Ok cool I am all for that and if you guys are on the up and up great I will talk to the site owner about promoting you. Hummus is ok but nothing beats good Baba Ghanoush or my favorite Shakshooka...
Will put it under "Review" to be fair to them Also deleted picture with post of IPs
I don't like Signal Push because I think signal providers should not be paid monthly but rather a % of profits and that way the the SP and Client both have the same singular goal to be profitable. The better you do the more you are paid WIN WIN. of course I heard blah blah can't do it and that is fine.
You're right. Can't do it legally. When the industry evolves more and regulations are more in depth so that money managers are allowed for binary and you can be compensated on profits, we'll consider it. Even marketplaces in industries like Forex and Futures have moved away from that model. ZuluTrade & Collective2 for instance, signal providers get compensated on pure VOLUME regardless of win or loss. OANDA did away with their own advisor program and closed down the trade leader program for the company they bought (Currensee), and with InteractiveBrokers advisor program you're still bound by regulatory registration requirements. That's just a few example from some of the industry leaders.
I think it will be a long time before you can legally manage others binary accounts for a cut of profits.
I'm in a different time zone than Lotz - but I have just send you a PM so I'll be waiting for your response. I will do the review in a fair manner. It would be a breath of fresh air to find another legit company in the world of Binary Options trading
Got your PM and the email was passed to our signals analyst and is added to the send list. You can expect the signals to arrive between 09:00 - 11:00 GMT from tomorrow the 30th. Looking forwards to your review and for all the forum to see that blackrockbotr is the real deal!
Have a Great weekend and please update me if you need any thing else for the review.
Lotz and Raiden. Are you sure you want to deal with this outfit? I realize that not everyone's first language is English, but businesses of size or reputation usually hire at least a grammar editor of some type for the appearance of propriety. After reading several of their postings... let's just say their grammar leaves a fair amount to be desired. Compare SignalPush as an example; an outfit that you are at least familiar with. Out of caution...just saying.
I think you should be cautious about anything specially signal services but I do want to do reviews and see if I can find ones that are a benefit to traders even if they speak Swahili lol. I am trying to approach this in as fair a way as possible and its not easy. You will always have people that love or hate a service and if you say something nice about one such as I did with JAS you can be abused from a whole other side which is wild. I think people should learn ultimately to trade for themselves but also I think why not find good services that I could even myself use to increase my income and who knows maybe even learn something in the process! If nothing else I will at least offer a non marketing perspective that will show how they work/operate then from there you can formulate if they are a winners or a LoOOssssaaaa!
I am trying to build stuff that traders find really useful/educational such as the How to trade binary options with "Butterfly Patterns" which imo is really a great article/video from an educational perspective aslo I am working on a giant one that compares brokers expirytimes/assets and pricing vs each other that I think people will find very useful.
Ok - so the first day of signals has started. At this point in time I have received a total of 5 signals. All 5 has an end of day expiry.
My own opinion - I'm not fond of doing binaries on any company. Personally I stay away from commodities too...... but this is just me. Maybe just because it's the first day but not one currency pair binary trade?
I will report back with results. Obviously I will have to wait for the trading day to end. In short this is just to let everyone know who is following this thread that the ball has started to roll................
Cool so let view it from a scientist/observer looking for empirical data based on a premise/idea. Nice start to update should be easy to follow if they trade like that lol.. 5 eod were the entry criteria met, would you have been able to get the entry rates @ or better when the signals were delivered?
Yip - only time will tell Lotz. The results of the review will be delayed due to it having an EOD expiry. But I will constantly be checking it for a pulse to see if this is alive or dead.
SignalPush - On the time of receiving the signals the rate of all assets differ. Some were already in the Strike Price and some were not. So in order to place a trade that was not in the suggested strike price you had to wait or set an alert.
The first day of the review results is available. For the next two weeks you will have access to the results of every days signals from Blackrockbotr.com
Once again I have to mention that the results is delayed....... I have to wait for the expiry of a suggested trade in order to report if the trade would have been ITM/OTM.
Where I state that there is a "NO TRADE" - that would basically mean that price never moved into the suggested strike price or better. So the trade will not be made - it will not count as a trade - will have no effect on the win ratio.
Hope that is clear enough for everyone to understand. So let's get started.
Trading Signals and Results for Monday 30 March 2015
ASSET CALL / PUT STRIKE PRICE EXPIRY EXPIRY PRICE RESULT Gold Call 1188.075 to .644 E O D 1185.70 OTM Gazprom Call 135.92 E O D 137.00 ITM Sberbank Call 61.675 E O D 63.010 NO TRADE Silver Call 16.759 E O D 16.700 OTM Oil Call 48.355 E O D 48.540 ITM
Thanks for sharing the results, Please note that our traders know to get in on the trades as they receive the signals there for most of our clients that entered Sberbank on time Won that trade ,also if you cant trade the asset please let me know and I or any one else can provide the proof (these assets are mostly traded on spot platforms). Please update the ratio to 60% - 3 wins. Also i will be positing the results on our Scoreboard from our website so you can see we are posting only the truth (good or bad)
To day we are looking at a good day of trading, Raiden I'm looking forwards to your next post !
I am reviewing this service as if I was a subscriber to it. I can assure you that the results also takes into consideration the time the signal is received. Although Sberbank did end higher by EOD I was not able to find an entry at all with this particular signal at (least) the suggested strike price. You did mention yourself that some of your subscribers is "trigger happy". So I am strictly following the rules with no exception. Also realize that a NO TRADE could have the opposite "positive" effect where the trade could not have been taken and have lost.
Well hold on that is confusing ok why don't you post the email as you got it Raiden along with the time the email was sent, that might clear it up better about that trade... Don't you give a price @ or better then to enter a trade?
I can do that (meaning the email). Let me try to explain better. At the time of the signal the price was already above the suggested strike price and never touched it the whole day. Thus resulting in a NO TRADE.
Mick, although you did update your website about signals etc, it only shows how many signals and the total ITM/OTM. There is absolutely no details on those signals. Another thing is that your website shows a total of 6 signals for 30/03/2015. I clearly received a total of 5 (not 6).
Ok, i understand what your saying. the 6th signals you see is posted on our news section that's why you couldn't see it, every day there are 1or 2 extra signals that are posted on the site a few hours latter and they are not sent by email or sms. sorry for the confusion. Ill try to send you them as well.
I would expect you guys to be fair and not post falls closing rates! Sberbank closed on 63.7300 at 14:30 GMT which is the EOD for this Stock i have no idea where you got 64.50000 .... Our entry price is 63.8950 we WON the trade by 0.167 pips please correct your report and post again.
I would expect you guys to be fair and not post falls closing rates! Sberbank closed on 63.7300 at 14:30 GMT which is the EOD for this Stock i have no idea where you got 64.50000 .... Our entry price is 63.8950 we WON the trade by 0.167 pips please correct your report and post again.
Thank you.
Few things:
- May have to do with EOD options on the binary platform the user picks. Since you are not clear (you should be for $1000 a month!) what you mean by EOD, your clients are going to choose what is available to them. It would be much better to put something like: Sberbank Put 63.8950 for EOD (14:30 GMT)
- I checked a few platforms and the "EOD" expiries ranged from 64.50 - 64.61
Signalspush i agree with you, it should have been more clearer, all the clients that work with our signals are debriefed on how to take the trades in a personal session and by videos showing how to place alerts and expiry's in a detailed email that explains it all, unfortunately we didn't have that debriefing with Raiden. Please not that the expiry's of EOD are referring to EOD expiry's by spot platform, will be sending to Raiden the time of expiry as well in the future so we don't have any miss understanding on the matter.
Will put it under "Review" to be fair to them
I think it will be a long time before you can legally manage others binary accounts for a cut of profits.
I'm in a different time zone than Lotz - but I have just send you a PM so I'll be waiting for your response. I will do the review in a fair manner. It would be a breath of fresh air to find another legit company in the world of Binary Options trading
Got your PM and the email was passed to our signals analyst and is added to the send list. You can expect the signals to arrive between 09:00 - 11:00 GMT from tomorrow the 30th. Looking forwards to your review and for all the forum to see that blackrockbotr is the real deal!
Have a Great weekend and please update me if you need any thing else for the review.
I am trying to build stuff that traders find really useful/educational such as the How to trade binary options with "Butterfly Patterns" which imo is really a great article/video from an educational perspective aslo I am working on a giant one that compares brokers expirytimes/assets and pricing vs each other that I think people will find very useful.
My own opinion - I'm not fond of doing binaries on any company. Personally I stay away from commodities too...... but this is just me. Maybe just because it's the first day but not one currency pair binary trade?
I will report back with results. Obviously I will have to wait for the trading day to end. In short this is just to let everyone know who is following this thread that the ball has started to roll................
Once again I have to mention that the results is delayed....... I have to wait for the expiry of a suggested trade in order to report if the trade would have been ITM/OTM.
Where I state that there is a "NO TRADE" - that would basically mean that price never moved into the suggested strike price or better. So the trade will not be made - it will not count as a trade - will have no effect on the win ratio.
Hope that is clear enough for everyone to understand. So let's get started.
Gold Call 1188.075 to .644 E O D 1185.70 OTM
Gazprom Call 135.92 E O D 137.00 ITM
Sberbank Call 61.675 E O D 63.010 NO TRADE
Silver Call 16.759 E O D 16.700 OTM
Oil Call 48.355 E O D 48.540 ITM
4 2 2 1 5 50.00%
4 2 2 1 5 50.00%
Gold CALL 1188.075 to .644 EOD 1185.70 OTM
Gazprom CALL 135.92 EOD 137.00 ITM
Sberbank CALL 61.675 EOD 63.010 NO TRADE
Silver CALL 16.759 EOD 16.700 OTM
Oil CALL 48.355 EOD 48.540 ITM
I can't get the format correct
Thanks for sharing the results, Please note that our traders know to get in on the trades as they receive the signals there for most of our clients that entered Sberbank on time Won that trade ,also if you cant trade the asset please let me know and I or any one else can provide the proof (these assets are mostly traded on spot platforms).
Please update the ratio to 60% - 3 wins.
Also i will be positing the results on our Scoreboard from our website so you can see we are posting only the truth (good or bad)
To day we are looking at a good day of trading, Raiden I'm looking forwards to your next post !
Mick & the
BlackRock botr Team
I am reviewing this service as if I was a subscriber to it. I can assure you that the results also takes into consideration the time the signal is received. Although Sberbank did end higher by EOD I was not able to find an entry at all with this particular signal at (least) the suggested strike price. You did mention yourself that some of your subscribers is "trigger happy". So I am strictly following the rules with no exception. Also realize that a NO TRADE could have the opposite "positive" effect where the trade could not have been taken and have lost.
Will post the second day results tomorrow.
Mick, although you did update your website about signals etc, it only shows how many signals and the total ITM/OTM. There is absolutely no details on those signals. Another thing is that your website shows a total of 6 signals for 30/03/2015. I clearly received a total of 5 (not 6).
BlackRockBotr Members
Signals For 30/3/15
Gold Call 1188.644.075 EOD
Gazprom Call 135.9200 EOD
Sberbank Call 61.6750 EOD
Silver Call 16.759 EOD
Oil Call 48.355 EOD
Time received: 10:50AM (GMT+2)
Ok, i understand what your saying. the 6th signals you see is posted on our news section that's why you couldn't see it, every day there are 1or 2 extra signals that are posted on the site a few hours latter and they are not sent by email or sms. sorry for the confusion.
Ill try to send you them as well.
I would expect you guys to be fair and not post falls closing rates! Sberbank closed on 63.7300 at 14:30 GMT which is the EOD for this Stock i have no idea where you got 64.50000 .... Our entry price is 63.8950 we WON the trade by 0.167 pips please correct your report and post again.
Thank you.
Few things:
- May have to do with EOD options on the binary platform the user picks. Since you are not clear (you should be for $1000 a month!) what you mean by EOD, your clients are going to choose what is available to them. It would be much better to put something like: Sberbank Put 63.8950 for EOD (14:30 GMT)
- I checked a few platforms and the "EOD" expiries ranged from 64.50 - 64.61
- The "official" close for yesterday is 64.50, http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/SBER:RM
I'm sure Raiden can clarify.
Thanks for bringing the matter to our attention.