Hiya guys. I've had an offer off someone to join a group who use the 24option platform and sends you signals on WhatsApp. The minimum deposit is £340 and the signals are free for 14 days. £70 per month after. As you can tell I'm pretty new to this, but have a keen interest in making a decent 2nd income. I'm a bit unsure whether to invest or not. Could any of you lovely people offer any advice as if I'm making a big mistake or if it's a risk worth taking?
and 2:
I'm new to binary option trading. I've lost $60 in the past 2 weeks which is all of my deposits. I was up and then the charts changed last minute on a large bet sadly lol. Anyways I'm writing in regards to the signals/ robots. I'm clueless to what they do or how they really help. I want to invest in one if they actually help. I'm starting my own company at 22 years old and every dollar counts! If you have any feed back it would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks
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You already created the exact same post under another account which now makes me believe
you are here to promote your signal service. You can discuss under the previous account, I am banning this one and consider
this a warning.
PS, nagging under new accounts won't get you your job back.