So, if Bank de Binary is so bad - why is it still listed on this site with a glowing report? Does this website get commissions for referring clients? If so, shouldn't that be noted here?
I had a most unsettling experience with BDB also. The first day I traded with them on a couple thousand dollars and the investment advisor that contacted me reached into my bank account, unauthorised, and took $5000 out and put it in my trading account. Luckily, I have a low funds warning set up with my bank and was able to stop the funds just in time.
They also don't give you enough choices during the day to trade and the ones that they do give are very difficult to trade as they are generally not trending either way much and you lose too many trades because of this. The only other company I have traded with is Optech and they seem much fairer and have not read anything bad about them yet.
So, if Bank de Binary is as bad as informed, I believe that it is true - why is it still listed on this site as one of the REPUTABLE BROKERs? Does this website get commissions for referring clients? If so, shouldn't that be noted here?
Thank you Ninja Duck, This morning I get an adv for EA for binaryautotrading and refer to BdB as broker. The link is My question is, is there any EA as advertised but run on another binary broker? Hope to received info from you soon Regards,
I have just find out an Autotrading BinaryOption which is run on Cedar Finance please advice me or what do you think about such EA?, Is it reliable?
i got contacted by a BDB broker, and he told me he coud help me earn a profit , on there webpage. i put in 11k in total, and they advices all from me. over a period of 4 months. i complained and told them to do a proper job , multiple times. but the bad trades just kept coming. they don't advice bankroll management, and they cant read the market , provide profitable results. this also includes BDB's vip trader.
when you call them and complain , they refere you to this mail address : when you whrite to it they never replay to you.
when i lost all my money , they referred me to a woman that was gonna help with my big complaint about BDB, but we never got to a proper solution, since they dont do refunds.
i will not recomend this broker, since there own traders don't even know how to do binary options.
You are a good example of the "RETARDS" that these brokers rely on to stay in business. 95% or greater lose all or part of their trading accounts. The issue I have is not with that, but with the SCAMS LIES and just straight up CON JOBS these guys do. The owners of BDB for example really should be in jail. The U.S. is suing them is that not a clue for you? If you are stupid enough to put in sums of money that you can't afford to lose well too bad you are sucker and suckers and their money as goes the saying. On the brightside I love that song, one of my favorite songs, have a nice day and BDB thanks you for the money SUCKER!
They also don't give you enough choices during the day to trade and the ones that they do give are very difficult to trade as they are generally not trending either way much and you lose too many trades because of this. The only other company I have traded with is Optech and they seem much fairer and have not read anything bad about them yet.
why is it still listed on this site as one of the REPUTABLE BROKERs?
Does this website get commissions for referring clients?
If so, shouldn't that be noted here?
This morning I get an adv for EA for binaryautotrading and refer to BdB as broker.
The link is
My question is, is there any EA as advertised but run on another binary broker?
Hope to received info from you soon
please advice me or what do you think about such EA?, Is it reliable?
i put in 11k in total, and they advices all from me. over a period of 4 months.
i complained and told them to do a proper job , multiple times.
but the bad trades just kept coming.
they don't advice bankroll management,
and they cant read the market , provide profitable results.
this also includes BDB's vip trader.
link to youtube video, were you can see some of my conversations with the brokers. :
when you call them and complain , they refere you to this mail address :
when you whrite to it they never replay to you.
when i lost all my money , they referred me to a woman that was gonna help with my big complaint about BDB, but we never got to a proper solution, since they dont do refunds.
i will not recomend this broker, since there own traders don't even know how to do binary options.