Ok what will JAX tell customers when they miss the autotrader day which they will because NADEX will not allow any auto-trader period. So what lies will you tell then as to why you missed that date? Lets come up with some excuses for them ahead of time.. Lying douchebags... They did not need to lie to their punters shame on you Dave...
1) "My dog at the auto-trading code..."
2) "What Autotrader? Oh I thought you meant AutoBullSh*Ter we have that one ready to launch!"
3) "Oh you signed up early with the manual signals so you can be first for the autotrader, good job maybe sometime in 2025 it will be ready! Maybe..."
As they miss sept and continue to lie to their members feel free to vent here lol... There is no plan to release the autotrader as Nadex denied them and they know they are not allowed to run one but still trying to bait people into believing its coming and all the dopes on their site actually believe them lol... What happens when they miss sept and people start to go "Where is the autotrader?" uhmmm opps...
I guess I have to eat my words but they LIE so much even this announcement imo is suspect. Still they announced this publically so have to give it to them even if its BS... I want proof of them really launching 100 clients... Whats "Nadex" going to do looks like "Signal Push/Apex" are out in the cold owch... *Pictures Ryan going ")@#$(%@#)(%^#(*%^!#(*%*^!!! WHHAAAADAFAAAQ!!!" Lotz is out a few pillows...
Now the results that JAX posts on their live account which imo are not real numbers will show the difference between clients and their stats and when the clients see they are way off well LoL how is he going to explain that? You can't make up numbers with an auto-trader and have the clients get worse pricing and not complain btw. Don't think they thought of that or the fact that Nadex is likely going to sue the crap out of them/shut them down in the future... *Gets popcorn, this is going to be interesting to see how it turns out... As the AutoTrader Turns...
I should be pissed was expecting that to be an easy 1k but I am laughing to hard to care about losing that bet... But he is the 1st official Nadex Auto-trader until Nadex shuts them down.
I agree I bet those 100 people never get the auto-trader turned on rofl... I am just waiting for them to say "Houston we have a problem, oh opps my dog ate the auto-trader code boo hoo... Sorry guys will have to wait till he poops it out, don't worry we gave him chocolate laxatives its coming soon!"
At least they post ROI% so you can compete with them openly. I hope more people use ROI% to show effectiveness of MM ect ect.. *Hint Hint A good trader over a period of time example a few of your other traders with x number of trades in the 60% range with good MM could be up over 10x if you used the correct scaling/money management to fit their historical performance...
I am against people that lie to their clients and make up results as he does. I would not trust a person like this and again I believe a third party signals platform is the only way to prevent liars/marketers from screwing people over. Example below of clients using his autotrader now that are losing but yet he keeps only posting wins, why? This is because he makes up his results...
So does it means the auto trader is somehow not magically working properly since it has gone live? I understand discrepancy between Manual signal taking but auto
The manual they can make up numbers with more ease compared to the auto which should reproduce automatically their trade entries. So when the auto-traders notice they are not getting the same results well duh... That is why for example JAS never did auto-trading on the binary options side. Their entries often are faked. Lets say you get a spike up or down of 10 pips in a few seconds and then it rebounds very quickly back up 10 pips. The JAS service will magically come in a minute later after the spike up and catch the exact high/low for the signal entry! Now in real life they never had that entry but they will mark it in their trading as having that entry. On their live account with Nadex that they show the % Growth you can almost be assured its FAKED. Nadex should make them come clean on that imo as they are falsely advertising results that likely don't exist. So if their clients start to wonder WTF!? Well that is how they role LoL...
Good evening - I'm with the JAX team. I can't speak for the JAS side because they're separate businesses and I have no affiliation with it. We've ignored this thread until now because some of the comments were fairly vitriolic and certainly untrue, we figured we'd be all action and no talk, which we have done consistently. Not sure what hornets nest this post will stir up - but here goes. You've taken two comments in that image out of context - those users weren't added to our auto group at the time and messaged us to get invites. They were asking to see what was going on - I believe it was day one or day 2. We're UK based and so were probably asleep at the time and couldn't let them in, unless it was mid trading - in which case we were mad busy looking after our launch. If you have access to the main group which you clearly have screenshots from, we've pointed out we experienced a couple of bugs with the auto launch (we've actually pushed out 3 updates in 3 days to fix these). All largely ironed out - but unfortunately it meant that a couple of our results in manual weren't reflected for a couple of users in the auto(actually about 9 users of the 100 we had if I recall correctly). You went through the beta Lotz, so you know that our system is a working one. We trade live because we are obligated to only represent returns that we can provably achieve (you know, so we don't get an enormous CFTC fine for misrepresenting our company to people). This week was our auto launch as you well know - We actually had a pretty bad trading day today - actually a very bad trading day. Something that is reflected both in our posts, and on our website. If we lied and made things up then we certainly wouldn't have had our results take a beating like we did today. There is nothing faked on our system - and you aught to be rather careful about such nasty accusations in the first instance. We do a damn tough job of being one of the few organisations out there that is open and honest with everyone about what's going on. We're very proud of that. Whenever we mess up, or bug out - we are very clear to explain it in detail, and to own up to it. Assuming you're a member of that group - you'll have seen all of this, so it's extra exhausting that despite knowing full well what goes on in there you're choosing to represent it out of context. For what? Because you're launching a service of your own? You were wrong about our initial figures. You were wrong about our launch. Now you've come up with something else to complain about. So I say to you - get the 7 day trial chap. Trade it manually yourself. I defy you to not see approximately the same return (and losses) that we make. Remembering that it is an exchange, so you can have situations where you make a couple of $ more, and a couple of $ less. I won't bore you with screenshots of balances and entries and exits - because we all know these can be photoshopped. I see on your main site you're talking about going through and trialing a bunch of services and reviewing them. So I say to you this - I challenge you to use our service. Every result we put down is absolutely, unequivocally real - and this ludicrous character assassination and slander is immediately disprovable with the trial. Give it a go and report back. We outright welcome it, then once we're proven right - if you would kindly stop trashing us constantly in this thread - that would be awesome. Same for you signalpush guy. Don't really know anything about you - and I don't really care for that matter. Good services can co-exist without having to abuse each other all over the internet. If your business model is predicated on trying to remove competition with abuse - your product clearly doesn't stand up on its own merit. If it does, perhaps settle down and carry on delivering a good service. That is as little and as much as we're going to say about all of this - so we'll leave you to it after this post. We think our product stands on its own merit. If you don't like us - compete with us - and do it as honestly as we do. Meanwhile keep an eye out for our semi-auto service launching this month. Thanks for reading - Joe
Good evening - I'm with the JAX team. I can't speak for the JAS side because they're separate businesses and I have no affiliation with it. We've ignored this thread until now because some of the comments were fairly vitriolic and certainly untrue, we figured we'd be all action and no talk, which we have done consistently. Not sure what hornets nest this post will stir up - but here goes. You've taken two comments in that image out of context - those users weren't added to our auto group at the time and messaged us to get invites. They were asking to see what was going on - I believe it was day one or day 2. We're UK based and so were probably asleep at the time and couldn't let them in, unless it was mid trading - in which case we were mad busy looking after our launch. If you have access to the main group which you clearly have screenshots from, we've pointed out we experienced a couple of bugs with the auto launch (we've actually pushed out 3 updates in 3 days to fix these). All largely ironed out - but unfortunately it meant that a couple of our results in manual weren't reflected for a couple of users in the auto(actually about 9 users of the 100 we had if I recall correctly). You went through the beta Lotz, so you know that our system is a working one. We trade live because we are obligated to only represent returns that we can provably achieve (you know, so we don't get an enormous CFTC fine for misrepresenting our company to people). This week was our auto launch as you well know - We actually had a pretty bad trading day today - actually a very bad trading day. Something that is reflected both in our posts, and on our website. If we lied and made things up then we certainly wouldn't have had our results take a beating like we did today. There is nothing faked on our system - and you aught to be rather careful about such nasty accusations in the first instance. We do a damn tough job of being one of the few organisations out there that is open and honest with everyone about what's going on. We're very proud of that. Whenever we mess up, or bug out - we are very clear to explain it in detail, and to own up to it. Assuming you're a member of that group - you'll have seen all of this, so it's extra exhausting that despite knowing full well what goes on in there you're choosing to represent it out of context. For what? Because you're launching a service of your own? You were wrong about our initial figures. You were wrong about our launch. Now you've come up with something else to complain about. So I say to you - get the 7 day trial chap. Trade it manually yourself. I defy you to not see approximately the same return (and losses) that we make. Remembering that it is an exchange, so you can have situations where you make a couple of $ more, and a couple of $ less. I won't bore you with screenshots of balances and entries and exits - because we all know these can be photoshopped. I see on your main site you're talking about going through and trialing a bunch of services and reviewing them. So I say to you this - I challenge you to use our service. Every result we put down is absolutely, unequivocally real - and this ludicrous character assassination and slander is immediately disprovable with the trial. Give it a go and report back. We outright welcome it, then once we're proven right - if you would kindly stop trashing us constantly in this thread - that would be awesome. Same for you signalpush guy. Don't really know anything about you - and I don't really care for that matter. Good services can co-exist without having to abuse each other all over the internet. If your business model is predicated on trying to remove competition with abuse - your product clearly doesn't stand up on its own merit. If it does, perhaps settle down and carry on delivering a good service. That is as little and as much as we're going to say about all of this - so we'll leave you to it after this post. We think our product stands on its own merit. If you don't like us - compete with us - and do it as honestly as we do. Meanwhile keep an eye out for our semi-auto service launching this month. Thanks for reading - Joe
Hi. I think to shut people up, it'd be best to be fully transparent (as you say you are). Please post your trades with actual entry and exit prices. What you have on the website is not real. Meaning post the actual binary entry and exit price and post the contract expiry.
For instance:
US Tech 100 (Mar) > 2224 (2PM) 20 contracts at the offer price of 44.00
Look I am abusive to everybody including myself so you will have to get over it. There is a clear pattern of deception from your camp in the past and I would warn people against you because of that. You are odd birds on one hand you do have a decent trader or traders in your midst on the other hand you seem to have complete and absolute retarded lying scum there too. I guess its more profitable to be dishonest when you sell stuff to others. Its simple you have NO REAL TRANSPARENCY and since your REAL ACCOUNT is stated on the website what if Nadex made your results public on the real account because you have stated its real right? So I think that would give them the right to publish any discrepancies if they existed? hmmmm... I mean to state those figures as REAL it should match the published performance and trades then huh... Also payed marketing shills like David Guthrie and others just prove once again you are on the hunt for suckers and pay people to sweet talk them all day lol... Also as others will tell you if you don't like my feelings on you well you can GFYS!!!
Hi. I think to shut people up, it'd be best to be fully transparent (as you say you are). Please post your trades with actual entry and exit prices. What you have on the website is not real. Meaning post the actual binary entry and exit price and post the contract expiry.
For instance:
US Tech 100 (Mar) > 2224 (2PM) 20 contracts at the offer price of 44.00
That's fair enough, we've had a few people request that recently but with all the development we haven't had the chance to integrate it yet. We'll make a deadline of Friday 16/10/2015 for the inclusion of entry and exit levels.
Look I am abusive to everybody including myself so you will have to get over it. There is a clear pattern of deception from your camp in the past and I would warn people against you because of that. You are odd birds on one hand you do have a decent trader or traders in your midst on the other hand you seem to have complete and absolute retarded lying scum there too. I guess its more profitable to be dishonest when you sell stuff to others. Its simple you have NO REAL TRANSPARENCY and since your REAL ACCOUNT is stated on the website what if Nadex made your results public on the real account because you have stated its real right? So I think that would give them the right to publish any discrepancies if they existed? hmmmm... I mean to state those figures as REAL it should match the published performance and trades then huh... Also payed marketing shills like David Guthrie and others just prove once again you are on the hunt for suckers and pay people to sweet talk them all day lol... Also as others will tell you if you don't like my feelings on you well you can GFYS!!!
Right, couple of points here. Firstly we don't pay people to shill (especially in our facebook threads - why would they shill members who are already signed up? That doesn't make sense). We have affiliates though, so does everyone. People say some overwhelmingly positive stuff - and some say negatives too. David is a nice guy - but none of us are pulling strings on him, he's a positive person but when things go bad, or we get it wrong, like any of our users he is there to let us know it - and publicly at that. But frankly we don't put them up to it. In fact this came up the other day - we were asked if we were okay with people in the auto group talking about how they got on. I was very clear with my response. "Say what you want, but be fair and honest". In my last update I was clear to point out that whilst 100 users used the system, 91 or so had no issues. 6 had problems and 3 were unable to receive trades. Things we then had to work on. This of course relates to the auto, not the manual.
I have no issue with you holding us to account if and when we mess up. But there is a difference between reporting on genuine problems, and plain making things up by pulling images out of context, and throwing around reprehensible accusations like you have done. You run a business here with binaryoptions.net, it's overall a positive thing as it is very informative. But there's a fine line between slander and discussion.
Finally - since you have access to the manual threads as per your screenshot. You should definitely also have access to our daily threads where people frequently post their entry price, and their exit prices. They also frequently post their profit and loss. You can check thursday for our bad day, one of the profit points I distinctly remember seeing someone say "oh, better than the JAX guys got then" for one of the earlier winning trades. So it is totally false what you're saying. You can also see people exiting early and benefiting, where we took a big loss at the -$80usd mark per lot.
You also pointed out a comment about a user referencing a discrepancy between the table and the live account. I corrected the user publicly. I made it clear that our table (which says 1 lot) repeats the results per 1 lot. The example $500 account on the other hand, we have a specific graph to show how it looks day by day, and at what point we increase lots per trade. I've attached a picture. So when you have access to the software you can scroll over day by day to see how many lots we used. When the account hit $1000 we switched up to 2 lots. You can find the pricing of this by taking the result from the day on the table, and doubling it. It thus matches the account and the table exactly. It's not particularly difficult to understand at all.
I don't understand your point about not having transparency, we aren't Nadex, Nadex is a separate company. Furthermore don't forget we have a few in house traders (and techies) that use these signals to the letter. In fact one of our head traders trades on 25 lots. We're happy to make any of these results public. Pick a date range from our table - I'll grab some screenshots of those trades for the order history if that is what you want. We have absolutely no issue with doing that - but keep in mind of course that these things can be photoshopped which is why I suggested you independently sign up to the 7 day trial and try the trading for yourself. We do around 4 trades a day. They're all legitimate, the trial costs you nothing and your results will more or less mirror ours. When that happens I expect you to be honest and tell everyone the truth about it. I assume an apology is too much to ask, but certainly the truth shouldn't be difficult.
"That's fair enough, we've had a few people request that recently but with all the development we haven't had the chance to integrate it yet. We'll make a deadline of Friday 16/10/2015 for the inclusion of entry and exit levels. "
Great, please include it for historical as well. You should have all of that data readily available to include.
"In fact one of our head traders trades on 25 lots. We're happy to make any of these results public. Pick a date range from our table - I'll grab some screenshots of those trades for the order history if that is what you want. We have absolutely no issue with doing that"
Great. Waiting to see! Please provide the full data since Auto was launched.
Seems fair. We launched on the first of October with the auto. Unfortunately the 1st was a thursday, and marred with a few bugs as we mentioned. We had 1 trade on the 2nd as it was a friday. So I'll go from the 5th. My reasoning for that is I set up an account specifically to plug alongside the auto on a vps that we recommended to users to ensure that there was consistency and it worked alongside the users. I funded it and it was ready for the morning of the 5th. As such here is the order history for those trades. They start on the 5th and when looking at our table you're seeing the 18 most recent trades (excludes 5, 1 on the friday and 4 on the thursday). So, the nadex order history is a bit out of whack but I think it is pretty easy to follow. As you can see in a few instances we made a little bit more, or a little bit less. We lost where it lost, we gained where it gained. There will always be slight discrepencies - and you have to account for $0.90 per lot per order execution of course. But you can plainly see this particular account hooked up to the auto took a little bit more profit (by about $1-2) in parts compared to the table, and in other parts it took a little less profit (around $1-2) in other trades. But overall the cluster is pretty bloody close and certainly fair to say that our table is realistic and absolutely not made up.
I stress this again though - don't take my word for it, don't even take these images as evidence. Sign up to the 7 day trial, use the manual signals yourselves. What we have going is completely legitimate, and I take great pride in saying we're open and honest - and in my opinion refreshingly so.
I think this will be the last I speak on the matter, I've made my point. But again - Lotz, do the 7 day trial, video it. Show it to everyone on the forum - we absolutely welcome it. We're the only group that posts proof like this, we're the only group that proves it with their own money in an account. We're the only group that posts a ROI% and shows day by day where we gained and where we lost. We're definitely the only group to go 60 odd wins in a row before a few harsh losses in the last couple of days during all this FOMC rubbish and the trending market.
I daresay we're trustworthy too. But you guys can make up your own minds about that. Certainly though - our product is real, it is transparent and we work very hard to stand out. You may not like us for whatever your reasons are, but please respect our integrity and what we're trying to deliver to our users. I'm going to have to leave it there I'm afraid, I can't come in here everytime you accuse us of something ridiculous to defend it. We just don't have the manpower for that - and we've still got a lot of features and things to develop. So again - whatever you say about us, please make sure you've proof, and it's fair.
I've since spoken to our trade team. From next week we'll publish a screenshot of order history at day's end going forward. I think everyone will be happy with that - and we can put this nonsense to bed once and for all.
Seems fair. We launched on the first of October with the auto. Unfortunately the 1st was a thursday, and marred with a few bugs as we mentioned. We had 1 trade on the 2nd as it was a friday. So I'll go from the 5th. My reasoning for that is I set up an account specifically to plug alongside the auto on a vps that we recommended to users to ensure that there was consistency and it worked alongside the users. I funded it and it was ready for the morning of the 5th. As such here is the order history for those trades. They start on the 5th and when looking at our table you're seeing the 18 most recent trades (excludes 5, 1 on the friday and 4 on the thursday). So, the nadex order history is a bit out of whack but I think it is pretty easy to follow. As you can see in a few instances we made a little bit more, or a little bit less. We lost where it lost, we gained where it gained. There will always be slight discrepencies - and you have to account for $0.90 per lot per order execution of course. But you can plainly see this particular account hooked up to the auto took a little bit more profit (by about $1-2) in parts compared to the table, and in other parts it took a little less profit (around $1-2) in other trades. But overall the cluster is pretty bloody close and certainly fair to say that our table is realistic and absolutely not made up.
I stress this again though - don't take my word for it, don't even take these images as evidence. Sign up to the 7 day trial, use the manual signals yourselves. What we have going is completely legitimate, and I take great pride in saying we're open and honest - and in my opinion refreshingly so.
I think this will be the last I speak on the matter, I've made my point. But again - Lotz, do the 7 day trial, video it. Show it to everyone on the forum - we absolutely welcome it. We're the only group that posts proof like this, we're the only group that proves it with their own money in an account. We're the only group that posts a ROI% and shows day by day where we gained and where we lost. We're definitely the only group to go 60 odd wins in a row before a few harsh losses in the last couple of days during all this FOMC rubbish and the trending market.
I daresay we're trustworthy too. But you guys can make up your own minds about that. Certainly though - our product is real, it is transparent and we work very hard to stand out. You may not like us for whatever your reasons are, but please respect our integrity and what we're trying to deliver to our users. I'm going to have to leave it there I'm afraid, I can't come in here everytime you accuse us of something ridiculous to defend it. We just don't have the manpower for that - and we've still got a lot of features and things to develop. So again - whatever you say about us, please make sure you've proof, and it's fair.
I've since spoken to our trade team. From next week we'll publish a screenshot of order history at day's end going forward. I think everyone will be happy with that - and we can put this nonsense to bed once and for all.
Thanks. I'll check it out the screenshots, however, I was actually talking about the screenshots from your trader doing 25 contracts. Even just one day of screenshots of his use would be good.
Also, when you're posting things, please post the transaction history, not the order history. For example a screenshot that has data like (an actual screenshot though, not just text):
Type Date Time Description Amount Buy 10/09/15 15:27:01 1 AUD/USD >.7327 (3:30PM) @ 8 $-8.00 Fee Payment 10/09/15 15:27:01 1 AUD/USD >.7327 (3:30PM) @ 8 $-0.90 Settlement Payout 10/09/15 15:30:05 1 LONG AUD/USD >.7327 (3:30PM) @ 8 $0.00
I will go with JAX based on what I just read and the proofs! Thanks Joe... Signal Push fuck me up last time with the "Legendary Traders" who emptied my entire Markets World account of $1000 in 30 mn ... Martingale the shit out of it ... Stay away from these guys
I will go with JAX based on what I just read and the proofs! Thanks Joe... Signal Push fuck me up last time with the "Legendary Traders" who emptied my entire Markets World account of $1000 in 30 mn ... Martingale the shit out of it ... Stay away from these guys
1) You have two posts. Kind of fishy that your 2nd post is to praise JAX and bash SP.
2) WE did not f*** you. We are a technology company and signal marketplace. That's like saying Amazon f'd you because you bought a bad product. We have thousands of happy customers. Yes, some providers don't do well, some do. We know automation, we know technology. We also take great care of our customers.
3) If you're talking about a lot of martingales, it's obviously been awhile since you've used Legendary as it's been an automated bot for quite some time with strict martingale rules programmed. There are no longer strings of martingales.
4) If you wiped your entire $1k account in 30 minutes, you did not practice good money management and did not utilize our softwares balance stop or any other protection our software offers
Just because one provider lost you money, doesn't mean our entire company sucks. We remain the leaders in the industry for autotrade for a reason.
Now, back to the actual topic of the thread. Still waiting for the proof requested by JAX.
They have proven to be dishonest and play games with their numbers in the past so that is a BIG WARNING to me. When you see on over 50% of their trades the exact high/low as an entry then a signal comes in a few minutes later on their bell that is about 10 or more pips away! Great signal too bad its the exact high/low and comes in after it moves away from it by a large amount then I call BULLSH*T on them. Those stats on JAS other service were and continue to be FAKE/NONE REALISTIC hence why they could never have an autotrader for them. I think the current price of free is all their signals are worth there... But ok hey you will get me with being FAIR comment as I wish to be so and maybe in the future I will do a trial on JAX and see how close of entries you can actually get using your service. I actually hope they can get away with the autotrader as the reasons why Nadex does not want an auto-trader is really to protect their Market Makers from negative inventory and is anti-competitive imo... Remember this cats don't often change their stripes so keep that in mind the next time they want to sell you some signals, other then that let the GOOD TIMES ROLL!
I will admit to painting a brush of negativity about them on JAX that might be unfair but with all the previous evidence and issues surrounding their auto-trader with Nadex am I wrong to do so? If Superman was retarded would we be wrong for saying he was?
I am going to post 5 facts here, starting with number 1 and I would like "joe williams" or rather one of the Dave's to respond:
1) The service in question launched as the 'Nadex Autotrader" without having sought out permission from Nadex to use their branding. Only after Nadex issued a legal warning was the service rebranded. Accurate?
For the record there are a few Davids in our JAX team. I see that was confusing people before - they're not all one guy with multiple names. Also there was a screenshot about "all posts before this line will be deleted". That's simply a case of herding back when we had a beta - as questions got all over the place and it was unmanageable, so we had people only post in the 'daily' threads. I don't think that's censorship or indeed unreasonable.
But anyway to your question, yes your point was pretty accurate. We noticed a lot of nadex signal providers using nadex out there to indicate the exchange. It didn't occur to us until they approached us via email with a C and D (specifically relating to the use of the term 'nadex' and the potential to misinform users of some sort of affiliation - there were no other implications to it, it was very explicitly the name that they took issue with. In fact we think our X logo was a lot more stylish than Nadex's own Nadex logo). So anyway yes this was a problem, but the first we heard of it being a problem, it was with a notice. In hindsight it was a pretty silly mistake. But in the C and D they also provided us with an email address and phone number of their sales director and opened an avenue for which to speak to them - so we rang him and had a chat - to get the ball rolling and open dialogue with what we were doing. They turned out to be pretty friendly people, and in response we were very quick to rebrand as you know. It was then we engaged with a lawyer to make sure we were playing by the rules with everything we were doing (and actually, they requested a legal position regarding our exemption of CTA status - so we obliged). Though a quick point of information "without having sought out permission from Nadex to use their branding". The only thing we did was include "Nadex" in our name and on site. An absolute tonne of signal providers out there do it so we assumed it was fine. We then found people got pretty confused and thought we had an official connection. They told us they had a lot of people calling them up asking for support with the "autotrader beta". That was our mistake, we felt pretty bad about it - and we fixed it very quickly. The way you've phrased it sort of implies we were deliberately trying to be cheeky. We weren't - it was one of those things where you think oh "Nadex Autotrader" conveys what we're trying to do, it'll be good for SEO and it's to the point. Cue accidental DDOS of their phone support and users questioning if we were affiliated with them. Not ideal.
Could you post these questions all at once? I'm afraid as I said before I don't really have the time to come back and forth and reply to all of these. I'm not some sort of collared monkey that can sit around waiting for you to feed it questions to answer to. There's a lot going on for us here. But if you post them I might be able to check in at some point if you can wait a little while. I appreciate you all in this thread cooling down a bit after the previous couple of pages. Which is why I've tried to return in some free time to get through a couple of the queries. Obviously I can't answer absolutely everything, and there are legal things and business practices that we simply can't (or in the case of the business, prefer not to) answer. But wherever those come up I'll be clear to point them out.
1) You have two posts. Kind of fishy that your 2nd post is to praise JAX and bash SP.
I assure you this isn't us, or any sort of shill relating to us. Just a guy with an issue with a service within a service. For the record I share the frustration when something goes wrong for a user and the technology used gets rubbished. I see you've packaged your application having given it a quick download in Adobe Air. It's a cool way to do it. So compliments to you. For example we had a bad day last thursday - I had a bunch of people asking if it was because the autotrader was busted that it went badly. It'd have been nice if it was busted! They wouldn't have taken the losses on the day. Our example account went from $1500 odd to $1250 odd (2 lot trades) - though drawdowns obviously happen.
Anyway, if you glance at our website (or take the 7 day trial) - you'll note we have integrated the entry and exit prices a couple of days early. I promised them by friday, you now have them today, wednesday.
In fact there are a few services that have signals for Nadex but do not brand themselves as "Nadex Autotrader" with their website adorn with Nadex t-shirt wielding techies on Nadex videos. There is a reason you received the C&D and these other services didn't. Your actions were disrespectful, brazen and arrogant, and worthy of a C&D.
Remember "Joe", you come from a culture of arrogance, you even have the hubris to state in your response above "We thought our nadex logo was more stylish than Nadex' logo". During the days JAS existed (now it's a free signal service with about 55% ITM), you continued to and still maintain a fictitious 73% ITM win rate which magically doesn't change on your signals website. At least you admit that the Nadex branding faux pas was a silly mistake; that's some progress.
As for your names, there is no person called "John Anthony" in your "JAX" team. In fact, there is no "JAX" team, its the same people behind JAS that are running this autotrader. The person signing off on documents (legal and emails) is 'John Anthony' but as such a person doesn't exist and indeed its either one of the 2-3 Daves or Jorge, you are engaging in fraud and potential forgery.
It's a can of worms, I'm surprised you are opening it for us..
Oh dear - are you a rival binary group or something? Look to be clear - There is blatantly a John Anthony - you've got facebook I assume, the man isn't hard to find. The JAX team actually only has some members of JAS involved. I can't comment on JAS matters because I work exclusively on JAX. I'm not sure where that 55% ITM figure comes from, but then I'm also not sure about the 73% figure. To comment either way would be to simply make things up for the sake of an argument. Because for the third time, don't work on JAS. However given the way you've charged in here out of the cold I'll assume you're an upset competitor. Either that, or you're a guy with a bone to pick with JAS. That's your business, I can't comment. For the obvious reason that I don't work in that area. Thus can only be of use to you in discussions regarding JAX. As for culture of arrogance? Firstly the logo was nicer, secondly it was clearly a tongue in cheek joke aimed to diffuse a hostile thread. Calm your jets. I think I've been more than open and reasonable in my comments. Also the use of Nadex videos are perfectly acceptable as an education piece - this is a case of fair use on the grounds of education which is firmly established under US law. We continue to send people to Nadex's website for educational reasons, they've done a good job.
My question is for pavelbinary1 man you have some good questions but I kinda agree with joe are you with a group cause your questions are very specific, and if not let me ask you where do your questions come from, right now and im not being a dick your questions although valid look like blogger bash, I am not saying you are, but are you just the rare smart guy you see in bins (if so just say so) or are you a paid blogger?
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX) www.tradingaxis.com
I think it all comes down to some people (including me) not trusting anything John Anthony touches for several reasons:
1) I and many others have witnessed losing signals disappearing. They were posted, lost and then they were gone...
2) Faking of the signal table on the starting page (the one people can see before signing up). Sometimes they were showing a really long list when it was green and full of wins and sometimes they would even leave out losing signals so it would look better for potential clients.
3) Turning on clients after a series of losses, telling them to do their own analysis first before taking any signal (which is a ridiculous thing to say if you state on your website ''Simply copy my signals and start profiting immediately'' or something like that). This is actually what pissed me off most in the past because obviously novice traders signed up hoping to make quick money, just to be met by arrogant comments after a series of losses. I personally would agree and encourage anybody to do their own analysis instead of blindly taking any signal but misleading newbies into signing up and then blaming them for losing trades during a losing streak is just a scumbag move and showed me that they don't really care about their subscribers at all.
4)Most of their strike rates were absolute high/lows and most of the time impossible to get in on. Furthermore, as mentioned above the average win rate never changed, not during winning streaks and not during huge losing streaks either.
And all that while claiming to be the most transparent service out there...
Of course all of this is about JAS when it was still a paid service and i don't know anything about JAX, but Joe you have to understand that some people distrust anything with John Anthony's name on it for reasons stated above.
Joe wrote "Look to be clear - There is blatantly a John Anthony - you've got facebook I assume, the man isn't hard to find."
This sentence above has just shot all little credibility "Joe Williams" had achieved thus far in this forum, to pieces. John Anthony does not exist as a person and has never existed (a fake facebook account can be owned and operated by anyone). My interest was first sparked in John Anthony when Lotzofbotz did an interview with him where John Anthony had claimed that a competitor group was stealing his signals. I did some digging and that led me to some startling conclusions. I never felt the need to bring this information up but if a company like JAS has the nerve to firstly deceive customers and then come on this forum and further add fuel to the fire by defending them selves with more blatant lies, it is only fair to start the questioning.
I am not a competitor or work for any competitor group or I would have tried to get business here or mention them. I have been a member for some time here and post occasionally but read everything. I do not own or operate any blogs and I hate blogging or writing for that matter. In my 21 posts to date, I have never tried to sell my services.
I am interested in becoming a signal provider for some time now either on signal push or their competitor, signal rush, as you can see in some of my posts on other threads. This is as a sole trader and not a company or group.
My questions are poignant and for that I am not going to apologise. If you think Bryan that my questions are too specific, I will stop asking them.
Categorically, almost everything Joe has said, however, is falsified. If you choose to believe what he is saying, be my guest
What on earth do you want? His passport and drivers license, do you want to come to his house for tea? Further - you've come in with sweeping accusations that anything and everything that I've said is falsified. I've been very honest in this thread, I think that stands beyond reasonable doubt. The results are not only absolutely true regarding JAX - but maybe you should consider applying Occam's Razor for a bit of critical thinking?
Firstly - when things go wrong with the software or we do something wrong, it's simply because we're human and errors happen. We're not omnipotent for heaven's sake. The fact that you've readily admitted that you're trying to be a signal provider tells us all we need to know about you. You've come in at the ready with character assassination and aggression to attempt to slander the JAX system purely to benefit yourself later on. A good provider doesn't need to slander and abuse, a bad provider - or in your case future provider needs to denigrate whatever competition he or she can. If the product stands up on its own merit it, it will succeed. Which is why you've come in guns blazing to have a go, and I've never heard of you. But I think I've been rather charitable in responding anyway to give you your platform.
Your post should read "Joe has upset me because I really just don't like JAS, also they faked the moon landing and John Anthony is a fable whispered in the back roads of London". Absolutely ludicrous. There's a way to take reasonable issue with someone, and there's a way to come across as deliberately spiteful and unreasonable. You're in the latter camp with that post. Though I see your second post, quoting trademaster as much more fair. There's substance to it without the rhetoric.
So to that point, Nadex is an exchange, not everybody will get the exact same pricing at any one particular time. Which is why for example two days ago our trader took a trade and won an amount like $3.75 per lot, but the average user return was $8 per lot. It happens - though we're trying to tighten that up - sometimes we're at the mercy of the market speed. Secondly they wouldn't be in profit because we had a terrible drawdown on tuesday. Whenever a thing goes wrong we post it readily and explain what we did wrong. Have you tried our 7 day trial? Try it. You'll see there's nothing untoward. Or better yet now that we have added entries and exits - go backtrack them and get the proof you so desire (but don't seem to want to look particularly hard to find)
And all that while claiming to be the most transparent service out there...
Of course all of this is about JAS when it was still a paid service and i don't know anything about JAX, but Joe you have to understand that some people distrust anything with John Anthony's name on it for reasons stated above.
I understand what you're saying, I'll say this and I'll be rather frank. The software and its development is handled by myself and two other guys. All of us were brought into JAX exclusively - we came as a package. The three of us worked together before and John and the guys struck us to be very truthful, honest and very sincere. Now I can only give you my personal experience - but one thing we were very clear about - and I said it before; was that we were clear to declare that any system we were involved in should be honest, transparent and fair. Because our personal reputation is at stake when we build these things, and I for one take that very seriously because what I create is a reflection of my abilities. They agreed with us and said they wanted to provide the best service they can. It was a condition that I had and it is a condition I continue to have. I was very clear on this forum that we had a bad week last week. Specifically around Thursday. I was also very open and honest about the previous questions. I understand that some of you guys have had issues in the past with JAS, but I work on JAX. I see that as very distinct though I'm absolutely starting to understand that the positive or negative feeling of one might affect another. However I can only continue to say what I've said before. We're operating as transparent, we're operating as honestly as we can. In this series of posts - which I'm sure you read. We were accused of and called all manner of things. When I arrived I addressed them all. When we were called out on entries and exits - I promised them by friday. But the team and I delivered it two days early. We did this specifically because people asked us to. We released screenshots as requested. I then said that people should absolutely try the trial, because lets not simply trust screenshots.
But more importantly we might be the only provider in the entire world I think that offers a free 7 day trial. People can instantly call us on our practices by simply signing up for free, and trying them out and measuring how they got on. We're that confident with what we're offering. I see your four points - again I can't speak to them with any position of authority whatsoever. But I can assure you no losing trades will ever be deleted or manipulated on JAX. You can see this by the absolute slap we got Thursday. The first week of our auto launch. I mean I don't work on JAS, I know I've said that so many times already. However I appreciate your post and thoughts on the subject - not to dismiss your criticisms, I can assure you nothing of that nature will occur in JAX. If ever anyone has reason to suspect a lack of fair play regarding JAX do feel free to call me out on it. I'll be happy to look into it.
1) "My dog at the auto-trading code..."
2) "What Autotrader? Oh I thought you meant AutoBullSh*Ter we have that one ready to launch!"
3) "Oh you signed up early with the manual signals so you can be first for the autotrader, good job maybe sometime in 2025 it will be ready! Maybe..."
For instance:
US Tech 100 (Mar) > 2224 (2PM)
20 contracts at the offer price of 44.00
Right, couple of points here. Firstly we don't pay people to shill (especially in our facebook threads - why would they shill members who are already signed up? That doesn't make sense). We have affiliates though, so does everyone. People say some overwhelmingly positive stuff - and some say negatives too. David is a nice guy - but none of us are pulling strings on him, he's a positive person but when things go bad, or we get it wrong, like any of our users he is there to let us know it - and publicly at that. But frankly we don't put them up to it. In fact this came up the other day - we were asked if we were okay with people in the auto group talking about how they got on. I was very clear with my response. "Say what you want, but be fair and honest". In my last update I was clear to point out that whilst 100 users used the system, 91 or so had no issues. 6 had problems and 3 were unable to receive trades. Things we then had to work on. This of course relates to the auto, not the manual.
I have no issue with you holding us to account if and when we mess up. But there is a difference between reporting on genuine problems, and plain making things up by pulling images out of context, and throwing around reprehensible accusations like you have done. You run a business here with binaryoptions.net, it's overall a positive thing as it is very informative. But there's a fine line between slander and discussion.
Finally - since you have access to the manual threads as per your screenshot. You should definitely also have access to our daily threads where people frequently post their entry price, and their exit prices. They also frequently post their profit and loss. You can check thursday for our bad day, one of the profit points I distinctly remember seeing someone say "oh, better than the JAX guys got then" for one of the earlier winning trades. So it is totally false what you're saying. You can also see people exiting early and benefiting, where we took a big loss at the -$80usd mark per lot.
You also pointed out a comment about a user referencing a discrepancy between the table and the live account. I corrected the user publicly. I made it clear that our table (which says 1 lot) repeats the results per 1 lot. The example $500 account on the other hand, we have a specific graph to show how it looks day by day, and at what point we increase lots per trade. I've attached a picture. So when you have access to the software you can scroll over day by day to see how many lots we used. When the account hit $1000 we switched up to 2 lots. You can find the pricing of this by taking the result from the day on the table, and doubling it. It thus matches the account and the table exactly. It's not particularly difficult to understand at all.
I don't understand your point about not having transparency, we aren't Nadex, Nadex is a separate company. Furthermore don't forget we have a few in house traders (and techies) that use these signals to the letter. In fact one of our head traders trades on 25 lots. We're happy to make any of these results public. Pick a date range from our table - I'll grab some screenshots of those trades for the order history if that is what you want. We have absolutely no issue with doing that - but keep in mind of course that these things can be photoshopped which is why I suggested you independently sign up to the 7 day trial and try the trading for yourself. We do around 4 trades a day. They're all legitimate, the trial costs you nothing and your results will more or less mirror ours. When that happens I expect you to be honest and tell everyone the truth about it. I assume an apology is too much to ask, but certainly the truth shouldn't be difficult.
Thanks - Joe
Great, please include it for historical as well. You should have all of that data readily available to include.
"In fact one of our head traders trades on 25 lots. We're happy to make any of these results public. Pick a date range from our table - I'll grab some screenshots of those trades for the order history if that is what you want. We have absolutely no issue with doing that"
Great. Waiting to see! Please provide the full data since Auto was launched.
We launched on the first of October with the auto. Unfortunately the 1st was a thursday, and marred with a few bugs as we mentioned. We had 1 trade on the 2nd as it was a friday. So I'll go from the 5th. My reasoning for that is I set up an account specifically to plug alongside the auto on a vps that we recommended to users to ensure that there was consistency and it worked alongside the users. I funded it and it was ready for the morning of the 5th.
As such here is the order history for those trades. They start on the 5th and when looking at our table you're seeing the 18 most recent trades (excludes 5, 1 on the friday and 4 on the thursday).
So, the nadex order history is a bit out of whack but I think it is pretty easy to follow. As you can see in a few instances we made a little bit more, or a little bit less. We lost where it lost, we gained where it gained. There will always be slight discrepencies - and you have to account for $0.90 per lot per order execution of course. But you can plainly see this particular account hooked up to the auto took a little bit more profit (by about $1-2) in parts compared to the table, and in other parts it took a little less profit (around $1-2) in other trades. But overall the cluster is pretty bloody close and certainly fair to say that our table is realistic and absolutely not made up.
I stress this again though - don't take my word for it, don't even take these images as evidence. Sign up to the 7 day trial, use the manual signals yourselves. What we have going is completely legitimate, and I take great pride in saying we're open and honest - and in my opinion refreshingly so.
I think this will be the last I speak on the matter, I've made my point. But again - Lotz, do the 7 day trial, video it. Show it to everyone on the forum - we absolutely welcome it. We're the only group that posts proof like this, we're the only group that proves it with their own money in an account. We're the only group that posts a ROI% and shows day by day where we gained and where we lost. We're definitely the only group to go 60 odd wins in a row before a few harsh losses in the last couple of days during all this FOMC rubbish and the trending market.
I daresay we're trustworthy too. But you guys can make up your own minds about that. Certainly though - our product is real, it is transparent and we work very hard to stand out. You may not like us for whatever your reasons are, but please respect our integrity and what we're trying to deliver to our users. I'm going to have to leave it there I'm afraid, I can't come in here everytime you accuse us of something ridiculous to defend it. We just don't have the manpower for that - and we've still got a lot of features and things to develop. So again - whatever you say about us, please make sure you've proof, and it's fair.
I've since spoken to our trade team. From next week we'll publish a screenshot of order history at day's end going forward. I think everyone will be happy with that - and we can put this nonsense to bed once and for all.
Type Date Time Description Amount
Buy 10/09/15 15:27:01 1 AUD/USD >.7327 (3:30PM) @ 8 $-8.00
Fee Payment 10/09/15 15:27:01 1 AUD/USD >.7327 (3:30PM) @ 8 $-0.90
Settlement Payout 10/09/15 15:30:05 1 LONG AUD/USD >.7327 (3:30PM) @ 8 $0.00
2) WE did not f*** you. We are a technology company and signal marketplace. That's like saying Amazon f'd you because you bought a bad product. We have thousands of happy customers. Yes, some providers don't do well, some do. We know automation, we know technology. We also take great care of our customers.
3) If you're talking about a lot of martingales, it's obviously been awhile since you've used Legendary as it's been an automated bot for quite some time with strict martingale rules programmed. There are no longer strings of martingales.
4) If you wiped your entire $1k account in 30 minutes, you did not practice good money management and did not utilize our softwares balance stop or any other protection our software offers
Just because one provider lost you money, doesn't mean our entire company sucks. We remain the leaders in the industry for autotrade for a reason.
Now, back to the actual topic of the thread. Still waiting for the proof requested by JAX.
I will admit to painting a brush of negativity about them on JAX that might be unfair but with all the previous evidence and issues surrounding their auto-trader with Nadex am I wrong to do so? If Superman was retarded would we be wrong for saying he was?
But anyway to your question, yes your point was pretty accurate. We noticed a lot of nadex signal providers using nadex out there to indicate the exchange. It didn't occur to us until they approached us via email with a C and D (specifically relating to the use of the term 'nadex' and the potential to misinform users of some sort of affiliation - there were no other implications to it, it was very explicitly the name that they took issue with. In fact we think our X logo was a lot more stylish than Nadex's own Nadex logo). So anyway yes this was a problem, but the first we heard of it being a problem, it was with a notice. In hindsight it was a pretty silly mistake. But in the C and D they also provided us with an email address and phone number of their sales director and opened an avenue for which to speak to them - so we rang him and had a chat - to get the ball rolling and open dialogue with what we were doing. They turned out to be pretty friendly people, and in response we were very quick to rebrand as you know. It was then we engaged with a lawyer to make sure we were playing by the rules with everything we were doing (and actually, they requested a legal position regarding our exemption of CTA status - so we obliged). Though a quick point of information "without having sought out permission from Nadex to use their branding". The only thing we did was include "Nadex" in our name and on site. An absolute tonne of signal providers out there do it so we assumed it was fine. We then found people got pretty confused and thought we had an official connection. They told us they had a lot of people calling them up asking for support with the "autotrader beta". That was our mistake, we felt pretty bad about it - and we fixed it very quickly. The way you've phrased it sort of implies we were deliberately trying to be cheeky. We weren't - it was one of those things where you think oh "Nadex Autotrader" conveys what we're trying to do, it'll be good for SEO and it's to the point. Cue accidental DDOS of their phone support and users questioning if we were affiliated with them. Not ideal.
Could you post these questions all at once? I'm afraid as I said before I don't really have the time to come back and forth and reply to all of these. I'm not some sort of collared monkey that can sit around waiting for you to feed it questions to answer to. There's a lot going on for us here. But if you post them I might be able to check in at some point if you can wait a little while. I appreciate you all in this thread cooling down a bit after the previous couple of pages. Which is why I've tried to return in some free time to get through a couple of the queries. Obviously I can't answer absolutely everything, and there are legal things and business practices that we simply can't (or in the case of the business, prefer not to) answer. But wherever those come up I'll be clear to point them out. I assure you this isn't us, or any sort of shill relating to us. Just a guy with an issue with a service within a service. For the record I share the frustration when something goes wrong for a user and the technology used gets rubbished. I see you've packaged your application having given it a quick download in Adobe Air. It's a cool way to do it. So compliments to you. For example we had a bad day last thursday - I had a bunch of people asking if it was because the autotrader was busted that it went badly. It'd have been nice if it was busted! They wouldn't have taken the losses on the day. Our example account went from $1500 odd to $1250 odd (2 lot trades) - though drawdowns obviously happen.
Anyway, if you glance at our website (or take the 7 day trial) - you'll note we have integrated the entry and exit prices a couple of days early. I promised them by friday, you now have them today, wednesday.
Thanks - Joe
Regards - Joe
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
1) I and many others have witnessed losing signals disappearing. They were posted, lost and then they were gone...
2) Faking of the signal table on the starting page (the one people can see before signing up). Sometimes they were showing a really long list when it was green and full of wins and sometimes they would even leave out losing signals so it would look better for potential clients.
3) Turning on clients after a series of losses, telling them to do their own analysis first before taking any signal (which is a ridiculous thing to say if you state on your website ''Simply copy my signals and start profiting immediately'' or something like that). This is actually what pissed me off most in the past because obviously novice traders signed up hoping to make quick money, just to be met by arrogant comments after a series of losses.
I personally would agree and encourage anybody to do their own analysis instead of blindly taking any signal but misleading newbies into signing up and then blaming them for losing trades during a losing streak is just a scumbag move and showed me that they don't really care about their subscribers at all.
4)Most of their strike rates were absolute high/lows and most of the time impossible to get in on. Furthermore, as mentioned above the average win rate never changed, not during winning streaks and not during huge losing streaks either.
And all that while claiming to be the most transparent service out there...
Of course all of this is about JAS when it was still a paid service and i don't know anything about JAX, but Joe you have to understand that some people distrust anything with John Anthony's name on it for reasons stated above.
Firstly - when things go wrong with the software or we do something wrong, it's simply because we're human and errors happen. We're not omnipotent for heaven's sake. The fact that you've readily admitted that you're trying to be a signal provider tells us all we need to know about you. You've come in at the ready with character assassination and aggression to attempt to slander the JAX system purely to benefit yourself later on. A good provider doesn't need to slander and abuse, a bad provider - or in your case future provider needs to denigrate whatever competition he or she can. If the product stands up on its own merit it, it will succeed. Which is why you've come in guns blazing to have a go, and I've never heard of you. But I think I've been rather charitable in responding anyway to give you your platform.
Your post should read "Joe has upset me because I really just don't like JAS, also they faked the moon landing and John Anthony is a fable whispered in the back roads of London". Absolutely ludicrous. There's a way to take reasonable issue with someone, and there's a way to come across as deliberately spiteful and unreasonable. You're in the latter camp with that post. Though I see your second post, quoting trademaster as much more fair. There's substance to it without the rhetoric.
So to that point, Nadex is an exchange, not everybody will get the exact same pricing at any one particular time. Which is why for example two days ago our trader took a trade and won an amount like $3.75 per lot, but the average user return was $8 per lot. It happens - though we're trying to tighten that up - sometimes we're at the mercy of the market speed. Secondly they wouldn't be in profit because we had a terrible drawdown on tuesday. Whenever a thing goes wrong we post it readily and explain what we did wrong. Have you tried our 7 day trial? Try it. You'll see there's nothing untoward. Or better yet now that we have added entries and exits - go backtrack them and get the proof you so desire (but don't seem to want to look particularly hard to find)
I understand what you're saying, I'll say this and I'll be rather frank. The software and its development is handled by myself and two other guys. All of us were brought into JAX exclusively - we came as a package. The three of us worked together before and John and the guys struck us to be very truthful, honest and very sincere. Now I can only give you my personal experience - but one thing we were very clear about - and I said it before; was that we were clear to declare that any system we were involved in should be honest, transparent and fair. Because our personal reputation is at stake when we build these things, and I for one take that very seriously because what I create is a reflection of my abilities. They agreed with us and said they wanted to provide the best service they can. It was a condition that I had and it is a condition I continue to have. I was very clear on this forum that we had a bad week last week. Specifically around Thursday. I was also very open and honest about the previous questions. I understand that some of you guys have had issues in the past with JAS, but I work on JAX. I see that as very distinct though I'm absolutely starting to understand that the positive or negative feeling of one might affect another. However I can only continue to say what I've said before. We're operating as transparent, we're operating as honestly as we can. In this series of posts - which I'm sure you read. We were accused of and called all manner of things. When I arrived I addressed them all. When we were called out on entries and exits - I promised them by friday. But the team and I delivered it two days early. We did this specifically because people asked us to. We released screenshots as requested. I then said that people should absolutely try the trial, because lets not simply trust screenshots.
But more importantly we might be the only provider in the entire world I think that offers a free 7 day trial. People can instantly call us on our practices by simply signing up for free, and trying them out and measuring how they got on. We're that confident with what we're offering. I see your four points - again I can't speak to them with any position of authority whatsoever. But I can assure you no losing trades will ever be deleted or manipulated on JAX. You can see this by the absolute slap we got Thursday. The first week of our auto launch. I mean I don't work on JAS, I know I've said that so many times already. However I appreciate your post and thoughts on the subject - not to dismiss your criticisms, I can assure you nothing of that nature will occur in JAX. If ever anyone has reason to suspect a lack of fair play regarding JAX do feel free to call me out on it. I'll be happy to look into it.