Don't use optionsxo... It is so hard to enter at the right price because it keeps on saying that the price has changed and try again.... i just lost my money because it is so hard to enter the right entry..
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
I trade with a lot of binary options platforms and i do not see anything different.I trade for the past 3 years so i have a great deal of experience. all the platforms that i trade with sometimes change the price, actually here it not as common
I use optionsxo for the contest and training of traders and find their practices to be absolutely RETARDED. Forget just the price has changed message or adding a few pipettes spread but when they can't beat you that way, they now have come up with their new method - Take the trade off the screen and come back later with prices that work for them = opps you lost! They did this trade while I was training live in the view of other traders. They seem to be a little BS broker, actions like show they are very small time and won't be around long imo. Notice the times on the chart below a deviation trade I teach entered in on the last few seconds of the green candle before it closed. After this trade was entered it vanishes from the screen and is not seen again until later where it magically pops up in the history as a loss! WTF everytrade even those you cheat on with the added spread at least show counting down, absolutely unacceptable. This is not a firm I would use or have any real funds of size with as it seems they outright STEAL from traders "Integrity is their most valuable asset???" I think your most valuable asset has filed for chapter 11 and now works for Corzine from MF Global lol. As well they are not an Exchange, so the retard over there telling people they are an exchange might actually take the time to know what an exchange consists of, they are just another white label tech financials broker that seems to play dirty pool. They do not turn off the PRICE HAS CHANGED option as 24options will on request because of the lack of integrity at this firm, which I now think is like a 1 man operation. Honestly avoid them unless you wish to throw your money away for fun. Look at the chart and trade below NEVER GO FULL RETARD applies to brokers too!
I'm sick of all of you crying babies that can't face the fact they lost some trades. OptionsXO never made any manipulation on my trades ever! I've invested over $10K with them and I made lots of profits, never had any issue trading with them. Face the fact that you have taken some wrong decisions and stop blaming the entire world... Good luck in your future trades
Look James don't post here as if you are a trader, when in fact you seem to be the one man band/broker from optionsxo, it seems by all the complaints that your platform is set to CHEAT MODE, hey you are a toy on here for the competition which is cool but your platform and brokerage in simple words "SUCKS" If you are sick of the complaints then stop cheating customers on trades such as the one above. The trade above was REMOVED FROM THE SCREEN I find it insulting with how clearly it shows on the screen but I find it even more insulting how you respond to an issue with 1 trade. This one trade YOU LOST ON but due to scumbag practices you played this game of taking it off screen and not showing it. Let me once again make this clear and unlike all other trades which you could watch we were unable to on this one because some dealing desk person took it into pending where they made up the prices as they liked. That practice is unacceptable. It was also done infront of more then one person with live screen sharing. So next time you wish to insult your customers take the time to know what you are talking about. Like I said a TOY BROKER not worth any real funds imo "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."
Post an update of the results of the competition doofus, you took your position in how you handle errors and customers so beyond that we could careless, that is on you. Also stop telling people you are an EXCHANGE, you are not you are some rinky dink white label of tech financials binary options platform. I don't even think you understand what an exchange consists of. The PRICE HAS CHANGED message the people get can be turned off by the broker its just either they don't know how or they don't want to. If you ask the same of 24option who is also a tech financials based broker they will turn it off on request. Why can't you? LoL *hands him the manual and reads it very very slowly...
Compare to all those bigger platform such as 24 in such that don’t care about small money Where you don’t really stand a chance, I have my good days and my bad days on OptionsXO website but one thing is sure that when I send proof that I won a trade or that I have an issue is handle straight away OptionsXO It is. wish you guy luck with 24
Stop wishing everybody good luck we don't need it lol. Everything I stated escapes you so it must be from a learning handicap, go back and re-read my 2 posts "- CHEAT MODE - REMOVED FROM SCREEN - SUCKS - TOY BROKER - EXCHANGE - PRICE HAS CHANGED - HANDS HIM THE MANUAL AND READS IT VERY VERY SLOWLY..." No they will not help you because well they are an exchange and the price has changed method is there to protect you at least that is how they think. You should never have to fight brokers over trades if you do something is wrong, and if the trade is incorrect on their part as it was so very obvious that trade was, they can check to the second when the trade was entered and make the corrections in that case they said "Phuck you" did it matter it was done live in front of others or anything no so again James as you like to say! Good Luck!
All that being said I will give you credit in the upgrade of the new platform look feel and speed has increased so in that regard good job! You still will get the price has changed option occurring but not as often and the speed of execution has improved.
Did someone checked the new optionsxo platform? i really like it. The new charts are large and pretty easy to use and analyze. I also see that the speed has increased. optionsxo did a great job with the new platform congratulations!
Yeah but too bad they DON'T LISTEN TO CLIENTS not just on on that obvious win. Since its just a single trade *shrug lol whatever. Unlike say a 24options who will turn off the PRICE HAS CHANGED option, optionsxo rather tell clients they are an EXCHANGE and can't turn it off lol! so in that respect if they don't wish to listen to clients they get a big FAIL there are plenty of good brokers out there that will! "Brokers are like underwear, when they get dirty change them!"
This is for DarkOLotz who asked me to repost this trade, he knows the darkside of the FORCE and uses it well! This is the trade they did not want to correct you know the setup and why and timing others in the room saw it live and were like WTF! Again overall I don't want abuse them too much as they have made improvements at least to their platform, but this 1 trade is just an absolute joke too bad they are not professional enough to admit their error and correct this trade! Would be nice if they could hire more professional people to run their company. This is the response I should have had when I submitted to them their ERROR -->
I know it sucks they cheated on that one trade and don't want to pay up, poor losers. So will post my video soon and then maybe they will figure out that its not nice to mess with protraders by cheating.... LoL - When they don't listen to reason BURN THEM! Whats ironic is the account is for just test trades for teaching only and they pull that crap on a small account? What if I was doing size of 1k or more a trade, like I do with other brokers. Whatever the word is they are douches anyway, as I have contacts everywhere and that is what the common consensus is of knowing them in person.
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
Problem solved with optionsxo.
NOw the site dont was showing option price changed, please try again, as too dont have more spread.
it's very impossible to trade with optionsxo. if you're trading result is average (meaning break even) spread will be around 2 pipettes. but if you're ITM percentage goes HIGHER, the spread is more than 3 pips. try to click HIGH and LOW button and see the BIG DIFFERENCE.
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
Problem solved with optionsxo.
NOw the site dont was showing option price changed, please try again, as too dont have more spread.
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
This site when i win in operations, they add spread in all instruments, is impossible win this form, is win was 100% is correct have spread but only this site have spread of 30~50 pips of spread and win is 65~70%.
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
Problem solved with optionsxo.
NOw the site dont was showing option price changed, please try again, as too dont have more spread.
how did you do it conversaradio123? what did you inform them about the spread? it's too much and it's killing me. even if you trade 'TOUCH' or 'NO TOUCH' spread is from 3pips ~ 10pips...
OptionsXO charged me with the amount of $100 for withdrawal (wire transfer). have you experienced the same? very surprised it's topping the list of brokers here.
OptionsXO brokers are parasites such as Paul Harris and Daniel Goldman ( I believe these are not their real names). They take your money with their phone calls, sweet talks, very persistent persuasion and false hope of making money for you. Once, you are in their hooks, you can bye bye to your money. You will never take your money out! They are thieves, robbers, liars and high profile irresponsible scammers. It is a scam! Never give it to them even if they keep persuading you day after day by phone calls ! This is their strategy. They will pester you to the point that you’ve no choice but to give it. Once you did, your money will be gone for good!!!!! The feedbacks people gave on this webpage are true and more reliable than what your broker told you. OptionsXO have no experience of making money. The way they make money is by conning you. Not from the market! Don’t trust them and never ever give in!!! They will always ask you to go to gold, then platinum account. They always ask for more money so that they can help you to get out of the mess they created. The only way to get your money is to upgrade your account or put more money in!!! This is their strategy! Don’t give in if you still want your money! If you asked a broker to trade for you, he will use the bonus to trade so that you have no cash balance, except bonus balance. You can only withdraw cash balance with OptionXo platform. So, you will never able to withdraw your money as bidding many times more than the bonus balance is almost impossible with their bidding system, which set at 36% of winning. If you’re smarter than the brokers ( Success rate is 50% only), you might have cash balance that is highly guarded by them. If you attend to withdraw, you’ll face another impossible hurdle. Commonly, they will not respond to you email or request. Basically, you are abandoned! In summary, OptionsXO brokers are highly sophisticated thieves that dangle a carrot of making millions of dollars in few months for you. They have advestisement in facebook that say “ What rich people don’t want you to know! Check it before it gets withdrawn!” or In webpages, earning hundred thousands of dollars of a university boy or a housewife, etc. In actually fact, they make money by stealing from you, not making it for you!
I leave of work him.
today i use other site that work with same platform but no spread.
OptionsXO never made any manipulation on my trades ever!
I've invested over $10K with them and I made lots of profits, never had any issue trading with them. Face the fact that you have taken some wrong decisions and stop blaming the entire world...
Good luck in your future trades
optionsxo, it seems by all the complaints that your platform is set to CHEAT MODE, hey you are a toy on here for the competition which is cool but your platform and brokerage in simple words "SUCKS" If you are sick of the complaints then stop cheating customers on trades such as the one above. The trade above was REMOVED FROM THE SCREEN I find it insulting with how clearly it shows on the screen but I find it even more insulting how you respond to an issue with 1 trade. This one trade YOU LOST ON but due to scumbag practices you played this game of taking it off screen and not showing it. Let me once again make this clear and unlike all other trades which you could watch we were unable to on this one because some dealing desk person took it into pending where they made up the prices as they liked. That practice is unacceptable. It was also done infront of more then one person with live screen sharing. So next time you wish to insult your customers take the time to know what you are talking about. Like I said a TOY BROKER not worth any real funds imo "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."Where you don’t really stand a chance, I have my good days and my bad days on OptionsXO website
but one thing is sure that when I send proof that I won a trade or that I have an issue is handle straight away
OptionsXO It is. wish you guy luck with 24
Problem solved with optionsxo.
NOw the site dont was showing option price changed, please try again, as too dont have more spread.
Never give it to them even if they keep persuading you day after day by phone calls ! This is their strategy. They will pester you to the point that you’ve no choice but to give it. Once you did, your money will be gone for good!!!!!
The feedbacks people gave on this webpage are true and more reliable than what your broker told you. OptionsXO have no experience of making money. The way they make money is by conning you. Not from the market! Don’t trust them and never ever give in!!!
They will always ask you to go to gold, then platinum account. They always ask for more money so that they can help you to get out of the mess they created. The only way to get your money is to upgrade your account or put more money in!!! This is their strategy! Don’t give in if you still want your money!
If you asked a broker to trade for you, he will use the bonus to trade so that you have no cash balance, except bonus balance. You can only withdraw cash balance with OptionXo platform. So, you will never able to withdraw your money as bidding many times more than the bonus balance is almost impossible with their bidding system, which set at 36% of winning. If you’re smarter than the brokers ( Success rate is 50% only), you might have cash balance that is highly guarded by them. If you attend to withdraw, you’ll face another impossible hurdle. Commonly, they will not respond to you email or request. Basically, you are abandoned!
In summary, OptionsXO brokers are highly sophisticated thieves that dangle a carrot of making millions of dollars in few months for you. They have advestisement in facebook that say “ What rich people don’t want you to know! Check it before it gets withdrawn!” or In webpages, earning hundred thousands of dollars of a university boy or a housewife, etc. In actually fact, they make money by stealing from you, not making it for you!