Hey all,
Had a few people request a sale for the Easter Holiday so here you go! Trading Axis is a rules based technical trading system, (you follow the rules to qualify and take a trade). Trading Axis is taught through a Multimedia E-book, ie screens shots and about 4 hours of Videos not just a bunch of text. It is then supplemented with a hour long one on one coaching session done thru Skype or Goggle Hangouts to answer or assist you with any questions you may have. Additionally anyone who purchases the book also gets access to the Trading Axis VIP forums for additional support. Trading Axis is basically a turn key Binary Options Trading system for price reversals.
TA (Trading Axis) version 3.0 will be out in May, so anyoen who picks it up before then will get grandfathered, as in May I will be switchign to a monthly price plan.
On a scale of 1-10 on how hard the system is to master I would say between 4 and 6.
Monday and Wendsadys I live stream charts thru the Trading Axis Chat room, Fridays are set aside to share and review other members charts to help other people learn from good and bad setups other memebrs took.
For the Easter holiday the price will be dropepd to $100.00 just use the code "Easter"
http://www.e-junkie.com/tradingaxis/product/487964.php#Trading+Axis+Version+2.0Before buying please make sure and contact me to ask any questions you have i can be reached on Skype @ brymcafee or thru E-mail @ bryan@tradingaxis.com or thru the contact form at www.tradingaxis.com. Dont get into something you can not or will not use.Brief Intro:
http://youtu.be/Q8CqrS89LTELonger Intro:
http://youtu.be/W68OnRuWwMILink to Free Sample:
http://www.e-junkie.com/tradingaxis/product/487997.php#Trading+Axis+Free+SampleTA 2.0 Chart:

TA 3.0 Chart: