If you want to help our community make money trading binary how about you share your info here in the forum for us all to share? no? then I think you will be very lucky indeed to have anyone contact you.
More then likely you are not seeing the whole conversation as I often delete spammers spam, so you might misconstrue what he is saying or thinking he is talking to somebody else which is funny as hell for me to watch, sorry. I can edit the spammers post and then ban them if you like. Most or just some random aff marketer clicking away at the forums. It is a bit more difficult now with the massive increase in posts by certain members out of the blue to moderate when they answer every post even the ones by spammers which can make you miss the spam posts. I get maybe you are trying to increase the activity for your SEO but how about discussions on actual topics and content traders would be interested in.
Ok thanks for clearing that out @lotzofbotz We are not working with SEO on the forum domain i.e. forum.binaryoptions.net. Only with the main domain content, but that will increase the activity on the forum as well of course.
How does this all works honestly when nothing actually good for binary options industry lately going on, am I right on something or not ? I do hope to make it all better but I just can't it seems - it's simply do not work at all for whatever reasons.
Binary options, like any other trading discipline, require constant practice and strategy development. Only in this case you will be able to reach a stable and profitable level of trading. Although binary options are considered to be one of the riskiest ways of earning money, here you can also find certain regularities and rules that will help you to achieve success. Last but not least, risk management and understanding of the specifics of this direction is important. But it is very dynamic and interesting. I know a lot of traders who like binary options and they successfully make money with them.