I agree all of these low class lost generation ghetto minorities being scammed well all I can do is YAY! You belong in some third rate food chain giving crap service to customers making minimum wage... Wtf are u RATARDS doing trying to trade? PS I LUV U!
Just so you know I will have a "LIVE INTERVIEW" with Brenda vs Jamal in my next Video as well Homie the Clown and a few other interesting characters will be debating each other!
So what happened Josh guess no more GREEN ROOM LOVE! As a trader I have to do this everyday marketers and people who PRETEND to do this for a living need not apply. Trading requires respect discipline and above all else WORK... No little inner city kids with their backpacks and lunchables that their mommy packed for them need apply... But I do thank you for the entertainment stuff like this is fun to watch like those magazines you briefly read while you are at the checkout lol... FREAK SHOW!
roflmao ROBBED in DA HOOD! You got scammed by MLM marketers and their hype machine owch... The sad thing is it was a great concept you just needed a professional trader instead of some marketing n00bs.. I knew already that these guys with their limited experience and education could not be a PRO traders just PRETENDERS... Yup chalk another PREDICTION that you would hear people come out and start complaining by me.. I must admit I used my ALGOs to predict this.. They touched other peoples money do they know they could go to jail for that?
Yep they are scammers. I only lost 100 but at least i got into binray trading from it and quickly realized it was a scam -.
I just waited sure enough the n00bs figured out they are being duped by MLM talentless trash and little kids from the hood pretending to be PROs, instead only HOEs... How do you feel about the 4 KINGS, opps I mean MALAKAS now Josh?