Forums Signals/Robots/Autotraders etc

SignalPush Forum Discussion



  • SignalPushcomSignalPushcom Posts: 132

    Above 60% since day one?
  • SignalPushcomSignalPushcom Posts: 132
    A few of the top ones. For instance, Pi Flow and BSB turbo. Both have been >60% each month since they launched.
  • SignalPushcomSignalPushcom Posts: 132
    If you're looking for >60% each day, with no losing days or weeks, not going to find that anywhere.
  • Blue Sky BinaryBlue Sky Binary Posts: 157 ✭✭
    edited June 2015

    The BSB guy imo with his style and methodology is the most professional I have seen yet on signal push and think he has the best chances of holding #1 the longest...

    Thank you.

    So that our team can manage everyone's expectations for what lies ahead regarding this specific stream; the Turbo stream has outperformed its historical variance curve and mean ITM, since launch at SP. Longer term we do not expect 70%+ ITM to be held month in and out as the volatility signature of markets is unlikely to remain so conducive to mean reversion, especially in a post Greek-EU world. A more realistic figure is 60-65% (66% are its longer term, historical backtests).

    Good luck.

    Blue Sky Binary - Research, Education & Technology. Signal Hive - The No.1 Binary Signals Marketplace.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    Basically he said "Oh sh*t the damn greek sheep phuckers are going to hurt my ITM%! The truth is he is starting to get slapped around by summer time price action which is the norm this time of year. I hate summertime but it will make you a better trader if you learn to adapt. If you are too automated you will suffer...
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    With the "CHINA FLASH CRASH" the markets are all out of wack so why would any of you try to actively trade it if with your method of trading both vortex and bsb similar would fight the markets? Picture below an example of VortexZ/Legendary once again reverting to emotional trading with dire consequences to member accounts. Sure its not VotexZ even though he does the same emotional behavior when he gets hit with drawdown on his demo account. Well I am sure his members don't mind losing real money lol... These guys are just not paying attention.. You deserve your coveted ITM% drop LoL. Now maybe you will focus on making good trades instead duh...

  • SignalPushcomSignalPushcom Posts: 132

    Picture below an example of VortexZ/Legendary once again reverting to emotional trading with dire consequences to member accounts. Sure its not VotexZ even though he does the same emotional behavior when he gets hit with drawdown on his demo account.

    It's a 100% automated bot. No emotion involved.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    Oh yeah uh huh guess the bots copy the traders personality too that is some AI they have lol... *Cough Bullsh*t...
  • SignalPushcomSignalPushcom Posts: 132
    edited August 2015

    Oh yeah uh huh guess the bots copy the traders personality too that is some AI they have lol... *Cough Bullsh*t...

    We can guarantee 100% it's an automated bot. It's coming through our provider API which is locked down to EA automation only.
    If you look at the performance, it's nothing like it used to be. It used to be a ton of trades all in one row. This is a trade and a follow up martingale, then it waits for the next valid signal.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    We both know automated is fine but the trader always has control over the WHEN they activate the bots. If they trade them during markets in turmoil like such you get like results. Point is simple if they were smart they would have flipped the phucking switch OFF!!! Its a good educational example of what happens when you trade poor trading/price action conditions. It was very easy to see the markets were crap so you trade less or not at all. You don't try to beat the devil... If you do you get what happened to both of those short term mean reversion traders who's clients and ITM%s take a hit...
  • BirinusBirinus Posts: 5
    Hello everyone. I recently received a couple of private inquiries from those who said they wanted to become subscribers and had questions first. As the questions were really good, I have decided to basically go public and perhaps it will help anyone who may have been thinking the same things. I will respect the privacy of the e-mail senders and was asked the following: “Your current signals is good but the volume i can see is pretty low. The July performance however, dipped to 44% so I am just wondering what is your strategy going forward towards October? Thank you.” The answer is simple but a little lengthy. I have traded full time for eight years. I come from a very traditional forex background, meaning most trades are not like the strict timed nature of binary options. In “traditional” forex trading, one can use all their charts, etc. to make a good decision. Then one can wait 5 minutes or an hour to realize profits. I have slowly but surely become accustomed to the time frames of binary options and as you can see from my history with Signal Push, there is a definitive progression over the course of 2015 of high percentage winning weeks. In fact, June was 100%, July dipped, and August was again 100%. Most recently, I have had 100% 6 out of 7 weeks. To answer the question above directly, my overall recent volume is low on purpose. Due to the volatility of the events with China, I ran one last final “test” so-to-speak yesterday. I have no idea if 5 people follow this site or a 1000, but I can assure you here today in print, the “test” days are over now! My trade volume will be lower than in months past. My trade volume will resemble the months of June and August. You may see 1-3 additional signals during the middle of any given week but for the most part my trading will be in the early part of the week and that is all. Why? Because I want to provide for my current subscribers and those of you who have been sitting on the fence, pure consistency. I do not want anyone wondering if I will have four good weeks in a row and then a blow up, then repeat the cycle. Those days are done. Will this last forever? No, things do change in this industry and if it were that predictable the whole world would be trading and making a lot of money. But for the time being, hopefully for the remainder of 2015 and even beyond, you can be rest assured I will offer fewer signals with the expectation of high return rates. There will be no more mid week “testing” and blow ups. I desire to be transparent and highly predictable to you all, almost as if you can see what will happen without wondering about unpredictability. Hopefully many of you who were considering a subscription will now go forward and sign up. Take care everyone. Thank you very much.
  • Thanks for the update and your Orientation. I certainly hope you will keep to your strategy and not to let it fluctuate anymore. The sudden drop to 23%ITM I believe is unacceptable to most. I certainly hope you will try to keep it constant and not to ever let it fall below 54%ITM even on bad days. On a further note, how many signals will you be targeting per month? 25? 30 signals per month?
  • BirinusBirinus Posts: 5
    I have no set number of signals as a goal. Quantity of trades should resemble August and perhaps even less. Going forward, I really know what needs to be done. Some people like the fast pace - a lot of trading and action. For me, it is about results. My goal is not to be the one and only Provider on Signal Push that someone will choose - this is greed and greed never works in the forex market. Perhaps if people see that my trade count is low but highly reliable they will sign up as a supplement to another Signal Push Provider. Certainly I would enjoy as many subscribers as I can get, this is why we are Providers in the first place. But no doubt, as the wins come, the people will come too. Thanks for the comment.
  • Greed basically destroys everything eventually, and eats up people. I am not too sure how many are following your signals but I like to follow providers I can talk with, at least it shows you are responsible and accountable for what you are doing. I am not expecting the sky, but if you can churn out at least 28 signals a month with a 80% or more ITM win rate, I think that is near perfect. Fast and Furious do not work for BO.
  • BirinusBirinus Posts: 5
    I presently do have subscribers. I used to have a lot more in the past and by this admission I hope you can see my extremely strong desire to be transparent and honest. You may send any private messages or post here and I will reply. I will always be accessible and open with you or anyone. Thank you again.
  • xalksxxalksx Posts: 100
    Lotz see how you mention emotional behavior with a demo account ..Would u say people use demo accounts and take them less serious ive blown two demo accounts ..And the reasoning behind it was i wanted to play about ..I wouldnt have done that with real cash of course just stuck a massive trade on ..Also ..Another little question while im here ..See how weve all spoken about 24options and they try all the moves well in my eyes there lay out is still by far the best ,its just easy for me to use ..I no brokers should all be easy but i love the fact you can bail etc just everything ..Could i with say £500 do some sort of trading on it ,i no money mangment is kinda mucked up due to the £24 minimum trades ..But im thinking i can always get you to knock my account upto 20k lol jks ..Na im just wondering if you had say £500 starter would u risk it with 24o or would u try with someone that starts with $5 dollar trades..Im at a stage where i do want to start earning money from this ..And if i could earn erm 10k in a couple of months id not need to be away from home working for a while :tired_face: ..Any thoughts would be great
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Hey I love demo accounts to test market behavior for trading. Example time wise the past month with the CHINA FLASH crash I am not sure but if anybody trades mean reversion such as an example BSB Turbo or Legendary and note their performance drops the past month or so. Mean reversion is out at the moment and I normally do a pattern/mean reversion/algo combination and even that will not work because some big guy or who ever has control of the market imo. So the past few weeks I have been trading mostly spot and using demo accounts to compile stats on this odd market behavior that seems to not be going away as summer ends... Though I hope it does as I don't feel comfortable not trading with my ALGOs. Point is you can use demo accounts when you are either not sure of your trading or to gain insight into new ways to trade by testing with them as I am pointed out by the chart below I now am a trend trader looking for volume moves *shrug that is what the market wants lets waterfall together baby! Once you have your RULES and money management you can then take those demo trades that you worked on and turn them into real $ or else keep trading demo until you can prove profitable and comfortable in your trading. As far as your earning a specific amount per month well until you have historical trading under your belt being able to build a trading plan is going to be difficult would be more wise to start small and build some stats to see if your ideas prove profitable over time.

    This chart is what is working...

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Can't believe I am saying this but Legendary actually traded it correctly for what the market was offering he only had 3 trades last week but with the market behavior if we look at BSB they traded the above chart and now are sitting with a 57% ITM rate = with charts like that as common mean reversion is just plain MEAN period... VortexZ opps I mean legendary trading one pair the higher win % pair and pulling back on their number of trades gets credit as being wise *wtf is this the world of opposites!?.. Really though to me even that does not matter if I can't get more a trade or two a day that makes sense I am not going to make a good amount of money which means I have to go outside and find pigeons to kick in the face $#&%!#(%!T!&#!!!
  • Hi lotz, can you explain, as layman as possible, what exactly is a "mean reversion techique/algo" that has been employed by BSB for their signal?
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    You mean their TURBO signals? Its not very hard to trade maybe I will come out with a video on it and show you the method of entries along with the type of settings both them and Legendary use in a general format as each has there own added nuances/settings and rules to enter the trades. As for my ALGOs its just blocks of time for buying/selling that computers from banks will be triggered on but again its useless in this type of market due to the big monkeys pushing prices at the moment. The orders from the banks still execute but have no effect as they are gobbled up quickly in this market...
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    edited September 2015
    Hi all, I wish to post a very objective question directly to SignalPush or to anyone out there with an opinion/answer to Martingale Calculation done in SP. For a Martingale loss, it's considered a 2X trade loss, which is fair. However a Martingale WIN is considered an extra WIN but not considered an extra trade - this is totally wrong and the ITM% WIN is inflated. Let's use a very simple example with a 75% Winrate. You use a trade size of $100 and you lose, and the system went on a Martingale of $200 and won. Hence the martingale winnings after offsetting the inital losing trade = $150 - $100 which is only $50. Rightfully a TRUE win should be $75 but yet a Martingale win of $50 is registered as an extra WIN which is not right.

    $75 Vs. $50; the winning result is inflated by 35%. Hence a martingale WIN should conservatively be only a 0.65 WIN. I notice a lot of Signal Providers like to use this "lose followed by a Martingale WIN" strategy to inflate their winning ITM% which is not correct, hence it's making me quite frustrated in choosing a reliable Signal Provider, as 85% of them uses Martingale which is not calculated correctly. This is called "Creative Accounting" just to look nice on paper only. Should not SignalPush correct this mistake in calculation? Thank you.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    They won't as it gives them a marketing bump in the statistics and has been discussed by me previously in the past. If you have to show 61% vs 64 to 67% which one would you choose? Well that is exactly what they have done lol.. But yes you are correct they do not show the statistics in my opinion to be correct which makes them look bad to anybody who can count...
  • Slowly but surely more people will find out, and notice about this defunct irregularity in calculation. This only serves to give SignalPush a bad name going forward. They have been good in their service and transparent in most ways. They should really correct this error and not let such a minor "marketing gig" harm their reputation. You win a service provider and lose 100 clients - worth it? They should really make a Martingale win as only a 0.65WIN so as not to inflate the ITM% figure. This will also prevent Signal Providers from exploiting this loophole, and make them more balance and responsible in their trading efforts.
  • SignalPushcomSignalPushcom Posts: 132

    Slowly but surely more people will find out, and notice about this defunct irregularity in calculation. This only serves to give SignalPush a bad name going forward. They have been good in their service and transparent in most ways. They should really correct this error and not let such a minor "marketing gig" harm their reputation. You win a service provider and lose 100 clients - worth it? They should really make a Martingale win as only a 0.65WIN so as not to inflate the ITM% figure. This will also prevent Signal Providers from exploiting this loophole, and make them more balance and responsible in their trading efforts.

    It's not a marketing gig. As we've explained at least 20x in this forum, our martingale calculation method was chosen by the community and our users when we launched. The thinking is that a martingale is essentially an extension of the original trade. If the martingale wins, the "set" wins. Let me also be clear that this calculation can both help and hurt a providers performance %.

    That said, the whole conversation is a mute point as our new leaderboard showing ROI will be out by the end of the week and with that, the MG calculation is changing anyways.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Sounds good to me can't wait to see the changes. That is correct anything that can have a positive state can have an inverse negative state as well so those calcs can also sink a provider more quickly. To me its super clear the intent and I won't go over this because like you said its a mute point hence why I closed the other thread. I think of it to be misleading and you don't ok so will see how you improve on providers performance/rankings. I am in the end a trader at heart only want to see things that benefit traders in a fair and honest format...
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