We are glad to introduce a new vision of the binary options market!
The experience gained as a result of long and hard work, allowed our company to develop a trading systems with a very high success rate (from 76% to 88% depending on the system).
A lot of people are afraid to use the indicator system, or due to its complexity or because of personal knowledge-gap in the fields of elementary analysis and statistics. Our team has considered this issue, and from now all you have to do is to install the system!
How about this KAP - let someone test your software/system and then you could be allowed to push it here on this forum. To be fair towards you (KAP) I will suggest that this could be facilitated by a moderator of this website. If the moderator wishes to delegate this task then so be it. This will protect you in your business venture because you sure as sh!t are not giving this away free of charge.......right? Yes off course I'm right.
Honestly - a singular system/strategy trading the market as she has her mood swings and to maintain 88.4% ITM for a period of 3 months (ESPECIALLY THE LAST 3 MONTHS)......I am not convinced of that claim.