On Monday, I broke from my normal routine of trading 15-minute expiries from the 5-minute chart in favor of “60-second” options. For one, I simply felt like breaking things up a bit for my own enjoyment. And two, I know that many traders are into this fast-paced alternative, as it’s now offered by many offshore brokers.
Do you mean that you'd like to do 60-second binary trades? I assume you don't mean scalping in the sense of forex.
I am not personally using a demo account at the moment, but I do know that traderush.com, the platform I'm currently doing my binary trading with, offers demos. I'm not sure how long it lasts, though. In the past, I believe you had to make a deposit, request a demo by contacting them, which would then last for three days. I don't know if that holds true any longer, as those were the terms about a year ago. If you would like to do business with Trade Rush (I recommend them personally), then you can make deposits in EUR, USD, GBP, AUD, CAD, and JPY. The minimum deposit is 200 for EUR, USD, GBP, AUD, and CAD. I'm not sure what the minimum deposit is for JPY as its value is quite a bit lower than each of the other five.
If you'd like a trading platform video tutorial for Trade Rush, you can find it here: http://www.traderush.com/videoacademy
I hope this helps!
Since 60 secs BO is prone to erratic price movement in the market, what time (trading hours in GMT) do you recommend to trade this 60secs type of trading? Where the market is not calm, yet not too erratic as well.
Sorry that I didn't catch your question earlier.
I don't think it matters too much when you trade for binaries. I've found my in-the-money percentage to be about the same regardless of what hours I trade. If you like the fast pace of the market, trading the New York morning (also often referred to as the US/European crossover) might be your best bet. If you like a moderate amount of volatility, the European morning would be a good option. This is when I normally trade when I get the chance, but that's only because it fits with my schedule. For low volatility, post-New York close and the Asian session would work.
I am a russian emigrant in London and I am 100% RETARDED in every way I can't get anybody to watch my SCAM 60 second binary videos, can you please help me?!
Here if you need help with marketing see the video below that should help the key is RETARDED CATS!
By the way forgive me for saying RETARDED CATS.. I mean mentally disadvantaged pussies....
I can also consider doing another post on 60-second options in the future. However, it's something that I trade very rarely. I haven't in I don't know how long. Over a year for sure. I prefer the longer options (5-20 minute variations) as they're no where near as noisy and I believe easier to predict, so that's what I've predominantly written about in my blog.
60-second options are valuable in the sense that they may offer a higher volume of trading opportunities. But the benefit of the higher trading volume would need to be weighed against the lower payout percentage (relative to other options types) in addition to the (likely) diminished trade accuracy.
Good luck!