Forums Complaints

Preston Vanderbelt aka Tim Lanoue signal scam

moneygeneralmoneygeneral Posts: 1
edited September 2015 in Complaints
I paid for their trade for you signal service and entered my trading requirements into the contract. They agreed and then did not trade as agreed and lost my entire account in 2 short hours of trading. After my many complaints, they agreed they made a mistake and would refund my fee and repay all the losses. They gave their word . Their e mails available for review. They have not full filled their word. When they do as they agreed, I will tell the entire Binary media world. If they do not, I will continue to inform binary investors of this situation,


  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Live and learn Tim Lanoue is a fake he has other Aliases such as Preston Vanderbilt if you did any research ahead of time instead of just trusting guys out to get your money maybe you would not be in this situation... But hey at least they are paid! Ask them to send you a thank you for your money letter...

    "When you stick your head up your ass, it generally winds up hurting..."


  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Mistake #1 Sending me a message ...

    prestonvanderbelt 3:18PM

    I have done nothing with any kind of signal service, I make it noted in my videos that Mike's AT cannot be traded anymore and I do not recommend it in my emails anymore since I no longer use it since I reside within the United States and none of his brokers are CFTC Regulated. I don't appreciate you narrowing me out here, I am not affiliated with Michael Freeman or Tim Lanoue at all. I do affiliate and I make that known in my videos that people can make money back that way and I send them the money that I get and I make that known. Would like to resolve this in a swift manner because I have done nothing wrong and what I have done wrong in the past I have made right.

    Response from LotzofBotz

    You fake kunt bastard numpty marketing douchebag. You are deliberately in alignment with promoting Michael Freeman and are part of his fake ass network of like minded kunts who go around taking advantage of newbies because you are too untalented to ever trade or even to be honest honorable people. You are parasites and not even worth the time other then to try to keep people away from you. Now the above image is from an employee that you are impersonating ok, of which you stole, so you are into identity theft as well we see.. BTW you phucking tard I have watched your videos and you are the exact same phucking person as Tim Ladouche.. You might have taken the old vids down but I remember very clearly of you being Mike's B*tch. So you can go suck his cawk you multiple personality disordered lying sack of sh*t... So in short I don't care what you appreciate and you can go phuck yourself...

    So the person you are impersonating how about we send them your profile and see what they have to say lol...
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Let do some basic investigative work... Such as it seems your brain is too small and since fake ass kunts like you are toys to me here is an example Preston Vanderbelt/Tim Lanoue/Kunt/douchebag/lying/hermaphrodited/midget/transexual/ratard...

    Lets examine the two images below shall we of you reusing the same verbiage, why you ask? Well because you are obviously retarded..
    Besides that I saw the videos you took down where you were both Tim and Preston so why even bother trying to deny it? Seriously....

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    He kept emailing me trying to convince me of an alternate reality but sorry I got bored and instead was hooked on this image below which is far far more interesting then some scammer trying to make you believe he is real...

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