I will start of by saying that I am completely new here and to the world of Binary Option. It's 4:49AM right now and I haven't slept since I'm not tired.
But I'm just wondering: how much has anyone made with Binary Option? Is there anyone on this forum that is currently living of BO?
I am very interessed, I started listening to youtube strategy videos and such thing which I am now ready to start with a DEMO account. I currently don't have a job and I needed to drop school since I am agoraphobic, have depression, anxiety and I lost my dad about 3 months ago, 5 days after my birthday, which I lost my grand-mother the day before and now my grand-father have less than a week to live.. But anyway I'm not here to talk about my private life, I just need some advice and help to start trading binary option since it interests me a lot!

also i dont consider myself a trader im gambling simple.
if you dont withdraw your winnings next day its resonable you could easily make another 150 doing bets to value of 15 $/£ whatever you use. so by the end of day two your 200 could easily be 450 it could just as easily be 0, so be carefull
markets world offer a free no deposit bonus so do 24option and many onthers if your in the uk nenx app for iphone or android is great to start with. its how i came into the world of BO lol world of BO i do suffer with BO actually but not the betting on markets kind im doing ok...
also very sorry for your losses, good luck
Understanding what options are (Market and its derivatives)
Understand what is fundamental analysis (top down: going from macro to micro economic and there affect on the particular asset)
Understanding technical analysis (chart reading)
Bottom line wrap yourself around information that will have you make clearer decisions.
Look when your down your down thats life we all go down some tie in our lives its how you react. dont be beat man there is alway hope. iq is a great platform i think. 24 option is the place i want to end up doing my BO work when i know what im doing i did make a deposit back in november but i didnt know what i was doing its a site ill go back to when i can deposit 5k and get to work.
anything you lear id appritiate you let me know about too
can you go onto binary.com is it available in canada? they dont go to s many decimals as iq but its a great platform to learn on. also i use trading view for my charts its worth looking into getting your chart data from somewhere other than where your making your stakes it can offer a insight if you ask me
Look when your down your down thats life we all go down some tie in our lives its how you react. dont be beat man there is alway hope. iq is a great platform i think. 24 option is the place i want to end up doing my BO work when i know what im doing i did make a deposit back in november but i didnt know what i was doing its a site ill go back to when i can deposit 5k and get to work.
anything you lear id appritiate you let me know about too
can you go onto binary.com is it available in canada? they dont go to s many decimals as iq but its a great platform to learn on. also i use trading view for my charts its worth looking into getting your chart data from somewhere other than where your making your stakes it can offer a insight if you ask me
and Caktus i think markets world works in canada too most countries actually its a UK based company that is monitored by gambling uk commision you get 10 no deposit bonus to start if you like so worth a look at
all jokes aside guys learn learn learn beyeond your ability to learn make your heads pop with knoledge you think is usesless and be surprised when you suddenly see it take affect on a chart you are watching. roughly 8months in trading world now i can say im trading binary options full time. this site i would also recomend you complete the school in babypips.com. its what has gotten me to where i am today i make 20-30 trades a day worth roughly £10 each im building my balance taking out 100 a day for myself and soon i will expand. i hope sometime in the next two months to move things up a notch and value each bet @£100 and so on im not in this for the long haul just to get my start up funded. having a goal that isnt simply to make money and have a big bank balance has helped me. its kept me focused. mabey sometime in the summer i will have a 10k week i hope not unrealistic
Good luck to all
I believe if you are consistent with your ITM% and using good money management anything is possible.