of money. Only 10 euro's per time. When i lost, I didnt try to cover it with larger numbers. Just waited for the next opportunity and so on. I made 150 euro's in those 5 hours.
Here is a screenshot of the proof that IQ option is showing realtime data. The candlebars were closing exactly at the same time as in the other program. Maybe 500ms later but not more. If it's not the same on your computer, I think it's your slow (may I say shitty?
I'm a total newbe, just started on this whole thing 2 days ago. But I already understand the basics. And yes, like all of you I also lost lots of money in the beginning. But that's no problem with a Demo account
Make rules for yourself people. It's not always the broker's fault
In this time is the best time to trade ...
IQ option havent high and low prize of currencies its average, and it looks as scam ... but if u take screen shot and take low (f.e. 5) and high (f.e. 7) u ll see at IQ option average of this two walues (in our example it s 6) ... i was angry too, when i loose my money. Then i start testing that platform... and now i m 100 -> 225 € ... i know its not much but i m waiting for summer holidays
for proof (check range of selected period, only 100 deposit, i refused bonus)
I am new to options trading and up untilaybe 2months, i didnt even know there was something called an option. So still trying to figure everything out
1. Found this forum becoz i wanted to hear a bit about Options Trading and IQ Options becoz they were and as i type still are my only options broker. For the benefit of others, i have "generally" found their platform user friendly and awesome. I have also found if you use the debit/ credit cards you used for deposits for withdrawals, it takes a shorter timer. However there is a limit to that method.
2. The challenge i "feel" is there is their risk management. They tech feels like it tries to minimize risk and hence screw you over. Im not a tech guru so im hoping one here will explore and share
3. Anyone wants to walk me through options trading, use of metatraders, indicators. Im totally blank. I am open to side chats if necessary
Lotzofbotz Ive watched your videos and some of them seem pretty dam amazing those algorithms must have taken some time to create, I would be interested to watch you do this live or even tear apart my practice IQ account
Im no guru and as for Ne0Que been at the 70% mark after 2 days I find this incredible, Talented guy?... Can this level really be achieved in 2 days?
Im finding ill get around 4 or 5 trades good and then loose a few oddly in a row! Ive even tried placing a call and a put at almost the exact same times and still lost lol. All in the name of learning and fiddling to understand what I am doing seen as its no loss to me. The only down side i see to me messing around is sometime in the very near future im going to have to tighten my belt and start trading in a "structured" fashion. That said I have a plan and when I feel like I have made every mistake under the sun I will structure myself as I planned but for now its a feeling about the software and how it works and layouts that fit me.
I deposited 10 euro with card but I know that will windraw with skrill and try later the skrill card(mayby some one is some experience with that thing too?).
Keep it up!
A um pouco mais de 1 ano quando fiz meus comentários ainda estava no aprendizado...
Acredito que em comparação com o meu eu de um ano atrás em termos de operações estou bem melhor...
Atualmente estou utilizando o método OLIVER VELEZ com algumas adaptações que envolve MARTINGALE e RSI... também uso uma pequena PLANILHA que maximiza meu martingale...
Hoje sou usuário VIP da corretora iq option...
Conheci muita coisa... aprendi muita coisa... também apanhei muito (malditos DEALERS)...
Estou mais DISCIPLINADO... seguindo horários de operação... parando quando tenho que parar ou alterando a estratégia quando tenho que alterar, aumentando o TEMPO GRÁFICO e o TEMPO OPERACIONAL... NÃO opero quando há NOTÍCIAS... aprendi do modo mais difícil...
Também passei a ter uma agenda que uso como uma espécie de DIÁRIO para fazer as anotações todos os dias...
Semanalmente estou conseguindo sacar entre 300 e 500... posso até fazer mais... porém prefiro seguir com cautela... quando se tem muito dinheiro para operar na conta real fica mais difícil de se movimentar... há o fator psicológico envolvido... prefiro caminhar dentro da minha zona de conforto...
A uns dois meses perdi meu emprego formal e estou fazendo o que posso para poder viver apenas dos mercados... (DEUS ESTEJA COMIGO!)
Já fiz minhas operações de hoje...
Agora se me dão licença vou tomar meu café da manhã enquanto assisto um ANIME...
They won't allow US clients and they can get into trouble for allowing you.
There is also another risk, say you manage to register and make some money, then comes
the time to withdraw and they won't allow you and just return your deposit because you are
based in US and hence not allowed to trade. So better stay safe and go with Nadex for now.
http://www.binaryoptions.net/brokers/ - read some reviews, see what you like and don't like before moving ahead.