Hi all,
Before i will start to trade i wanna make sure mine head is clean and very motivated and relaxed as well to start mine trading sessions. Also very important for me is that i need a cup of coffee first before i will analyse the charts

What is your first thing that you will do before start trading? Or maybe you have some advice to give to all members.
Kind Regards,
I do something similar to you...
Usually, before I trade, I go through what I term 'a preflight check' which involves a bunch of things, some of which are:
* Reviewing my trading journal of the previous 10 - 20 trades taken
* Expressing sincere gratitude for all the abundance in my life
* Reconfirm my goals for the session
* I then clear my mind and simply watch the market for 10 - 15 minutes to get in synch with the rhythm. If work is really busy I cut this down to 5 minutes.
When ready I take 2 or 3 'paper' trades and then hit it with a big stick.
Have you ever watched a sports superstar go through a pre-action routine? They do certain things with their bodies, and you can see that, simultaneously, there is a movie running through their mind. This is a process to anchor themselves into a peak state of performance (Tony Robbins), in order to deliver their best, as demanded. This routine puts the athlete into the 'zone' of peak performance.
I do my fair share of public speaking, and I have my own anchoring routine that I do before going on stage. This process gives me immediate access to my best state, regardless of whether or not I slept well the night before, have a headache etc. I deliver the best experience I possibly can for my audience each and every time.
My preflight check routine is the same process for my trading.
Your Net Worth Needs to Become the Primary Personal Finance Number You Care About.
First of all, what exactly is “net worth”? Net worth simply means the total value of everything you own – your home, your car, any valuables that could easily be resold, and the balances of your checking account, savings accounts, and any investments you have – minus the total of any and all debts you have – mortgage, credit cards, student loans, and so forth. So, if I owned a house worth $100,000 and a car that I could sell for $10,000 but I had $50,000 in student loans (and no other debts), my net worth would be $60,000.
More than anything else, your financial focus should be on this number and how you can make it bigger. There are a lot of ways to make it bigger: paying off debts, not spending money on foolish or wasteful things, improving your income, and, yes, investing.
Some kind of physical activity and short meditation just to set mind on right track helps me a lot.
Before session I make cup of coffee and write down some goals that I want to achieve which will keep mind on track and prevent distractions, that works well at least for me.
I trade 4-5 times a day on specific hours to fit my way of trading...not to volatile, and not to calm, that is what i like.