We're happy to announce that not only can you use our API to trade on over 200+ binary platforms via MT4 but you now can use MT4 to copy your signals to your friends and family. Please see our blog post for more details and as always, feel free to reach out to our support (or live chat during US business hours) for more information.
The $9.99/mo comes in when you wish to be connected with other "friends or family". Then it's $9.99/mo for the source account and $9.99/mo for each additional account. We charge this monthly rate on top of the API credits because unlike the straight MT4->API connection, when you start talking about transferring to other people, we have to connect each user to our real time network, which costs SignalPush money.
The confusion comes in to who pays for what imo. The breakdown seems simple but you don't talk about the API credits needed in this. Which is fine if your current user base understands how it all works which you state they do. So they get that you need to use MT4 and have to pay for the credits which breaks down to 25 cents a trade on top of the $9.99 a month for who? Both the SP and the Client? Dude you so should work for a major Cellphone company lol... My point is an outsider would only see the $9.99 a month and be like YAY!!! Which is likely what you are trying to promote but come on don't get marketing vague on me here.. I am sure you don't want people to sign-up and bitch about the additional costs they were not aware of... Put that in there in small print pink and grey writing if you want to not have it stick out in your marketing lol, then you will be contacted by one of the phone companies for a job fer sure! What if a competitor comes along like metro pcs and offers FLAT RATE pricing lol..
Let me detail the use scenarios here:
For most users, they never need the API. If a user is subscribing to one of our listed signal providers (on our marketplace), they don't use the API.
The API comes in when:
- a user wants to trade on their own from MT4 or other platforms
- a user wants to create an automated MT4 EA
- a user wants to connect with a signal provider who has integrated with our API (two examples would be binaryoptionselitesignals and binaryoptionstutor). These providers will NOT be listed on our provider leaderboard. The user will enter their API key into the signal providers website or software.
Now, if a user who is using the API then wants to send those same signals to a few friends or family members, we then need to make that connection between those users, so we charge $9.99/mo to each user for the connection, on top of the API cost. The API cost can be as much as $0.25 per accepted trade or as little as $0.08 per accepted trade.
- MT4 Binary Buttons, including the ability to blast the trade to multiple platforms with one click
- MT4 Line Trader, trade from horizontal/diagonal/vertical lines, set OCO straddles, and even cancel all orders at a set time