I've been to this industry for a long time and I fallow every scam who are out there. Recently, it seem as Binaryoptionswatchdog as multiple website that are starting to blast every FB groups out there or signals provider. I know that watchDog is run by Mike and I presume that he's back in full force with his many new sites that all of them are connected. If you check all those sites, they all pointed out to one website or group or auto trader and it's MF. I'm trying to spread the word so you guys can protect this from many people. I will promote only your site cause right now, I can't trust anyone except you guys.
Here's the list of the site that are run by the same person or paid Mike to promote them.
Also there's a new guy on FB who is called Jacob Jones who work for Mike or related to him who as a new website that brings everyone to Mike.
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It seem as Virtnext pay Mike so they can get more customers
Also, true there's a lot of scammed groups out there but some are good, very few but those ones deserve better.