Forums Brokers

Stockpair Review

SystemSystem Posts: 164 admin
edited February 2016 in Brokers


  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    Billmill remember i added you to skype and gladly wasted 2 hours of your time kidding on i was buying into all your $hit :smiley: u thought u had me good when i said i was sick spending £500 a time on signals ..Funny as your price come in at £497 ...I then told you i was going to close all your broker accounts and put you under caution ..I asked you if you had anything to say ..And its along the same lines as im going to say to you tonight "$fuck of dude" :wink: hehehehe mwahahahahaha
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    LoL there is a whole group of Nigerians working this scam all over the internet hoping somebody buys into their BS... I think soon they will be offering the Prince to trade for you with VIP membership... Call us Now and get the Prince of Nigeria to trade for your account! He makes a few billion a day and will be more then happy to trade your little $500 account... CALL ME NOW BILLTHECAWKSUCKERFROMNIGERIA!
  • mnaude62mnaude62 Posts: 4
    This message is for Lotz. Can I use 1 signal for 3 platforms. I like Signal Hive and want to use them. Obviously want to use the top 3 brokers listed on this site. Please advise me how to set this up. Thanks
  • toby1977toby1977 Posts: 7
    I already have account on Stockpair and it's been a good experience, until now it's the best broker I have ever tried.
  • iaak1983iaak1983 Posts: 27
    why is chat not working for me?
  • TBOTTBOT Posts: 23
    One drawback of Stockpair is that they consider ATM trades losses. However, they do offer some innovative features such as KIKO options.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    I keep getting reports about the closing out winning traders too, so not a good sign. I would stay away from stockpair till they stop trying to screw over winning traders. Far better brokers like BINARY.COM They simply have higher payouts and no games vs winning traders...
  • killerbeekillerbee Posts: 1
  • joeysbjoeysb Posts: 1
    Anybody here that trades from the USA?
  • JordacheJordache Posts: 6
    Is Ivory Options reliable ? They were very pushing towards me. They're affiliated with the Qbits-autotrading-system which I had a bad experience with today. I invested 250 euro, I didn't use the autotrader yet, but nevertheless my account has diminished to 119 euro.
    Has anyone experience with the broker BinkOption ?
  • The_Geek_MHThe_Geek_MH Posts: 860 mod
    stay away from the auto traders, they are scams nearly all of the time. how did your account fall? have you been trading or did they just take money from you?
  • OkaneOkane Posts: 1,282 admin
    Jordache said:

    Is Ivory Options reliable ? They were very pushing towards me. They're affiliated with the Qbits-autotrading-system which I had a bad experience with today. I invested 250 euro, I didn't use the autotrader yet, but nevertheless my account has diminished to 119 euro.
    Has anyone experience with the broker BinkOption ?

    No, they suck. Even the name itself says "I-Worry-Options".
    Read their terms and conditions and you will see, also bad reviews.
    Here check this out:
  • JordacheJordache Posts: 6
    Thank you very much ! I made a deposit of 15 K to trade on my behalf. In extremis I could cancel the deposit by calling my bank.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    Amazing people get fooled into depositing with these bucketshops... Amazingly sad...
  • OkaneOkane Posts: 1,282 admin
    Jordache said:

    Thank you very much ! I made a deposit of 15 K to trade on my behalf. In extremis I could cancel the deposit by calling my bank.

    Yes, get that cash back if you can and FAST. Brokers like these almost never payout.
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