As many of you know,
lotzofbotz was thrown out Communitraders a while back because of abusing the system by launching anywhere from 10-50 trades in quick succession over a few seconds/minutes and then if he got lucky, his stats would shoot to the top, hovering between 90-100% at high volumes. This would protect him from drops in future performance and cloud his true ITM since the laws of mathematical averages favour high volume. He was challenged over this by the owners of
Communitraders and got abusive and had to be removed.
Then he spent a year in
Signal Hive boasting about how he is the best and rebranded to
Rocketbox and when that failed he rebranded back to
Mechpipzilla who can be found here or his pseudonym Algobot which you can see here . He is right now engaging in one of the oldest scams and tricks in the book. Watch and remember so you don't get fooled.
Don't be fooled by the stats.For example if you launch 100 signals at 09:00am at 1 price and 5 minutes later you get lucky and win, your ITM is 100% at a volume of 100. You then can lose the next 4 weeks slowly, 1 signal per day, so 20 signals in total and your new ITM is 100/120 is 83.3%

so it still looks really good but your true trading ITM is 0%.
This is exactly what this scammer has done and here is the proof
Is this a responsible trader? Very similar to what Julian Wong does at Binary Lab = stoning.
Some times he takes a bad hit lol
This technique is very low brow and something unfortunately clouds a true trading ITM not to mention 1 day, it will backfire big on live accounts, losing 20-30 trades in 1 sequence, causing total brand damage.
But you have to give him credit,
Lotzofbotz is a great marketer. Look what he is parading on his Facebook page using the above scam tactic

Please let me know your thoughts!
Transparent Binary Options trader and former floor trader. Now giving signals to help people safely to make money at
Signal Hive Please do not contact me to manage your account, I will never take anyone's money. You can see my live performance on Signal Hive and subscribe to me there.
I am an paying customber from signal hive , and nothing else ! PROVE ME WRONG ABOUT YOU or GTFO
Please discuss in a civilized manner, either you have something based on fact in which case you are welcome to share and that
should speak for itself, no need for insults and threats. //MOD.
Look at the date and time of this trades !
attain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and not up to me that is the market don't even care. is fast easy to use and 100% transparent, also now can be used with
Do understand these individual have stalked me for a very long time and the only reason they even know about Signal Hive for example is because they followed me there or watched my video on it btw, which I am sure they will be unable to admit lol. It was a very good video and also like everything I produce 100% TRUE...
The mods of this forum know Mechapipzilla gaming the Communitraders system so they know exactly what I'm referring to above on Trade 4 ME.
Please can you just answer my original post or are you going to wiggle out of this too?
You have this thing called "the TRUTH"? I don't believe gaming stats on a platform to misrepresent returns is the truth.
There is no abuse or hate, no one is saying you can't lose, everyone loses, but you are inflating your stats by clustering the trades. 30 trades in 5 minutes? Like you did with Mechapipzilla at Communitraders. You have a very loose umbrella of what constitutes the truth.
You may have passed SH auditions but you never went live and now i know why. No way could you do this BS on Hive, this isn't trading, this is total misrepresentation and high risk stoning.
I'm sure Okane and Mike remember this from your time at Communitraders.
Sad that you've been reduced to this.
You have some nerve.
You keep deflecting and calling me spineless. No one is saying the content you did over the years was bad, i'm sure you helped people. My question is more about why you sold out LOL. Can't you see the difference?
Yeah ok I'm not helping others. Spent the whole weekend unearthing that scam Gabman and in my spare time I give signals and help people make money but I'm that ass here.
Anyway if you don't want to answer me properly, do what you do. I don't have the time or energy anymore.
You want to lie about a trader that is better than you and think it is ok well that is marketing. But FACTS are I am better than you... Deal I was better than you when I was at SH and I was better before and odds are I will be better after lol...
Here are the facts, I will let the forum decide.
1) You traded 500 trades in November/December on a demo account. Your run rate therefore was around 250 trades/months. You had no clients, got lucky on one a few of your big clusters and your ITM shot up to 78% (your FB post where you show off about that 78% is here
You then went live in January and managed to get 60-65% on 23 trades but somehow because of your broken tech, your clients lost money.
2) When they asked you about it, you deleted them on your Facebook. Do not lie about this or I will get that client here to tell his side of the story.
3) In January your trade volume dropped suddenly to 23 trades from 250 trades per month. I wonder why. No gaming of stats there to peg your ITM permanently at a high level.
4) Every provider including your "failed project' aka Mechapipzilla which you haven't shown above because of his horrible equity curve, has a history of less than 6 months. Here is Mechapipzilla, i.e when the cluster trick goes wrong
These are the facts. I invite everyone to go to and click on the Leaderboard and verify what I'm saying.
My 66% ITM on January was REAL on Signal Hive. I am humble and don't show off about my stats.
Cut the crap about "Trade 4 Me" being the best auto trader and transparent service. Hive in in a different league. You're just pissed off that Josh threw your stupid ass out and you lost out with the management big time. You didn't leave, I'm happy to get them here. You overhyped your trading ability in there for 1 year and when the time came to go live, you shirked.
I never lie, you regularly do. Even the mods here know your troll behaviour from the early days.
Look at the date and time .
Have a nice day
This thread will only grow over time with more users throwing more light on this stats scam. The Binary Nerd completely denies it and tries to create straw man arguments that I "hate" him and can't stand that he is doing "great things for binary" or that I'm "jealous" of his money management videos which btw are all about martingaling. There is a reason Trade 4 Me as of this week stopped allowing more than 3 trades per minute, so that charlatans like lotzofbotz can stop gaming their stats.
He claims to to be the best trader but blocks his own clients when they ask real questions about their losses, on Facebook. Unless he can compete in a true and fair environment, you can assume he is rigging it as my first post in this thread proves.
I will say this though, won't be in forums with people like you anymore. It is and always has been a merry go round of sh*t and a complete waste of my time. I produce useful content vids/articles/education as you can see all over this site and elsewhere which seems to make you super jealous Pavel. Where is your content and help towards others? I also created this forum here including the decision of the format and provider we used. I wish you guys could do a better job of keeping the spammers out. I don't mind the hate rants of Pavel but really the spam of this forum wow.
That is a really good video that is a great help to many, shame on you Pavel for not seeing or using the ideas and agreeing with me. How is that a help to anybody outside of yourself? Did you even watch it Pavel?
Scenario 1) you get over 800 trades in a month @ 65% win rate with an average payout on of 80.5% = +69.3% ROI for the month. Not great but kinda realistic using several providers. Also you profits act as a buffer too and scale, not only that you have diversity as results of all providers trading will vary. This gives you a wider gene pool of which in time you can also make resource dependant = more capital to better performing providers and less to poorer performing and even a whole host of money management strats for that as well which will be to come by me.
Scenario 2) Your downside is 25% of the overall capital and you can and will have downside but you know what it will be with the money management. So let's say you are not able to build on your profits and all the providers are doing poorly. You have a STOP = 50% of 50% = the trading capital right. So in totality it is 25% for the month. Last month you were up 69.3% or 138.6% of the 50% cap used for trading. This month you got stopped down around 25% = 50% cap used for trading. With a wide pool of providers this is a bit more unlikely to happen imo, but it can and prolly will at some point. At least your STOP is there to protect you as nobody and I mean nobody can win all the time, you will have DRAWDOWN depending on your set of providers and mix and that does not matter.
What matters is you use best practices across the board to increase diversity of a strong gene pool. As was designed with BLAST and yes it is for people who scale large # of trades like I have seen many do on different signal services or even just for large number of signal providers by an individual alone. Can you grasp these concepts! I hope so. Like I said before you can use this across all services not just the ones I demonstrate in the video. I am a promoter of all services that are transparent and honest. I happen to think is as I do other services.
It takes you 3 posts to make your point.It takes me a few screenshots and proper evidence to make mine.
Kotte and the other user who commented on this thread are your former clients. So they are lying too I presume?
Please read this
No one is debating whether the money management advice you are imparting is logical, useful or not. The point of this thread is not to defame your MM videos. Where have I done that please? But I will say this, YouTube legal strictly does not allow money management advice unless you are a licensed body. The point of this thread is to point out your over-trading and high frequency trading just so that you can game your stats and peg them at an artificially high level.
People are not stupid, they can see when a "trader" throws 500 trades in 1 month when he is not live but when he goes live he shifts to 15-20 trades per month (at a lower ITM
Gaming stats then bashing mods is what you do for a living.
This gets you banned
p.s Mods please remove the user "whocares" the user is Lotz, please take down his I.P too, he uses an IP masking service to continue his trolling activities. Also please do a check on his I.P and that of some users posting spam messages here. He uses this bait technique to seem as the good guy like he did with TBN.
BYE I am gone from the NUTBAGS once again PEACE! NERD OUT!
Telling people to allocate any percentage and specifically advising what that percentage should be, based on their account growth is investment advice. You are doing this in all of your "money management" videos.
Read the MIFID charter or the Series 7 handbook. Managing people's money is not investment advice. There is a nuance and you don't seem to understand it.
You keep banging on about how you provide education yet the level of inaccuracy in your statements is a bit concerning and I don't mean this to be rude. I'm just glad that this place is now increasingly filled with more mature traders that don't high frequency trade and game platforms or give unregulated investment advice.
Go sell crazy some place else, we're all stocked up here and have a lot of work ahead of us to make Binary Options clean again.
There are all of his aliases, mysteriously all are always writing in support of his BS.
p.s really sad to see you are reduced to this lotz, had expected a bit more class