I wanted to compare Cantor Exchange to Nadex, but I found their platform not so user friendly. Nor could I find any videos or discussion threads regarding their trading platform. So I have a Skype appointment set up with them for Friday morning. If anyone has some questions they would like answers for, post them here and I will ask them tomorrow.
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Currently, there is hardly enough volume to get one contract filled. There are supposed to be Market Makers coming on board in the next 3-4 weeks.
Contracts can be closed before expiry.
They will be adding other products to trade beside currencies.
Who are we trading against? A mix of providers and other traders.
Risk reward ratio is 1:1, or greater.
The strikes are arranged as "price ladder", not just ATM like the offshore brokers.
Setting the "tick price" is where you put your bid or offer price 0-100.
Basically, they are hoping to copy Nadex in the future. For now, it's like comparing a horse and buggy to a Formula 1 race car.
The biggest drawbacks are very low volume, and absolutely no training videos anywhere online or their website.
While I'm not an expert as many of you folks are, if you have any more detailed questions, they are easy to get a hold of on the phone, or email. That was helpful.
What actually happened is my 89 cent sell order was changed into an 11 cents call order ( not inverted pricing actually inverted order IMO ). So everyone be aware that there is no inverted pricing on Limit orders submitted to close and you should set them up like on Nadex. This is not documented on Cantor exchange nor Ryan's video where he bought at 37 and put in a limit order at 47 to get him out. On that video his SELL order is changed to a CALL at 53 ( Inverted order ).
I am not certain how a order to PUT at 89 cents to close a CALL ended up an order to buy at 11 cents to close my CALL order but it did. I never typed 11 those numbers are not in 89.
Here is a video:
IMO this was not confusion on my part it is an order flow issue. My order to sell at 11 cents never reached the exchange. What was posted was a CALL order at 11 cents ( Inverted order ) not inverted pricing. I have been a very big advocate of Cantor but this was unacceptable and is not documented on their site. Be advised that this can happen on the platform as it stands and do not be " confused " . The result is ITM orders can be snapped up by Market makers at a HUGE discount just like what happened to me. Who wouldn't buy an 11 cent Call for a contract 15+ Pips ITM that I just finished paying 68 cents for a while back. Good news to whoever got it because the day ended 60Pips or more above that strike that it never touched since I entered the trade.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)