I thought I would start a fresh thread for this system I have been practicing with. I am finding consistent success, and I want a clean thread with one strategy. Zombie Zone was the old me. I wanted to commit to something, but I just was not done exploring all the strategies out there.
I am set on this strategy presented here.
I cannot take credit for creating it. It is explained on this website.
http://www.realbinaryoptionsreviews.com/strategies/5-minute-trading-strategyYou may have to create a profile, but that is free. I AM NOT affiliated with this guy in any way. I just want to give credit where it is due.
It will be fairly simple to see my chart set ups if you watch the video, or not. I am using standard settings bollinger bands and stochastics on freestockcharts. 1 min charts, and trading 5 min contracts.
Here are two winners from today...

I contacted live chat to see if they reverse it. Who knows. I still have Marketsworld as my go to broker.
Check out my chart. Again, one candle later, and there would be NO controversy. The down arrow is entry, up arrow is exit..
I traded at the close above the BB, according to the video strategy rules. I have been noticing if I wait for separation of the fast stoch line to drop under the slow one, the trend change is more developed. I will keep watching and practicing.
Here is the OTM. I entered where previous resistance held price in check. But not this time, the bulls marched on up...
Have a nice weekend everyone...
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
This next one was frustrating. My entry candle was nice and red and under the trendline, until seconds after i entered the trade. The rest of the candles respected the trendline. Just not the one I entered with. I suck.
I have a ways to go to catch up to botsog's leverage, but I'm heading in the right direction.
I started incorporating fibonacci lines into some of my trades. Some of the trades on MW did not have exactly 5 min contract times, so I took a couple at 9 and 10 minutes.
5 trades with freestockcharts= 4 itm and 1 tie.
I had one tie today. That put me at 3 itms and 3 otms for the day. Slight loss, but still enjoying the strategy.
A big thanks to Lotz for some awesome guidance!
Joined this forum just to comment in this thread with you as I use the exact same strategy. It would be good both learn from each other to improve our results. I've been trading this strat successfully for two weeks but had a rough time yesterday and today. I too trade with marketsworld which makes it very difficult to follow the 5 min expiry rule of the strategy.
What timezone do you live in? I'm in the USA, Eastern Standard Time. I've found most of my success after 12pm when london session ends during NY with the AUD pairs, and the least success with the USD/CAD and GBP/USD.
Which pairs have you had the most success with?
All the best,
- SOriginal