This forum thread is for discussion of anything related to John Anthony's Signals Service and we will add any frequently asked questions to this post. Click here to visit John Anthony's website
Too bad he recommends so many scam brokers...astounding that lotz is promoting him now based on what I saw before. My results with him were not very good, entries are delayed (Since he sends a previous high as the signal, what use is that??) and so you lose the trade but he records it as a wins. many losses are modified too...I think even signalpush saw that.
I'd love to see the results based on a trade entry at the close of the 1-minute candle as opposed to the high of the candle. That would be a more realistic depiction of the price at which subscribers could actually get into the trade. As Lotz himself says, even John Anthony couldn't possibly get in at some of the entry points quoted on the site as oftentimes the price only hits them for a split second.
Exactly hence why its a SIGNAL and not a trade. Odds are you will get 60% range because its after the fact which means you get the slippage.. Still some disagree with me I say its profitable for noobs imo. But would love to see the real results of using these signals on a transparent signal service. For me I did not take many of his signals when i was watching them I more along the lines used it as a indicator then decided what was the best trade to take with my own analysis.
Too bad he recommends so many scam brokers...astounding that lotz is promoting him now based on what I saw before. My results with him were not very good, entries are delayed (Since he sends a previous high as the signal, what use is that??) and so you lose the trade but he records it as a wins. many losses are modified too...I think even signalpush saw that.
We're surprised Lotz/ is promoting it as well. We did see that in the past and notified JAS about it. They said it was a technical issue. Another issue we saw, which Lotz mentioned too, is that their stats got significantly pumped up to the point where it's going to take a LOT to change them. This is non-transparent marketing tactic, especially when many people noticed losses being removed, technical issue or not. Other issues included late signals, impossible rates, assets/expiries not being available to trade when JAS trades them, etc. Here is one example of a win on their site (and our AT took it as quick as it was available on the site) but loss for us:
For me I did not take many of his signals when i was watching them I more along the lines used it as a indicator then decided what was the best trade to take with my own analysis.
Those two statements don't match up. "Noobs" won't have their own analysis. If they do, it isn't going to be at the level yours is.
All of that said...
We do want JAS to be successful and we have several clients who have asked us about JAS, so we created an AutoTrader for the JAS service based on our API and we've been monitoring it. Once we have enough data, we can report back as to what clients are actually receiving (current week is 57%). JAS does not want us to release this AutoTrader as they said their current signals are not great for auto. JAS has mentioned they are considering implementing the SignalPush API to offer AutoTrade to their clients once they have a signal algo that they believe would work best for the "blind trading" that it would be.
What we think JAS should do is remove the win/loss ratio and remove the win/loss status on trades. They should provide the signals as (like Lotz said) an "indicator" type service. The "entry" rates should be "target" rates that clients should look to get (or better).
What point would you like me to address momo? I mean he raises valid points and if SP has hard data of the signals being under 60% well ok guess I am wrong on them being profitable for noobs,hmmm? I don't know I did not see any numbers being changed, but them taking away the prepare sucks as it gives no time to enter on a signal and the signals being late by over a minute on some could make many signals useless and give a false edge making their own stats stupid. Again I am a volatility/speed freak so his signals for me were profitable but because I used my own tech/trading style to trade them which I was able to get a better edge then just trading his signals straight which is why I liked it. The feedback I had from people that used his signals was mostly positive too which is why I ok'd it and I am sorry if that upsets certain people but too phucking bad! If your experience is not a good one and you believe his service to be crap well please feel free to post all evidence and experiences you have and say whatever nasty things you want as unlike sites like David's of BOE I I believe in open debate/criticism, so if my perspective sucks as tell me what a tard I am. Who know maybe there is a chance .00000383729% of you being right!
Btw - You guys totally miss the beauty in what was there and shrug I did not. I also hope certain people *wink *wink *nudge *nudge don't miss it either There is something there that you guys have no clue or are able to deduce as to what makes his service great and that is as it should be.
Reading the last response just solidified in my mind what I worried about...lotz sold out for some $ on the side. That's all there is to this, no other possible explanation. JAS does pretty much everything you can imagine wrong: - Scammy brokers, check. - False stats, check. - unusable siganls, check. - false advertising, check.
Worst of all, lotz your defense is that you are a 'speed freak' so signals worked for you? You are faster than Signalpush ATS???? You should quit trading and set some guiness records for being faster than machines lol. And on top of that now lotz has this funny distinction between 'they are signals, not trades sheep, just pay JAS so he can keep lining my pockets" lol what a joke.
I joined this forum after someone said lotz was a real trader that was critical of hype and scams (like Reginald Stinson and JohnAnthonyScam), and turns out he's a sell out. Leaving from here, won't miss it.
I get ZERO from any signal provider or services you kuntbag. How about you go phuck yourself. Too much of this seems to be competitive bs from SP vs JAS and that is not cool with me. The feedback I get from many has been positive from JAS I watched and used the signals myself maybe in a different way and found them if not to be 70% accurate to be in the 60% range. I had people email me about them stealing his signals which if they were so unprofitable and he was such a scam well that would not be logical. Seems the SP camp has an AXE TO GRIND and I am not about it. I am into empirical data that if you have to the contrary then great but if you just want stats that say they suck and you are great well go join freeman in delusionalville phucking tards. You P*ssy A$$ B*tch, running away like a little girl because you don't like a different point of view well unlike douches @ BOE I won't kick you for that as that is your right to disagree. So IRONIC that its the phucking AMERICANS so against freedom of speech and ideas... Then again too many people here are fat and stupid as you have so clearly demonstrated.
1) We have no idea who these users are and we didn't ask anyone to come post here. We didn't even mention it to anyone.
2) We simply responded to your post with cold hard facts. We aren't attacking JAS and nothing about this has anything to do with being competitive. We think there may be some value in what they are offering which is why we had reached out to them about working with our API to offer autotrade to their clients. However, we think JAS needs to be a little bit clearer about their real stats, not just pumped up marketing BS. You yourself agreed.
3) Again, we have no idea who these users are. We posted one thing here. That's it. So please don't relate these users to us in anyway.
As you told us to do, we are collecting stats and will report back when the month is over and we have collected more stats.
The geographical coincidence is making me wonder a bit here. I am all for transparency so I will go along with it as long as the data is factual not biased based on marketing whohaaaa... I get a bad vibe on this that repeats, not liking that. I think Signal Push is the most transparent of the services but this whole vibe is putting me off...
Well of course you are more than welcome to wonder but we have nothing to do with that poster. We WANT JAS to be successful. If their stats are truly good it means another potential provider and more users for our API. Win-win.
The stats so far this week are great, at 67%. Combined with the prior tracked stats puts it at 60% even. Will continue to monitor.
Cool at least that makes more sense to be around what I could calculate on the mean... I still think a trader using their brain could take the signals and do better with them or god forbid even learn how to trade the methodology/style if I may be so bold as to even think the thought. Of course to those who still believe the world is flat well you are welcome to your opinion lol... Just don't burn me at the stake for mine!
I just need a way to find how to burn a broker like MW for above $1k a trade such as 10k or higher lol. Too bad there are not brokers out there that would offer 100k trades like the communitraders at bots has LoL. I mean without trying to manipulate the feed as well *wink *wink. What you see below is just a toy I am playing with in my spare time, so don't pm me I am not a signal provider. I will say this that signal provider stats should be reflected on the ROI in an average account over time. It should not be based on ITM%s alone, because if a trader that makes 2000% return using complex hedging strats might have a 60% ITM rate vs a trader that has a 70% ITM rate but 300% return how would anybody know this? ROI% are all that matter to a real trader what you make end of week/month and can withdraw means a bit more then what ITM% you can market to NooBs...
Just my 2 cents but if you are going to classify yourself as a signal provider and some one is paying you for signals, then in my humble opinion you should not have to filter them further, you are paying to get a signal that you can trade off manually or automated and minus technical issues near 100% of trades so be able to be executed. IF you are having to filter it then your no longer a signal provider your just a paid indicator. So if a certain percentage of your signals are not usable then that is kinda bogus and you fall into the paid indicator service group.
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
That is true but how do you classify a signal service like JAS vs an Autotrader/copier? Does that mean that JAS is no longer a signal service because he is more of a indicator? LoL John Anthony Indicator Service... Nobody gets that people like being able to get the signals through a webpage with the dinner bell ringing and then deciding if they want to take the signal or not. So technically it is a SIGNAL but not a TRADE. So in a way I have to disagree... I hope you are not talking about the communitraders platform I was testing or else ima get my retard stamp out lol... That is only good for noobs who want to test out binary trading imo without having to sign up for a demo to brokers that might bother them other free demo accounts are Markets World and Spotoption but those are actual brokers this one is not.
Just like example video below, was the hula getting some a$$ or was the a$$ getting some hula?
Im speechless. It would all come down to how its being marketed and presented, just being honest with your customer. I think there is still something to be said for being honest even if you lose a few customers here and there.
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
All i mean is if you get a signal from Signal Push it will be taken unless tech fails.
That is a signal, anything else falls short unless described otherwise.
or the alternative
Yes you will get signal you may not want to take them all and by the way some you will not be able to take due to impossible entry but thanks for you money!
Have to draw the line somewhere. Be more like a Signal Guider than a provider.
Bryan Mcafee Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
In our mind a trade signal is just that. A trade signal. Saying it is a valid trade to take. You also have to remember that 99% of the people who sign up for SIGNALS are looking to be shown the way and not have to put their own analysis on it. In fact, in their own marketing:
"With my revolutionary binary options signals I can tell you what asset to trade on, when to trade it and over which time period. "
I cannot say I've ever seen a SIGNAL service that then says "oh hey wait! don't actually take our signals without doing your own analysis first". That's an indicator or alert. Additionally, if you're going to require clients to not take all of your signals then you should not have "win" or "loss" indications and shouldn't have performance since EVERYONES performance is going to differ.
RE: SignalPush... Many of our clients disable the auto-copy and manually place the trades themselves. This is still a signal even if it doesn't get automatically taken.
Ahhh ha another one of those Signal Services that don't want to show transparent results on SP, yet use your tech for delivering signals. How ironic those kinds of guys all say how great they are but just as long as they don't have to provide any hard stats to prove it lol.. Kind of like the indicator guys on BOE who pretend to take trades and say how great they are later you find out they don't trade bins anymore owch... Honestly you should not allow them to do that, if they are going to use your technology and promote statistics like this tard does. The only reason they don't want hard stats from a 3rd party is because of deception no different then JAS in their marketing of their service. So much pure bullsh*t by these guys and you are kind of supporting them in their efforts...
Service that is using and promoting the use of signalpush that I was asked about yet do not allow signalpush to have hard statistics to see if they match up to the results they post as having = 83% = they are full of it! So in a way you are doing the same thing indirectly...
We specifically tell anyone who asks us that anyone not on our leaderboard is NOT a verified provider and does not have verified performance.
Due to the open and client side nature of our API, it would be near impossible to block or ban providers who used our API and gave false performance. It's not the providers using the API, it's the clients. The clients provide their API information to the providers and the requests come through their key. All we see on our side is a client made an API request and the details of it, not who created the API request.
We are not liable nor supportive of any claims INDEPENDENT providers make own their own websites.
Our API is just a technology that lets users build their own systems or services around it. Like we do with all of the technology we use and all of those technology vendors aren't responsible or supportive of what we build or do with it.
PS - I just looked at their website (BOES) and it appears they removed that performance.
Retarded Bryan! Its more like this you have a company car with the signal push logo on the side and these guys take it for a joy ride looking to pick up people using your brand. They go around picking them up in your company car and then tie them up throw them in the river. Not long after you see this car on TV driving down Los Angles Highway with police copters and cars in chase. Must be pretty funny as you see the people waving guns out the window of your company car screaming "Phuck da Police!" Moral of the story - If you don't want to be associated/support scammers then you might want to think more carefully about who you give the keys to
Not really the same thing. It's more like saying Adobe is promoting/supported/associated with scammers because a scammer used Flash to create their scam product. Anyways, if we ever see anyone using our logo on their site and they have any sort of "questionable" content regarding performance and are not perfectly clear that they are not officially supported by us, we will contact them and do our best to have it addressed (as we did with BOES).
Well I think that is smart of Signal Push to police those types of goings on to not diminish your brand. Uhhhhmmm no, If you two are just out to provide thoughtless insults for fun yes you will get banned for that. You both are warned. I support the site give and give honest feedback. If I was an aff marketer I sure would not waste my time debating with you guys. I would spend my time creating content and going after traffic in a effective manner. Yet I don't because I am busy and focused on trading during the day.
Well so much for the little free speech claim by Lotz.
You've turned this whole thread into an attack on SP instead of defending your affiliation with JAS.
1. Do you make money from recommending brokers/signal services/whatever? YES you do, so you ARE an affiliate marketer.
2. Do you get money from JAS for sending people "noobs" and "sheeple" as you call them? Clarify this.
You recommend JAS, that manipulates data, I know from personal tests the win rates are a lie. You have tried 3 tactics to silence criticism: 1. You claim these signals are for noobs. 2. You claim you need special analysis for these signals. (contradiction with point 1). 3. You claim you are so fast that you can take signals that SP's ATS cannot take.
Your style of marketing here is just like Mike Freeman -- call out obvious scams (yeah everyone knows Reginald Stinson is a scam, lol his own company is getting rid of him), then promote a crap service to get quick $.
And if anyone questions, call them 'phucktards' or whatever and then link to some porn to distract. What are you some 12 year retard?
Well so much for the little free speech claim by Lotz.
You've turned this whole thread into an attack on SP instead of defending your affiliation with JAS.
1. Do you make money from recommending brokers/signal services/whatever? YES you do, so you ARE an affiliate marketer.
2. Do you get money from JAS for sending people "noobs" and "sheeple" as you call them? Clarify this.
Not sure what you mean by this. Lotz is a contributor and not the site owner and does not make any money for recommending brokers, signal services or anything else. He has told you that he is not an aff marketer multiple times in this thread. Further, in his review of JAS he lists multiple cons of the service. If you disagree with Lotz that "those who use JAS would have a hard time not being profitable with it" thats fine but to compare him to Freeman is ridiculous. This thread is for a discussion of JAS, please can we keep it to just that. If you have personal tests that show that JAS' win rates are a lie, why not help the BO community by publishing them instead of criticising Lotz for offering his opinions. The whole point of this forum is for traders to be able to come to their own conclusions after reading what is very often a two sided debate (even for the most reputable brokers and signal providers out there)
All of that said...
We do want JAS to be successful and we have several clients who have asked us about JAS, so we created an AutoTrader for the JAS service based on our API and we've been monitoring it. Once we have enough data, we can report back as to what clients are actually receiving (current week is 57%). JAS does not want us to release this AutoTrader as they said their current signals are not great for auto. JAS has mentioned they are considering implementing the SignalPush API to offer AutoTrade to their clients once they have a signal algo that they believe would work best for the "blind trading" that it would be.
What we think JAS should do is remove the win/loss ratio and remove the win/loss status on trades. They should provide the signals as (like Lotz said) an "indicator" type service. The "entry" rates should be "target" rates that clients should look to get (or better).
Btw - You guys totally miss the beauty in what was there and shrug I did not. I also hope certain people *wink *wink *nudge *nudge don't miss it either
JAS does pretty much everything you can imagine wrong:
- Scammy brokers, check.
- False stats, check.
- unusable siganls, check.
- false advertising, check.
Worst of all, lotz your defense is that you are a 'speed freak' so signals worked for you? You are faster than Signalpush ATS???? You should quit trading and set some guiness records for being faster than machines lol. And on top of that now lotz has this funny distinction between 'they are signals, not trades sheep, just pay JAS so he can keep lining my pockets" lol what a joke.
I joined this forum after someone said lotz was a real trader that was critical of hype and scams (like Reginald Stinson and JohnAnthonyScam), and turns out he's a sell out. Leaving from here, won't miss it.
Let us be clear here.
1) We have no idea who these users are and we didn't ask anyone to come post here. We didn't even mention it to anyone.
2) We simply responded to your post with cold hard facts. We aren't attacking JAS and nothing about this has anything to do with being competitive. We think there may be some value in what they are offering which is why we had reached out to them about working with our API to offer autotrade to their clients. However, we think JAS needs to be a little bit clearer about their real stats, not just pumped up marketing BS. You yourself agreed.
3) Again, we have no idea who these users are. We posted one thing here. That's it. So please don't relate these users to us in anyway.
As you told us to do, we are collecting stats and will report back when the month is over and we have collected more stats.
The stats so far this week are great, at 67%. Combined with the prior tracked stats puts it at 60% even. Will continue to monitor.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Just like example video below, was the hula getting some a$$ or was the a$$ getting some hula?
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
That is a signal, anything else falls short unless described otherwise.
or the alternative
Yes you will get signal you may not want to take them all and by the way some you will not be able to take due to impossible entry but thanks for you money!
Have to draw the line somewhere. Be more like a Signal Guider than a provider.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
"With my revolutionary binary options signals I can tell you what asset to trade on, when to trade it and over which time period. "
I cannot say I've ever seen a SIGNAL service that then says "oh hey wait! don't actually take our signals without doing your own analysis first". That's an indicator or alert. Additionally, if you're going to require clients to not take all of your signals then you should not have "win" or "loss" indications and shouldn't have performance since EVERYONES performance is going to differ.
RE: SignalPush... Many of our clients disable the auto-copy and manually place the trades themselves. This is still a signal even if it doesn't get automatically taken.
Gives asset, expiry, direction, and price.
Honestly you should not allow them to do that, if they are going to use your technology and promote statistics like this tard does. The only reason they don't want hard stats from a 3rd party is because of deception no different then JAS in their marketing of their service. So much pure bullsh*t by these guys and you are kind of supporting them in their efforts...
Service that is using and promoting the use of signalpush that I was asked about yet do not allow signalpush to have hard statistics to see if they match up to the results they post as having = 83% = they are full of it! So in a way you are doing the same thing indirectly...
It will give us something to BS about tomorrow in chat lol.
Hit me up on skype at Brymcafee (McAllen TX)
Due to the open and client side nature of our API, it would be near impossible to block or ban providers who used our API and gave false performance. It's not the providers using the API, it's the clients. The clients provide their API information to the providers and the requests come through their key. All we see on our side is a client made an API request and the details of it, not who created the API request.
We are not liable nor supportive of any claims INDEPENDENT providers make own their own websites.
Our API is just a technology that lets users build their own systems or services around it. Like we do with all of the technology we use and all of those technology vendors aren't responsible or supportive of what we build or do with it.
PS - I just looked at their website (BOES) and it appears they removed that performance.
You've turned this whole thread into an attack on SP instead of defending your affiliation with JAS.
1. Do you make money from recommending brokers/signal services/whatever?
YES you do, so you ARE an affiliate marketer.
2. Do you get money from JAS for sending people "noobs" and "sheeple" as you call them? Clarify this.
You recommend JAS, that manipulates data, I know from personal tests the win rates are a lie. You have tried 3 tactics to silence criticism:
1. You claim these signals are for noobs.
2. You claim you need special analysis for these signals. (contradiction with point 1).
3. You claim you are so fast that you can take signals that SP's ATS cannot take.
Your style of marketing here is just like Mike Freeman -- call out obvious scams (yeah everyone knows Reginald Stinson is a scam, lol his own company is getting rid of him), then promote a crap service to get quick $.
And if anyone questions, call them 'phucktards' or whatever and then link to some porn to distract. What are you some 12 year retard?