I used to believe in this guy! But he is scam artist too! He pumps out tons of videos touting how he can help you succeed in BO trading. Over the past few months he has put out videos and below the video he purports to give back thousands of dollars for signing up with trading companies and signal services that he recommends.
Preston Vanderbilt will steal your money. HE IS SIMPLY AN AFFILIATE MARKETER! The more videos he pumps out, the more chances he will suck you in to one of his affiliate companies. Then he gets paid BUT YOU NEVER DO. I know cause I was scammed by this latest crook!
As of Aug 2015
Over $89,200 in Commission Refunds Given To Date!
Preston makes money as an affiliate!
This is a scam. Preston takes your money and you get nothing back! You then try to contact him by the email and you never get a response!
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Yes I've learnt the hard way, I agree the only way is to do your own research, and develop your own methods. Good advice from this website at least!
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