Forums Beginners Questions

Does anyone use Signal Push here? What % ROI per month are you getting?


Does anyone use Signal Push here? What % ROI per month are you getting?



  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    BSB example of a trader I would use at 68.75% 66 wins 30 losing trades and 2 break even on a 2k account @ 5% a trade = +$2,076.00 with CTOptions payout scale of 76% for ITM and a 2% return on OTM trades. It does not include monthly fees, still you get the raw growth on 2k using 5% a trade.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    Now lets look at Mr.Legendary and his stats who would you think is is better? If you just looked at the stats you would say well he is at 72% so he has to be winning more $ :) Ahhhh nope... Actually he takes overall more trades and has higher risk because if we look at his 2 step martingale method of trading and average out each trade to be $100 the same as what you trade with BSB as a functional unit kind of like if you went to the store what do you pay per oz/unit or whatever as a comparable measure. So lets do the same make the martingale trades a true stat and not the marketing one Signal Push uses with fuzzy math but equal true units instead. Here is what you get 80 ITM and 42 OTM trades on a 1 to 1 basis you also take more risk and get less profit, so always really look deeper then just ITM%s because they can be misleading. I do believe SP has a calculator on their site you can use of which you just need to ask them. Why they don't advertise this is beyond me.

  • jtrader1jtrader1 Posts: 3
    edited July 2015

    BSB example of a trader I would use at 68.75% 66 wins 30 losing trades and 2 break even on a 2k account @ 5% a trade = +$2,076.00 with CTOptions payout scale of 76% for ITM and a 2% return on OTM trades. It does not include monthly fees, still you get the raw growth on 2k using 5% a trade.


    WTF!!!! SO if i just use BSB in a month with a minimoun deposit of u$d 250 I will pay the 99 monthly fee and get some were u$d 800. Put in $5 per trade.
    For example he only lost 30 son 30*$5= u$d 150. And the 66 winning give about u$d900?

    Tell me this is true and signal push ou got me!

    By the way when your signal services is going to be able?

  • JonHaltoJonHalto Posts: 27
    edited July 2015
    lol how do you get these numbers jtrader1 ? i would certainly like that but 66 winning trades will not return 900 $ in your example. The profit on each winning trade is 76% :-)
  • jtrader1jtrader1 Posts: 3
    JonHalto said:

    lol how do you get these numbers jtrader1 ? i would certainly like that but 66 winning trades will not return 900 $ in your example. The profit on each winning trade is 76% :-)

    Sorry it would be almost u$d 250 with $5 and 76%. Don't know what i did out there. Any way I check the balance on BSB and he did 58 trades max in his best month so if you dont have $2000 at least is not a god deal. But his success rate is quite impressive! If I have $2000 to lose i would definitely i would give it a try.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    I agree with what most providers charge if you are not going to do at least a few K or higher its very prohibitive as the risk you would have to take on a small account would be at an extreme disadvantage. Also those numbers above are from their respective starts over the past 3 months or so... Really quantify your numbers ahead of time is what I am pointing out so you have a clear understanding from every angle you can to reduce the risks/increase the profitability of your endeavor. Also the other point of a provider hiding poor results with the 2 step martingale is self evident in the above lol.. Might look like 72% to a noob but to a real trader its under 66% in truth..
  • OkaneOkane Posts: 1,282 admin
    jtrader1 said:

    Sorry it would be almost u$d 250 with $5 and 76%. Don't know what i did out there. Any way I check the balance on BSB and he did 58 trades max in his best month so if you dont have $2000 at least is not a god deal. But his success rate is quite impressive! If I have $2000 to lose i would definitely i would give it a try.
    No, you also forgot to subtract the losses. You win 66 trades so that's 250 yes but you also
    said there will be 30 losses = 150. So 250 - 150 =100$ in profits.
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    loltzofbotz, you are a smart one. I have been pouring over the signal providers for 2 weeks and observing their behavior, and esp those on Martingale. Those on 2 steps Martingale is very high risk. Imagine you put a 2.5X on Martingale and the 2nd one is a losing trade, guess what happens? You easily blow away 5% of your profit margin. I don't like Legend with his Martingale strategy, it's not transparent enough. It's dangerous. Other than BSB, think you can recommend a 2nd better player? I can't seem to find one on par with BSB. Thanks a lot.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    Maybe the Dolphin one but honestly none of these guys are really trading for anything other then effect or else they just kind of suck. I like Binary Guru's trading but again he is trading mostly for ITM%s which puts the focus on winning more then finding good trades which = none of these guys trade normal and are just meh at best... In truth they all kind of suck... The only true measure is using variable ROI models on %s from a starting balance vs % size per trade over time to see the real rate of return. Who cares if a trader is 70% vs a trader that is low 60s if the low 60s trader is up 10x vs the 70% who is up only 4x because of the FREQUENCY. In short people never really calculate any hard cold numbers on average and are simply just to stupid to figure out the true worth of the signal provider. I think SP has tools to help you accomplish this but again they don't make that publicly available because god forbid people learn how to count.. Alas people are stupid they promote stupid because it pays end of story..
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    Spot on again lotzofbotz, Dolphin (PANDA) was my 2nd choice in observation as well. Well, yes they are not perfect. However I still believe one can still make some decent earning from them. Perhaps 2k a month max, well at least you get some money to buy food and pay the bills, lol.. Yes I did some calculation as well. To really earn decent ROI of 25% and above, success rate would have to be at least 62% with sufficient trades. I like Binary Guru as well, BUT their number of trades is just too little to fetch decent profits. I just had talk with my Boss Capital Broker. He wants me to put a 5k for a "guaranteed" JP Morgan contract with a winning % of 80%.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    ROFL I would tell him to Go ___ himself and stay away from my account!
  • Blue Sky BinaryBlue Sky Binary Posts: 157 ✭✭
    Dear traders,

    We will be doing a quarterly update webinar on the Turbo Panda stream at the end of this month. It will be posted on our website thereafter.

    Blue Sky Binary - Research, Education & Technology. Signal Hive - The No.1 Binary Signals Marketplace.

  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    BSB - One of the Best Signal Providers on SignalPush (Perhaps the best?) :smile:
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    Lotz, Can i ask, the spreadsheet calculation you did above - you did that formula yrself? Where can we obtain a formula spreadsheet as such? Can SignalPush provide one?
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    Signal Push has a calculator and I don't know why they don't make it publicly available on their homepage for people to use?! The 2 files below will help you get individual calcs/projections based on the providers performance if you take the time to go over and input their individual numbers into them.

    Honestly I just count it off in my head as I can recognize patterns by looking at raw numbers, which if you trade long enough you will develop this muscle memory for stats naturally. Some people trade very often use all kinds of indicators/systems and remember absolutely nothing because they are looking at "FLUFF" which makes them dreamers/losers that go around chasing the market all day long like lost sheep waiting for a wolf to gobble them up as these knuckle draggers either don't/can't count. If you can't build this muscle memory then you are wasting your time really. Trading is about memory and logic using math as a discipline will allow you to be a winner. That does not mean you have to know all kinds of extremely complicated math levels as everything in our universe is simply 1 2 & 3... From there all other things are derived and I mean everything from the smallest particles to the largest known objects in our universe... I would even go beyond that into what you don't see dimensionally but then I would start to enjoy the math that you would really likely not and might even complain that I am hurting yer brain...

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    BTW no BSB is not the best or I should say not the best yet in raw #s there are better due to what I stated earlier because of the raw number of trades vs the period of time... Now if you do the footwork you should be able to tell me which provider that is ;) Also if you were to mix and match providers you can get a very advantageous scale and exponential return, again you just need to spend time counting... THINK OUTSIDE THE PHUCKING BOX!

    Example just one of the ways I trade lets call it a STREAM or individual Signal Provider like a BSB or Legendary...

    ROI% = 45.55% with 75 ITM 31 OTM = 70.75% number of trading days = 17 that is also 1/3rd to 1/2 of my typical results over the mean average period of time. So calculating a comparison of any of the SP providers from what are available can't even come close to competing with me lucky enough lol...

    Then again I never really paid attention to my ITM%s as I just scale up and down 1-5% a trade and look for good trade setups focused on making money as I know my average is always between 60-80% a week which simply is profitable, from there its rinse repeat focus on good trading with as many setups as the market will allow... Most of these idiots on Signal Push are too busy worried about what their ITM% will look like to actually trade which is soooo retarded... Its plainly obvious this is where there focus is instead of making good trades... So none of them will ever be able to compete with me but I still think there are better traders out there then I and hope we will be able to find them...
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    lotz, Have you ever measured what your IQ is? lol. Thank you for the formula spreadsheet. I have been punching a lot of numbers into the calculator and i did derive some figures off my head. I am still green, but I think i am making more sense everyday. I do know It will take me years to reach your ITM%, but I do know that if I can ever get at least a 64% ITM with a good enough 100+ trades, it's constant sustainable profit for now. There is a new player and I thinking along the line of a person by the name of "VIC"..wink wink. Mix and Match provider..hmm..yup trying to do this hard now, and pray hard my VPS don't crash.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    My IQ seems to always increase when drinking :P Ok good you have a plan and are focused, because awareness is key and from there you can plan a course of action to derive a result. You can't beat a man with a plan unless its a man with a better plan. Most of trading is a GRIND and I never know or even care what my ITM%s are in a week as that does not matter. What matters is did I make a profit and was it worth it for the risk I took? One week I can have 10-20 trades in the 60% range. The next week I can have over 50 trades with a near 80% win rate and that is up to the market mostly as I just go with the flow the best I can. Anybody that holds above 60% is going to make you money right so from there all you need is frequency and good money management. I often trade 1-5% a trade and scale it up or down depending on the market conditions. Now what if you double your account in a month? The next month your trade size is 2x right what if you double it again the next month? The values are exponential so $1k goes to $2k and then to $4k $8k $16k ect ect... All you need is frequency and to hold above 60% on average...
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    Drinking is good, it relaxes the soul. I like fruit Cider alcohols, not too much of a heavy drinker. Only problem with SignalPush is that most signal providers volumes are too low. Most is less than 60 = sucks. After paying off their subscription for most, it's not worth it. Their trade size limitation is the worst, I don't know what the providers are thinking about. Imagine risking my capital for 2k just to get a miserable profit of $250 and after paying off $100 as fee, I am only left with $150 profits, this is ridiculous. If there is anyone that can recommend any providers with at least 120 signals and a minimum ITM of 64%, that would be so wonderful.
  • Blue Sky BinaryBlue Sky Binary Posts: 157 ✭✭
    edited August 2015
    Dear traders,

    We are giving a performance update webinar on the BSB Turbo PANDA autotrader this Wednesday, 2nd September, at 2pm EST (6pm GMT or 7pm UK time). We will discuss it's performance in detail and give a peek into our ATP program here, along with take any Q&A from attendees.

    Registration link:

    BSB Turbo Panda ROI calculator:

    Note: this webinar is not a promotional webinar but an informative one.

    Kind regards,
    Team Blue Sky Binary
    Blue Sky Binary - Research, Education & Technology. Signal Hive - The No.1 Binary Signals Marketplace.

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    Now see that is useful info to go over stats. But I thought SP has a calc where clients can input not SP side only. Example I want to see what I made with your service using X-Balance/Y-Leverage depending on the individuals preferences for what they wish to start with and use as leverage per trade. Its simple "Signal Push" should make this calculator available on their webpage including a date range of starting values the user can input. Make sense? Imagine a calculator page for providers where you use a drop down menu input "provider" - "starting balance" - "leverage" - "period of time" kind of like plug and play for the clients to see what they would have made in an easy format. Now that would not only be useful to future subscribers but also very TRANSPARENT as a service offering..
  • That's a beautiful spreadsheet. Don't see too much of such professionalism in the BO World. A question has been bogging in my head though. BSB has quite a few signal streams, why doesn't it bring a few more into SignalPush? Why only BSB TURBO and not the rest?
  • I wish to give a simple scenario for an advice on trading size. I do have an answer in my head, but I would like to hear what the veterans say. Say I choose to use 3 Signal Providers. Signal A has 50 trades a month with ITM% of 64%; Signal B has 60 trades a month with ITM% of 62%; Signal C has 120 trades a month with also 64% ITM. Hence expected number of trades is 230 Signals within a month. I have an account size of USD 2000 and I am using only 1 platform. What trade size would you use per trade? USD 70? USD 50?
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    I alway use leverage between 1-5% per trade, so those numbers you have there imo are good.
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    edited September 2015
    Hi lotz, need your feedback on your "Binary Options Calculations", as I can't really comprehend how it manage to derive a profit of $392 despite having a ITM% of only 56%? If I were to manually calculate those figures myself, it would actually result in a loss of $30 as it's only a 56% ITM. Am i doing something wrong here? As a rule of thumb, shouldn't one need at least 57% just to break even? Kindly advice.
    *Image below - I don't know how to delete a duplicate post even though i press on edit, doesn't allow me to delete.
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    edited September 2015
    Is there some "tweaking" needed to this calculator?

  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    In-the-money is your payout % on a win & Out-of-the-money is your payout % on a loss. So you just need to put in 70% on the first and either 0% or whatever your broker pays when you lose on the other. Some give a few %s on losses called a return. So your Account balance after trading should read 713 | Profit/Loss from your account balance -287 | Success rate of your trades 55.95238095
  • Got it lotz. I wish to voice my displeasure on the subscription prices on some of the Signal Providers, especially for "Legendary BOT". Their most basic plan is $150 for a max trade of $100. The next jump is a whopping fee of $750 for a max trade size of $500! I really feel SignalPush should have some sort of "Review Moderation" on the price plan of some of the Signal Providers as this is exorbitant. Who is the world can afford a Trade Size of $500? That is a Capital of 10k! What is "Legendary BOT" thinking of? Where is the middle range pricing? E.g. $250 for a trade size of $200. This makes more sense. If anyone use their signal service for now, either they are dumb or they have too much money to throw around. It's not like as if their ITM% is a constant of at least 72% per month with AT LEAST 80 trade volume. Their ITM% is dropping down to 56% and their trade volume is barely only 50 per month. I think by using them at their current rate and price level, my Risk is 200% and my ROI is 5%.
  • lotzofbotzlotzofbotz Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    "SignalPush" does not reflect the statistics correctly. They need to change this. Example from August to today the above provider you are talking about has 50 trades of which 15 are martingales = 65 trades in total for equal units or 35/30 with a 53.84% win rate in REALITY. So if you invested $100 a trade over the past month till today you would be down $550 from his trading as well $150 he changes. Again "SignalPush" is not being transparent in their stats as the real stats for August alone on that minus sept trades are 35/27 = 56.45% instead of the 59% they advertise... I won't support any false statistics and find what they are doing to be misleading their customers...
  • ds.trading70ds.trading70 Posts: 59
    edited September 2015
    I agree with Lotz on this from a very objective fair point of view. Stats for Signal Providers on martingale strategies are not shown accurately. I am only using primary school mathematics, and it seems for martingales, the performance is inflated by around a 3% point, which can make or break a profit. SignalPush should really address this calculation issue from a neutral standpoint.
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