I love it when people come to a conclusion about a service before it's even launched officially and then they have to come back after launch and retract everything they said because they were talking out of their a** before. Maybe next time wait until it actually launches before you come to your genius conclusions? Oh and by the way, John Anthony STILL has that video pinned up in his FB group saying OD is stealing his signals even though he KNOWS and ADMITS they are not. Meanwhile his admins are still LYING and acting like it's true in order to deceive his members into paying a higher price for his service than what OD is charging! And his users are buying it! How pathetic!!
Are you a phucktard? You think that there is not deception and trouble going to be caused in what you MARKETERS not traders are doing? Let me be clear you are n00bs marketing to other n00bs you do not know how to trade and this is going to cause trouble for your members because of it. Same thing as the green room and other place don't think for a minute what you are doing is ok or wholesome you uneducated hu$tling piece of 10 day old donkey sh*t... Good he is a marketer too you guys hate it when its turned on you lol... Maybe originally you should have not copied his signals you think duh? Go back to school and develop the thing between your ear more. Or maybe just make videos with demo accounts with "ATTACKING THE PRICE" omg you guys are sooo stupid as you don't know why Goptions has that as a strategy do you? Can't figure it out huh... You think being graded as stoopid twats is better then evil stooopid twats is better then ok...
I couldn't even understand half of your post because it was filled with too many words like "stoopid", "n00bs" and "phucktard". What are you 14? Are you even old enough to trade? So I guess you are psychic and know how much the makers of OD know about trading? Did you know they have a staff of professional traders? No you didn't did you because AGAIN you are talking out of your a**. You can't even get it through your thick skull that they can't be stealing signals in a product that wasn't even launched yet at the time and now that they have launched their signals are completely different time frames, currencies etc. Do I have to use words like "n00b" for you to get it you simpleton?? By the way I'll wait while you go ahead and look that word up.....
Fact is, you spoke too soon and now you look like a fool so now your argument is..."well...it won't work in the long run" Any of you guys listening to this moron better look somewhere else for your education because obviously this fool has no clue what he is talking about!
You are marketers denoted by your name Mr.Amazon Crusher! So lying/manipulating is what you do lol. Go sell something for $5 and mark it up to $20 you douches. In a future video I am going to point out very thoroughly why you guys are STUPID just for idiot marketers like Greg and Reginald who yes are NOOBS = NEWBIES = $$ Donators to the market lol.. To real traders yer just simply MUPPETS... You dumb phucks don't even know how the indicators you use work or what a PIP is! OmG... Do you know how stupid you look saying you won by 50 pips when it was really 5?
Why are they recommending Goptions when they have such a bad reputation ask yourself that? Does not seem like a group that really wants to protect its members but rather just get paid because Goptions is a 100% unregulated Israeli based broker... Remember that... For such a small broker the number of complaints on forexpeacearmy.com is disproportionally large...
Yeah I know what n00bs means you idiot I just stopped using it when I turned 15.....
They don't recommend GOptions to any U.S. traders you moron only Nadex so ONCE AGAIN you are talking about something you have NO CLUE about. And you can find bad reviews on ANY BROKER if you look hard enough. Probably from idiots like you who think they know how to trade and blew their accounts. I don't know who the hell Greg or Reginald are or those two guys from the video so I don't even know why you posted that. That has nothing to do with OD. Just stop you are embarrassing yourself more and more with every post. You have been exposed. I feel like I'm talking to a mental midget high school kid or something.
So a co-worker of mine recommended them (Dan), he takes some of their trades while at work lol. I'm at work right now and have been taking the trades myself (took 5 this morning won 4 so far, EOD is in progress).
Just think I can shed some light on this (been a lurker for a while here). I've been using them for a while - 3 weeks to be exact. The main guy teaching things - Hitesh - is definitely one of the best traders I've seen online. The guy knows his stuff, but his best trait is that he simplifies everything. This last webinar they did for training was incredible - I've boosted my win rate up to 72% now for the past 80 trades based on the training + signals. I'm in the FB group and people are posting results everyday, and it is very rare to see anyone post a bad day if they're following the signals (I think they've had one bad day with the signals, which was after the FOMC, but they also went through the training that if you follow you would have ignored most of the bad trades anyway). This morning someone posted a $800 profit just on 1-2 trades with Nadex and OD - and this is again a 'newbie'. 95% of the people posting state they have never traded before and are just following training and signals, nothing else. And I think that is how a company should be if they promote themselves as a signals service. If you give signals and the end user still has to do 90% of analysis anyway, then there's little point to the signals.
Now regarding the brokers: They are EXTREMELY clear about the fact that they prefer and recommend only Nadex. During the webinar, Hitesh said that he knows many people will go to other brokers anyway, and if you do go to Boss or Goptions and such, then use their link because they try and keep these companies on a 'tight' leash and if there is any issue they try and protect the members. There is a very good video on the Brokers page that explains exactly how the brokers work. Honestly Lotz, if you watched it, there is no way you'd think these guys are out to scam people because he states straightup that brokers make money from deposits and how to protect yourself. They even put any comms earned back towards members to help them trade. I have not seen any more transparent operation on the broker side. They also had Nadex on a webinar with them and Nadex seems to love them (and the guy form Nadex said they spoke directly with Hitesh and went through the training + content of company before approving them). They apparently have a pending application with the NFA as well (based on what was said on the last webinar).
Finally, I'll tell you what turned me off the most -- it was Reginald Stintson. And lo and behold, last week or something it turns out they terminated Reginald from OD for misusing company name, and other stuff (he is gone from DSD as well, which was the previous company). So every single issue I had with the company, they are already on top of. The signals are good, the training is great, the results are wonderful, transparency is awesome. Yeah I know I sound like a tard worshipper of OD, but it is genuinely the best thing I've come across in this space.
It's still a matter of waiting to see how the signals work long term, but again, they show backtest data + long term data which indicates it should work well over time.
Here is the single best thing about OD - when a signal comes in, they issue the current strike, and expected 'better position'. If the better position wins and the original strike loses, they STILL count it a loss (even though majority of the users win those trades!). Can't ask for a better way to be accountable imo.
Waiting to see some things like forex/commodities/investments stuff pans out but so far this has been extremely impressive to me.
>> I forgot one important point -- this comment was supposed to actually answer the thing about spot-follow thing in Goptions. Hitesh actually goes over that in a video about Goptions and basically said exactly what you did Lotz - don't trust these, test it if you want, but don't believe it when the data is so small. Lol Hitesh sounds like the cleaner version of you Lotz
Wow you and Josh should be copy writers hmmm maybe you are and OD hired you! LoL just kidding. You again make very clear and well written insights. You are even correct in a way as my bet is Hitesh is an Ex-Googlie as I call them engineer/platformtech/motivator/programmer and likely a bunch of other past titles. Me I am Ex-Apple raw real world make things work Engineer. Engineers make stuff work so ok you make some good points. Seems that is what he is trying to do. Yet there is a caveat emptor here "means buyer beware" imo that is - If you lay down with dogs you are going to get fleas. Unless the owner uses frontline. I might just go undercover and do a more indepth review by being a member and joining a team and power building a brand on ebay to dominate the ,,,, Opps hold forgot I am just a trader.
Honestly I am not sold on them yet. Their system feels buggy to me and I think their website was designed by a 2 year old (but I suppose that doesn't really matter). However I am having good results with the EOD trades. If the results on the EOD signals hold up then it will be well worth the $149 per month that I am spending. Supposedly they are going to start issuing NFP signals for the $399 level, but that is way to rich for my blood just to test a service.
Still I personally could not recommend them to anyone until I have seen several months of real results. Too many questions outstanding.
By the way Lotz SignalRush sounds awesome... Any idea of a price point on that or is it way too soon to ask?
Too soon up to the owner but I can always ask he makes it as fair as possible at least more so then Signal Push LoL :P I just love the anonymous way to smoke the broker through MT4 also using multiple brokers at one time = cause MAX PAIN... I will push for responsible trading more then anything such as being very watchful in beta periods as we can help eliminate all emotional traders like a Vortexz account blower quickly or create some kind of penalty box for traders trying to over trade to compensate for negative drawdowns by trading recklessly. Lucky enough me and Bryan can help prevent RETARDs from being SPs in the future...
'tdeluxe' could use a bit more respect in their comments imo. Nobody expects absolute perfection in anyone's perceptions firsthand of any come-by-lately business or broker/marketer or even individual that presents their interests on this forum. I would rather the caution approach, albeit sometimes a bit 'colorful', that someone like Lotz uses. With well over 800 postings, Lotz has earned a reputation of showing concern for those new to b options; that they beware of being taken advantage of. When people do not listen and get burned time after time, you would probably get a bit cynical too in your comments about how "stupid" a lot of people just are. So a supposedly NEW outfit comes along on the 'net with it's claims of high ITM for everyone and 'he doesn't know what he's talking about?' Really? News Flash: A ton of stupid newbies, almost myself as well, just got sucked in for big $$$ by one huge asshole named Mike Freeman. So in a few days of hype about this new outfit, and your big 3 postings 'tdeluxe'...I don't think you have yet earned to be taken seriously. Hopefully some merit to all the claims will be verified by the more experienced people here. We need the help, which is appreciated...just not more ego, here. Thank you.
Thanks and its wise to be cynical as well do research. I simply know their PRIME OBJECTIVE is MEMBERSHIP/AFFILIATION for their network/aff/platform. From there marketers will find a solution = Giving signals/education/HYPE/hangouts/lots of writing ect ect or whatever they need to get UNEDUCATED/NEWBIES to sign-up and buy into to their PRIME OBJECTIVE Ok so its simple now from there lets ask some questions. Do they have any experience as traders? Nope... As with all groups like this they will FAIL in time and it will become extremely clear as to why because DESIRE does not equal results in trading on TIME/EXPERIENCE/SKILL does. There is no fast easy pill to trading and these guys are simply marketers trying to market themselves as traders with when you don't EARN your place you never really have one... If they are so great show transparent results through a platform like SIGNAL PUSH... Marketers will HYPE tell you how great they are but when it comes down to REALTIME TRANSPARENT RESULTS they all seem to have problems.. Gee wonder why..
But after all the HYPE and GLITZ BLAH BLAH is done who and what are they in the end = MARKETERS!!! DUH!!!
Yes Lotz...you are saying what I am thinking. I am in my 50's yet I still am amazed how some people much younger than myself ( not claiming to be a genius but yes, educated in different areas of life and having some experience) can be fooled by some probably late 20 or early 30ish waste of skin like Freeman. Only the caution from previous learned experience and PATIENCE held me back from funding a couple of accounts. It's also why I continue to absorb what I can at my pace with b options. If you are in an extreme hurry to make big money with this, people, you will be disappointed. Stunning but true: There are people like Freeman who will PLAN and spend exhausting energy to purposely enrich themselves by stealing YOUR money. The joke is they even want you to lick their boots as a show of respect while they are doing it to you. AND they wash their hands and their consciences of you by reasoning that if you are stupid enough to be scammed then you are ripe for the picking. Demented bastards, sorry edit that to 'bass turds'. I believe in karma and in a wise Creator of all good things and in doing unto others. In Freeman's case he had better watch out: Yahweh's gonna zap your yiddish a$$ for how you treat people!! Anyway, I apologize to all for the rant. I am home with the flu and in a nasty pissy mood; wife banished me to the bedroom. lol. Again to the long time people with the forum like Bryan, and Lotz.... thank you for being honest and for the good info you are providing. To Raiden for many wise words, Okane buddy..long live IKEA!!...love that stuff and the home is full of it. Please keep us updated on this OD thing. Gut tells me Lotz is bang on: NEW and IMPROVED marketing crap- 2mos of hype- sheeple off to the slaughter!- CRASH!!- many disparaging but deserved Lotz jabs- OD becomes yesterdays news. Hope I'm wrong.....
Hope you feel better. I approve of the above statements since my use of language is generally far worse its cool. Trading is easy just click a few buttons use a few indicators/system make a million dollars overnight! Sure these guys are from the dropship platform marketing realm but that does not matter they own ebay/amazon they can own all the binary options space no problem! I want to see all the withdrawal statements and get feed back from the spotoption based brokers that approve them like Goptions.. OMG I would pay for 20 memberships alone for that! Do they even know that Goptions is not in the U.K. but in Israel and the kind of people these Israeli brokers are on average? If they did they sure might think twice... They will learn unfortunately the hard way like any n00b does including the noobs at "Options Domination" Shrug I did warn them ahead of time! Tick Tock... Tick Tock... Tick Tock...
Again you are correct. Until this forum mentioned it, probably by yourself, I thought Goptions was an English outfit. Adam Stone was their stud trader. On the 'pimp' site by Freeman, I actually watched the video where he trades over $100G ITM by placing several $5G within a 15 minute expiry frame. I was kind of thinking that it didn't look all that difficult to do. You see the psychology in something like that? It gives the weak minded spares a sense of bravado to attempt to do the same. And they're thinking they are safe in attempting much smaller amounts because the wins will produce a very good return by their standard. But they are unaware that their money is already gone. Now I too have a few Israeli friends. They don't seem any different on a day to day basis than anyone else. Why do these jerks in the Promised Land feel they have to make themselves appear as other nationalities? I mean Jews in general in the western world are part of the fabric. I don't get the facade crap. And so many of the slime brokers are from there. WTF? Up to you if you want to answer Lotz, but are you just monitoring them or are you trying OD?
They are such an interesting organization but in the end I am just a trader straight up and period. If I wanted more out of life I would be working for NASA in my field but I like sitting at home in my PJs trading talking crap in chatrooms and watching girls on balls. I really doubt any of their PRO traders could out trade me. That would be the only thing I would find really interesting, to see how good they are at trading. I come from a half Jewish family so I know why they don't want people to know they are from Israel. First off much of their business specially larger accounts are with muslims so you tell a muslim that they deposited with well you get the picture. But you are right they are no different except culturally business wise they have some issues big time even with their own people such as they are way over taxed in Israel imo. My uncle hates having to go there for business trips and if they act like these brokers man phuck that lol...
One word "MARKETERS" pure and simple they SOLD you and thats the what you get when you trust people who are into manipulating people with HYPE/ADVERTISING...
Just an update from my side. There is some 'clunkiness' on the site still but I see some good updates. They announced some changes to their split alog today in FB, I can attest the numbers are really good for this past week. I won 34 of the 49 trades taken (attended 3 live sessions which are too ungodly an hour for my to continue lol). Bryan maybe you can grab the FB stuff again now...I never buy into it - the masses are sheep whose love/hate changes daily. Today the FB thread I'm watching is full of celebration since this last week was so strong...lol I'm sure it will turn again when the inevitable weak days hit. That's the nature of sheep. For me, right now this is a good service, with good signals and very transparent people involved. Overall I am profitable (tremendously actually, fairly surprised too, didn't think it would be CONSISTENTLY profitable).
Now there are talks of an autotrading system that they will be releasing. My experience with those has ALWAYS been negative, but given the performance so far I'm willing to at least take a look at it and give then benefit of the doubt. They also said they're going to do some Nadex trading sessions, which might be amazing if they do it right, my ROI on Nadex trades is upwards of 95% right now.
options domination signals are good, no doubt.... i know that for sure, just waiting on the automated thing, as it is hard to take manual signals without using a software.
34 out of 49 would be about 69.38% which is very good for marketers lol. They must have hired some good traders which makes sense since they are such a big network marketing organization. I have been working with $ignal Ru$h beta testing the past few weeks with various brokers an AutoTrading platform that can trade through MT4 and use a multiple brokers at once. Example what if you took one trade and you hit that trade on each one of these brokers you had an account with "Boss - 24option - Markets World - Goption- Binary.com - Beeoption - Topoption ect ect." WITH ONE CLICK! Here was testing on a random spoto broker from russia how ironic for 2 days of trading using a 2 step martingale for 60 sec trading with High Roller MM @ 5/10% a trade. *You kids don't try this at home only for experienced traders FYI... I hope we get a faster ramp on this in the near future should be a great product... OMG just threw up a little bit in my mouth, sounding like a MARKETER!
I would think if they were doing so well with signals I would hear more about them instead its kind of like crickets... .... .... And who are they going to use for their AutoCopier if its not transparent like a signal push or signal rush using 3rd party platforms how would anybody trust it. Look at JAS I mean he does promote 70% range stats but in reality he is lucky to be 60%. All HYPE marketing unless its TRANSPARENT like a REAL AUTO COPIER platform then why would anybody even attempt to believe the hype? Key word here is transparent none of these services I come across like that word...
Going to make it not only a copier but also an educational tool. Most signal providers don't explain what is behind the trade what if you could see the trade not only in the auto copier but on a LIVE SCREEN and being explained why the trade was.. I am likely the only person around I know that could do this as trading is like breathing to me very easy...
Yes Lotz, seen what you can do with my very own eyes. Can't wait for you to start this as i would really like to learn real live trading from you and at the same time profiting at a consistent pace. Kudos to you!
Thanks! My point with this is not meant to be marketing its about TRANSPARENCY and this is why I support Signal Push or Signal Rush any 3rd party platform where the results can be seen and not tampered with like so many of these services.. At the same time not going to start threads for any signal provider please lets not go there like with BOD and turn it into an advertisement billboard for SPs lol. Maybe we can have a Signal Provider Advertisement page instead if people want that away from the forum. Example taking FLACK for my video/recommendation of JAS and that was a 100% honest video but the fact his posted results show at 70%+ monthly and his real results are like near b/e how do we deal with this? Is OD going to be the same and make up their own results or have ZERO TRANSPARENCY? Marketers seem to love that well I don't how about I use Signal Rush to show real results statistically outside of these organizations MARKETING HYPE. Sorry for the marketing on a product you can't subscribe to or really exists yet but at least my results are BINARY VERIFIED by Norbert the German banker!
Fact is, you spoke too soon and now you look like a fool so now your argument is..."well...it won't work in the long run" Any of you guys listening to this moron better look somewhere else for your education because obviously this fool has no clue what he is talking about!
So you can learn what a pip vs a fractional pip/pipette is - http://www.babypips.com/school/preschool/how-to-trade-forex/pips-and-pipettes.html
They don't recommend GOptions to any U.S. traders you moron only Nadex so ONCE AGAIN you are talking about something you have NO CLUE about. And you can find bad reviews on ANY BROKER if you look hard enough. Probably from idiots like you who think they know how to trade and blew their accounts. I don't know who the hell Greg or Reginald are or those two guys from the video so I don't even know why you posted that. That has nothing to do with OD. Just stop you are embarrassing yourself more and more with every post. You have been exposed. I feel like I'm talking to a mental midget high school kid or something.
Just think I can shed some light on this (been a lurker for a while here). I've been using them for a while - 3 weeks to be exact. The main guy teaching things - Hitesh - is definitely one of the best traders I've seen online. The guy knows his stuff, but his best trait is that he simplifies everything. This last webinar they did for training was incredible - I've boosted my win rate up to 72% now for the past 80 trades based on the training + signals. I'm in the FB group and people are posting results everyday, and it is very rare to see anyone post a bad day if they're following the signals (I think they've had one bad day with the signals, which was after the FOMC, but they also went through the training that if you follow you would have ignored most of the bad trades anyway). This morning someone posted a $800 profit just on 1-2 trades with Nadex and OD - and this is again a 'newbie'. 95% of the people posting state they have never traded before and are just following training and signals, nothing else. And I think that is how a company should be if they promote themselves as a signals service. If you give signals and the end user still has to do 90% of analysis anyway, then there's little point to the signals.
Now regarding the brokers: They are EXTREMELY clear about the fact that they prefer and recommend only Nadex. During the webinar, Hitesh said that he knows many people will go to other brokers anyway, and if you do go to Boss or Goptions and such, then use their link because they try and keep these companies on a 'tight' leash and if there is any issue they try and protect the members. There is a very good video on the Brokers page that explains exactly how the brokers work. Honestly Lotz, if you watched it, there is no way you'd think these guys are out to scam people because he states straightup that brokers make money from deposits and how to protect yourself. They even put any comms earned back towards members to help them trade. I have not seen any more transparent operation on the broker side. They also had Nadex on a webinar with them and Nadex seems to love them (and the guy form Nadex said they spoke directly with Hitesh and went through the training + content of company before approving them). They apparently have a pending application with the NFA as well (based on what was said on the last webinar).
Finally, I'll tell you what turned me off the most -- it was Reginald Stintson. And lo and behold, last week or something it turns out they terminated Reginald from OD for misusing company name, and other stuff (he is gone from DSD as well, which was the previous company). So every single issue I had with the company, they are already on top of. The signals are good, the training is great, the results are wonderful, transparency is awesome.
Yeah I know I sound like a tard worshipper of OD, but it is genuinely the best thing I've come across in this space.
It's still a matter of waiting to see how the signals work long term, but again, they show backtest data + long term data which indicates it should work well over time.
Here is the single best thing about OD - when a signal comes in, they issue the current strike, and expected 'better position'. If the better position wins and the original strike loses, they STILL count it a loss (even though majority of the users win those trades!). Can't ask for a better way to be accountable imo.
Waiting to see some things like forex/commodities/investments stuff pans out but so far this has been extremely impressive to me.
>> I forgot one important point -- this comment was supposed to actually answer the thing about spot-follow thing in Goptions. Hitesh actually goes over that in a video about Goptions and basically said exactly what you did Lotz - don't trust these, test it if you want, but don't believe it when the data is so small. Lol Hitesh sounds like the cleaner version of you Lotz
Honestly I am not sold on them yet. Their system feels buggy to me and I think their website was designed by a 2 year old (but I suppose that doesn't really matter). However I am having good results with the EOD trades. If the results on the EOD signals hold up then it will be well worth the $149 per month that I am spending. Supposedly they are going to start issuing NFP signals for the $399 level, but that is way to rich for my blood just to test a service.
Still I personally could not recommend them to anyone until I have seen several months of real results. Too many questions outstanding.
By the way Lotz SignalRush sounds awesome... Any idea of a price point on that or is it way too soon to ask?
But after all the HYPE and GLITZ BLAH BLAH is done who and what are they in the end = MARKETERS!!! DUH!!!
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Bryan maybe you can grab the FB stuff again now...I never buy into it - the masses are sheep whose love/hate changes daily. Today the FB thread I'm watching is full of celebration since this last week was so strong...lol I'm sure it will turn again when the inevitable weak days hit. That's the nature of sheep. For me, right now this is a good service, with good signals and very transparent people involved. Overall I am profitable (tremendously actually, fairly surprised too, didn't think it would be CONSISTENTLY profitable).
Now there are talks of an autotrading system that they will be releasing. My experience with those has ALWAYS been negative, but given the performance so far I'm willing to at least take a look at it and give then benefit of the doubt. They also said they're going to do some Nadex trading sessions, which might be amazing if they do it right, my ROI on Nadex trades is upwards of 95% right now.