I'll jump right in! For a little back ground take a peek at my introduction. Dimensional Support & Resistance is a modified drawing tool we have
worked on and traded with for many years now. Dimensional Support & Resistance bypasses traditional horizontal support & resistance and instead
illustrates support & resistance using vectors, angles, intersections, and channels, we then combine multiple time frames and look for Dimensional
Support & Resistance price match ups. One important consideration to understand this is not a lagging tool, and can work in confirming signals moving
average based indicators put off. I'll use Friday April 11 2014 S&P 500 as an introductory example, My partner (hopefully wife to be) Ne' and I do a
lot of time stamped video recording and images. We use our analysis in our own trade decision making process, we primarily Trade YM, ES, & EUR/USD.
Renee and I understand there is a functional correlation to intra day & weekly price movement and Binary Options. Ultimately we feel our tool can
greatly assist any class of trader including Binary Option traders in the decision and trade management process. One of our hopes in participating in
this community is to gain feedback on the application and usefulness of DSR to a Binary Option Trader and a better working knowledge of the
challenges you face.