Hi guys. Tevin Marshall is seriously a good guy. He posted signals on Mike's page and decided to not post signals anymore because the rules is in conflict with his personal trading style. Mike sent him an email calling him the N word (Tevin is African American) and banned him. Tevin also mentioned in a video on youtube that his personal view of autotraders are that they are not legit and it does not make sense that brokers would allow 80% ITM bots running against their profits. i think this is what infuriated Mike. Here is the latest petty post of this excuse of a human being on his facebook page.
Michael Freeman 19 hrs
I erased the previous status I wrote, but look... I am very upset today. I am seeing less donation receipts since yesterday, it's only $25 and it was going to frickin charities!!!! I don't take any fucking money do I? Why did this loser defame the best binary options group in the industry? Is this the way to build credibility and authority for him on YouTube now? Remember the POLL, you guys decided that he is not even good enough!! I did a poll and you chose John Mukunju as a new admin, and many members told this guy Tevin, really politely, that he needs to learn. He never ever got a higher performance than Afzal Ahmed, Snir Yamin, Rene GZ and John Mukunju is it the charities fault? Is it my fault? the rules that are there to protect you so people don't spam the wall with Bullshit signals, it's the rules fault? What an asshole, he is not stupid though, he sent me some "nice emails" to soften me up in the last week.. I banned him when he informed me that he can't post signals anymore and wished him all the best in a nice response. If I see that people no longer donating to the charities because of this guy, trust me that he will pay for this. Do not comment under this status. Trust me that those who are good will always get the best of me, just a few days ago Freeman Ativor who's been with us asked me for a loan, but instead I gave him money free, all the competitions, the work we do here.. defaming this group was a big mistake.. Been through it before and no one managed to ever make it, Aditya and Rohan still occasionally email me and try to get back .. If Tevin thinks that he has any future in the binary options industry, he is dead wrong trust me because I work in many ways. I tried to be nice but after seeing a decrease in the donations by new members, I won't forget and won't forgive the guy who let his ego get the best of him. Please like this status if you agree, otherwise if you're on the wrong side, remove yourself from this group. Please try not to comment below this status and let's continue to stay positive, amazing days are a head of us! Like Comment 465Jacob Jones, Snir Yamin and 463 others
Wasting your time there with the martingale traders who only end up losing more then they started with by weeks end is a silly waste of time as these guys don't trade for $ they trade for EGO and getting paid by this affiliate marketer. He is mentally unstable going around threatening his own members and calling them names. Yeah that has to be a fun group NOT! Poor Tevin he seemed like a sincere guy even if he was promoting the biggest douchebag in the industry which of course he found out the hard way like many others.
I watch the unfair treatment of Tevin by Mike and send him an open letter and I was removed from the group within 15 minutes....some guys saw my post....just sorry not more could have seen it before they removed the message and myself from the group....here is the message I send him....
Open Letter to Mike - Mike I am part of this group for the last few months and have met wonderful people and it is a wonderful group and the admins are doing a excellent job. However, what happened over the last couple of days between you and Tevin is not acceptable and cannot go unanswered. The way you treated Tevin on this platform was totally unacceptable. I was a coward not to respond immediately. But in my heart I just knew the way you treated Tevin and the way you portrayed the correspondence and conversations between you and Tevin on the group was out of line and just wrong. I have lost all my respect for you as a professional by the childish and racist manner you reacted. Your management style and lack of professional conduct has single handed has done more harm to this group as a hole than anybody else. I was disgusted with myself and so should many other on this group who know in their hearts that you were totally out of line and a racist but was too afraid to take you on directly because we do not want to be suspended. I know you will suspend me immediately after I have posted this message...but that is ok as I am not afraid of you any longer and have except the fact that I will be removed from this group. but I will have a clean conscious by telling you the truth and that is that you are totally unprofessional, a racist and a bigot. I really hope that there will be others in the group who will listen to their hearts and conscience and not keep quiet and accept such racist behaviour for the sake of money. It was so sad to see people jumping to your defence on this page....just to please you or to impress you.....despite the fact that they knew in their hearts that you were totally out of line. You are a sad little man and I really feel sorry for you. I hope that some time in future you will realize what harm you have done to this group. The admins are doing a excellent job...keep up the good work........
That whole group is a PHUCKJOB none of them can really trade they all martingale like KAMAi KAZI pilots *pun intended towards binary alpha lol.. Mike is just a scam marketer and people suck up to him well suckers want to believe.. With all his threats and abusive behavior of even those who follow him you guys need to get a CLUE like for real LoL. To me all of his traders are just CHASERS like the indicator guys @ BOE and a complete waste of time but hey for $25 you can watch Mike call people _____ers and sp____ or whatever other abusive racist comments which to me is worth the price of admission, then again I have a warped sense of humor listening to me is not wise... But man the pict that guy posted that is hilarious! Sorry if you had friends there but you hang with crazy you get crazy...
I am half jewish/catholic so that basically makes me really a buddhist. I watched that group trade for a day and all I could think was one word as i kept shaking my fist up and down over my crotch as I watched them and that word is " MALAKA!" Why people waste their time there is beyond me but oooooK lol... I think Tevin should have responded with "Who you calling a N____! You JEWonky!!!" Here for Malaka Freeman LoL
My facebook group is #1 on the internet #1 get it now. I own this industry and everyone of you is on the $$$$$ menu. I don't like black people they can't even afford the dollar menu and Tevin Marshall is a traitor to my group. I also don't Nigerians who are blacks by default. Save the bitchez for somebody who cares you loser faggots. Don't forget to subscribe to my videos!
I could never understand why people love that guy so much. He is such an asshole and he doesn't think anything of the members in his group. Yet people LOVE him. don't get it.
Janniebar the signals you give are not even worth 1$ you should just go have sex with your uncle because you are a homosexual as your signals are just as unclefuckerish don't you think so too? You dollar menu loser. You're another one causing trouble I will come after you. This fat black piece of sh()t can go pray to god because I don't care. Here is what I said to my group so we can move on. Just because the dude is a fat black guy, doesn't mean he is all that cuddly and nice.. I am the one who gave away thousands of dollars to charities, to members and to the admins, and also to Cryin'Tevin let's set the record straight. I don't remember this guy gave away a dollar in his life to anything. Feel free to comment under this status if you agree or disagree, I can care less and will move on from this topic.. Great job admins! We're moving on & will focus on positive things. To all others you can lick my anus.
Just by reading what michael freeman writes here, i can tell he is an ignorant piece of shit.....I respect blacks and other african nationalities, i'm nigerian and i do recognize other african nationalities and black americans are not the same when speaking of cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, i won't just put americans, indians, germans and other Caucasian dominated territories into one bracket because even though they may be white, they have very distinct cultural backgrounds. At the end of the day, a retard is always gonna remain a retard, and i dont expect you to understand this.
Don't you have ebola to catch? The Nigerians are the worst kind of black people maybe that is why your country is better off if it fell into the sea and disappeared to never be seen again. You are all 1$ menu beggers you can go find one of the farm animals you sleep with in your house gabman and shove his horn up ya butthole! Anyway I am moving on.
I had a message from a user asking what I thought of Tevin Marshall and his trading.
Quote - "Hi, what do you think about tevin marshall's new signal service, who was with michael freeman. Do you think he might be a good trader, seems like. Not sure."
To be honest I have no clue if he can trade or not. I watched the admins as he calls them trade in the Michael Freeman Facebook group and can only laugh as they blow account after account. Martingaling 3-4 times what a joke. Many of their admins trying to get away from Michael Freeman secretly tried out for "Signal Hive" which is a quality service and none of them were able to make it in the audition process. I would be wary even though Tevin seems like a nice guy, what the F does that mean? But feel free to try and provide feedback on your results if you decide to join he seems like a nice guy at the very least which if you don't make any money at least you don't have to hang out with a evil creep like so and so lol... Really I don't waste my time with the negative anymore, the only videos you will see from me are on quality services that I think will benefit others and even then I could be wrong so take everything with a grain of salt. I will have other services up on the site in the future for you guys. Also he is charging $5 a week to join, heck that is not even the price of a hamburger where I live so give him a shot!
Why do I like "Signal Hive" I am not finding them very profitable and following others trades is a son of a _____ to do. I like them because they are real traders that are FULLY TRANSPARENT and that is #1 The market sucks you see it sucks in the results, you don't see them making stuff up like these other groups who magically forget their losses. There is a ton of improvement that can be made to SH to make it really useful and I hope with their vision they will. Another service I really like is Night Owl and the reason is they give signals the way a provider should give signals. REAL TIME with live screen sharing. Chris lets you know he is going to enter to the millisecond getting you ready right before he clicks and then you can watch him do this live. That format for signals is unbeatable imo. It is the only way I would trade and have for others. Again both of those services have their + and minuses but they are monthly/bi-weekly so if you don't like them you can always cancel and they even offer free trials so you can get an idea of it works for you. Then again MF's group is a $25 donation to a charity I think that is fair, as long as you don't mind being abused and likely kicked out if you don't suck his cawk and tell him how pretty he is... LoL
It is totally unacceptable as you get blocked for doing nothing wrong and this Michael Freeman does not even respond to your inquiry regarding an issue like this.
Hey, interesting thread. I don't have much to say about MF, except that I don't believe he's the one posting under that name in this thread. Someone is pulling that off. When is the last time you saw someone use their real name as a username, let alone their own picture? And then spewing that toxic stuff which is for sure making any person look down upon on him as being the lowliest of the lowliest? I never traded with this guy, nor am I'm following him, I'm just saying that I'm 99.9% sure that the person posting as MF in this thread is not who he says he is. And who really cares, anyway?
Hey, interesting thread. I don't have much to say about MF, except that I don't believe he's the one posting under that name in this thread. Someone is pulling that off. When is the last time you saw someone use their real name as a username, let alone their own picture? And then spewing that toxic stuff which is for sure making any person look down upon on him as being the lowliest of the lowliest? I never traded with this guy, nor am I'm following him, I'm just saying that I'm 99.9% sure that the person posting as MF in this thread is not who he says he is. And who really cares, anyway?
of course it's him, he's promoting his own websites and getting SEO from links
Yeah, I get that, and I haven't read all his posts, but I've watched some of his videos and he seems more intelligent than that. If that's him posting here, then he's not a very good marketer after all, is he? In fact, if that's a real person, they're likely to suffer from some type of personality disorder. Huge ego, paranoia, racist comments and physical threats!? I can see how people can get heated when they feel they're being criticized, but for someone to consistently spew that kind of hateful garbage I'd say that A) It's not a real person, but someone else trying to make them look very bad, or the person is absolutely off their rockers, batshit crazy. If you're right and it really is him, that would in fact be very sad.
I was referring to the posts by Michael Freeman in this thread. Looks like there's only 12 posts by that person in total. Look, if you're convinced it is him, I'm not arguing with you, I was just saying I have my doubts. You could very well be right.
Michael Freeman is batsh*t crazy like you said Nightgardner. He is the biggest scammer and joke of the industry, he called Tevin my brother the nicest guy you could ever know a N_GGER! Then he threatened him. Michael Freeman death threats abuse racism like a insane person. Mostly everybody in the binary options world thinks he is a joke. Even heard Banc De Binary showed up to his door to kick his ___ one day. Would not doubt it if others try something similar in the future to that scrawny little girl. He needs a few mins talkin that stuff to me or one of my black brothers and then lets see how fast he shuts up HA! Trying calling me a N_GGER I will show up to your door M8!
Lol, Blackwarrior....I live in Oakland, California. If I was the kind of person who would use that word, I wouldn't be alive! But I take your testimony into consideration, and I'm almost starting to think I was wrong about it not being him. I would say then, that a person behaving that way is extremely unprofessional, and that person would have proven beyond a doubt that they're out of their league and that their success is very temporarily. You use any kind of racial slur in public, whether you're black, white, asian, jewish whatsoever.....you are not in charge of your emotions and should probably not be teaching other people how to trade.
Yeah, I just reread those post. Pretty offensive but a few things ring true from my experience with MF. He is egotistical and vain, thinks his binary options network is number one on the internet... and it might, for scams.
i could have got sucked in had i not come to this site.It is hard to know who to trust these days.anyway listen guys what goes around comes around.The wicked will pay and pay dearly
Michael Freeman
19 hrs
I erased the previous status I wrote, but look... I am very upset today. I am seeing less donation receipts since yesterday, it's only $25 and it was going to frickin charities!!!! I don't take any fucking money do I? Why did this loser defame the best binary options group in the industry? Is this the way to build credibility and authority for him on YouTube now? Remember the POLL, you guys decided that he is not even good enough!! I did a poll and you chose John Mukunju as a new admin, and many members told this guy Tevin, really politely, that he needs to learn. He never ever got a higher performance than Afzal Ahmed, Snir Yamin, Rene GZ and John Mukunju is it the charities fault? Is it my fault? the rules that are there to protect you so people don't spam the wall with Bullshit signals, it's the rules fault? What an asshole, he is not stupid though, he sent me some "nice emails" to soften me up in the last week.. I banned him when he informed me that he can't post signals anymore and wished him all the best in a nice response. If I see that people no longer donating to the charities because of this guy, trust me that he will pay for this. Do not comment under this status. Trust me that those who are good will always get the best of me, just a few days ago Freeman Ativor who's been with us asked me for a loan, but instead I gave him money free, all the competitions, the work we do here.. defaming this group was a big mistake.. Been through it before and no one managed to ever make it, Aditya and Rohan still occasionally email me and try to get back .. If Tevin thinks that he has any future in the binary options industry, he is dead wrong trust me because I work in many ways. I tried to be nice but after seeing a decrease in the donations by new members, I won't forget and won't forgive the guy who let his ego get the best of him. Please like this status if you agree, otherwise if you're on the wrong side, remove yourself from this group. Please try not to comment below this status and let's continue to stay positive, amazing days are a head of us!
465Jacob Jones, Snir Yamin and 463 others
Open Letter to Mike - Mike I am part of this group for the last few months and have met wonderful people and it is a wonderful group and the admins are doing a excellent job. However, what happened over the last couple of days between you and Tevin is not acceptable and cannot go unanswered. The way you treated Tevin on this platform was totally unacceptable. I was a coward not to respond immediately. But in my heart I just knew the way you treated Tevin and the way you portrayed the correspondence and conversations between you and Tevin on the group was out of line and just wrong. I have lost all my respect for you as a professional by the childish and racist manner you reacted. Your management style and lack of professional conduct has single handed has done more harm to this group as a hole than anybody else. I was disgusted with myself and so should many other on this group who know in their hearts that you were totally out of line and a racist but was too afraid to take you on directly because we do not want to be suspended. I know you will suspend me immediately after I have posted this message...but that is ok as I am not afraid of you any longer and have except the fact that I will be removed from this group. but I will have a clean conscious by telling you the truth and that is that you are totally unprofessional, a racist and a bigot. I really hope that there will be others in the group who will listen to their hearts and conscience and not keep quiet and accept such racist behaviour for the sake of money. It was so sad to see people jumping to your defence on this page....just to please you or to impress you.....despite the fact that they knew in their hearts that you were totally out of line. You are a sad little man and I really feel sorry for you. I hope that some time in future you will realize what harm you have done to this group. The admins are doing a excellent job...keep up the good work........
But honestly I love him he is soooo funny!
Quote - "Hi, what do you think about tevin marshall's new signal service, who was with michael freeman. Do you think he might be a good trader, seems like. Not sure."
To be honest I have no clue if he can trade or not. I watched the admins as he calls them trade in the Michael Freeman Facebook group and can only laugh as they blow account after account. Martingaling 3-4 times what a joke. Many of their admins trying to get away from Michael Freeman secretly tried out for "Signal Hive" which is a quality service and none of them were able to make it in the audition process. I would be wary even though Tevin seems like a nice guy, what the F does that mean? But feel free to try and provide feedback on your results if you decide to join he seems like a nice guy at the very least which if you don't make any money at least you don't have to hang out with a evil creep like so and so lol... Really I don't waste my time with the negative anymore, the only videos you will see from me are on quality services that I think will benefit others and even then I could be wrong so take everything with a grain of salt. I will have other services up on the site in the future for you guys. Also he is charging $5 a week to join, heck that is not even the price of a hamburger where I live so give him a shot!