Now even Algobot is no longer in the top 20 and Mechapipzilla was removed. I find it highly suspicious that a new trader who is overtrading and stacking is now top of the charts. Some guy called "thebinarybank".
Strange, similar trading pattern to mechapipzilla
This is so disingenuous. Lotzofbotz really thinks people are stupid.
Every trader takes a hit, I had a rough week last one but I openly own up to it here and in Hive. If he can own up to it transparently then he deserves credit, but instead he keeps hyping up his next provider and keeps cycling through them. First it was Mechapipzilla, then Algobot and now this..s Binary Bank.
But this open unravelling of him isn't unexpected, I always knew his true mettle and how he was more a marketer. It totally explains his suspect behaviour in Hive last year. It all makes sense why he was too scared to go live because in Signal Hive it is brutal, your strengths and weaknesses are picked up very quickly and the audience is smart, not like the lemmings who actually buy his money management BS videos. You can't stack your trades or peg your ITM to an unrealistic level like he did in his trade 4 me auditions. inside Signal Hive. That's because they are real traders and don't allow BS gamed stats.
Now the truth has come to bite him and finally people can see all the years of bullshit he was selling about being the best trader.
Early Jan
He auditioned at most signal providers including Signal Push, Options Domination, Signal Hive and even Signal Index run by G-Options.
This makes now Mechapipzilla and Algobot, both biting the dust and no longer existing on trade 4 me
This is what happens when traders don't know how to trade and keep stacking, gaming the stats, attracting new clients, building up false hope and then martingaling and blowing accounts to zero.
Post by him at the end of March price gouging people into signing up with ALGOBOT
And 2 weeks later, nada, gone.
Well done Lotzofbotz, so much for the best binary options trader.
That is the net profitability of his followers which means not only are the stats shown by trade4me which show him as a "68% ITM" completely bogus but in actuality his subscribers are down, with some having lost over $5k.