From the team behind we are proud to announce:
MT42BINARY! is a simple indicator you add to charts that works with our chrome plugin, and allows you to place trades with your binary options broker directly from MT4.
For the majority of brokers you must have MT4 and the broker web page open, then you must watch MT4 and then place your trade thru the brokers web site. This can slow you down, cause you to get a bad entry, or miss the trade entirely. It is defiantly not the ideal way to be trading binary options.
We will be doing an open Beta to get feedback from traders so we can launch with a product that was not just designed by some engineer, but a product that was designed from feedback from actual traders.
To sign up for the beta and try out the software when Beta launches please just fill out the registration from on the web site!
Not all who register will be selected.Any questions or comments are more than welcome and we will be updating progress and features as we progress thru beta.
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Just wanted to let everyone know that we are offering a 48 hour free trial so you can test the software out for yourself!
Currently supported brokers are as follow, Markets World, Boss Capital, 24Option,, Binary International, OptionTrade and RoboOption. We are rapidly expanding the number of supported brokers based on customer feedback.
To get signed up for your free trial copy of MT42BINARY just head on over to:!free-trial/c1vro