Yeah I do agree that was a super gay video. Hey I support alternative lifestyles but even gay people would say "Damn that is GAY!" Now if there was booze and strippers "Females" along with midget bowling and him giving away 20k and maybe Mike Tyson singing "Woot Woot there it is!" in the background with live chickens running around and maybe a sheep or two. Now that would be a party!
Hi guys, I am always having mixed feelings on Mike's FB Group, but I am leaning more towards unstability and inconsistency for them. They acutally promote Insider's Information + Binary PRO Robot + ABS? They also will not "approve" comments that are negative in ther blog. I placed 2 comments - 1 on 10th July and another one on 21st August. BOTH are awaiting approval till now and not being posted on the site. I was making comments that ABS is the most only ITM 58%, and how can they promote this site, and my comment is never approved. Their site is giving me jitters feelings. I am having a feeling that all comments in there are all "make believe" by themselves. Any comments?
Mike is trying to change from what i read and i do think people can change but he cant ..Someone with an ego like his will never change "im not wanting shitzleburg holding me hostage after he sees my bank balance" he is like a younger version of that George s of fivver ..Hey i have 35 yessss 35 years of experience ..He reminds me of people your friends with and after a month think why the Fxxk did i become friends with this absolute nutjob .Fair enough if people follow law of attraction,but if he keeps telling himself every day "i can change i can change" he wont ..Its built into him ..He is brain washed and has this massive ego that he wants to sell to people .
You should always hope your fellow man changes for the better but if you note their behavior is the same then just stay away from them. All of these scammers/liars/cheats/thieves hurt themselves first. It must hurt their own mind to look at yourself in the mirror and know the kind of person you truly are for them. Nobody has to abuse or knock them for it. They need only listen to their own inner voice as they look into the face of others. You can run or hide but its always there and that imo is horrible curse to live with. Its to be a person of DISHONOR. Then again explaining higher forms of logic/being to people who wish to act like rats or parasites is often a waste of time. Still you should feel sorry for them and hope they change for the better as a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and they will always have a foul smell/taste associated with them. That is why all of these scammers are so easy for me to SEE as they all have a very foul aroma ... You actually taking the time to think this through and test it will serve you well to understand how to stay away from these unfortunates. So good job xalksx!
I really dont now how people buy into these scams in the first place ..Maybe for some its easy to spot ,and that should be the case for everyone in this day and age .If its to good to be true and all that.And yea i agree with you about they have to live with it.But watching videos about this guy it seems like he believes what hes doing is good ,and that makes them even more dangerous ,if he thinks his strategy works and he forces it down someones throat he thinks what hes doing is good when in fact its not .Now this is where it gets hard not to kick these people when there down ,you can try and explain to them its wrong and its not going to work so give it up but there that far into there own beliefs they aint for listening or changing ..He has shown videos where he has hired these bums of fivver ,and he thinks by showing them as a scam because he used them is a good thing ..When really it just shows him for what he is or was ,imagine he did make something that worked 100% it make him even worse ,because he has cried wolf to many times .I only no what ive seen from videos over a short time so shouldn't be able to judge so quickly but can with reading/watching a few things .
Another thing is this even if Mike's group of traders are decent they have no valid proof of their statistics and to a real trader not the goofball marketers looking to skin n00bs will just seem like idiots who mouth off. The videos of 100% wins are a complete JOKE as I would bet you none of them could even compete with the traders on Signal Push who are really not even that talented imo. Forget competing vs me as its not even a contest. Too bad we can't have an open contest to see who is the best for all "Signal Providers" including all comers that would use a 3rd party platform to verify stats and calculate real results over a months time. I think all of Mike's traders are FULL OF SH*T and as fake as his comments on his blogs are lol... And I straight out challenge them or any of Signal Push's traders to have an open competition to see... I am going to make a public challenge page in the future that outright insults them and shows them as cowards when they decline to participate... Now that would be fun! I PERSONALLY THINK YOU ARE ALL LIARS THAT CAN'T TRADE!
ohhh lol ..This could be interesting ,a trade of live .Can we get George s from fivver involved ..That would make it even more interesting 35 yearsss ha i cannot get that old prixxs voice out my head .Hopefully Mike and co will read this and take up your challenge ,i dont no allot about you lotz but from what ive read your more or less sick of people claiming to have the next big thing ..And instead of using the next big thing ,instead learn how to trade properly ? Im a total newbie and yes i did get software however from a newbies point of view did point out that the actual signals were better than the actual alert just my point but then again i watched a video that you done about the (M) and the (W) which more or less was a signal in itself without having any indicators or software ..Maybe i read it wrong but will go back and look at that video .As i think that anyone who is wanting to take this up should at least try it themselves to start with read read and more read ..Ive watched charts for sometimes 22 hours a day to see if i can learn anything from them ..This way if some software gives up on you ,then your not looking at something that makes no sense at all .Fingers crossed Mike&Co take up your offer
I don't care what anybody uses as long as it is not the absolute Bull Sh*T these no talent kunt marketers use to pretend with after the fact. They are all phucking CLOWNS to me and never could trade for a living no matter how much money they made from marketing lol. Its a pure joke. The talent required to be a good trader is the exact opposite of their personality profiles psychologically. If they lie to you they can lie to themselves. Real trading requires absolute truth like your Profit and Loss/Balance which will never lie to you. When taken to task by a real trader they will look like phucking idiots and trust me they will never agree to it as they are bitches that run in the corners to hide like the ROACHES they are...
Yea Marketers are never going to change..And if i built any type of software and put my heart/blood/sweat into it and someone on a forum called it allot of $hit and offered me a live show that it was $hit then id be there saying lets do it ..But no one has posted here to convince us otherwise which tells a story .When im super bored and i see one of these scam marketers writing a massive copied/pasted post on youtube or a forum i will email them ..And waste an hour of there time seeing what there going to offer me not sure why there screenshots are always 1 month old .And the amount of winning trades are pretty mad ..But then i email another one and low an behold its the same bloody screen shots .But one thing that will always baffle me is why ? Why do people buy into these things ,there has been so much programs on tv showing that online scams are rife .But lets hope with the work of forums like this and others the whole scam thing will die down ,it happened for years when online casinos started and it petered out ..But not sure if it ever will with this every second there is a new video made on the next big thing .Allot of my mates say "binary options is just a scam" then i need to explain no its not a scam ,its the marketers that are a scam ,and some brokers are a scam,and erm some traders are a scam..By that time there out not interested lol
markets world is regulated by GSC, which means Gambling Supervision Commission, and their duty is to allow good gamblers and help gambling victims in getting their lost money from bad gamblers. It is totally about gamblers as read in the website of its own. Sorry if I mis-understood their policy. OK live markets world topic aside, can anyone please review or share their experience about The Binary Lab by Julian Wong. Thank you.
Dealing with the Gambling commission is a nightmare..Think what your talking about is the same sort of work that sites like casinomeister/ThePogg do ..They work as a 3rd party and approach the casino for you ,they also do whats done on this site , they will review a casino and if the casino is willing to work with them then they will get the seal of Approval if not there set as not recommended status dealing with any gaming authority is a nightmare it could take months and months , far handier if it can be sorted before it has to go that far ..Ive seen cases on the gambling side where people have been refused 30k and the dispute guys have went in and sorted it ..One thing to mention , id think it be the same with brokers , never ever sign up with false details or make more than one account because if it comes out to withdrawing whatever amount they can refuse it ..Of course they will wait until its time to withdraw money before they tell you your 4ucked ..While signing up with a broker recommended from here they did make me send all my documentation before i could trade where as online gambling don't give a crap they let you gamble then they hit you with the documentation 4hit
I don't hate Mike and the only reason his thread is not up is because I was trying to be fair as he seemed to be moving in the right direction with his facebook group and honestly I have no animosity towards anybody as I am just a trader and bored moderator lol. I have to be fair even to idiots like Mike. The poor guy has no ability to deal with REALITY. The reason why he was so cruelly treated and abused by me *Cry Cry hands him a tissue, is because I received tons complaints about him!!! "He deleted my comment after I lost a bunch of money with his Autotrader then threatened me with violence!" was the most common response as these people kept showing me his messages/emails/screenshots ect ect. So I then created a thread to display the other side which was very popular due to him being a very talented marketer. Actually it was "Anonymous" that provided his info then from there one of my family members from the military intelligence community provided the rest. I don't plan on sharing anymore info on him other then what he posted himself. I come from a military family for the most part and if I really wanted to know anything about anybody that I can't figure out myself then it can be provided. Now his privacy is his own and should stay that way. The only ones that need his info are the authorities and if he ever comes back to the U.S. they will be paying him a visit to talk to him because of all the spectacularly stupid emails he sent threatening others in the past. Good luck with that btw... Again you will reap the bounty of the seeds you sow in life...
This bored moderator can always insist on that thread being put back up add to it and even put the energy in it to make it popular again that he so throughly dislikes and finds insulting/costly to his business if he does not get rid of "Mikes AutoTrader" in the very near future. You do good you get perks you do bad you get bi*ch slapped. Its that simple. No the other person here who was either threatened or paid off which I don't know or care as they have NO SAY IN IT... So lets be very clear make your scamware disappear Mike... You can't buy or threaten me as I don't give a phuck...
i kinda thought he aimed it at you there were allot of words blanked out ..He said you were 14 and hes born in 1986 ..Theres deffo a problems with figures ..He cannot figure out his own age ..Or others ..But this guys a trader if hes the same age as moi then im growing a ponytail
lmao Rab C Nesbit ..The man who put Scotland on the map ..Mary doll like a 80s rockstar ..Lotz i think your a secret Scotsman ..Like Michael is a israelian/Jewis man from the US .
I am way to busy trading most of the time. Honestly all I have to do is gain access to different groups like that and then use "Signal Rush" showing live trades and statistics in a TRANSPARENT format. I will be visiting many groups like this once the FRONT END is developed and making those stats very very public. No amount of BS talk will be able to refute the video of their true results trading.. No need to abuse or say anything when you do it that way lol... I can politely provide their results good or bad to the public....
I did that before he got kind of upset when I asked what color was his underwear? Do you like vibrators? then sent him some pictures... Yup was not happy
Lol i want to see how heartless he really is ..Ive claimed im using my grannys savings ..Im now wondering if hes going to try and take any of my grannys savings the swineeeee
Well well well, [Observer] I thought John Kane was a genuine Canadian. I was always suspicious that he (never) recommends anything except Binary Brainwave, Bullet and Ascend. What specific evidence is there that he is Michael Freeman? Is Freeman behind these services as well?
Now, I finally decided to not to enter in to binary options with any broker or any signal service or any facebook group because i'm in the middle of a collision of thoughts about michael freeman and julian wong and the discussions going on here. First I thought julian wong is good and then michael freeman because every detail they show in their youtube channel or facebook page seems believable. I don't know whether earning through binary options is legal or not because I never invested a single penny into it because I'm not that rich to through money and see what happens. I have been searching about binary options from long ago, still I'm clueless. Bye bye binary options(for now). Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Thank you.
OK live markets world topic aside, can anyone please review or share their experience about The Binary Lab by Julian Wong.
Thank you.
This bored moderator can always insist on that thread being put back up add to it and even put the energy in it to make it popular again that he so throughly dislikes and finds insulting/costly to his business if he does not get rid of "Mikes AutoTrader" in the very near future. You do good you get perks you do bad you get bi*ch slapped. Its that simple. No the other person here who was either threatened or paid off which I don't know or care as they have NO SAY IN IT... So lets be very clear make your scamware disappear Mike... You can't buy or threaten me as I don't give a phuck...
Love that video lol...
Thank you.