If you are due funds from the scam BinaryBook, Please join my petition or loose all of your money!
In my case:
After 5 months of trading thru them, I had amassed $47,000.00 USD in profits. When I tried to do a simple withdrawal, they denied me. Finally after many emails & phone calls & threats to sue them, they paid back my initial $16,500.00 USD investment.
Now my lawyer, Richard Howlett, of the Selachii law group in London, UK. has sued them in the high Companies Court in London.
On Feb. 8, 2016, they will freeze all of BinaryBook's assets & bank account(s). Then they will pay back all the people like us their monies.
Mr. Howlett advertised in the London's newspapers and has gotten many more suckers like me to join in. He also wanted to know the various online forums for BinaryBook so that he can get the word out to more people.
I have sent him 3 that I know of. If you are able to get more of us on this pending law suit, Pleeze do.
After Feb. 8, their fraudulent website most likely will be shut down.
3 ·
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Firstly my IP address starts with 192.
And secondly as you can see binarybook.com lied about Auto Trading! Included below is an email from Auto Signals stating I could’t have auto traded
Dear Marcus Bergin ,
Kindly note that this case has been conveyed to the Investigation Department.
Please find the IP below:
2016-01-11 20:38:47 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-11 18:20:00 https://www.binarybook.com/my-account/?activeZo…
2016-01-11 16:56:10 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-11 15:34:53 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-11 15:34:51 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-11 12:25:34 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-11 12:25:33 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-11 06:50:45 https://www.binarybook.com/my-account/?activeZo…
2016-01-10 22:37:38 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-10 12:37:28 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-10 10:36:45 https://www.binarybook.com/
2016-01-10 08:23:12 https://www.binarybook.com/autologin/
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Should you have any more queries, we will be more than happy to assist you.
Jack Nash
BinaryBook Customer Support
Deelan Obrian
JAN 13, 2016 | 10:01PM GMT
Dear Marcus Bergin,
Thank you for contacting Binary Book Customer Support.
Kindly note that nobody has access to your account except you.
Therefore, the trades were placed by yourself and your automated trading software.
Please refer to this link to check your Trading history (Click on Positions):- https://www.binarybook.com/my-account/?activeZone=positions
Thank you for your kind comprehension.
Should you have any more queries, we will be more than happy to assist you.
Deelan Obrian
Customer Support Representative
Hello Marcus
Thanks for getting in touch, hope all is well with you.
Apologies for any confusion.
For you to auto trade with ABS, you need to have Pro Signals,
an upgrade to the main ABS. These are Roger's personal selections
traded on your behalf.
Upon checking, you only have the main ABS on your account. I'd suggest
you get in touch with your broker directly to clarify as some brokers have
their own auto trading services.
Hope this helps Marcus. Let me know if you need further assistance
from here.
Celine - ABS Support
Scott Carter
JAN 13, 2016 | 06:42PM GMT
Jarell Smith JAN 13, 2016 | 03:39PM GMT
Dear Marcus Bergin,
Kindly note that this case has been conveyed to the Investigation Department.
Please be advised that after a deep investigation in your Account we noted the following points.
According to the history of trades and IP addresses, we noted that the trades were executed using a computer/laptop with IP matching the United Kingdom.
Furthermore, the login time on our database matched the time the trades were placed in your Account. We can confirm that the trades were not executed by the Auto Binary Signals software nor by anyone at BinaryBook.
Additionally, we do have the supportive facts to proved that the allegations you are making towards the company are considered as false.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Should you have any more queries, we will be more than happy to assist you.
Jarrel Smith
Business Support Officer
They have ripped people out of £100,000's including myself
Petition Link below
You were using the AUTOMATIC SOFTWARE which you had registered to.
I told you that you might experience losses, you didn’t want to listen to me, YOUR PROBLEM.
Don’t you dare to call my company SCAM because you are very Nero minded and living of unrealistic thoughts.
If you lost your money, its YOUR PROBLEM for not listening to me.
If you want to recover that loss, we can talk, if not – BE A MAN AND DEAL WITH YOUR LOSSES. (which are ONLY 250 GBP, we're not talking about 250 thousand. Which by the way, if you would have listen to me, you would understand that this amount is very risky to trade with.)
As I told you in the beginning – listen to me, and we will get far .
You decided differently. Its your lose .
Kind Regards,
Eric Moore
Expert Trader
I am willing to join the petition and do what I need to to have my money returned to me!
I suppose this is how you guys found that broker?
Regardless, never sign up with autotraders and the brokers involved with them and never let account managers trade your money.
Oh well, live and learn.
I was first sent an e-mail from quantum code with a vid from Mr Crawford in person , their robot makes a lot of money even with little amounts deposits, the accuracy is very high 90% and you don't have to do nothing only to look up your current account growing amount. After registered in quantum code robot comes out BinaryBook brooker to make a deposit before beginning, and after the expert refuses to make trades with the robots because it is not intersting. The 3 first trafes with the robot went all in lost, sothat the expert made the trades for me on their plateform BinaryBook and all my trades went in losses. I have lost 450 € upto now all I have invested , and the bonus they gave me 250€ they made a trade long term 31/8/2016 in loss from the begenning, I sur it will be in loss till the end. Strange and unprofitable strategy done by BinaryBook.
and they got you hooked with it. The plan was to make you deposit with crooked brokers
and get commission from your losses and they did exactly that so in their point of view: it all went as planned
and this is what will happen every time any trader invests in a robot.
what do you think about it ?
The account manager just fooled you, and he does that with all the clients regardless of how much they deposit.
In fact, they are more likely to scam the people with bigger accounts cause they will make more money that way.
Esta gente de BinaryBook trabaja en equipo con “El Truco Zulander” ofreciendo un software automático de Sistema Binario que según ellos está super probado y tiene un porcentaje de aciertos del 97% lo cual es TOTALMENTE FALSO, invertí en esto USD 250 que es el monto mínimo y en 1 semana se redujo a USD 59 cuando quise recuperar este resto, me dijeron que no podían ya que el monto mínimo de devolución es de USD 100 y que tenía que depositar otros USD 250
Al no existir una Institución donde uno pueda presentar un reclamo, he tenido que darlo por perdido. Escribo esto para evitar que haya nuevos estafados
Please use English in the forums in the future. I let this one be. /Okane
I am guessing you signed up with some autotrader scam and got that broker. That's how people usually end up with them.
Go with a regulated broker. In fact, don't even do that, start learning how to trade first.
Tell your bank you were not trading and you don't know anything about trading and that you were scammed and brainwashed to deposit have them try a chargeback. Also gang up with others here above and let your financial authority know about this, they might be able to sue them. The problem is often that people who get scammed don't even report the crime.