Who knows but good question. To them its legal to Nadex I can only picture them flipping them the middle finger... I like the idea of the semi autotrader that does everything and all you have to do is push the button now that imo is a very smart scheme to overcome Nadex's auto-trader objections without really overcoming them LoL. What they don't talk about is liquidity example you get a fill - $2 to $5 away from their entry and they make 3 dollars but you make $1 or even lose $2 due to that yet they post their entry fill rate as profitable but yours is negative and that is what I think some of their members have experienced which leaves them scratching their head going why are they profitable and I am not? That is Nadex for you where the Market Makers have control of of your entries to a high degree! Its the same positive lambda crap Signal Push pulls with their two step martingale stats which can give a so so provider a 3%+ bump on so so stats or push it the other way -3% or greater to wash them out of the insurance range. Both of these are a benefit to Signal Push's bottom line just like the fill rates of their clients being pushed aside for JAX... Smoke and Mirrors all I can say is *shrug once you take off their dresses all you find is some fatty with toe cheese...
Man as bright as they are and even seem to be semi decent traders. Why on earth would you push the auto-trader first knowing that you would only incite Nadex. Bad planning an Apple esk move would be to Hype the Semi-AutoTrader first avert the legal issues build your bank because you will need it with legal fees when you launch the full Auto and Hype that ahead of time. Above all else drag it out very very slowly over time to build your base. That was the one thing about Apple nobody could hype and build a product better then them rofl... JAX did it all the wrong way about shot their load before it ever left their pants... Sorry ladies and reverent people but that is my analogy so deal... But we will thank you for the entertainment you will provide going against Nadex cause everybody knows they are coming for you lol, Enjoy!...
I am concerned that when JAX wins they win small and when they lose it is big. Look at their last 2 results from today. At glance they seem to wipe out any profit made since the 14th of October.
Its even worse for the clients heard a few times where they closed people out of the market from executing their orders. Nadex is a turkey shoot. The market makers are going to manipulate the orders because of the sheer size of the volume. So many turkeys all in a pen make for easy pickings lol... This is likely why Nadex is not saying anything as the market makers are straight up F____ the JAX subs ROYALLY. I would love to see the real stats of some of their clients and not the ones JAX posts... Example I heard of a few times where they shut them out of the platform letting a winning trade expiry worthless and then anybody that complained to Nadex they were like "Opps sorry that technical issue happens and you are liable for it so DEAL phuckface!" Sure they did not say it like that but they might as well have lol. Forget about what I am saying if you see the stats of their actual orders from clients that will tell you the WHOLE TRUTH... This is the primary problem with Nadex as they are a joke and are not a real exchange as there is no oversight to protect clients. This is the primary reason why they are so small and not many trade with them. Ask the basic questions why do you think they have so many issues with their platform which they have not fixed for years, for years! Because they make money by it not working = corrupt behavior of scumbags... You really think those orders not executing or disappearing are not done on purpose? Then if you were to ask they will send you a paragraph where it says they are not responsible for technical issues and that is the risks of trading with them ROFL!!!
Its a joke Nadex or we should say IG can close people out of trades any time they want because the Market Makers work for IG and are not completely independent as they would like you to believe. This is a collusive environment of which I don't know how the CFTC allows this but does not matter because its so corrupt they will never gain a base of users and just be a bucket shop that people try and go wow that sucked! Market Makers make money off commissions consulting fees, spreads, implied volatility and time decay in options. They have all the tools working directly with IG together to screw people left and right and I think its a disgusting example of regulated corruption because if the CFTC really looked into them they would find many many examples of this pattern of behavior. The Frank Dodd is really screwed up and pretty much an inside game run by lobbyists and cronies that just make us look bad and even worse it promotes scams overseas because of the division between the U.S. and everybody else so everybody gets hurt. Good Job on promoting scams Uncle Sam!
The reason is likely they are afraid of Nadex and I bet they likely don't even have 100 maybe only 10-20 but you will never know as they like to LIE.. Not the kind of people you would want to do business with. Yes you were BAITED and SWITCHED like I said you would be. That is what a douchebag marketer does.
Doug Allred"It seems like after the first one hundred people were allowed to use auto, there have been no real updates on when we can expect the next group to get it. The reason I signed up with JAX is because they were advertising an auto trader. The auto trader is the product I was interested in from the beginning, but then I learned I had to sign up for manual to save a spot for the auto. I have to say, it feels like a bait and switch at this point. How much longer do I need to pay for a product I didn't want in order to finally get the product that was advertised?"
The "Market Makers/IG" at Nadex would like to take this time to thank JAXsignals for their stellar performance! New slogan at JAX "We get paid and you get played! Join now!"
From their facebook group -->Mauro Barrela frown emoticon 2 weeks 500USD to 137 USD, big losses Like · Reply · 4 hrs
One thing that would really help jaxsignals is; to not allow two of the same fx-currency type to trade simultaneously. For example; "Why would having more than one simultaneous trade in a currency make the trade more certain or likely of success? This would lock out a tendency of a system to overtrade based in the details of it's analytical environment. If your signals have a tendency to loose big and make it up with numbers of small gains, why would you ever want to randomly double the bet size? Why loose big twice (or even more!) in one timeframe?
Also U.S. People absolutely shouldn't "die" waiting for Nadex and Jaxsignals to autotrade like I was... They should check into the capabilities of fxcm forex brokerage trader support infrastructure... There's more than one way to do it.
One thing that would really help jaxsignals is; to not allow two of the same fx-currency type to trade simultaneously. For example; "Why would having more than one simultaneous trade in a currency make the trade more certain or likely of success? This would lock out a tendency of a system to overtrade based in the details of it's analytical environment. If your signals have a tendency to loose big and make it up with numbers of small gains, why would you ever want to randomly double the bet size? Why loose big twice (or even more!) in one timeframe?
Also U.S. People absolutely shouldn't "die" waiting for Nadex and Jaxsignals to autotrade like I was... They should check into the capabilities of fxcm forex brokerage trader support infrastructure... There's more than one way to do it.
While being able to close trades early is a good sign that you are managing trades lets get real here for a moment. You can't simply always close trades early and not let them run to their intended target. That's why people pay for signals.Open the trade and forget And lately we can see that when JAX runs their signals to completion the fairy tale ends. In fact if you were to take most of their previous signals to expiry the picture would be really horrible
I noticed that on Nov/23/2015 Jaxsignals.com fully automatic mode ($249 monthly) became "Subscription" on their Webpage. Could someone confirm, or not, that if I subscribe now, Jaxsignals software will work as advertised or at least test-ably for a new user? I'd rather not go back into "wait and hope mode" that was there as of just a few days ago...Or is the actual functionality still the same; "we get paid and you get played" behavior, of the variety that was there previously?
I think that maybe is their moto "Aaaah PHuck it!" At least they are learning to lower their stops rofl duh... Of course i say this and look they have 3 huge losses trading pre-holiday is nobody experienced enough to know not to do that? Tomorrow is Thanksgiving reduce risk/trades at the very least *smacks self in forehead!
Seriously, what the hell were they even doing or thinking? Do i see that right and they really started trading GBP/USD during Yellen's testimony? I'm not sure because i'm a little confused by the time zones but it looks awefully close and would explain the losses. It was definitely not long after yesterdays deposit rate cut by the ECB and Draghis press conference that made the EURO surge. Anyone with some brain left should have known to just stay out of it yesterday.
Last week was holiday trading and this week NFP I mean those are horrible cross currents to trade. I would stick to demo accounts until next week when things settle down. Specially with longer term expiries as its not easy to read. To give them credit at least they are TRANSPARENT even if a bit misguided I am likely overly unkind to them So I apologize for being a DiK.. Its just my belief that Nadex would screw your clients over because they essentially control the price its even stated in their disclosure. Remember with Nadex you have a bunch of unseen variables you are dealing with such as paying commission/spreads/timedecay where they will clean up on you and the most horrendous joke in trading the Nadex platform which is USELESS and designed to not work and they wonder why their market share is a joke as it is? Seriously you guys are BRAIN DEAD as Gekko would say... The leaders of Nadex should have been fired long ago..
You might be a little hard on them sometimes but it's not like they have been the most trustworthy company in the past. I agree though, Nadex doesn't look good either. I have never traded with them but they sure as hell don't seem to be a proper ''exchange''.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
The reason is likely they are afraid of Nadex and I bet they likely don't even have 100 maybe only 10-20 but you will never know as they like to LIE.. Not the kind of people you would want to do business with. Yes you were BAITED and SWITCHED like I said you would be. That is what a douchebag marketer does.
Doug Allred "It seems like after the first one hundred people were allowed to use auto, there have been no real updates on when we can expect the next group to get it. The reason I signed up with JAX is because they were advertising an auto trader. The auto trader is the product I was interested in from the beginning, but then I learned I had to sign up for manual to save a spot for the auto. I have to say, it feels like a bait and switch at this point. How much longer do I need to pay for a product I didn't want in order to finally get the product that was advertised?"
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
From their facebook group -->Mauro Barrela frown emoticon 2 weeks 500USD to 137 USD, big losses
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
One thing that would really help jaxsignals is; to not allow two of the same fx-currency type to trade simultaneously.
For example; "Why would having more than one simultaneous trade in a currency make the trade more certain or
likely of success? This would lock out a tendency of a system to overtrade based in the details of it's analytical
environment. If your signals have a tendency to loose big and make it up with numbers of small gains, why would
you ever want to randomly double the bet size? Why loose big twice (or even more!) in one timeframe?
Also U.S. People absolutely shouldn't "die" waiting for Nadex and Jaxsignals to autotrade like I was... They should
check into the capabilities of fxcm forex brokerage trader support infrastructure... There's more than one way to
do it.
While being able to close trades early is a good sign that you are managing trades lets get real here for a moment. You can't simply always close trades early and not let them run to their intended target. That's why people pay for signals.Open the trade and forget And lately we can see that when JAX runs their signals to completion the fairy tale ends. In fact if you were to take most of their previous signals to expiry the picture would be really horrible
Trade and Investment helped acquire it and introduce me to nadex to help manage my trade. Now i can smile every week with atleast $2500 to $8000
Yes I know my english is bad but that is because i Nigerian you maybe know me good with the Prince of Nigeria!
Join Now! I make you big monies!
varying.i can help you too if you contact me on this mail. JamesAbusesMidgetHookers@gmail.com
I noticed that on Nov/23/2015 Jaxsignals.com fully automatic mode ($249 monthly) became
"Subscription" on their Webpage. Could someone confirm, or not, that if I subscribe now, Jaxsignals software
will work as advertised or at least test-ably for a new user? I'd rather not go back into "wait and hope mode"
that was there as of just a few days ago...Or is the actual functionality still the same; "we get paid and you get
played" behavior, of the variety that was there previously?
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Check out more in this forums'; Binary Option Strategy -> Free VPS for 1 year through Amazon Web Services.
for more info.
Now it's going to be all up to Jaxsignals' single indicator. With only one, Jaxsignals literally has
nowhere to hide. For them, this takes some guts.
Thanks, Mark.
I honestly think they need a V-Chip for new traders.
And after getting the V-Chip if you still fooq up cause 90% of you are gonna ignore common sense,
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
I agree though, Nadex doesn't look good either. I have never traded with them but they sure as hell don't seem to be a proper ''exchange''.