Hello mates,
I am openening this thread to discuss with you where a trader can trade Binary Options.
Some stuff:
- Offshore Brokers
- BO Exchange
- Some spot forex brokers ,lately, give the opportunity to trade Binary Options in their web-based platform.
I have traded BO in many Offshore Brokers and in two BO Exchanges.What about you?
Feel free to ask whatever you want!
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the first thing you should think is what type of Binary Options you want to trade.If you want to trade "classic binary options" (with fixed return and without selling before the expiry) you should trade in Offshore Brokers. Yes, there are a lot of scams out there and because of this you should choose a reputable broker and even better a regulated one. Some Reviews from my personal experience:
-MarketsWorld (regulated and reputable)
-24Options (reputable and as I know in negotiations for regulation) #NOW REGULATED#
-StockPair (reputable and as I know in negotiations for regulation, I currently use them and I haven't any problem yet)
-TOPoption (regulated, owned by Markets.com a reputable FOREX broker but new in the industry)
-Traderush (reputable and popular but not regulated)
-Banc De Binary (regulated,reputable and known in the industry)
Some traders are writting bad comments about some brokers because they take the bonus without reading the terms. So, before take the decision for any kind of bonus read the terms. Some others who are writting reviews are just spammers and we can't based on them.
If you want to trade binary options in an exchange (with all the advantages in this type of binaries):
-Nadex (if you are a US resident)
-IG (if you are a EU resident). Also, in IG you can trade both binaries(exchange) and Classic Binary Options like the Offshore Brokers with the same account
-GFT (a good option)
The above three are fully regulated and reputable.
you can go to my site a learn a little about binary options trading