has a zero policy for spam, scams and obvious SEO-links. If you post it you will be banned - end of story. See banning rules below:
#1. Posting spam e.g. the same message in more than one forum thread.
#2. Trying to market signals, charts etc that will break our safe trading rules (contact an administrator if you wan't your products reviewed).
#3. Posting messages containing links that is only for SEO and/or marketing of your own products i.e. not helping user of the forum.
If you have a product and you would like to post some info about it please contact a moderator or the site owner, but please be prepared to show proof it is not a scam. If you run your own serious binary site or blog and want to exchange traffic, please contact an administrator.
This site is here to help new and old traders from being scammed, and if you post some BS here all it does is put you dead center for us to expose you as a scam. So in a way by posting your scams here you will actually being helping out this community as we will come for you.
Bryan Mcafee
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
15 ·
BigOption Complaints -
There were quite a few complaints about BigOption not paying or trying to avoid paying their clients. BigOption was accused of making excuses and delay withdrawals or convince people to keep trading. In at least a couple of cases a few clients claimed their account manager had without their knowledge wiped their account because they wanted to withdraw their profits. Later they could no longer access their accounts anymore. These are some serious claims and since the broker isn’t regulated there is not much you can do about it. On the other hand, some complaints were due to clients not entirely reading the terms & conditions of the service. Try typing BigOption scam, fraud, complaint, and be adviced; you’re going to see some ugly things. One client had issues with getting parts of his funds back due to overuse of the cancellation feature. However, the terms and conditions clearly states what is considered abuse of this feature so we can’t really blame BigOption.
I apologize in advance, I have posted something similar on the newbie thread. But I am new to Binary Options trading and I saw this video on youtube which said that on average Binary Options trading will result in a loss. I am not very good at Math, but it does make some sense to me. Can anyone please help me take a look and see if the video is correct? I do not want to get into it if I am sure to lose money
Thank you very much.
Erik you were thrown out of so many signal services, when do you finally realise no one cares or listens to you?
I heard you auditioned at Options Domination and that they actually have the recording of your audition. I should speak to them to release it. Weren't you against Options Domination? LOL
We are not interested in any kind of forum flame wars, and drop out of the discussions when it comes to personal things or who is the best or better. Let's just calm down and let the results speak. Our two signal providers show of their 3rd party verified stats on Trade4me - that should be enough to estimate if someone is a scam or someone who can trade.
@ Pavel: We actually like Signal Hive and their efforts to bring up seriousity and transparency to the world of binary options - this is needed and everyone that makes this whimsical world of online trading a better one is embraced by us. We don't want to grab your signups, nor do we want to be an aggressive competitor. We put our energy against the scams out there that sell randomly generated signals risking customer's capital - we want to show that generating revenue is possible in an open and transparent way. Furthermore we don't see why there is no room for more good signals, in addition to the ones you and the great guys from SH are delivering? The market shows us endless possibilities to trade every day - we think it is an attractive option for the customer to spread his risk over several honest, well trading opportunities and get a slow and steady growth.
In this spirit,
Or are you going to claim that the lotzofbotz character that wrote that thread is also a fake, all the way back in 2015? Or are you going to outright lie and say lotzofbotz is not the binary nerd? LOL
Right, the type of flame wars Mechpipzilla started over at Communitraders before he was thrown out? Where mechpipzilla = lotzofbotz = the binary nerd? Or the type he started here scathing brokers and services like Marketsworld? Or telling people that Signal Push has false stats after he failed their audition as "Carol Engel"? Or the type he started inside Signal Hive which I witnessed, where he was cautioned and eventually thrown out?
Do you think it is ok to pose as "black warrior" and insult the owner of this forum or the admins, guys like Okane and Mike who are working hard to make things better here? Do you forget that you were thrown out of this forum because of your serious attitude and mental problems?
You are playing games and unfortunately because I spent over a year with you in Signal Hive, you can't fool people that know what you do for a living. Ask any member in Hive today about all the false promises and chicanery you indulged in and they will happily remind you.
Regarding your comment on Hive, I never said you have any problem with them. My problem is that you are not transparent because firstly no one knows who you are. You have no company address, no first name or last name or anything. You have mutliple fake personas online and for some reason believe people believe you when you "reinvent" yourself every now and then, when one persona is burned and buried.
I think its very important, for the sake of transparency in binary options, that someone sign up to your service and publicly show your trading record.
Of course giving signals is hard, but its rude to lie about your stats and say "I'm the best trader" "Im 70%" "there is no trader above 60% here", when you haven't actually given 1 signal live to any client. I had a tough week in Signal Hive last week but atleast I am open and honest about it. I give realistic stats to people and try my best to be above 60% on a monthly basis. Last month I was, next month I won't be, you never know but at least I am humble.
I find it gross that there are such arrogant traders out there.
A last thing to state:
All of your information is fictitious and you are not quoting The Nerd or people that are part of his team. Since you seem to have an inability to accept anything stated by us. No more communication will be made from TEAM NERD to any of these hateful/abusive comments. We wish you great success!
We prefer to let the #s talk...
Which other bit is "fictitious", is it the verifiable fact that you are Mechpipzilla and were thrown out of BOTS/Communitraders? Why not ask the managers of those forums, Okane and Mike? They are here. Well, we would like to accept what you say if you had a track record that was generally accepted? The facts remain, trade4me stats are unverified as per your own admission as lotzofbotz in a post made by you. Maybe I missed it but you don't have a company name, address, directorship, phone number and are a complete internet ghost with multiple personas online. You have not given 1 signal to clients that has made money (maybe that changes in the future), you spend all your time scathing other services and very importantly, how damning would it be if I got in touch with Options Domination and ask them to post a recorded interview of yours showing you audition for them, a group of known marketers, who you also bad mouthed here?
You have a repeat history of being thrown out of most if not all services in Binary Options and most recently at Signal Hive. There is a reason you are not a mod here anymore, because your previous owner felt you were incapable of maintaining integrity on the forum. Better , more professional and capable people than you run it now lotz
These are not hateful comments or abusive, they are merely stating the facts. Since you have cowardly cowed out and not offered any defence to the points above I'll assume you finally admit what you are.
---> <---
This person is RANDY from BOE or BOTS who was banned just about everywhere due to his abusive behavior and is part of this chain gang of HATE mongers. Too bad none of them can produce content/vids or information to help others instead which would be a far better use of their time.
I will say this, so if the real lotzofbotz doesn't trade on Trade 4me then I'll take down my thread on him from last week gaming the stats because one thing is for sure, Algobot, his other provider Turbozilla and this Binary Turd guy are all gaming the stats. In fact all providers there do and I can say this because I on Hive which is very transparent.
I have systematically shown here how providers on Trade 4 me do it.
Lotz, if the real Binary Nerd is not on Trade 4 me, let me know and I'll ask mods to consider removing it but if you are seriously trying to tell us that Trade 4 me's platform isn't completely gamed then read this and I'd would like to know your thoughts.