Signalrush stuff definitely looks good!! These are all 60 seconds trades? From all that I've seen/heard of 60 second trades, they fail with the API because it doesn't get executed fast enough and so on. On OD side they did explain the autotrader to work very similarly to what you just described lotz - all trades that are executed are visible so I think it will be good. I'm listening to the webinar recording right now and they are talking about how the autotrader will function and it sounds really good. I don't think it will take trades everywhere automatically, but then they start talking about moving people out of BO world and into real investing/fx and so on. So again, I can't comment on them until all of this is rolled out. As for today, once again they have marked a lot of their trades losses when I won those and I asked some other people and they said the same thing - they won the trades too. I think OD people are on the opposite side of marketers, they are hurting themselves by not posting many of these signals as wins...I don't know what to make of them, they behave less like marketers everyday. Overall, I've won every single week since joining, the price is very low for what is being offered, so overall I'm happy right now, that's the general sense I get from the other members in OD as well, lets see how this shapes up yet.
$ignal Ru$h is fast and stable just need a front end now for it. I tested it on several brokers and funny enough it was fastest on the Spot Option broker as irony would have it. I hope OD has their own inhouse tech for auto-trading or use Signal Push because if they try say Goptions/Binary-Option-SuckassSignals as Reginald stated they were working on, then you will get $CREWED soon. Funny enough Signal Rush works great with Goptions and since we use stolen tech from the Klingons to CLOAK trading they won't ever know muahaha.. Here was from the past 4 days mostly 60sec execution times were very fast with results matching near my LIVE ITM%s I did use 5/10% a trade high roller money management which I only recommend for a PRO that understands the risk of high leverage fyi and most newbies should use 1% or less a trade imo. If you use the API from my understanding with spotoption and are profitable you will get tagged and bagged early as they have a plethora of error codes to block you from trading. As long as you get transparency and the trades are logical then great, they seem to have connections to all kinds of people/resources. Do understand one thing they are MARKETERS and even if well intentioned to provide a good product are not trading vets which after watching vids from Greg and Reginald listening to how little they know about trading and yet talk as if they were authorities was just sickening. Those turkeys are the kinds of people I recommend newbies stay far far away from.
Yep that all sounds great -- my guess is their tech will be similar, gotta give them credit on that point, they have built some complex things and Hitesh seems like a solid engineer type guy to me. Lol @Reginald -- remember Lotz he was banned from OD and is not associated with them. I wouldn't listen to anything he has to say about anything really...I remember watching the 'Repainting is good' or something like that video and remember thinking this guy is either an idiot, or a money hungry dirtbag (or both!). Can I get access to Signal Rush and just apply signals from OD on it (because they are for sure profitable!) or does it provide a signaling system too?
Sure, though do know as of right now it only has 60sec, 2 min & 5 min expiry compatibility. I do wish to use it to provide real stats on signal services if for nothing else to show users an outside TRANSPARENT take on services such as this. Originally $ignal Ru$h was designed on my style of trading. I will discuss with the developer if we can add a panel for longer expiry times for other users. What expiry times do you mostly take with OD? Just email me "" and I will put you on the list and if you believe they have a good service that is fair and transparent to users I can always push to have them promoted on Bin.Net. We also are going to make it a MT4 to broker order execution software so people can trade directly with MT4 only then have those trades show up brokers like MW 24o SpotOption ect ect. So you enter 1 trade *CLICK boom goes in 5 of your brokers or how many ever you have which imo besides being able to program entry parameters EAs/Order execution scripts on and on should prove useful to traders.
Well I would say a warning sign is that I was kicked from group around the same time I posted those screen shots, so transparency is zero, and as someone who does offer a paid service if I got negative feed back I would address it not kick the person.
So IMO scam bomb waiting to happen.
You have been warned.
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
That is true can't go around kicking people that have gripes if they are legitimate ones... Then you become a Michael Freeman and that just is not cool... They let any old riff raff join their facebook group Bryan?
This Aaron Andrews runs Options Domination facebook group and he is a known for the ZEEK AWARDS SCAM along with a bunch of Aff Marketing Scams, stuff like that conflicts with everything else you are saying. So "OPTIONS DOMINATION" So what is this that options domination does not care about the quality of its members and if they have enough bank to help them promote well then its ok... People like that should be in jail not responsible for the admin of OD...
Well, I don't know Bryan, people have posted quesitons/opinions in there before and they don't kick people out all the time at all. I do think your post here was very misleading sinceyou grabbed ONE screen of a lady on demo asking how others were doing. majority of the responses were actually people saying they were making good money or beginning to get it. remeber these are all complete newbs to this stuff. I know I'm doing very well with the signals, now I'm focusing entirely on enterpriselevel sigs, not the inheritance ones. Live sessions are 70%+ easily. I am friends with 5 otherpeople in OD, and all of us are profitable. I don't write about it in the group, neither do most of the others I know, but you can't maintain thousands of members in a niche as fickle as this without a system that works. That's why I even ask Lotz about signalrush and taking OD sigs with it (which lotz I take end of day and end of hour trades there).
Look, the point is simple, the signals are doing well BLIND right now. However more important they have very good training on how to analyze the trades, and are now putting out more advanced one-on-one type support based on the recent FB post. it is easy to find something wrong with anything (like the stupid design that doesn't show the table fully), but so far OD is doing exactly what it claims to which is if you follow the signals and training you make money with them. That's been my experience so far for sure!
You and people like Hitesh are ODs saving grace imo. Teaching/Signals combined even a step further add live video feed and the auto-copier at the same time would make it the most transparent awesome service ever. Still I have to wonder what do you think of people like that Aaron Andrews that is seriously messed up "persona non grata" Why is he in charge of the facebook group? Him and his wife are like 100% bad news would not want to be associated in anyway with people like that and it reflects badly on a company like Options Domination to be associated with them... Why would they allow a person with such a bad reputation and paper trail to be in charge of the facebook group? People like Reginald/Greg/Aaron make my skin crawl honestly.
For Signal Rush - I will ask about the EOD and end of hour trading options maybe make panels that are for specific ones. One issue would be what is "END OF DAY." From one broker to another they can vary greatly and even with a spotoption based platform you can have multiple EOD options that end at different times.. So which EOD is EOD? LoL...
I am a trader I trade. Trading is generally dull but man my "BINARY OPTION SOAP OPERAS" are never dull!!! You can't write this stuff. It makes Mexican Porn Midget Soap Operas look boring... Here is week 2 of my testing with $ignal Ru$h taking mostly 5 min trades with my ALGOs and simple mean reversion trading combined. It is super solid I actually enjoy trading through MT4 now...
This guy is afraid to prove his 80% and no can lose "Secret Weapon" just another noob that can't trade promoting outrageous claims again "Options Domination" should stop people like this from making them look bad.. I like Hitesh and I like the OD vision and results, think they are transparent and fair. But turkeys like this "Oh HEEEEEeeeeeeLLLLLLL NOooooo!" I have to software to prove you are not full of SH*T.. Why not take the Challenge? Because you are a FAKE... *Note he was a key promoter of the UOP indicator of "Reginald Stinson" who word is cried like a B___ after he lost money at Goptions, why? Becasue he can't trade! Yet both these dolts sell 80% or can't lose systems.. But when asked to prove it they run like the chicken sh*t bi*ches they are... Come on baby PROVE IT REALTIME!
Whats going on with "Options Domination" seems nobody is running the ship and your crew members are threatening mutiny. Where is HiTesh why can't anybody get any response from the OD admins?
Got me but I am getting more and more complaints as I seem to be the complaint guy of the binary options space *smacks self in head... The complaints the past few days about ZERO responses from the admins as well I have messaged them and also seem to have the same results. Kind of sucks I have a pretty good video review that explains how they work function that is POSITIVE and educational imo better then how they explain it showing live demonstrations of such things as actual trades how their site works and what they offer and also a brief history of who/what they are. But I can't release it due to their absolute incompetence the past few weeks. It almost seems as if they said "Oh phuck the Options Side we are too busy with other things to respond to our customers or even those interested in Options Domination." Exactly the kind of stuff you get from an ADD marketing type of sudo personality which is 100% unprofessional and shows their complete and utter lack in the Binary Options space. You simply don't do what I am seeing to your customers who btw pay over $400 a month in many cases for the privilege of being ignored... I even like their vision and where they are going but what good is it if its all talk and no follow through. "One thing I will note is Hitesh has alot to deal with as he has a very sick child to take care of." to which gives him a complete pass imo as you can't rely on one person with such an organization if they are then these other admins need to step up and fill in the slack for him = gee I don't know helping him maybe!? Its 100% retarded that they do not have a whole team behind him in place to just simply answer questions! Very unprofessional as a few people I have spoke to have repeated... Then again this is what you would expect from marketers not from real traders...
In short the popular view is they are now coming across as being as being complete phucking idiots.. That sucks such a great concept imo...
RoFl that is true but wrong is wrong and I can't make exceptions for friend or foe alike. Too many people are in this bullsh*t marketing like Options Domination for example. Look what they did. You do not treat customers like that, oh hell no that is 100% phucked up. Report after report, the other admins or operators of "Options Domination" should straight up be ashamed of themselves.Not one of them stepped in to pick up the slack and lots of their members still can't get answers from the help desk they have and are just completely ignored but at least the payment buttons work and even in the instance you see below will make sure you upgrade instead of downgrade! I actually respected their vision and where they were going where I would recommend it to others. But they could give a F less about any of that as long as they are paid nothing else matters, certainly not their customers. So once again they demonstrate why marketers are nothing but dishonest useless kunts to me... Shame on all of you...
This poor guy here is trying to guess what they are going to charge him next month, maybe double? I think they are taking a page out of the book from brokers overseas rofl...
Seems they have a clear pattern of ignoring their subscribers and the signals are now in the 50% range as its plainly obvious they lost their trader from BSB or else he all of a sudden can't trade for sh*t... Worst part is they refuse to answer their subs putting them in the scam catagory once again... See marketers only market and are bound to fail after all the HYPE is done... Was a neat and well organized idea, just too bad it was not done by traders instead of these scrub marketers... All I can say if you are a member or thought of being one is RUN!!!
More proof that Options Domination is just pure sh*t, seems they are now not only not paying affiliate money but also not even protecting their own members from the douchebag broker Goptions they work with... Shame on them thought they could be different ended up just being untalented SCAM MARKETERS, once again proving marketers don't make traders...
Had an email asking about "OD" again the post above its simple just don't join. They give no support and really were HOT air that LIE to their members and over charge them along with being affiliated with goofball brokers that their members can't even get withdrawals from such as Goptions...
All I have had are complaints and it seems they only rebrand BSB/HIVE signals and methods and then charge a premium for them, so better to get it direct cheaper from BSB instead imo. Again too many complaints many of which are with their Goptions brokers after people sign up and have issues with withdrawals or trading are abandoned by OD who never respond as they are just marketers who only spend their time worrying about statistics of signups instead of actually supporting their members. Whatever another freak show but glad you find BSB opps I mean OD useful lol..
I warned people ahead of time, don't email me asking what I can do when I told you ahead of time. Sorry Charlie! Bug OD and beat them up on facebook like these people are doing because if you trade any size with a broker like that you are not likely to ever see your money again!
As for today, once again they have marked a lot of their trades losses when I won those and I asked some other people and they said the same thing - they won the trades too. I think OD people are on the opposite side of marketers, they are hurting themselves by not posting many of these signals as wins...I don't know what to make of them, they behave less like marketers everyday.
Overall, I've won every single week since joining, the price is very low for what is being offered, so overall I'm happy right now, that's the general sense I get from the other members in OD as well, lets see how this shapes up yet.
Can I get access to Signal Rush and just apply signals from OD on it (because they are for sure profitable!) or does it provide a signaling system too?
So IMO scam bomb waiting to happen.
You have been warned.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Look, the point is simple, the signals are doing well BLIND right now. However more important they have very good training on how to analyze the trades, and are now putting out more advanced one-on-one type support based on the recent FB post. it is easy to find something wrong with anything (like the stupid design that doesn't show the table fully), but so far OD is doing exactly what it claims to which is if you follow the signals and training you make money with them. That's been my experience so far for sure!
For Signal Rush - I will ask about the EOD and end of hour trading options maybe make panels that are for specific ones. One issue would be what is "END OF DAY." From one broker to another they can vary greatly and even with a spotoption based platform you can have multiple EOD options that end at different times.. So which EOD is EOD? LoL...
I have to software to prove you are not full of SH*T.. Why not take the Challenge? Because you are a FAKE... *Note he was a key promoter of the UOP indicator of "Reginald Stinson" who word is cried like a B___ after he lost money at Goptions, why? Becasue he can't trade! Yet both these dolts sell 80% or can't lose systems.. But when asked to prove it they run like the chicken sh*t bi*ches they are... Come on baby PROVE IT REALTIME!
In short the popular view is they are now coming across as being as being complete phucking idiots.. That sucks such a great concept imo...
This poor guy here is trying to guess what they are going to charge him next month, maybe double? I think they are taking a page out of the book from brokers overseas rofl...
Harry Potter Gone Wrong... Wanna play with my wand?..
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)