If I was to go university, what would be the best course that is closest to trading?
I am looking at universities in London and at undergraduate level in finance section but i am not sure.
I cant do mathematical courses because i didn't take maths further for A levels.
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brokers love to hire you and the salary is good. Most brokers even educate traders themselves.
On the other hand, it isn't bad to have a degree in finance. To become a broker, it is also favorable
to know programming and math. But again, if you can show them you can make money they will
rather have an uneducated person who can double their money rather than a newbie who has a major in finance.
But i understand what you are saying, thanks.
how to trade. Traders are self-educated, if you want to become a better trader then you better start
today cause it takes time. If you are going to university anyway and you like finance, sure go study
finance. They get high salaries and better jobs than others as far as I know. On the other hand, I have to say that
studying several years at a university did help me become more analytical. I was studying civil engineering in chemistry so it
had nothing to do with trading or finance but still, the mathematics and technical courses helps your mind think one step ahead (sometimes...).