(mods: not sure if this is the right area of the forum for my post, if not, feel free to move it)
Hi all - Normally I try and stay away from posting about my service but seeing as though I have a lot of faith in people, I hope doing this will attract the right kind of subscribers and will allow me to keep my service the way I'm currently offering it. As you can see from my client stats below, I'm making about $6.54/sub which just isn't worth it to me
What is Mr. and Mrs. Pips?A binary option fully automated signal service utilizing the industry leading SignalPush technology. The binary platform is marketsworld.com. The Mr. and Mrs. duo presents a binary signal service where the only trades we take are trades that our customers are sent. If trades are good enough for our personal accounts, they are good enough for you.
Performance so far (as of May 17th, 2014)Currently #1 overall on the SignalPush leaderboards with 68% ITM overall performance. 79% ITM this month so far and my beta period at SignalPush was 78% ITM.
Full transparency client stats:
$70,501.80 trade volume
$13,845.37 profit made
79 subscribers
With total donations so far of $738 (5% of what the profits were)
SignalPush takes 30% so that leaves me with $517
$517/79subs = $6.54/client
Most other services are charging a minimum of $99/mo upwards of $5k/mo (and people are happily paying it).
What's different about this service?Well for starters, the pricing is different than any other service. It's only $10/mo to start and 100% of the proceeds from that are donated to a charity. Other than that, just use the feature within SignalPush to donate to me what you feel my service is worth. So I only get paid on what you donate separate from the $10. I will only continue this service at this pricing if I feel customers are being appreciative and actually donating. Of course it is much appreciated if you use my Marketsworld link when you sign up for an account as that helps me keep the service at the current pricing as well.
Don't forget the skype roomIf you're a subscriber, don't forget to contact SignalPush and make sure you're added into my skype room. I often go over why I took trades, send screenshots, and I may in the future offer free educational sessions with my subscribers unlike other providers who want to charge extra for this.
How can I subscribe?Open an account at Marketsworld (use my link if possible on my signup page) and then subscribe to my service at signalpush:
And don't forget to spread the word! The more subs we can get and the more donations, the longer we can keep this pricing model going.
Unlike many other providers, I will post weekly my stats here, regardless of if they are good or bad.
Regardless of whether this pricing model works out or not, at least a charity is getting a donation and some clients made some money.
Thoughts on how to do it differently that might work better are always welcome.
I discussed with several attorneys and they all gave me the same answer. Regardless of the location of the signal provider, they strongly advise against charging a fee based on profit watermark, like other markets do a standard 15/2 or 20/2 fee structure.
All that said, as I stated in my original post, I haven't given up hope that I have decent subscribers and they will donate what they feel it was worth. I know for a fact people are paying over $4,000/mo for signals with other providers on SP, I just didn't want to be another one of those. We will see how it goes over the next few weeks.
Trade volume: $97453.63
Trade P/L: $1116.4392
Wow, what a week. Big drop in overall P/L. Truly sorry for anyone who joined this week. I let some things get to me and I traded when I normally would not of, including different days and hours than normal. Starting this coming week, I'm going back to not trading on Monday or Fridays and not trading before 7:15am CST. I also will not be using a loss limit, as that just limits the ability to recover. If you want to use a loss limit, please use the balance stop option within SignalPush. As with most investment markets, please make sure to use good money management practices to be able to sustain periods of low performance. As long as I do my job, it should all work out. Thanks for those who've had patience with me this week. Luckily we ended the losing streak and ended today profitable but still ended the week at a loss. I heard some of you had errors on the first trade at Marketsworld (they've been sent a few emails about it) and so you missed the loss and got the two wins.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Anyways, as I mentioned, no need to keep talking about the cost. I'll raise it after this month is up. Thanks for all your input.
On 1/2/14, at 9:41 PM, ryan.h.masten wrote:
Renaud, I have many times.
Just take me for example.
Mr and mrs pips.
71% Sep, 63% oct, 76% nov. How is that not consistently profitable?
You are a dishonorable douchebag, this whole client push to get people to join your service then all of a sudden you hit a losing streak of uncharacteristic behavior. Now I wonder did you take a kick back for losing from the associate you have @ Markets World? Oh its just coincidence huh. How come we see this coincidence repeated over and over again in different circumstances with Signal Push. You confirm my suspicions about you over and over. You are a low life creep that phucks his own customers over and you are lucky binary options are not regulated in the U.S. because you belong in Jail imo. I bet if the FBI did an investigation of you they would find enough proof to put your dishonest cheating ass in prison...