See how you show the MT4 platform bryan ..With mines i have a lag , so im not 100% with the price at my broker ..Im guessing this is a big problem that i need fixed ..Im only working of a laptop at the moment and looking to update to a pc again ..I sold my pc after deciding i wasnt going to be trading ..Sods law lol
My heads all over ..Im using alerts from a friend ..But there for 25 minute trades ..Which for me seems to long ? i thought most of yous use 5 mins trades etc ..Is there videos of what indicators yous use etc ..I just want a platform infront of me i can work with .
This is what im using just now ..Did you do a book bryan ? from setting everything up to adding indicators ? if so where do i get it ..Or is it worth following all videos on your youtube page .Cheers
This is what im using just now ..Did you do a book bryan ? from setting everything up to adding indicators ? if so where do i get it ..Or is it worth following all videos on your youtube page .Cheers
The way your trading I would suggest watching my videos on Swing High and low they would help you a lot.
Cool ..Im noticing that what you also suggested has made candles run consistent ..This is software im trying for free from a mate ..But id also like to try something different and add my own indicators etc
come on guys you can build your own strategies...dont depend on others like i do...hopefully im having 85% of winning chances with my startegy...thats really cool
I am having a crap few weeks since this CHINA syndrome hit the market and I have to hear about 85-90% like some phucktard marketer would pretend to have?
come on guys you can build your own strategies...dont depend on others like i do...hopefully im having 85% of winning chances with my startegy...thats really cool
Lol anything above 60-70% ish is nearly impossible! Either you're really really really lucky or like lotz stated, just another marketer giving a bad name to us Indians.
Sorry if you are from Israel India Poland and a few other places I will abuse you as the majority of scammers locations are from there. To anybody that is not a scammer please don't take it personally I am just geo racial profiling like the cops do in the U.S. to save time. So if you are baby that gets thrown out with the bath water just grab for the window and hold on!
George they are back with your name again! Below is his pitch but alas the other George was dispatched in a humane way, but don't worry I am sure he will be back again! As the Nigerian George Coleman is like THE WALKING DEAD... You keep killing them and they keep coming back to life LoL...
Want to learn how to trade Binary Options or forex? I work with the industries leading trend indicator and trading advisors. With success rates of over 80% This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Simple trading strategies coupled with unbiased trade advice means you can easily reach financial freedom trading binary is my mail Suck me off in the parking please I will bring the King of Nigeria as he enjoys watching...
Dirty swinesssss ..Ive tried to tell all the extended family to stay the f00k away ..But there not listing .Jeez why use the name COLEMAN ..Its the same as Mustard and people who deliver cole
I may just give up trying my hand at BO ..There could be a little business with my name ..I could join fivver for a start ..And say HEYYY Guysssss its George Coleman here ive done Binary options for 10000 yearsssss
Actually if you used Signal Push with a myriad of providers with simple money management formulas then you should be able to do very very well from a % point of view. Geezuz I will make a video that shows this in the future but man with the abuse I take I don't know why I would even bother as well if you used a 2 step winning martingale instead of the 2 step losing on most of the Signals Push providers do you know what you would get in returns? LoL... These are things people should research all it takes is some simple logic applied with statistics. Signal Provider Optimization off historical data another thing one could implement to maximize profitability if that dares to make sense to anybody... I don't like the incorrect format Signal Push uses but the providers in the 60+ range will make you money through frequency exponentially. Example 1%-2% per trade in scale over time so you make 50+ one month and the next month 80% the month after that 40% from starting with $1000 +1,500 1st / $2,700 2nd / $3,780 3rd month see how the numbers exponentially rise based on the growth yet your %s stay the same of course all things being equal the loss size will increase as well exponentially. So a 50% loss on 3k is 3x the size and the reason why some providers such as a BSB just keeps a standard trade size $30 for example on their original $500 right? Which translates as 6% which exponentially declines with the account growth so it smooths out as they grow say 1,500 to a value of 1/3rd which is unfortunate unless they get stupid and trade like they did the week before with that seemingly emotional streak... Hey I got tagged on this China as if you looked at my video you can TRANSPARENTLY see the drawdown which nobody likes but its part of trading. The BOT they used had an emotional breakdown I guess... I hope more services are like "Signal Push" unless they incorrectly show stats that do not reflect,,, errrr not this again *hides under desk...
Whats funny is in your video you can promote how you are the REAL "George Coleman" super trader as they Nigerians have done all the marketing for you and keep on doing so it seems! I wonder if somebody asked them about you what they would say? I can see them trying to say you are an impostor!
LOL yea ..Thing is it gets more confusing as my full name is 4 names ..I think i shall change my name by deed pole or maybe just start plugging some random software/signals etc for $10000000
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Curses Violently $()#*@&$_+*~
Want to learn how to trade Binary Options or forex?
I work with the industries leading trend indicator and trading advisors. With success rates of over 80%
This is NOT a get rich quick scheme.
Simple trading strategies coupled with unbiased trade advice means you can easily reach financial freedom trading binary is my mail
Suck me off in the parking please I will bring the King of Nigeria as he enjoys watching...