Forums Commercial Marketplace

Skype trading group

gsofosgsofos Posts: 2
edited February 2015 in Commercial Marketplace
Hi people

We are group of traders who are trading Binary Options using a common system, rules and money management on Skype.The group is nearly 2 years old and after the success it was decided to increase the available slots. So please see below a video explaining all details and please if anyone is interested please pm.

We are not signal sellers or any other system claiming holy grails and stuff. The group is consisted from real traders, hard work, education and most important real people.



  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    Look if you guys want to promote a group in here fine. But you will have to go through the LotzofBotz taste test for a few weeks and allow me to post a review that will be 100% honest coming from a trader not a marketer and being you are from Cyprus the trust level for you is very low... So let me know if you want the challenge and I will open this op to others trying to sell signals/groups. We simply want a honest transparent 3rd party point of view..
  • gsofosgsofos Posts: 2

    Thanks but any tests are not allowed for obvious reasons.

    And you cannot blame all dog breeds if one dog bites someone. So for m being from Cyprus doesn't mean anything.

  • eldiablo54eldiablo54 Posts: 2
    edited February 2015
    Dear Lotz, I do believe you know me as I know you from Bryans Group Days. We have spoken on numerous times. And If I recall correctly I have helped and shared with you alot of things in the past. And we know each other even before that from previous forums like BOD. I do believe that there is no need to prove our system as you have known of us for the past more than 2 years. As you know we have helped numerous people in this industry putting systems together this includes the Vc with COG that is discussed here that was started by us and developed by us in BOD. So respectively I think you do not need to take our system for a test drive as you have seen it, you have seen peoples attempts to copy it but not succeeding. George is a member not an owner or admin. He wanted to share what he feels is a good addition to other people. I think its fair to afford him this as this is a forum for the public.

    Lotz you have me on skype if you have any concerns please feel free to contact me.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    This is not the place to market ok. You are the same forex mafia group that could not trade for sh*t and lost peoples money right? Maybe instead of trying sell your system you might wish to learn to use it yourselves! You no talent dolts. The reason many market is because they can't trade for themselves. You are from Cyprus connected to someway to the brokers and it makes sense considering what absolute sh*t you guys talked about results for forex mafia and then did nothing but lose.. That is called HYPE bs marketing and worse you might have did this on purpose if I think logically to lose the sheeples money.. Now as a mod I am forced to deal with you in the way Bryan wishes as he is 100% correct, you are scumbags and need to be taken to the trash.. Go fool people who don't have brains, as far as I am concerned you are untalented scammers.. Try to market that crap again here and I will start banning you guys... And if you don't like my reasoning well look at your past history and think in a common sense fashion, oh and GO F*CK YOURSELVES!
  • eldiablo54eldiablo54 Posts: 2
    Lol Lotz, First off I think you need to get your facts right. Forex MAfia was owned by us. Also Any money lost was paid back to all members. We where in that group but neither myself or partner traded or lost any members money of that group. As you where not part of that group I do not know where you get your facts from but you are clearly mislead. Further for a guy that sold a system that no longer exist you have a rather big mouth. If you like I could post your system here for review. Then we see who sells bullshit. As for Bryan. If he has a problem again he may contact me in Skype. As for your vulgar language it shows your maturity in dealing with things and leaves me wondering how a person like you is put in a mod position. And I guess I will get banned for this but at the end of the day its the truth. I will ask this member not to share his opinion here. You are clearly a racist, daddy issue child. That has accomplished nothing other than shooting his mouth off. We are the most hated by you system sellers because our system is the only system that has stood through every market when yours clearly fail. Thank you for your time. Im done here and ill ask my member to stop as you clearly want to mislead people to buy your useless 25$ system thats rewashed things we designed. So going forward again I will ask my member to refrain from posting. We where prepared to prove a point by running it in your live chat but I dont see the need when people disrespect people based on their geographical location and fither more adress people in such a vulgar manner instead of explaining the rules set down by the site owner. Have a nice day.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    All a smoke screen you simply have nothing worthwhile to sell and create a smoke screen by trying to turn it around on me? Seriously you think that is going to fly? No I will not ban you and I will just argue with you back and forth simple fact is you guys can't trade, you suck and you keep trying to sell the same free methods to people that anybody can find on BOD/Here and else where. You and the guys with the magic yellow arrows are a joke to me. Real trading requires skill far beyond what your monkey brains can produce. You are free to argue with me all you like just don't try to post that crap fake ass trading method/system here or I will ban you scamming kunts in a blink.. Why don't you take a semafor and shove it up your a$$! Bryan actually wanted to ban you I am like no I want to play! So you should thank me instead for even listening to you haha...
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    Another thing I don't sell anything, everything I do is really free, only Bryan does and what he sells is a complete system based on things that have existed before your group though Thierry and a few others of you wish to pretend you created all of options trading, well before their was binary options people were using the same indicators/methods that you seem to think you own... I can actually dig through the linage/heritage of how each element of your method/systems such as MBFX came into being with a good deal of accuracy and its not from Thierry or a few others of you that think you own the methods of trading you use lol.. Do you want to know why people find value charts useful by the way for mean reversion trading? Do you even know the psychological reasoning behind the indicators you use? I doubt it... If you think you can show live trades and promote your system with screen sharing like me and Bryan, feel free because I doubt you would even attempt it. I would so allow you to, unless you wish to try to charge us and make us sign disclosure agreements lol. What phucking dolts.. I would trade head to head with live screens against any of you turkeys real time with recording it for a future video by me lol..


    See people like this don't even believe in their own abilities or products. I have nothing to sell and any vendor that thinks they are all that can trade live vs me in the chatroom with screen sharing to prove it. I am all for people promoting just show me proof that you are not retarded and have something others would find useful..
  • neha_648neha_648 Posts: 4
    edited July 2015
    is it free or what are the charges of joining?
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    FREE sounds good to me lol. To trade vs anybody would be free I just wanted to show that most can't trade realtime and mostly the mouthy marketers are the ones that can't.. I can and do it live with screen sharing. No takers gee go figure... Would make a great video though!
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    it seems there is so much marketing ploys now ..Why not just trade , instead over the past however many years people are hell bent on selling something or other ..Fair enough if the person has put the time and effort in on whatever there selling but it seems most are selling things that are or were 100% free for example people are trying to sell this calculator ..It gives you great money management and stops you losing ,and i agree its a great tool ,is it worth anything ? well no as bryan put the link to one up in chat today for free ..So how the hell do people get away with selling free things its like me going and downloading say team-viewer and then buttering it up adding soem glitz glam and a long assed video and offering it to new users for $100 ..How the heck are people falling for free things ..Ive seen what bryan/Okane/Lotz do on here and not sooking up anyones asses but ive seen some things they offer FREE ..And on other sites you pay for it ? now id understand if say bryan put 20 videos together and asked people for some kind of donation as hes put the work in ..its pretty disheartening to see the work that these guys put in when they really dont need to there all earning a living of full time trading they do not need us , they can just log out of here and thats it no one gets FREE information .Today i joined live chat just as it was ending and bryan decided to go on for an extra 15 mins as people joined late , now in that 15 mins he could have made who knows £2000 quid with 3x5 mins trades ..I think people need to take a little time and realise that what were receiving on here is out the goodness of all the decent traders hearts ..If that wasnt enough there offering yous to do a trade of with them ..Allowing yous to sell your product ..But because yous were in such a group use think yous get a pass go card ..No live trading to prove yourself ..Go $uckin spam else where im sick seeing the same $hit every day ..Rant over :)
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    I really want to wait for the "Signal Rush" FRONT END to be completed before I go off on an transparent educational auto-trading rant. That way you can see the full statistics of what I am speaking off instead of my just mouthing off. In the mean time I will have this thread for educational examples of REAL trading not BS marketing but just glimpses of the what is. Real trading is often very dull and its really more about good money management and discipline then anything. Last week I was a bit in the red sucked for me had like a handful of trades spent hours not getting paid saying "that sucks oh that sucks oh yeah can't trade that.." Not emotional trying to win or fight the market because I WANT or feel the need to trade but rather listening to what I was being told OBJECTIVELY not SUBJECTIVELY. No matter what the reason was I did not have an edge so I did not trade much or use much $ to trade. If the conditions were reversed I would have traded more and used more leverage based on the information I was being given by the market.
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    For me i find days where its just like "mehhh" and even tho you try and stick to money management and no its a crappy day sometimes you just say i will still give it a go , even tho you no its allot of crap ..And this is another thing that pisses me of ,and i understand why real traders get pissed of with is the fact that anyone who does trade has to sit in front of charts all day long ..And people find it boring well i say if you find it boring then its not for you , dont go looking for something thats going to trade for you ..The fella i deal with one of his customers said he has not got time to load charts and watch so he wants something that will pic the trade and place it for him ,my guy made it for him but in my eyes i hope it fails because thats just totally lazy ,i think people need to watch more of bryans videos ..Would a bank pay you %%% for keeping $250 in your account for a week well no ..Do you have a job ? well if not and you have the time then give trading a shot ..Man u can trade $1 trades imagine doing 50000 of them a day lol , na but i think even doing that ..Its alll adding up and helping towards the future of your trading life ..Im gibbering on now ..I think people get my drift ..If not i understand ,im scottish i do gibber piss .. :cold_sweat:
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Phuck that I don't care if its boring or not I have to get paid my GF is expensive! As are my hobbies.

    I have several bottles from this vineyard that are North of $700 each so I prefer a nice flowing market as well as wine...

  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    All women are expensive....What i find funny is she will do the washing and the drum roll comes ...Ule never guess what i found ..I say yea ? £250 in your pocket ..Like someone else had put it there and she found it ..She will then spend it thinking its a ok as she "found it" ..And spending money on the kids "doesn't count" oh right ..So we just pretend the money we spend on the wee ones is free ..Lol i want to build a man cave ..a little shed with a full pc set up and bar ..I may say "its for the kids" to get round it
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    lol yeah as time goes on we learn to say "Yes" alot and walk back slowly always an eye on possible exit points close by...
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    My GF is a princess she rarely touches cash, thinks places that only accept that are like 3rd world. Always funny if we go somewhere and its cash only the expression on her face cracks me up... She gets like confused acts like this is not possible rofl...
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    Oh..You have a girl who thinks modern day currency is a plastic card thats gold ..Man your screwed ..Ule need to trade till the day you die lol
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    So true :/ the more you make the more they spend! So not fair... I have all kinds of stuff I would never buy! WTF!
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    My girl wanted 2 parrots ..She got 2 parrots ..She is out the back garden with her friends having a bbq ..Im inside smelling a weird parrot $hit smell ..Where is the justice ..She got parrots that cant talk ..So i cannot train them to tell her shes a "cow" :smiley:
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    My GF is a very beautiful woman now when sales people see her they KNOW, just absolutely know she is going to drop a goodly sum there way... Its like she has a tattoo of a black card on her forehead imprinted with flashing neon lights going "BUY BUY BUY!" I have never seen people suck up to anybody like they do her. The one thing that is a great benefit is we always get great/fast service which is a must for me. Money has little value to me I will say always spend as much of it as you can on your loved ones as often as possible at least that is what I have been instructed to say by her.....
  • substersubster Posts: 11
    Wait until children come into play. Then the "breakouts" come in high frequency...
  • CamCam Posts: 28
    Money has little value to me I will say always spend as much of it as you can on your loved ones as often as possible at least that is what I have been instructed to say by her.....
  • seton75seton75 Posts: 1
    Add me I am interested in a live skype trading program my skype id is antonin_ecer
  • suchiangsuchiang Posts: 63
    edited December 2015
    hello guys,please add me on skype trading group - bolente75
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