www.signalrush.com is an autotrade copier service similar to "SignalPush" that is being created by the owners of this site and a few of others of us. When its up and running you can see what my stats are then as I will have to go through the same beta testing as everybody else. I don't own "Signal Rush" and I support any service that is a benefit to fellow bin traders. I may even look to promote/partner with them on behalf of this website in the future if they are a good service for others.
lol what I do is not magic btw I do it LIVE in the mornings like now most days of the week people can see my charts and watch me trade here ---> www.binaryoptions.net/chat <--- Of course real trading during the summer is very slow and boring btw. But I am no 80% trader though some weeks I might be overall during the summer I am happy if I hold above 70% and I find i have less trades and actually put in more screen time. Here is an example of what you will see in the chatroom in the mornings ---> and yes trading to me is pure ROCKET SCIENCE...
BRRRR it is getting cold in my neck of the woods now in the middle of summer. I was wondering what was going on until I saw Lotz giving props to Michael Freeman and then I recognized hell must be freezing over so no wonder it is cold in our dimension LOL.
Seriously I watched some of MF recent webinars and thought they were pretty good. The speakers were trying to help and most people seemed to be following. Some guys missed trades or got in late or wanted to get in again after winning but that happens in trading rooms. LOB makes mistakes at times and it is a sign of maturity to retract them if needed. Also I much prefer LOB making better use of his time sharing his thought process. Education is what can really help bins not signals.No real-time in the markets so every ones results can not match infinitely. That is not rocket science it is as simple as that.
Hold on SAY WHAAA!? Pavey baby I think you like him just a little bit too much haha. Some who have used his autotrader might tend to not agree with you but lets give him credit where its due in moving in the right direction with his facebook group. I am an engineer the ALGORITHMS banks use are mostly by people from the higher math realm. I agree education and focusing on positive useful content will have a more positive effect. Focusing peoples attention on scam products only gives energy to those products/sites. So I will promote the good instead.. Here is an example trade I did when I was reading your comment lol.. This is a demonstration of what I do all day long and imo what trading looks like to an engineer its all statistics/math dare I say time curve analysis engineering wise...
Yes Mike Freeman is excellent. Probably the best in the entire industry bar none. Highest level of ethical conduct and professionalism in all his offerings. I am glad the entire staff of this forum now agrees too.
LOL of course you are asking for a response when you say "this forum agrees" :-) i think there is hardly anyone who has damaged and poisoned this industry more than this guy. Because no one has abused the trust of so many people and ripped of so many so recklessly and on purpose. This gave so many people a terrible entry into the BO industry and has damged its reputation enormously. Its is just recently that he hooked up with some people who can actually trade and this way he may save some of his reputation. Good for everyone who is experiencing some good teaching and making some profts now with him but i would not to do any business with someone like this.
Which has better technology, signal rush or signal push? Because that is what will determine where traders will go I believe.
I'm obviously biased but I'd say SignalPush We've been around longer. It's been battle tested and proven for years. Signal Rush is still in beta and hasn't been used in "live" mode yet.
Thanks. Apart from tenure, is there a difference in your replication technology when compared 2 signal rush? From the standpoint of a signal provider, which I plan to be, why should i go with one or the other?
Absolutely. Besides the fact that we are responsive, our support rocks, and our technology rocks... I don't know a ton about Signal Rush, as it's not out yet.. I do know that it uses ghost clicks and you have to have your browser open and trade from MT4. Once you place the trade in MT4, it's sent to your browser, where it selects the asset/expiry/etc... assuming the binary platform hasn't changed the way their page is displayed
With SignalPush, as a provider you have a few options. You can trade from MT4 using any number of our MT4 tools (can see more at www.mt4connect.com), most other trading programs can be modified to send to SignalPush (like NinjaTrader), or you can trade directly from your binary platform itself. For instance, you'd pull up Marketsworld, place a trade like normal, it's sent to us. You get to continue trading the way you're used to. We also don't use ghost clicks, so it's going to be the fastest possible connection.
We will be very competitive as far as the tech goes we also will have APIs but I am not going to go into that like Ryan said its not out yet lol. Some of the advantages will be far and above Signal Push but I am not going to give them away ahead of time lets let Ryan worry about that later... I fully support Signal Push of course if you become a provider with them they will lock you into a legally binding relationship for an extended period of time that if you were to say find another platform that paid you more or had some other unknown advantages you might be legally unable to work with them, owch...
Thought I would chime in real fast, here is a quick video and at around 44 seconds you can see the execution speed of the trade came in at about 0.385 seconds (yes I know this is only just one example). There is another example a little further along in the video also. Its Friday so for now I will leave you with the video as I want to get My weekend started, its going to be over 100 degrees here in Dallas so time to head out to the lake for a nice bit of Jet Skiing.
But I will say I do not want to get into a Pissing match With Signal Push, they have an outstanding product and have set the bar on performance. But I do think competition leads to innovation and better yet a choice of services, which can only be good for the end user. If you have been following us on Facebook you can see our number one concern has been the quality of the product, which is why I have had to eat my own words several times on a release date as it got pushed back. If we did not think our product was ready even though it would be a nasty way of doing things, we could just not endorse any other products over here at bo.net or worse just bury all there posts.
The site im happy to say is finally up and running for MT42Binary which is our first step into the market, we will be taking the same time and care getting Signal Rush up and Running also. www.mt42binary.com
We will be very competitive as far as the tech goes we also will have APIs but I am not going to go into that like Ryan said its not out yet lol. Some of the advantages will be far and above Signal Push but I am not going to give them away ahead of time lets let Ryan worry about that later... I fully support Signal Push of course if you become a provider with them they will lock you into a legally binding relationship for an extended period of time that if you were to say find another platform that payed you more or had some other unknown advantages you might be legally unable to work with them, owch...
Ah, typical misunderstandings. We pay our providers very well. 70-80% of the subscription fee. Apple and many others have set the standard for 70% being the accepted standard. It's very hard to run a sustainable business with employees, tech, legal, etc and make less than 20% margins.
Regarding the lock-in, yes we do. We do that for a variety of reasons, to protect ourselves (as we give access to patent pending technology), the clients and the providers.
We will be very competitive as far as the tech goes we also will have APIs but I am not going to go into that like Ryan said its not out yet lol. Some of the advantages will be far and above Signal Push but I am not going to give them away ahead of time lets let Ryan worry about that later... I fully support Signal Push of course if you become a provider with them they will lock you into a legally binding relationship for an extended period of time that if you were to say find another platform that payed you more or had some other unknown advantages you might be legally unable to work with them, owch...
Ah, typical misunderstandings. We pay our providers very well. 70-80% of the subscription fee. Apple and many others have set the standard for 70% being the accepted standard. It's very hard to run a sustainable business with employees, tech, legal, etc and make less than 20% margins.
Regarding the lock-in, yes we do. We do that for a variety of reasons, to protect ourselves (as we give access to patent pending technology), the clients and the providers.
Additionally, private providers can make even more than 80% and API providers (those who build services around our API like many have) can get 100%. Your big thing was education... Well, we have several providers offering education as part of it.
Thought I would chime in real fast, here is a quick video and at around 44 seconds you can see the execution speed of the trade came in at about 0.385 seconds (yes I know this is only just one example). There is another example a little further along in the video also. Its Friday so for now I will leave you with the video as I want to get My weekend started, its going to be over 100 degrees here in Dallas so time to head out to the lake for a nice bit of Jet Skiing.
But I will say I do not want to get into a Pissing match With Signal Push, they have an outstanding product and have set the bar on performance. But I do think competition leads to innovation and better yet a choice of services, which can only be good for the end user. If you have been following us on Facebook you can see our number one concern has been the quality of the product, which is why I have had to eat my own words several times on a release date as it got pushed back. If we did not think our product was ready even though it would be a nasty way of doing things, we could just not endorse any other products over here at bo.net or worse just bury all there posts.
The site im happy to say is finally up and running for MT42Binary which is our first step into the market, we will be taking the same time and care getting Signal Rush up and Running also. www.mt42binary.com/
Hi there! Glad to see you're finally up and running. As you stated, no need to get into a pissing match. I too agree that competition is a great thing. We're excited to see what you do with your product.
I do have a question though, how are you getting "0.385 seconds"? When I watch the vid, it's more like 2-3 seconds. If you're timing the time it takes to get from MT4 to MW, not including the actual execution.. that makes more sense. I just would be very careful saying your execution is 0.385 seconds.
If you are in fact just talking about signal "delivery", we give an SLA of < 0.250 seconds but the majority of our customers see double digit delivery times. Here is an example (these are milliseconds, so for instance 12.50 is 12.50 milliseconds, also written as 0.0125 seconds).
I think it would be more beneficial to work together at building a great product than working separately. This industry is ruthless and you need all the non-crazy partners you can have Would at least be good to connect and see what we may do together. I'd hate to see someone spinning cycles trying to recreate the wheel when you can partner for those pieces and focus on what doesn't already exist. Many companies have tried and failed. It's not as easy as it seems. Better friends than foes!
Anyways, love to chat and see what we could do together. You know where to find us!
So MT42Binary is another competitor to Signal Rush and Signal Push?
Not really. MT42Binary and Signal Rush are made by the same company. They made it two separate products/companies. Together they would compete with SignalPush.
You are an established platform Ryan so I don't know how we could work together but partnerships in my opinion that benefit both the companies and clients well why not. There are so many opportunities for how to use auto-trading tech that nobody has scratched on yet so the market is wide open imo. If you have a certain proposed vision Ryan feel free to email the site owner on your ideas of this. Also note I am not against "Signal>Push" even if I work on another similar product, they do a great job and are the most important thing to me ((( 100% TRANSPARENT ))) which in this market place is not the norm... Also their tech is very good and they do treat their clients in a very fair and professional manner.
You wrote: "Regarding the lock-in, yes we do. We do that for a variety of reasons, to protect ourselves (as we give access to patent pending technology), the clients and the providers."
Kindly clarify how your lock-in would "protect" me as a signal provider? From my perspective I want the widest distribution possible and not be tied to one provider. Borrowing from your Apple example, as an app developer there is no lock-in in place at all. Many versions of the same app exist on different stores like Google Play, BB App World, Amazon App Store.
Maybe I've missed something...
Sounds like there is still some confusion. If you really wanted to, you could have your signals on another platform. Since you have access to proprietary technology when using SignalPush as a provider, what you cannot do, is create or assist others in creating a competing service or technology. In the beginning we had several providers sign up just to get access and then went off to try and create their own by stealing our tech. This is the 1 year term lotz mentioned.
The only "lock in" we have is a really just a termination notice in that you can't up and quit. You have to give adequate notice (typically 60 days) if you wish to quit. This protects clients from signing up to someone who leaves and doesn't finish their subscription, and providers from leaving without notice and getting into legal issues with upset clients who didn't get what they paid for.
So in short, if you really feel it's necessary to have your service on another platform, go for it. Let me remind you that if your signals are manual, your signals are a service you provide. If they are 100% automatic, they are a product. What you see on Apple, Amazon, Google... Those are products. Putting them on multiple won't hurt clients. Now, putting a manual signal service on multiple platforms, that CAN hurt clients. You would be taking the same signal twice, so who would get the better entry? One of the services would.
We have seen it happen several times where providers try and offer their signals too many places and the clients get jipped as the provider isn't focused on providing signals to just the tech they are on. Performance suffers.
In any case, this thread for Mike isn't the place to really discuss our legal, or even SignalPush or Signal Rush. I'd suggest emailing us or starting a new thread for the proper discussion topic.
You are an established platform Ryan so I don't know how we could work together but partnerships in my opinion that benefit both the companies and clients well why not. There are so many opportunities for how to use auto-trading tech that nobody has scratched on yet so the market is wide open imo. If you have a certain proposed vision Ryan feel free to email the site owner on your ideas of this. Also note I am not against "Signal>Push" even if I work on another similar product, they do a great job and are the most important thing to me ((( 100% TRANSPARENT ))) which in this market place is not the norm... Also their tech is very good and they do treat their clients in a very fair and professional manner.
I think the future is in DARK POOLS muhahaha
Which site owner? I've emailed the bo.net one multiple times with no answer (as they are also the one for mt42binary and SR)
In any case, this thread for Mike isn't the place to really discuss our legal, or even SignalPush or Signal Rush. I'd suggest emailing us or starting a new thread for the proper discussion topic.
I agree nobody should steal your personal "IP/TECHNOLOGY" but beyond that is all gamesmanship and pure BS. If they are not using your technology nor providing signals on your platform to threaten them is straight up dirty pool. But if people don't read your T&Cs its their fault too so you get what you deserve I suppose. Also you have gone after people that don't use anything near your technology I have noted and were not active providing signals for your service at the time because they simply were looking to provide a competing signal service vs you. Here is the list of 3 main components I do not care for that you induce with your service. Other then that Signal>Push is fantastic.
1) If you are a signal provider for them and you start providing signals outside of using their technology they will and have gone after people for this.
2) The use of martingale statistics with fudged math is not acceptable to me as it does not reflect "TRUE" statistics noted by my last post of showing how BSBs performance is actually higher then Legendary Dragons which is misleading to customers and unfair to better providers as BSB vs Legendary which in fact BSB is better = less risk/lower drawdown %s. I mean you can say you lose 1 and win a double up = 2 that its 100% but in fact its really 66% trade for trade.
3) You make all of your providers contracted workers because you can write them off as employees. Hence why you require signal providers to fill out tax forms of course I don't know how you do that with overseas clients but again they are partners not your employees so I don't like that. Are you going to offer them 401k plans and health insurance? Heck that might even be a good marketing ploy lol..
I agree nobody should steal your personal "IP/TECHNOLOGY" but beyond that is all gamesmanship and pure BS. If they are not using your technology nor providing signals on your platform to threaten them is straight up dirty pool. But if people don't read your T&Cs its their fault too so you get what you deserve I suppose. Also you have gone after people that don't use anything near your technology I have noted and were not active providing signals for your service at the time because they simply were looking to provide a competing signal service vs you. Here is the list of 3 main components I do not care for that you induce with your service. Other then that Signal>Push is fantastic.
1) If you are a signal provider for them and you start providing signals outside of using their technology they will and have gone after people for this.
2) The use of martingale statistics with fudged math is not acceptable to me as it does not reflect "TRUE" statistics noted by my last post of showing how BSBs performance is actually higher then Legendary Dragons which is misleading to customers and unfair to better providers as BSB vs Legendary which in fact BSB is better = less risk/lower drawdown %s. I mean you can say you lose 1 and win a double up = 2 that its 100% but in fact its really 66% trade for trade.
3) You make all of your providers contracted workers because you can write them off as employees. Hence why you require signal providers to fill out tax forms of course I don't know how you do that with overseas clients but again they are partners not your employees so I don't like that. Are you going to offer them 401k plans and health insurance? Heck that might even be a good marketing ploy lol..
1) We've gone after people who were creating competing technology or were assisting others in creating a competing technology. I can't think of any instance where we have "gone after" someone for simply trying to provide signals elsewhere. If you know of one I don't, feel free to inform me. Believe or or not Lotz, you don't know they full story behind everything
2) You should already know we have a new leaderboard and performance calculator coming out.
3) It's called the law. They are not employees. They are independent contractors/vendors providing a service. We are REQUIRED by law to send a 1099 for any US based or American citizen who we have paid over $500. Those who are overseas and are not required to pay US taxes do not have tax forms to fill out.
For sure I don't know the full story and with people like you I would never get it. Outside of that fact I use plain common sense and get a fairly good idea of fair/unfair people or those who are shifty/beguiling especially with their wording. Simply put you state two different things in one statement A) you make the statement repeating what I said "We've gone after people who were creating competing technology or were assisting others in creating a competing technology." Then Make a statement that does not correspond to the originating statement by pointing out "I can't think of any instance where we have "gone after" someone for simply trying to provide signals elsewhere." Those kind of underhanded word play games don't fly with me and it points to a certain personality type I would not trust for nothing... No not for trying to provide signals elsewhere but rather for trying to provide signal service platform technology else where that had nothing to do with your "IP/Technology" still you did go after several individuals with legal threats that I can tell you for sure would get THROWN out and likely have a judge reprimand you for playing such games. Then again its done often in the tech field but its the same crap different players and game. Very subtle but complete BS... I can list the direct examples if you like but I don't think you would like that.. Waste of time even talking to you. Same as politicians/marketers a straight answer or truth is beyond their normal operating procedure lol... TWIST TWIST TWIST...
Who do you think you are? Gavin Belson maybe? Next you are going to tell me "I don't want to live in a world where Signal>Push does not own/create all the auto-trading technology>"
For sure I don't but I also can use plain common sense and get a fairly good idea of fair/unfair people or those who are shifty/beguiling especially with their wording. Simply point you state two different things in one statement A) you make the statement repeating what I said "We've gone after people who were creating competing technology or were assisting others in creating a competing technology." Then Make a statement that does not correspond to the originating statement by pointing out "I can't think of any instance where we have "gone after" someone for simply trying to provide signals elsewhere." Those kind of underhanded word play games don't fly with me and it points to a certain personality type I would not trust for nothing... No not for trying to provide signals elsewhere but rather for trying to provide signal service platform technology else where that had nothing to do with your "IP/Technology" still you did go after several individuals with legal threats that I can tell you for sure would get THROWN out and likely have a judge reprimand you for playing such games. Then again its done often in the tech field but its the same crap different players and game. Very subtle but complete BS... I can list the direct examples if you like but I don't think you would like that..
There is nothing conflicting in those two statements.
You are absolutely correct. Those individuals we went after either were trying to create their own autotrade technology or were assisting others in creating a competing technology. I can guarantee those would be upheld in court. We did not however, go after someone who simply wanted to provide signals elsewhere, only if they were creating their own or helping others create one. It's pretty obvious when someone posts a job posting on a site like eLance that says "Looking to replicate signalpush" and it's posted with their name and email.
If a provider signs up for your service, you give them access to your tech, they go and try and replicate it, and you decide not to go after them.. that's your call. We like to protect our technology and business just as we protect our clients.
I'm an extremely fair individual and run my business with integrity and professionalism. You can agree or not, no difference to me. This just isn't the place for these conversations. In the end it's very simple. You go work with someone who is going to give you access to private technology, you're almost guaranteed to sign an agreement where the business is protecting their technology. This isn't open source.
Wow you did it again you just can't resist lol.. You would go after them even if the "IP/TECH" is not yours? Yes you would because you have it in your T&Cs to prevent them of doing so even if the IP/TECH they use/create is not yours. Really would hold up in court you think? Well lets suppose you have wording in your T&Cs that basically states "If you signup as a SIGNAL PROVIDER and go to work on a competing technology even if you do not use SIGNAL>PUSH'S IP/TECH they will look to take legal action." Of course you would be limited to a period of time you can't enslave people legally for indefinite lengths. These are things people should be well aware ahead of time BTW before you ever deal with certain companies/individuals such as Signal>Push...
The point I am making is you don't own all AUTO TRADING TECHNOLOGY and those who sign up as a provider with you and maybe even clients who just get signals. If they ever tried to create their own IP/TECH for signal delivery even if it had ZERO to do with your IP/TECH then you would go after them because they signed your agreement. Correct? Yes it is a place to discuss this as that is what a forum is for duh, education not just marketing lol..
Sorry if you don't like it but it does not make it any less true. On the 1099s I would generally agree with you but you also impart W2s is that correct? Then again does not matter you are in the U.S. taking advantage of any TAX leverage to benefit/protect your interests makes sense even if providers don't like it. The other thing about the stats well I don't think you really care to change it because its n00b bait to show higher win%s for the higher/risk less performing 2 step marty traders. I just think its unfair to better traders below because it does not reflect their true equity yield curve which = less drawdown overall more stable consistent trading behavior/results if you get me.
Wow you did it again you just can't resist lol.. You would go after them even if the "IP/TECH" is not yours? Yes you would because you have it in your T&Cs to prevent them of doing so even if the IP/TECH they use/create is not yours. Really would hold up in court you think? Well lets suppose you have wording in your T&Cs that basically states "If you signup as a SIGNAL PROVIDER and go to work on a competing technology even if you do not use SIGNAL>PUSH'S IP/TECH they will look to take legal action." Of course you would be limited to a period of time you can't enslave people legally for indefinite lengths.
The agreement isn't forever. It's for 1 year from the date of termination, and we do not go after people who are simple using another competing technology. We do go after those who have signed up with us, gotten access to our provider tech, and then go off and create their own or help others create one. It's pretty standard for almost any business, especially when they have patents pending. Plenty of successful cases in many industry, not just technology, where it's been upheld.
I find it very hard to believe that if you had a provider sign up with your tech and then you found out they were off creating their own using some of the same technology and many of the same features, that you would just not do anything. If that's the case, you're openly saying, "Here, come use our stuff, find out all about our technology and what we're worked so hard to figure out and create.. and use that knowledge to go create your own. No need for us!", and I wish you the best in protecting your business. I know exactly what instance you're referring to and that person may not of been actively sending signals via SignalPush but they had access to our tech, have provided signals in the past, and have never sent in any sort of termination notice.
Each circumstance is different and being that none of them involved you, you don't have all of the information. If you don't like that we protect our technology from those trying to replicate it, that's your right to disagree. No one has to sign up to be a provider with us. If they are signing up to be a provider and have any desire to create their own technology or help someone build one, don't sign up. If you want to just focus on providing signals and want to leave the technology to others, we'd love to have you.
I don't mind competition, I welcome it. What I do mind is stealing, lying, and signing up to be a provider for the sole reason of finding out how we do what we do.
Wow you did it again you just can't resist lol.. You would go after them even if the "IP/TECH" is not yours? Yes you would because you have it in your T&Cs to prevent them of doing so even if the IP/TECH they use/create is not yours. Really would hold up in court you think? Well lets suppose you have wording in your T&Cs that basically states "If you signup as a SIGNAL PROVIDER and go to work on a competing technology even if you do not use SIGNAL>PUSH'S IP/TECH they will look to take legal action." Of course you would be limited to a period of time you can't enslave people legally for indefinite lengths. These are things people should be well aware ahead of time BTW before you ever deal with certain companies/individuals such as Signal>Push...
The point I am making is you don't own all AUTO TRADING TECHNOLOGY and those who sign up as a provider with you and maybe even clients who just get signals. If they ever tried to create their own IP/TECH for signal delivery even if it had ZERO to do with your IP/TECH then you would go after them because they signed your agreement. Correct? Yes it is a place to discuss this as that is what a forum is for duh, education not just marketing lol..
Sorry if you don't like it but it does not make it any less true. On the 1099s I would generally agree with you but you also impart W2s is that correct? Then again does not matter you are in the U.S. taking advantage of any TAX leverage to benefit/protect your interests makes sense even if providers don't like it. The other thing about the stats well I don't think you really care to change it because its n00b bait to show higher win%s for the higher/risk less performing 2 step marty traders. I just think its unfair to better traders below because it does not reflect their true equity yield curve which = less drawdown overall more stable consistent trading behavior/results if you get me.
Ah, the typical.. Let's bash SignalPush so everyone can see how great I am and should choose Signal Rush instead! Conflict of interest much? You're definitely not unbiased.
1) "If they ever tried to create their own IP/TECH for signal delivery even if it had ZERO to do with your IP/TECH then you would go after them because they signed your agreement. Correct?" - If it had ZERO to do with it? No, we would not. Even if it HAD something to do with ours, we may not care. Every situation is different and requires a full knowledge of the situation to decide whether or not there is a true conflict.
2) "but you also impart W2s is that correct?" - No, we don't send W2's to providers. Those are for employees.
3) "the other thing about the stats well I don't think you really care to change it because its n00b bait to show higher win%s for the higher/risk less performing 2 step marty traders. I just think its unfair to better traders below because it does not reflect their true equity yield curve which = less drawdown overall more stable consistent trading behavior/results if you get me." - Are you kidding me? We're all about making things easy to understand and completely transparent. Our new leaderboard due out very soon gives the client the ability to input their own #'s and will calculate the true ROI on each provider, including all drawdowns, curves, etc. If a provider is better without using martingales than one using them, it will show that. No one is trying to "bait" anyone. Why would we want to bait someone to sign up with a worse provider? We want the client to make money and stick around.
We will have to disagree because yes if they used your tech or any companies tech to create their own then I agree | Yet if they used the concept of providing signals even if they signed up to a platform to gain ideas/concepts of use. Well what point do we have the right to control their actions? You might stifle good technology from the market place with such prohibitive actions. Example case in point look at "Options Domination" they directly took the concept JAS uses for their own signals page in the spreadsheetesk ding ding bell reporting and delivery of trades. Should JAS sue them for using his delivery concept? They did create their own yet the concept was 100% his and maybe even he himself got that concept from somebody else and then that person from somebody else on and on lol... Actually you gave me a really good idea that has nothing to do with this conversation ironically...
We will have to disagree because yes if they used your tech or any companies tech to create their own then I agree | Yet if they used the concept of providing signals even if they signed up to a platform to gain ideas/concepts of use. Well what point do we have the right to control their actions? You might stifle good technology from the market place with such prohibitive actions. Example case in point look at "Options Domination" they directly took the concept JAS uses for their own signals page in the spreadsheetesk ding ding bell reporting and delivery of trades. Should JAS sue them for using his delivery concept?
There is nothing proprietary about what JAS does. It's been done many times before and anyone accessing their site, with or without an subscription/agreement, anyone can see what they are doing and even how they are doing it. All the code is there. But given access to proprietary technology that only those who are providers and need access to it have... and then trying to replicate that. That's an issue.
Like I said, competition is welcome, but come up with new innovative ideas. Otherwise all your doing is stealing the hard work and innovation of others.
I agree you should not steal the hard work of others. Thankfully I have never used your technology or ever been a provider for you and generally never would, more for philosophical reasons then anything. Everything we have @ "SignalRush" is 100% our OWN tech.
I agree you should not steal the hard work of others. Thankfully I have never used your technology or ever been a provider for you and generally never would, more for philosophical reasons then anything. Everything we have @ "SignalRush" is 100% our OWN tech.
Great. Excited to see what innovation you bring to the industry.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
props to Michael Freeman and then I recognized hell must be freezing over so no wonder it is cold in our dimension LOL.
Seriously I watched some of MF recent webinars and thought they were pretty good. The speakers were trying to help and
most people seemed to be following. Some guys missed trades or got in late or wanted to get in again after winning but that
happens in trading rooms. LOB makes mistakes at times and it is a sign of maturity to retract them if needed. Also I much prefer
LOB making better use of his time sharing his thought process. Education is what can really help bins not signals.No real-time in
the markets so every ones results can not match infinitely. That is not rocket science it is as simple as that.
With SignalPush, as a provider you have a few options. You can trade from MT4 using any number of our MT4 tools (can see more at www.mt4connect.com), most other trading programs can be modified to send to SignalPush (like NinjaTrader), or you can trade directly from your binary platform itself. For instance, you'd pull up Marketsworld, place a trade like normal, it's sent to us. You get to continue trading the way you're used to. We also don't use ghost clicks, so it's going to be the fastest possible connection.
Thought I would chime in real fast, here is a quick video and at around 44 seconds you can see the execution speed of the trade came in at about 0.385 seconds (yes I know this is only just one example). There is another example a little further along in the video also. Its Friday so for now I will leave you with the video as I want to get My weekend started, its going to be over 100 degrees here in Dallas so time to head out to the lake for a nice bit of Jet Skiing.
But I will say I do not want to get into a Pissing match With Signal Push, they have an outstanding product and have set the bar on performance. But I do think competition leads to innovation and better yet a choice of services, which can only be good for the end user. If you have been following us on Facebook you can see our number one concern has been the quality of the product, which is why I have had to eat my own words several times on a release date as it got pushed back. If we did not think our product was ready even though it would be a nasty way of doing things, we could just not endorse any other products over here at bo.net or worse just bury all there posts.
I hope you enjoy the video feel free to come join our facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/mt42binary/ and ask any questions you have.
The site im happy to say is finally up and running for MT42Binary which is our first step into the market, we will be taking the same time and care getting Signal Rush up and Running also. www.mt42binary.com
Regarding the lock-in, yes we do. We do that for a variety of reasons, to protect ourselves (as we give access to patent pending technology), the clients and the providers.
I do have a question though, how are you getting "0.385 seconds"? When I watch the vid, it's more like 2-3 seconds. If you're timing the time it takes to get from MT4 to MW, not including the actual execution.. that makes more sense. I just would be very careful saying your execution is 0.385 seconds.
If you are in fact just talking about signal "delivery", we give an SLA of < 0.250 seconds but the majority of our customers see double digit delivery times. Here is an example (these are milliseconds, so for instance 12.50 is 12.50 milliseconds, also written as 0.0125 seconds).
I think it would be more beneficial to work together at building a great product than working separately. This industry is ruthless and you need all the non-crazy partners you can have
Anyways, love to chat and see what we could do together. You know where to find us!
I think the future is in DARK POOLS muhahaha
The only "lock in" we have is a really just a termination notice in that you can't up and quit. You have to give adequate notice (typically 60 days) if you wish to quit. This protects clients from signing up to someone who leaves and doesn't finish their subscription, and providers from leaving without notice and getting into legal issues with upset clients who didn't get what they paid for.
So in short, if you really feel it's necessary to have your service on another platform, go for it. Let me remind you that if your signals are manual, your signals are a service you provide. If they are 100% automatic, they are a product. What you see on Apple, Amazon, Google... Those are products. Putting them on multiple won't hurt clients. Now, putting a manual signal service on multiple platforms, that CAN hurt clients. You would be taking the same signal twice, so who would get the better entry? One of the services would.
We have seen it happen several times where providers try and offer their signals too many places and the clients get jipped as the provider isn't focused on providing signals to just the tech they are on. Performance suffers.
In any case, this thread for Mike isn't the place to really discuss our legal, or even SignalPush or Signal Rush. I'd suggest emailing us or starting a new thread for the proper discussion topic.
1) If you are a signal provider for them and you start providing signals outside of using their technology they will and have gone after people for this.
2) The use of martingale statistics with fudged math is not acceptable to me as it does not reflect "TRUE" statistics noted by my last post of showing how BSBs performance is actually higher then Legendary Dragons which is misleading to customers and unfair to better providers as BSB vs Legendary which in fact BSB is better = less risk/lower drawdown %s. I mean you can say you lose 1 and win a double up = 2 that its 100% but in fact its really 66% trade for trade.
3) You make all of your providers contracted workers because you can write them off as employees. Hence why you require signal providers to fill out tax forms of course I don't know how you do that with overseas clients but again they are partners not your employees so I don't like that. Are you going to offer them 401k plans and health insurance? Heck that might even be a good marketing ploy lol..
1) We've gone after people who were creating competing technology or were assisting others in creating a competing technology. I can't think of any instance where we have "gone after" someone for simply trying to provide signals elsewhere. If you know of one I don't, feel free to inform me. Believe or or not Lotz, you don't know they full story behind everything
2) You should already know we have a new leaderboard and performance calculator coming out.
3) It's called the law. They are not employees. They are independent contractors/vendors providing a service. We are REQUIRED by law to send a 1099 for any US based or American citizen who we have paid over $500. Those who are overseas and are not required to pay US taxes do not have tax forms to fill out.
Who do you think you are? Gavin Belson maybe? Next you are going to tell me "I don't want to live in a world where Signal>Push does not own/create all the auto-trading technology>"
You are absolutely correct. Those individuals we went after either were trying to create their own autotrade technology or were assisting others in creating a competing technology. I can guarantee those would be upheld in court. We did not however, go after someone who simply wanted to provide signals elsewhere, only if they were creating their own or helping others create one. It's pretty obvious when someone posts a job posting on a site like eLance that says "Looking to replicate signalpush" and it's posted with their name and email.
If a provider signs up for your service, you give them access to your tech, they go and try and replicate it, and you decide not to go after them.. that's your call. We like to protect our technology and business just as we protect our clients.
I'm an extremely fair individual and run my business with integrity and professionalism. You can agree or not, no difference to me. This just isn't the place for these conversations. In the end it's very simple. You go work with someone who is going to give you access to private technology, you're almost guaranteed to sign an agreement where the business is protecting their technology. This isn't open source.
The point I am making is you don't own all AUTO TRADING TECHNOLOGY and those who sign up as a provider with you and maybe even clients who just get signals. If they ever tried to create their own IP/TECH for signal delivery even if it had ZERO to do with your IP/TECH then you would go after them because they signed your agreement. Correct? Yes it is a place to discuss this as that is what a forum is for duh, education not just marketing lol..
Sorry if you don't like it but it does not make it any less true. On the 1099s I would generally agree with you but you also impart W2s is that correct? Then again does not matter you are in the U.S. taking advantage of any TAX leverage to benefit/protect your interests makes sense even if providers don't like it. The other thing about the stats well I don't think you really care to change it because its n00b bait to show higher win%s for the higher/risk less performing 2 step marty traders. I just think its unfair to better traders below because it does not reflect their true equity yield curve which = less drawdown overall more stable consistent trading behavior/results if you get me.
I find it very hard to believe that if you had a provider sign up with your tech and then you found out they were off creating their own using some of the same technology and many of the same features, that you would just not do anything. If that's the case, you're openly saying, "Here, come use our stuff, find out all about our technology and what we're worked so hard to figure out and create.. and use that knowledge to go create your own. No need for us!", and I wish you the best in protecting your business. I know exactly what instance you're referring to and that person may not of been actively sending signals via SignalPush but they had access to our tech, have provided signals in the past, and have never sent in any sort of termination notice.
Each circumstance is different and being that none of them involved you, you don't have all of the information. If you don't like that we protect our technology from those trying to replicate it, that's your right to disagree. No one has to sign up to be a provider with us. If they are signing up to be a provider and have any desire to create their own technology or help someone build one, don't sign up. If you want to just focus on providing signals and want to leave the technology to others, we'd love to have you.
I don't mind competition, I welcome it. What I do mind is stealing, lying, and signing up to be a provider for the sole reason of finding out how we do what we do.
1) "If they ever tried to create their own IP/TECH for signal delivery even if it had ZERO to do with your IP/TECH then you would go after them because they signed your agreement. Correct?" - If it had ZERO to do with it? No, we would not. Even if it HAD something to do with ours, we may not care. Every situation is different and requires a full knowledge of the situation to decide whether or not there is a true conflict.
2) "but you also impart W2s is that correct?" - No, we don't send W2's to providers. Those are for employees.
3) "the other thing about the stats well I don't think you really care to change it because its n00b bait to show higher win%s for the higher/risk less performing 2 step marty traders. I just think its unfair to better traders below because it does not reflect their true equity yield curve which = less drawdown overall more stable consistent trading behavior/results if you get me." - Are you kidding me? We're all about making things easy to understand and completely transparent. Our new leaderboard due out very soon gives the client the ability to input their own #'s and will calculate the true ROI on each provider, including all drawdowns, curves, etc. If a provider is better without using martingales than one using them, it will show that. No one is trying to "bait" anyone. Why would we want to bait someone to sign up with a worse provider? We want the client to make money and stick around.
Like I said, competition is welcome, but come up with new innovative ideas. Otherwise all your doing is stealing the hard work and innovation of others.