Im confused about economic callendars and i hope someone can clear my confusion.
Here will be 3 different econimic callendars and all 3 have the same news but they show different volatility. So which one is the best of these 3 and which should i use?
All are Tuesday, February 14, 2017
So the first is economic callendar and the news are German GDP (QoQ) (Q4) and German GDP (YoY) (Q4) as you see in picture investing shows that high volatility is on QoQ and not on YoY
Next on economic callendar on the same news they show that YoY has high volatility not QoQ as you see in picture bellow.
And the last one is economic callendar and they show that none of these news are high volatility. And theses german news are not the only ones that they show different.
So i want to know which one i have to watch and wich one shows the right volatility?