I have a cold today so not into debating but thanks for the laugh and the upgrade of age! Mostly people think I am 5 but you have me as 12 so YaY! I think you should keep it on JAS like the ninja states. I gave me 2 cents sorry if you did not like or find it useful and what would you lke me to tell the people that provided me feedback that they use and find his signals to work for them? Whatever I have NYQUIL and am invincible!
PS - Don't knock the porn its not her fault that hula hoop was taking advantage of her!
Too bad he recommends john anthony ..i have check the price history AUD/CHF Time 18.march 2015 , 14.04 -Expire 15.15.so you lose the trade but he records it as a wins. many losses are modified.
I am sorry for abusing lotz even after I have been told several times by other that he does not get paid by these services to recommend them, my little brain is unable to comprehend this... I insist on saying he is taking kick backs but the truth is I can't trade because I am a RETARD and it would not matter what service I was using I would find a way to lose it all! Thanks again for you help Botz maybe someday I will not be so phucking stupid... Opps time to go my bus is here!
I use also John anthony's signals but it's hard too trade them. Most of the time the best signals come up around midnight 04.00 gmt+2 for me. Today i get 3 signals around 06.00 gmt+2 and they are itm but you must wait and wait and wait and that is not nice, why not email or an push alert to a smartphone or whatever, i think maybe protection against signalcopy guys but they are there always i think?
When you take his signals on uk open session then they are often otm or there are no trades because there are a lot of fundamental news announcements (protection).
Our tracking shows 57% ITM for April. This is based on real results that clients would get. As noted before, there are many instances where the rates on the JAS site are not possible for clients to get. For instance, putting the absolute ticked high/low of a move. We have an AutoTrader we may release for it if there is any demand, but with results no where near the 72% they say, not sure the use.
I did not like John signals after using them for 2 weeks. When you get the signal, you need to hurry up like crazy, and when you read the signal, you go to make the trade, and then, everything is changed! his signals is systemized - automated- and not predictable, this is really annoying. it is right that there is about 12-15 signals aday, but you cannot do more than 5-7 max, and some of them are otm for sure.
How is Night Owl doing? Man that is sad for JAS, even if I did not try to trade and just pushed buttons like a monkey I could hold above 60%. My stats using Signal Rush run around 70% ROI last week and 32% this week my ITM% who cares its likely closer to 80% but that is not what matters its the money that counts. I know I can't control the ITM% just the money/risk management. Of course it helps to focus on actually making winning trades instead of marketing to people rofl...
Current stats for the month - 53% on well over 100 trades.
As mentioned, few recent things we've seen: - Losing streaks as bad as 1 win 17 losses. You'd need some pretty tight money management to keep your account with streaks like that and 53% on > 100 trades. - Prices on the website many times are no where near what clients will actually get
Some quotes from your review:
"Again his logic for trades make sense and I think those who use his service would have a hard time not being profitable with it." "This is a person with bank trading experience so his methods are solid and for $100 a month imo its a good deal, specially if you are new to trading binary options."
Do you still stand by your review and think BO.net should be recommending them to users, especially knowing that even with this performance they still are promoting 72% ITM? Clients cannot view the full performance without paying, so all they can see when they join is the stats they provide and the last few trades.
All I am finding are these signal services live in a "DELUSIONAL" world where they can make up their performance statistics. From now on I recommend unless they beta with a 3rd party autot rading platform like Signal Push that their stats are not to be TRUSTED by any of these services... My experience shows me all I see is FAKE results and DECEPTION/MANIPULATION when in their hands. Let me be very clear I believe JAS sold out to the brokers its obvious through their statistics and I will amend my recommendation and ask to have them removed from the site... Too many of these people just want to use you because they can't trade so they need your subscription/affiliate money. Well too bad for them they have to live with being UNTALENTED in life...
Ryan will have HARD stats next week to show JAS REAL results instead of the marketing fake ones he has on the site showing 70+%. I kind of sense this guy simply sold out as originally his service was pretty decent but now it sucks CAWK is the only way to put it with no prepare like before. The one thing I have learned from all of these SPs outside of using a 3rd party platform is they are simply LIARS with stats and make up whatever sounds good. I certainly don't wish to support anybody that wants to be dishonest and will amend my video next week even if his service is not likely to lose you money it still sits poorly with me that his results on the page are 100% dishonest. It just dirty pool and I guess I should have not overlooked that.. Ryan does not get why his signal service is so popular!? Its not his dishonest results but rather his method for delivery. Anybody that would send signals the way he does is likely to do well because most people are like dumb phucking monkeys so RINGING A BELL like Pavlov's dog and not having to take any responsibility for their trades is very attractive. Anybody with that live spreadsheet format/DING DONG DING DONG signal delivery is going to be popular. The format he uses is whats brilliant Ryan you phucking tard, duh... Can't believe people don't get that. Even if his users mostly leave him its whats responsible for his success if anybody for any reason wonders WHY? haha...
Ryan will have HARD stats next week to show JAS REAL results instead of the marketing fake ones he has on the site showing 70+%. I kind of sense this guy simply sold out as originally his service was pretty decent but now it sucks CAWK is the only way to put it with no prepare like before. The one thing I have learned from all of these SPs outside of using a 3rd party platform is they are simply LIARS with stats and make up whatever sounds good. I certainly don't wish to support anybody that wants to be dishonest and will amend my video next week even if his service is not likely to lose you money it still sits poorly with me that his results on the page are 100% dishonest. It just dirty pool and I guess I should have not overlooked that..
Lotz, as you stated, I will have more stats next week once the month completes. We've already posted several stats and things that we see as issues on the service on above posts so I won't go through them again.
Here is a screenshot of that long losing streak:
The stats for that week:
And their stats for April so far:
If you take a common account for "newbies" which you said this service was perfect for, that losing streak/week would be a 50%+ drawdown if not a complete wipe. The month so far is barely breakeven if you have a decent win payout from your binary platform and most likely would not even cover the cost of the service.
Ryan does not get why his signal service is so popular!? Its not his dishonest results but rather his method for delivery. Anybody that would send signals the way he does is likely to do well because most people are like dumb phucking monkeys so RINGING A BELL like Pavlov's dog and not having to take any responsibility for their trades is very attractive. Anybody with that live spreadsheet format/DING DONG DING DONG signal delivery is going to be popular. The format he uses is whats brilliant Ryan you phucking tard, duh... Can't believe people don't get that. Even if his users mostly leave him its whats responsible for his success if anybody for any reason wonders WHY? haha...
Brilliant? It's been done 100x before and it's slow. The key to their success is attributed to their unrealistic 72% ITM, pumped up user numbers, their marketing, and the fact that they don't allow a potential client to view their full performance until after they've already paid or signed up with their "free month" binary platforms so that they collect the CPA even if the client decides not to use their signals after seeing the full performance.
Our problem with the service and what users need to be aware of is: - their stats not realistic and are pumped up (itm and users) - many assets/expiries they trade on simply will not be available for you - the prices they send are unrealistic many times. unlike many other signal services, the signals you see aren't trades they are actually taking. it's their indicator firing off (like one would on MT4) a price that triggered the signal but is most likely already moved away and is no longer available - they sometimes send a bulk of signals at once, which would be very difficult to manually take them all at the correct price (if even available)
We think users could potentially be profitable with their service if they had a decent sized account and used very tight money management. The only way to put the stats in your favor is to take every single trade and take it as quick as possible. You can only do that with an autotrader. We had been talking with JAS about offering their service through our API and they said they liked the idea but now they have disappeared. In an effort to help users, we'll be releasing the unofficial autotrader next week.
Honestly it looks like they SOLD OUT to the brokers. He is now a joke Signal Provider with overall sub 60% performance compared to above 60% before.. I disagree though if I had the same service posting signals with a PREPARE and LIVE STATS though a spreadsheet I would get to be just as popular the only difference is my stats would be REAL along with my entries lol... People like the method of signal delivery even if its stupid because its uncomplicated and gives them the control to click the button.. Whatever don't expect you to agree lol... John Anthony Signals simply sucks CAWK.
Honestly it looks like they SOLD OUT to the brokers. He is now a joke Signal Provider with overall sub 60% performance compared to above 60% before.. I disagree though if I had the same service posting signals with a PREPARE and LIVE STATS though a spreadsheet I would get to be just as popular the only difference is my stats would be REAL along with my entries lol... People like the method of signal delivery even if its stupid because its uncomplicated and gives them the control to click the button.. Whatever don't expect you to agree lol... John Anthony Signals simply sucks CAWK.
You actually saying that he reduced intentionally his performance to be liked by the brokers? Interesting if its true.
Phuck liked.. More like PAID lol... Reports of him getting large sums from certain brokers are circulating = put 2 and 2 together and get 3 lol... At least that is the math most of you use... Phuckin TARDs..
hi just wanted to add my 2 cents worth here i did at times find his signals useful also at the same time bryans trading axis was giving me the same signal I did not trade all his excotic pairs and when i could see trades not happeing in his timeframe but going in the right direction i would do a 1 step martingale and would be itm even when his chart would show a loss cause what i have learnt from botz and bryan I was able to do that but newbies proably not they would just trade the signal and not look at their charts I did cancel my subscription but for some reason they has not taken me out of their system and was able to use his service for 2 more months so bryans trading axis program will generate same kind of trade but i trade longer than 5 pref 15mins that just works for me all the best in your trading lois lane as of this month may I no longer have access to their site and dont think the price tag is worth the service I did see in april they had added for each asset the % winning for that pair so I would pick and choose which asset i traded some were 68% some 74% etc
Its mean reversion trading Lois at its base. Mean Reversion is very easy to trade for most starting out from there add S/R, fib confluences, divergences, patterns, pivots and price action to filter trades then your %s go higher. He has degraded his service in the beginning he had a PREPARE option that would give you time to enter the trade that is gone he also had the %s of wins on each pair that was gone. The reports I get from Signal Push is his numbers are sub 60% and him promoting over 70% is deceptive so I can't recommend but if you find it useful my video explained all of that. I don't like getting abused for promoting somebody from people that like them and then abused by people that dislike him. What a thankless job lol... In the end you won't need any signal service as you are on the right path imo Lois...
Signals like indicators, needs to have one meaning for you INDICATION and supposed to SUPPORT your trading NOT trade for you. So trading with your BRAIN is a good choice you made and you seems to be using those providers just as indication, so you are doing the right thing.
Phuck liked.. More like PAID lol... Reports of him getting large sums from certain brokers are circulating = put 2 and 2 together and get 3 lol... At least that is the math most of you use... Phuckin TARDs..
That could be true. I remember in the beginning there were no affiliate links to any brokers on the JAS website. In fact, he recommended that the users would not mention they are using JAS to their brokers, for obvious reasons of course and it did make sense. Today, he is an affiliate all of a sudden. If that was only a marketing strategy the "don't tell anyone" then it doesn't look good that he now is an affiliate himself. Means the results suck. So maybe you're right, he probably did sell out, brokers pay way more than 100 bucks a month.
Pretty sad all these guys have "NO HONOR" just parasites trying to steal funds... Could be worse look at this loser below who works for CTOption as an account manager. He has been blowing clients accounts left and right using the brokers trader replicator which I warned people along time ago to stay away from.. Too funny could make an index of trading cards for these scammers....
I can not say for certain JAS is selling out but I had noticed that last week I sent out a tweet suggesting that due to Geo-political events This was not a good time to trade EURUSD or GBPUSD and JAS automated system plucked out bets mostly on those pairs with a less than stellar result. Now I would think considering he lives " In the UK " and he has news warnings in his system or I thought he did. Maybe some of these could have been avoided. My Tweet: http://s20.postimg.org/i0mmvdy19/Tweet_May07.gif
IDK if this was something or am I just reading to many Lotz of Botz post and he has gotten to me now. Always good to evaluate anyone's signals on your own because it is your money being laid down.
Yup he has turned into a scammer... His format is not that complicated he is 100% full of sh*t the signals have always been delayed because he they are based on the absolute high/low like a repainting indicator would display. Just a bit tricker in how he plays with the time. His real numbers overall are now in the red consistently so I would stay away from this guy as he has turned into a CREEP..
John Anthony 9:48 AM (4 hours ago)
to me You may have noticed that yesterday (13th May) and today (14th May) we had to perform some maintenance on our signal system to fix some bugs which resulted in a few hours of combined downtime. One of the major bug fixes that delayed us was to address a long standing issue of our trades APPEARING TO BE DELAYED!
When a signal gets sent from our core VPS it grabs the “Signal Time” from the current time of our VPS and sends it to the John Anthony website’s SQL database. For some unknown reason our VPS acts as if there are 62 seconds in an hour and as a result every few hours it seems to be 30sec-80sec out of sync (backwards) which was resulting in scenarios of the “Signal Time” coming in at 00:24 when the actual time is 00:25 making it look as if it is delayed although the signal actually came in at 00:25 but had the wrong timestamp. The signal is NOT delayed and could have been traded but when you look at previous results, the “Target Price” and “Entry Time” do not match up to the charts. To finally solve this we had to change our system so that when a signal gets issued, instead of grabbing the current VPS time (Which goes out of sync) it will grab the frontend server time (JA Website) as it gets injected into the database.
To allow this to happen we had to make some structural changes to our database which resulted in all the previous Signal Times to revert back to the beginning of time which is the 1st Jan 1970 in the computer world. Stupidly the developer that was responsible for this did not make a backup before performing the task which resulted in us having to revert back to an older backup of the 7th May.
Everything looked as if it was fixed yesterday (14th) however this morning members were reporting that the Signal Time kept changing on old signals every 15min minutes and the End Prices were constantly changing too which was very strange. The cause of this problem was the conversion between unix_time and unix_timestamp so we had to modify some scripts that check our results and grab the End Price through the Oanda API to adapt to the new structure.
To the best of our knowledge, everything is now back up and running as usual however we will continue to monitor the system to make absolutely sure. IF we find anything wrong then we will immediately pause the system and put up another Red Status Bar until it has been resolved.
The missing performance has shown back up. However, their 72% average still has not changed. This appears to be a static number and not a real stat. Clients cannot view full performance before signing back up. They should change both of those issues.
PS - Don't knock the porn its not her fault that hula hoop was taking advantage of her!
I am sorry for abusing lotz even after I have been told several times by other that he does not get paid by these services to recommend them, my little brain is unable to comprehend this... I insist on saying he is taking kick backs but the truth is I can't trade because I am a RETARD and it would not matter what service I was using I would find a way to lose it all! Thanks again for you help Botz maybe someday I will not be so phucking stupid... Opps time to go my bus is here!
I use also John anthony's signals but it's hard too trade them.
Most of the time the best signals come up around midnight 04.00 gmt+2 for me.
Today i get 3 signals around 06.00 gmt+2 and they are itm but you must wait and wait and wait and that is not nice, why not email or an push alert to a smartphone or whatever, i think maybe protection against signalcopy guys but they are there always i think?
When you take his signals on uk open session then they are often otm or there are no trades because there are a lot of fundamental news announcements (protection).
However this is at least my experience.
This is based on my own experience.
This month - 50% ITM
This week - 38% ITM
As mentioned, few recent things we've seen:
- Losing streaks as bad as 1 win 17 losses. You'd need some pretty tight money management to keep your account with streaks like that and 53% on > 100 trades.
- Prices on the website many times are no where near what clients will actually get
Some quotes from your review:
"Again his logic for trades make sense and I think those who use his service would have a hard time not being profitable with it."
"This is a person with bank trading experience so his methods are solid and for $100 a month imo its a good deal, specially if you are new to trading binary options."
Do you still stand by your review and think BO.net should be recommending them to users, especially knowing that even with this performance they still are promoting 72% ITM? Clients cannot view the full performance without paying, so all they can see when they join is the stats they provide and the last few trades.
Here is a screenshot of that long losing streak:
The stats for that week:
And their stats for April so far:
If you take a common account for "newbies" which you said this service was perfect for, that losing streak/week would be a 50%+ drawdown if not a complete wipe. The month so far is barely breakeven if you have a decent win payout from your binary platform and most likely would not even cover the cost of the service. Brilliant? It's been done 100x before and it's slow. The key to their success is attributed to their unrealistic 72% ITM, pumped up user numbers, their marketing, and the fact that they don't allow a potential client to view their full performance until after they've already paid or signed up with their "free month" binary platforms so that they collect the CPA even if the client decides not to use their signals after seeing the full performance.
Our problem with the service and what users need to be aware of is:
- their stats not realistic and are pumped up (itm and users)
- many assets/expiries they trade on simply will not be available for you
- the prices they send are unrealistic many times. unlike many other signal services, the signals you see aren't trades they are actually taking. it's their indicator firing off (like one would on MT4) a price that triggered the signal but is most likely already moved away and is no longer available
- they sometimes send a bulk of signals at once, which would be very difficult to manually take them all at the correct price (if even available)
We think users could potentially be profitable with their service if they had a decent sized account and used very tight money management. The only way to put the stats in your favor is to take every single trade and take it as quick as possible. You can only do that with an autotrader. We had been talking with JAS about offering their service through our API and they said they liked the idea but now they have disappeared. In an effort to help users, we'll be releasing the unofficial autotrader next week.
Deromra Tob
Bot Armored
as of this month may I no longer have access to their site and dont think the price tag is worth the service I did see in april they had added for each asset the % winning for that pair so I would pick and choose which asset i traded some were 68% some 74% etc
Deromra Tob
Bot Armored
In fact, he recommended that the users would not mention they are using JAS to their brokers, for obvious reasons of course and it
did make sense.
Today, he is an affiliate all of a sudden. If that was only a marketing strategy the "don't tell anyone" then it doesn't look good
that he now is an affiliate himself. Means the results suck. So maybe you're right, he probably did sell out, brokers pay way
more than 100 bucks a month.
This was not a good time to trade EURUSD or GBPUSD and JAS automated system plucked out bets mostly on those pairs with a less than
stellar result. Now I would think considering he lives " In the UK " and he has news warnings in his system or I thought he did. Maybe some of
these could have been avoided.
My Tweet:
And then just a couple hours later
IDK if this was something or am I just reading to many Lotz of Botz post and he has gotten to me now. Always good to
evaluate anyone's signals on your own because it is your money being laid down.
John Anthony
9:48 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
You may have noticed that yesterday (13th May) and today (14th May) we had to perform some maintenance on our signal system to fix some bugs which resulted in a few hours of combined downtime. One of the major bug fixes that delayed us was to address a long standing issue of our trades APPEARING TO BE DELAYED!
When a signal gets sent from our core VPS it grabs the “Signal Time” from the current time of our VPS and sends it to the John Anthony website’s SQL database. For some unknown reason our VPS acts as if there are 62 seconds in an hour and as a result every few hours it seems to be 30sec-80sec out of sync (backwards) which was resulting in scenarios of the “Signal Time” coming in at 00:24 when the actual time is 00:25 making it look as if it is delayed although the signal actually came in at 00:25 but had the wrong timestamp. The signal is NOT delayed and could have been traded but when you look at previous results, the “Target Price” and “Entry Time” do not match up to the charts. To finally solve this we had to change our system so that when a signal gets issued, instead of grabbing the current VPS time (Which goes out of sync) it will grab the frontend server time (JA Website) as it gets injected into the database.
To allow this to happen we had to make some structural changes to our database which resulted in all the previous Signal Times to revert back to the beginning of time which is the 1st Jan 1970 in the computer world. Stupidly the developer that was responsible for this did not make a backup before performing the task which resulted in us having to revert back to an older backup of the 7th May.
Everything looked as if it was fixed yesterday (14th) however this morning members were reporting that the Signal Time kept changing on old signals every 15min minutes and the End Prices were constantly changing too which was very strange. The cause of this problem was the conversion between unix_time and unix_timestamp so we had to modify some scripts that check our results and grab the End Price through the Oanda API to adapt to the new structure.
To the best of our knowledge, everything is now back up and running as usual however we will continue to monitor the system to make absolutely sure. IF we find anything wrong then we will immediately pause the system and put up another Red Status Bar until it has been resolved.
I thank you all for your patience!