Hello and welcome to this forum! You can ask any question related to the trading on this forum. There are experienced traders present here who will guide you properly. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here as it is a great community of professional traders. Thanks
Pls sir can you help me in learning am just a newbie
read these books... reminiscences of a stock market operator, trading for a living(elder), Candlestick charting explained (nisson), and technical analysis explained (pring)
Hello and welcome to the forum! I want to say here that I am ready to help you out in each and every situation. You can ask me any question related to the trading whenever you find any difficulty. I will try my best to help you out. Best of luck and have a great future ahead!
Before starting a live trading it would be advisable that you study the topic. You can find very good material on Internet for free. Then go to option “demo accounts” on this website and try to do some training and practice. If you have any question, you can always ask other traders on forum
I would like to welcome you on this forum and I wish you a happy future as a trader. I want to advise you here that always invest the money when you have enough knowledge and confidence about your tarding abilities. I would recommend you to use demo account.
LOL at the last poster here, but I truly beleive he wishes you only the best. You can start even with real account and not going demo route, but please just make it small amounts at start and withdraw as soon as possible to see if it really works that way. That's how you can check brokers.
In order to trade successfully, first he needs to know how to trade. Dont learn on real account because there are excellent demo accounts with environment same as on real account. Dont learn trading on a hard way
Select some broker and start trading, you can go even with real account skipping that free demo account thing if you really wish so. I do not get why people here advice so, he probably already started all that long time ago. Topic starter, where are you ?
Start with what?
What kind of help?
What is your experience, goals?