Dear members of mytradelook.com,
first of all
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATIENCE. As I told you about a month ago the copy trader application is ready. We have a small delay for the lunch and the reasons for this are:
- The
new site needed a new and larger server to be able to support the new features. So, we bought a new server.
- The problem was that we didn't build up a new website and everything should be fine.
We had an existing one with more than 4.000 members. These members, you, should be able to login to the new site, to the new server with the same details (login- pass) so we had to tranfer the users to the new database, we had to tranfer content to the new database something which is not a simple procedure.
- Also, t
ogether with the binary copy trader there will be a forex copy trader.- Furthermore,
the social part of the site has a dynamic similar to that of Facebook. The members can create even events!
- Although,
the biggest part of the work was the security. We will have a copy trader and
we MUST have the strongest available security protection and a safe trading environment. So,
we built 4 levels of security. I will analyze this the next days.
- Some other small things which are not so important but they must be done.
- Finally, we have to tranfer the domain to the new interface.
That's why we have this small delay. So, I want to announce that
possible tomorrow the existing site, mytradelook.com will be down for some days to transfer all the new things. It's a matter of days.I receive many PMs and emails about the date of the new site, I'm sorry also for my delay replies sometimes, but I work together with the programmers to have everything up asap.I don't have many technical and programming skills but I have to be there with the team to supervise and judge if the pieces come right and meet our requirements. That's why I stopped the trades the last month because I spend the biggest part of my day with them.
For these days in which the site will be down, you can send me
PMs or messages in BOD, T2W, BON.Thank you again for your patience and sorry again for the delay!
Kind Regards,
Dear traders,
everything is ready and the site is up again.
Check http://mytradelook.com/en/
Now, I want to inform you about some things. As you know, the autotrading platform was an emergency need for us (so many members because of their work or the time difference couldn't be online to the chat and the live trades ). Now, we have our own copy trader (members can copy binary options and forex trades from the traders they like, the first universal trading social network)and a professional Investment Social Network.
At the renewed site you will see a 19E/month subscription (only for the people who want to use the autotrading).
The reasons for this are:
- Now, there is a team of programmers who have to maintain the site in a good condtion. They have to do upgrades etc.
- Because we are not a simple buddypress as before the site has more monthly expenses.
- Many friends of mine advise me, to register as a legal entity (because now we have automatic trading). So, mytradelook.com operates under MYTRADELOOK Ltd. something which increases the monthly expenses.
The subscription is not for the signals of mine (As you know I give my signals free 6 months now) but mainly for the operational costs of the site.
That's why there are not
- trade size limits (someone who trade 20$ and someone who trade 1000$ per trade have the same subscription, 19E/month)
- other restrictions.
Compatibility - Brokers
To be a broker compatible with mytradelook.com has to meet two criteria
1) Regulation
2) Good name in the business (withdrawals, execution)
So, someone who is not regulated can't be compatible. Someone, who is regulated but have problems with his clients (withdrawals, executions, delays, open cases) can't be compatible.
Binary Options
We are compatible with StockPair right now and soon we will be compatible with CLM Forex, MW,Interactive Option and possible Vantage.
As you understand now the US traders can't use the autotrader because SP doesn't accept them (because of the regulation). I made my research I asked also the members of mytradelook for reviews and really there was no point to add a few more brokers at the launch who accept US traders but they are unregulated and had problems with clients in the past.
We want a safe trading environment. The option for the US traders will be only MW.
The forex copier will be available in a few days and we are compatible with every broker who offers MT4 (FXCM, Alpari, FXDD, Pepperstone etc.)
Past performance
You can find all the trades I made the last 6 months with their explanations(I didn't take trades in May) and I shared, gave them live with the members of mytradelook.com .The success rate is around 71%. My trading strategies are known and you can find them. I will post also a trading - MM plan the next hours.
Signal Providers
Of course, this is not an one-man show, never was. We welcome anyone who thinks that he has a solid trading way of thinking and can give a solid option to the members.
Signal Providers MUST
- have a live trading record for at least 6 months
- use ONLY live accounts (a demo trader can't ask other people to trade live his signals when he doesn't do it even for himself)
- be at least 1 month in mytradelook.com to prove their trading skills live in the chat
- Give their real name in their profile (the members must know who is the guy behind the trades)
- Explain their trading plan clearly on the forum.
If someone wants to be a forex signal provider he can do it directly. I just suggest(when the copier be available) link your account track your performance for at least 1 month (it's free of course) because the members should see a performance.
Here is a detailed guide of how to register (for non members) and how to link your account (for existing members). Also, you will find analytical details of how to use the autotrader and it features.
Kind Regards,
Konstantinos Zemperidis
Exhaustion above the EMAs and dojis with selling climax. I took a put with 60 minutes expiry time which was deep ITM.
As some of you know from the last months in the room, I don't like to take many trades. One trade per day (if there is a reason to take the trade) with 15-60 minutes expiry time. It might be a forex pair or might be a stock.
I follow this trading style because I believe that one reason for someone to fail in binary options is the overtrading.Another one is the smaller expiries. Some people may have nice profits at the beginning but believe me it's so hard to do it consistently and the main reason for this is that you will be tired to do it every day very soon. So, my goal is to grow my account with stable trades. 20 trades max per month.
In the autotrader platform you will see the choice, "Follows per day". It's about how many trades wants to receive a member per day. With me you can leave it in one or two (if there's a special reason) but it's good to know this option for the future providers who may have a different plan.
For my trading strategy now you can find all you need in the education menu or on the forum in my live trades topics. My main trading window is based on SonicR templates. Even if it's a stock like above or a forex pair.
5,15,30 min TFs for forex 30, 1hr for stocks. My binary trades are based mainly on patterns and Emas combined with volume behavior.
My forex trades (the FX copier will be available in a few days) are exclusively based on SonicR strategy (scalping in 1min chart or with the classic way in 15min charts)
*** Notice*** It's good to know from now that I use an ECN account and when I gain for example 15pips it's near 15pips and nothing less (normally 0.3 spread) - commission around 7$/lot.
The important thing at the end is the account growth. Not the number of trades, not the success %(although I believe that someone should base his MM to his average success %). Sometimes, things are much simpler than people think. Just think someone who risk 10% per trade and focuses on 10 high probability setups per month. His account will be around 75-80% up at the end of the month. Without stress but with a stable and constistent way he will earn a great return.
Now, someone can say that if he trades a small account (20-30$ per trade) he should take many trades to reach a serious profit. From one side I understand it but from the other I disagree.Learn to work stable, build your account slowly day by day week by week and at the end take your profit.
Kind Regards,
Hello everyone,
As I said some days ago I have to analyze the protection and the security. Read the Security notice of mytradelook tech. dept here
It's about security, members protection and rights and explains why mytradelook.com copier offers the max security and a safe trading experience.
Our copier has tested, has tested also with the site up and works like a clock and we sould have the maximum available protection and security.I am also exchited like you for our renewed trading social network and our copier, but SAFETY is first. My trades will begin again officially next week.There will be a VPS guide in the site for those who might have problems and of course you can contact the support to help you if you still have problems with VPS. Until then, take a tour in the site, build your profile and explore the new features!
Kind Regards,
Some pictures:
- MTL is SSL secured and verified by Godaddy.
- Members must use VPS mandatory, to ensure the maximum security, transparency and of course privacy.
- Members have always the control of their accounts (they choose how many trades they want per day, how much money per trade, when they have ON/OF their copy trader) and with the way we work, we eliminate any possibility for unauthorized trading, like many times we have seen out there.
- Anyone can be a member for FREE and use the site(education, forum, news, social networking) including the chat in which the members share trades real time and ideas.
- Copy trader Monthly cost: 19E (+8E VPS).
- All the payments are processed via Paypal payment gateway to ensure that there is a trustful and well know third party provider to guarantee the payments. Someone can pay with his Paypal account or with his credit/debit card (Paypal allows it as well).
- Other traders who want to use MTL copy trader as providers are welcome! However they must meet the criteria set.(prove your skills first to the members, real name, share your plan with the members etc.) to ensure that only serious, solid and trustful traders give signals in MTL and to avoid known bad situations in which some destroy accounts in one day (again we eliminate any possibility for something like this because the members choose a max number of trades per day). I’ll be happy to see the members their self to be the future providers of mytradelook.com
- Only regulated and reputable brokers can be compatible with MYTRADELOOK to ensure that we have a safe trading environment. We encourage the members to suggest their ideas in this factor and to discuss it all together in MTL forum. However as I said again unregulated=can’t be compatible , regulated but with problems(pricing, withdrawals)= can’t be compatible.
- Steps to use the copy trader. 3 simple steps.
1)If you are not a member register to mytradelook.com , it’s totally free
2) Subscribe
3) Check your email (a link with your VPS and how to use it will be sent to you)
Also, check the steps in detail and the copy trader guide here.
- Something for the VPS now. It's a small additional cost but it's neccesary to use it because it provides security, transparency and privacy. As you know I give my trades for free 6 months now and the 19E subcribtion is going for the operational costs(tech team,company expenses,accountant,lawyer). We wanted the cost as low as possible so we had many conversations this month with a well know VPS provider, Lancom Ltd., to lower the price of the VPS! Finally we achieved a 20% off!If you check at their site the VPS will cost more for an individual than a MTL member!
Remember, for all the important issues, we decide together. We decided together to follow the difficult way, to create our own technology from zero level, our own copy trader to use it with the way we want and to be independent. So, we will move forward with the same logic and will deal with any challenge. MYTRADELOOK is now a legal entity, a company (it was necessary to be due to the nature of this factor) but always will be driven by its community and its members.
Best Wishes,
Konstantinos Zemperidis (kostasze)
Founder & CEO
PS: For all the members who have pre-subscribed, check your email, you have received your access to your VPS and to the copy trader platform. You have full 30 days.
PS2: I’m going to use this thread to post my trades and anything new/announcement. As you know from the last 6 months and generally from the last years together with the trades I post my charts and explanations for every trade, even in a loss I explain why I took it. I request from the future MTL providers to work this way.IMO the members must know who is the provider behind the trades and for what specific reasons he takes his trades. I believe this way gives more transparency, can save us from unexpected situations and last but not least can help the members to become better traders and learn together with the trades they receive.
So, time for trading!
copied successfully to the members in MYTRADELOOK
explanations,screenshots on the forum
Kind Regards,
One of the most important events the last days is definitely the new bankruptcy of Argentina. As we all know Argentina is outside the markets since 2001. This means
they can not borrow money through new bonds from the markets.
For several years, however, the goverment in an effort to clear its name in an attempt to re-market was in negotiations with major banks, mostly American, to repay part of the money was borrowed through past bonds, which were subject to American law. With the above as you can imagine we are talking about a debt restructuring, which was finally agreed.
The new bankruptcy originated by the involvement of hedge funds which bought underrated old Argentinean bonds at a price much lower than the nominal during the negotiations, hoping to an agreement. Since the agreement came, hedge funds holding old bonds now went to the court of New York claiming damages in these bonds which were bought at ridiculous prices. Eventually, the goverment of Argentina agreed to include in the repayment and hedge funds which will receive repayment rate equal to the banks.
But hedge funds appealed again to the Court of New York to claim repayment of 100% of the nominal value of bonds, ridiculous thing because such a rate would not pocketed even U.S. banks. Ultimately the court ruled in their favour, Argentina refused
the repayment and we have finally the new bankruptcy.
Impact on Argentina and International Markets
The impact in Argentina will be only to businesses that borrow money from abroad where the image will now be worse and rates higher.
On the other hand, the American banks will not take back their money as debt restructuring stopped before completion and it's now clear how easy it's for hedge funds to take advantage of loopholes in the U.S. law for their own benefits and how easy is for someone to stop a restructured debt process.
Kind Regards,
Konstantinos Zemperidis
posted it in MTL
Disputes Between Brokers & Clients- Financial Commission H1 Report
OTC Derivatives Advantages
Morgan Stanley: Stay bearish in EUR / USD
24option agreement with Juventus FC
Explanations & screenshots on the forum
https://mytradelook.info/en/forum/index (Live Trades section)
Also, feel free to visit our pages in FB and Twitter which are now active, to receive latest news & announcements
Have a nice weekend!
Details,screenshots & explanations + your daily comments for all the trades of the month on the forum
Success rate for the month 64%.However, it could be better, it was the month of adjustment to a new situation during August which is tradionally a weird month with some days with low volatility.However, the members who subscribed the last two weeks possible are above this (good weeks) and have still time. Anyway,we intend to achieve better returns in the coming months in which the market has come back to normal levels.
Also, I want to inform you about some new upcoming features of myTradelook.
- Statistical tables with all the results, % success inside MTL automatically
- More brokers compatible
- Beta Test for the members who want to use the Copy Trader Platform as Providers (for the last send me personally at kostaze@mytradelook.info . Also, read the criteria https://www.mytradelook.info/en/more-en/signal-providers)
I hope to have them ready during Sept! Back to trading 2 Sept!
Kind Regards,